Daming wolf ride

Chapter 3 The Failed Great "Leap Forward"

Updated: 2012-09-22

New book, urgently need collection and red ticket!

No bet is lost.

Three hundred cavalry plus six hundred Changping soldiers is Shi Dayong's bet. [

In the days that followed, Shi Dayong tried his best to carry out large-scale military training.Unfortunately, after several times of practice, his series of training and military policies failed.

The first to fail was steelmaking.

After repeatedly checking the standard weapons of the Ming army, Shi Dayong came to the conclusion that tougher steel must be smelted.

Use steel to forge weapons, so as to restrain the iron weapons of the Eight Banners soldiers.

How to make steel is a thorny problem that Shi Dayong needs to solve.

After combining his own limited knowledge, he summoned his subordinates to start steelmaking, using the indigenous method of steelmaking for reference.

The indigenous method of steelmaking is feasible and low in cost, Shi Dayong can fully afford it.

The specific method is to burn clay with strong adhesiveness into bricks, and then use these bricks to build a blast furnace, then take charcoal and spread it on the bottom of the furnace, and then put various irons in the furnace, and use it day and night. The fire is burned fiercely, thereby reducing the carbon content in the iron, and the final product is steel.

Shi Dayong thought that there should be no mistakes in the method and steps, but after the furnace was fired, he was dumbfounded, and the original expectation and excitement disappeared instantly, because what appeared in front of his eyes was not steel, but a mass of black steel. The iron bumps looked like tofu dregs.

"My lord, can these steels be used to make weapons?"

Facing the doubts from his subordinates, Shi Dayong could only smile wryly, regretting that he did not learn chemistry well in middle school, otherwise he would have been able to forge steel.It doesn't matter if the quantity is small, as long as the 900 people are armed in place, after all, the [-] cavalry and [-] Changping soldiers are their only capital.Only by building them well can he have the opportunity to make his life and change history. On the contrary, Shi Dayong will still be a small boat in the vast ocean, waiting for the arrival of monstrous waves at any time.

Steel can't be smelted, but it doesn't matter, if this road is not accessible, another method will be found.


The equipment of the Songshan Army is almost a standard weapon of the Ming Dynasty Army - firecrackers.

It is said to be a fire blunderbuss, but it is actually more appropriate to call it a bird blunderbuss. The barrel of the blunderbuss is extremely long, the loading is extremely cumbersome, and the killing effect is extremely poor.This kind of weapon that cannot be called a firearm at all obviously gave Shi Dayong the idea of ​​improvement.

Improving firecrackers is a very complicated project, and it requires sufficient professional knowledge. If someone from the arsenal in the previous life travels here, improving firecrackers must be a piece of cake.Nai, Shi Dayong is just a gambler. Although he also has a junior college diploma, the school he attended was the famous Pheasant University - it only charged tuition, but taught the kind that everyone on the street knows. What can you learn?

However, the lack of professional knowledge is nothing to the ambitious Shi Dayong!

If there are difficulties, you have to go up, if you don’t have difficulties, you have to go up to create difficulties!

In line with the lofty ambition of "desire to compete with the God of Heaven", on the second day after the failure of steelmaking, Shi Dayong once again summoned a group of cadres, and at the same time called the only one in the army who knew how to make firecrackers. Put the total Ma Zhong. [

Ma Zhong also has another identity, he is from Fusi of Jinyiwei South Town.


Unlike Beizhen Fusi, who is in charge of imperial prisons, Nanzhen Fusi is in charge of military discipline and guards. At the same time, he also has the same task as the Beijing Municipal Ministry of Industry, that is, weapon research and development and smelting.

Ma Zhong was a firearms craftsman in Nanzhen Fusi. During the "Jisi Change", Nanzhili sent troops north to King Qin, and he also went north with the army as a craftsman.Unexpectedly, the troops and the Qing army dispersed without contact, Ma Zhong and a few companions got lost with the Shangguan, and finally ran to the camp of Ma Shilong, the commander-in-chief of Shuntian. It was forcibly incorporated.

Everywhere is a mess, being a craftsman in Nanzhenfu and serving as a soldier in the Northern Army are essentially the same, they are both working for others.But being a soldier is obviously better than being a craftsman, at least it's much more free. Besides, I can't tolerate my disapproval. Didn't you see Shi Baozong's knife always dangling in front of his eyes?

In this way, Ma Zhong became Shi Dayong's subordinate. In the first battle of Yongping, I don't know whether he drank too much alcohol or really had the idea of ​​"serving the country with loyalty and loyalty", and he was the first to climb to the top of Yongping city.After the war, Shi Dayong was promoted to General Manager Qian and he was promoted to General Manager after the war. Afterwards, they went to the outside of the customs with Qiu Hejia.

In fact, Ma Zhong is very puzzled by the abnormal behavior of the garrison lord these days. Although it has only been two years since he served under Shi Dayong, he is very familiar with this lord who doesn't know a single word. There is nothing in it, and the ink in my stomach may not be as much as myself.Apart from boldness and brute strength, it can be said that this grown-up in my family has no advantages at all.

