There are few updates, so I'm sorry to ask for a monthly ticket, but the red ticket seems to be based on the party and state, so please give me a brother, brother, I want to subscribe!

Brother, I am a staunch Han nationalist. Since the day of my belief, I have respected the beam stick and the eagle, so my works are based on the Han family, and I hold extreme hatred for foreign races.Brother, I deeply believe in the legacy of my ancestors of the Han family, "If you are not of my race, your heart must be different!" Combined with our Chinese history of thousands of years, if future generations do not learn from this teaching, the country will perish and the species will not be blamed on others.

My brother is not a good writer, but he has great ability and power. One thing he can do in his life is to use his hands to describe the stories of heroes of the Han family. There are those who drink the blood of the Hulu and eat the flesh of the Hulu!

For the imperial and Han generation, I will do it, and enjoy it!

May you forget your ancestors for many generations, worship foreign countries and fawn on foreigners, be proud of your slaves, and be proud of shame; may your generations not know yourself. Chui サ Gu DuanPod Bichair Xie XieYe HangyaoThreshold Village is a rare place to die Refer toPayJing∽Calling loop cutBad lemon ZhengReflecting pen scraping fluid regret  timid model  marsh lucky locust blink   thumb 蟮 Υφ greedy pan Ȧ В


I would like to tell you all book friends that after this chapter, the content of the story will become more bloody, the story of the two-legged sheep will continue to be staged, and the land of Liaodong will be full of bones.If you feel unwell and dissatisfied, just read this and ignore it later, so as not to worry

As soon as he said "Bring the meat", he saw eight big guards carrying a steamer as big as two cauldrons, walking quickly to the front of the tent under the surprised and puzzled eyes of everyone.

The steamer is very familiar to everyone, but it is not the big steamer that Chen Laoshi cooks for the soldiers every day!But I don't know what these generals' personal guards are doing with this steamer?From what the general said, could there be meat in this cage?

Thinking of the meat in the cage, everyone couldn't help salivating, since they turned into Pingdugou, they haven't eaten meat for some days, not even horse meat.Could it be that the general found the meat today and asked the brothers to beat their teeth and sacrifice it?It's still the general who values ​​affection, thinking of us old brothers, those new attached troops don't get such good treatment

All the veterans were envious, but no one thought about what kind of meat was in the cage for a moment.

The guards placed the steamer heavily in front of the tent, the curtains in the tent had already been raised to the sides, and all the generals in the tent were staring at the steamer with wide eyes.

Shi Dayong nodded to the guards, signaling them to step aside.The personal guards took the order to retreat to one side, and saw Guo Yi and Peng Dachui's nephew and uncle appearing from the darkness not far away, and they came slowly to the tent. I have settled with the Peng family uncle and nephew!"

"it is good!"

Dayong waved his hand again and didn't say much. Facing the eyes of his subordinates who were half puzzled and half surprised, he walked forward slowly, and stood still within reach of the steamer, then looked around, and after a while, Then he raised his voice and said: "I will tell you, brothers, the army has already had food!" His tone was both panicked and excited, calm as usual.

As soon as this remark came out, there was not much noise, let alone commotion.How could veterans not know about food shortages in the army!But they believed in their own general, the general who led them to the north and south, and they believed that their general would lead them to overcome the great difficulties!Even if the general took them to die, they would not complain, because they believed that even if they died, the general would transport their bones back to their homeland in Liaodong thousands of miles away!

The eyes of the generals in the tent also shifted from the steamer to Shi Dayong, they were either nervous, apprehensive, or unable to bear it.How can they not know what kind of meat is in the cage!

Cao Bianjiao's complexion was normal, Li Dashan was radiant, Jiang Wanli's face changed slightly, Song Qing gritted his teeth and remained silent.

In sight, my general's right hand slowly waved, "Army, you can't fight! If you can't fight, I will be ashamed of the emperor! If you can, you will implicate the three armies! This general led the army and caused you brothers to fall into food difficulties. This general One hundred deaths cannot atone for one's sin! I hereby make amends to all my brothers!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Dayong knelt heavily on the ground, bowed heavily to the old soldiers on both sides, and bowed deeply to the ground.

"I don't dare to be a general gift!"

In an instant, dozens of old soldiers and all the generals in the tent knelt down at the same time, and everyone was moved: In the two hundred years since I have been in Ming Dynasty, has there ever been such a hero as my own general!