I don't know where he made a mistake. It's useless to deal with all these things. If you have time to spare, why not lead your brothers to the mountains to catch some birds and beasts to eat.

I thought so, but I didn't dare to express it. You must know that Lord Garrison doesn't like others to make irresponsible remarks about his actions. A few days ago, when Chief Qian Huang An advised him not to engage in steelmaking, he just said He scolded him thoughtlessly, saying that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon or something, that he doesn't work hard at ordinary times, and that he bleeds a lot in wartime, etc. Words that don't make sense.

He is the garrison lord, he has the right to say what is up and down this Songshan Fort, what he says is what he says, anyway, there is no war on the left and right, so let's go crazy with the garrison lord.

With this thought in mind, Ma Zhong devoted himself to being a bricklayer for a few days with the garrison.

Originally thought that if the Lao Shizi steel could not be practiced, the garrison would stop, but I didn't know that it hadn't been a day before, and the generals were called to a meeting. This time, I heard that they were going to make a new type of firecracker.

"This gun doesn't work. It needs to be changed. The barrel needs to be thicker and shorter, and the medicine can't just be filled in randomly. It has to be measured. Well, also, the fuse is too long, so it's troublesome to light. If it's windy and rainy Wouldn’t it be impossible to fire? How can it be done? Change, must be changed immediately, it’s better to put flint inside, strike with flint, that’s what it looks like... What? Can’t understand? Hey, you bastards, Didn’t understand what I said yesterday?...Come here, get a pen and paper, and I’ll show you my paintings.”

Shi Dayong hated that iron could not be made into steel, and he wanted to become a big fat man, regardless of whether his subordinates understood it or not, with a wave of a pen, a specious musket was released.

After finishing the painting, he looked at it carefully for a while, and after he was convinced that this was the musket he needed, he waved triumphantly and asked his subordinates to come over to have a look.

The subordinates looked at the painting with puzzled faces and whispered, while he happily held his hands behind his back, looking forward to a bright future with a large number of new muskets.

Not long after, the voice of President Qian Huang An came from next to his ears: "My lord, what are you drawing?"

With the lessons learned from last time's persuasion, Huang An didn't dare to say what the hell the garrison had drawn this time, but asked tactfully first, listened to what the garrison had to say, and then made further answers.

Without hesitation, Shi Dayong blurted out: "Gun!"


All the generals were stunned: What kind of spear is this?Why is there no spearhead in the front end?

Realizing that the word "gun" was a bit ahead of his time, Shi Dayong coughed dryly, looked at Ma Zhong, and asked, "Gun means firecrackers. How can it be done?" [


All the generals suddenly realized, and each of them showed strange expressions.Ma Zhong's scalp was even more numb, and the feeling of being named again by the guard was really bad.

After seeing this so-called new-style firecracker for the first time, Ma Zhong subconsciously denied it. He couldn't make such a weird thing.But in order not to hit the garrison lord, and he didn't want to be a "superior bird" to provoke the garrison lord's scolding, he had to say fearfully:

"My lord's idea is good, but I am thinking about it, I am afraid that it will be difficult to modify this new type of firecracker according to my lord's request."

"Why?" Ma Zhong's answer made Shi Dayong's excitement drop to the bottom.

Seeing that the garrison lord's face was a little ugly, Ma Zhongxin felt even more uneasy, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "The firecracker drawn by your lord has an extremely weird style, which I have never seen in my life, and the mechanism is ingenious. For building, I am afraid that apart from the Ministry of Industry and Nanzhen Fusi, no one in Ming Dynasty can make the gun that your lord wants."

"Ministry of Industry and Nanzhen Fusi?"

Shi Dayong's expression darkened again, and he sighed in his heart, if he could find the Ministry of Industry and Nanzhen Fusi, would he still need to find you, a half-assed person?

It's over, it's over, the steel can't be smelted, and the firecracker can't be changed, how can I "sharp the weapon first"?

In the days that followed, plans such as nitrocellulose and grenades were also rejected one after another. After the last landmine was proved to be usable, but could not be mass-produced, Shi Dayong's Great Leap Forward policy of weapon modernization failed.

This is an inevitable failure, a failure to go beyond the times blindly and ignore reality.

The knowledge of the traveler is advanced, but the objective conditions of the times do not allow the development of the time, not to mention, a traveler who only knows graphics is far inferior to a low-level craftsman.

The development of history has its inevitability. Anyone who wants to change history must face up to the actual era he lives in.

If the advanced knowledge of the traversers is software, then the era they live in is hardware.Without the support of hardware, even the best software can only be a useful drawing.

The failure severely hit Shi Dayong's pride and ambition, but he was not lost or discouraged. He was reflecting on his advanced behavior.

All roads lead to Beijing, but this road is blocked, so why don’t we go to Beijing?

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