Dayong raised his head slowly, with tears in his eyes, without saying a word, suddenly his nose turned sour, and he turned to face the north, "咚咚咚" sounded three times, and then wept:

"The Son of Heaven is above, and my minister was so brave that he was killed by traitors, causing food for the three armies, soldiers and soldiers, and being charged with treason. However, if I have complaints, I dare not complain. I only know that the emperor will put down the evil thieves in the world!

Today, for the emperor's plan, for the great Ming's plan, and for the generals and soldiers of the three armies, my minister Shi Dayong wants to do things that both people and gods are indignant in this land of Denglai, killing prisoners for food!When the war is settled, minister Shi Dayong will bind his relatives and go to the capital to confess to the emperor!What I want, but I hope that in the future, the emperor will only punish the minister alone, and not punish the son of the minister!This evil thing was done by the minister, even if it is a sin committed by the heavens, the minister will bear it with all his strength!The emperor can learn from the sky, the minister Shi Dayong is brave enough to serve the country, and the sky is shining! "[

Knocking again, "Huo" stood up, pulled off the mask on his face, and suddenly revealed a ferocious half of his face, in this dim light, it was scary.

"Who dares to eat this thief's flesh with this general!"

Amid the loud shouts, Dayong had already lifted the lid of the cage, and inside the cage was a boiled corpse!Sitting cross-legged in the cage, the whole person was steamed from top to bottom.There was a bloodstain on the neck of the corpse, it was obvious that it had been killed before it was alive, but it was not forced to be steamed to death in a cage.The corpse's hair and skin have already been plucked, there is no clothes on the body, the stomach has been cut open, no internal organs, let alone a drop of blood!

In this scene, everyone in the field crawled out of the pile of corpses, and the sea of ​​blood rushed out. Even if they were daring, they would all stand there in shock.

Human flesh!Human flesh! Human flesh!

"Who dares to eat this thief's flesh with this general!"

Dayong yelled again, he had torn a piece of flesh from the corpse's chest, it was steaming hot, and he didn't know how hot it was, but Dayong didn't realize it, and took the piece of meat without hesitation. The meat was stuffed into his mouth, he bit it down, and started to chew.

The mouth moved up and down, the meat was chewed bit by bit, when the mouth was pulled up and down, the blood tendons protruded from the face, and the bones were faintly dense!

Everyone was stunned in fear, and if anyone dared to move, they even stopped breathing, and just stared blankly at their general with wide eyes.

In the silence, one person yelled "The last general is willing to eat this thief's flesh with the general!", rushed forward, also tore off a piece of meat, put it into his mouth like a brave man, and started to chew, everyone took a closer look However, it was the young general Cao Bianjiao who was chasing and killing the slave chief Hong Tai, who was called the enemy by everyone in the army!

"Yue Wumu once said that ambition eats the meat of Hulu when hungry, and jokes about thirsting for the blood of Xiongnu! Although what we eat today is not the meat of Hulu, it is also the meat of traitors and villains. We will eat the meat of Hulu in the future!"

After wolfing it down, Cao Bianjiao laughed out loud, full of pride!

"After eating this meat, the brothers will never be hungry again. Only when the stomach is full will they have the strength to follow the general to quell the chaos for the emperor!"

Li Dashan, Li Gu, Wang Tiande, and Qi Sanbao rushed forward one after another, each swallowing a piece.

Guo Yi, Peng's uncles and nephews, and a group of personal guards also followed closely behind, whether they were arms, legs, or backs, they were all in one hand, not to be outdone.

In one, two, three blinks of an eye, dozens of old soldiers stood up from the ground one after another, eating one by one.

In the tent, Jiang Wanli, Song Qing, Lin Junyi, Guo Cheng and others stood there blankly, not moving.

Swallowing the last piece of meat, he bravely stepped forward, stared at these subordinates who did not want to eat meat, for a long time, bowed deeply, and said in a deep voice, "Please stay with me forever, advance and retreat together!"

"Oh! How could this be, how could this be!"

Jiang Wanli raised his head and wept bitterly, stomped his feet for a while, took the piece of meat from an old soldier, looked at it for a while, then put it in his mouth and bit off a piece, swallowed it directly without chewing, and then looked up to the sky with grief and indignation Shout out "the sun is shining, the sky is shining!"

The sun shines brightly, the sun shines brightly!

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