The gambler won again, and Dengzhou was empty.

On the ninth day of June in the fifth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, Cao Bianjiao, the forward of the Jinzhou Army, stormed Dengzhou Shuicheng. The rebel general Wang Bingzhong's [-] soldiers guarded the Shuicheng, resisted stubbornly, and would rather die than surrender.

On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, the left battalion of the infantry of the Jinzhou Army blew up the water city with explosives. The battalion officer Song Qing took the lead and led 60 dead soldiers to break through the city. Then the left and right infantry battalions swarmed in. At sunset, seeing that the general situation was over, Wang Bingzhong committed suicide by taking poison, and 1200 generals under the lieutenant Geng Zhongwen were tricked to slaughter under the water city.

The Shuicheng was broken, and Dengzhou was able to fight again. On the [-]th, the former Dengzhou Dao Song Guanglan, Jianjun Dao Wangzheng, Dengzhou Magistrate Wu Weicheng, Tongzhi Jia Mingjie, Penglai County Magistrate Song Cheng and others killed Dengzhou guard Li Guolu , Xiancheng Jinzhou Army.On the same day, when the Jinzhou army entered the city, Shi Dayong issued the "Three No Military Orders", which stated that no one should be killed, no one should be robbed, and no one should be burned down.

Under this strict order, after the Jinzhou army entered the city, they committed no crimes, and the people in the city were determined. Half of the more than [-] rebels in the original city were dismissed, and half were incorporated into the Jinzhou army. [

On the 140th, Song Guanglan was entrusted by Shi Dayong to persuade Qian Dagang, the commander-in-chief of the Dengzhou Navy, to surrender. After receiving the promise that he would not be held accountable for past crimes, Qian Dagang led the Dengzhou Navy and [-] warships to surrender.

After the rebel army occupied Dengzhou City, they carried out a brutal massacre of the city, driving the residents out of the east gate and slaughtering them wantonly. The corpses were everywhere, and even the moats were filled up. Now there are only more than [-] women in the city. There are more than [-] family members of the rebels.

The Jinzhou army gained a lot from this city, including 120 war horses, 26 million taels of pay, 360 Hongyi cannons, [-] Western light and heavy cannons, [-] new firearms, and countless other firearms.With this capture, the Jinzhou Army can expand tenfold.

Patrolling the city, Dayong was extremely proud and excited for his accomplishment.But he didn't know that without his history, it wasn't until the first day of September that the Ming army arrived in Laizhou one after another, and the Liaodong cavalry led by Jin Guochen killed Li Jiuzheng.Seeing that the situation was not going well, Kong Youde hurriedly retreated to Dengzhou.Shandong governor Zhu Dadian, Beijing battalion commander Lin Jiantai, military supervisor Gao Qiqian, inspector Xie Sanbin and others decided to demarcate the land and divide the defense, build fortifications, long-term siege, divided offensive and defensive, and blockade. Haidao, the combat plan of offering rewards for breaking thieves.

In October, the Ming army began to attack the city on a large scale, and the rebels took strict precautions to defend the city, forming a stalemate.When it was severe winter, the weather was cold, and the food in the city was exhausted. The rebels captured women, killed them, ate meat, and lit their fat for lighting, killing tens of thousands of people, and their lives were devastated.After the city was broken, there were only a hundred survivors, and most of the rest fell into the belly of the rebels.

After the food in the city was exhausted, Kong Youde began to break through. On February [-], he gathered [-] horses and formed a cavalry team to lead the charge. [-] infantry followed, and the troops were divided into three groups. , Forcibly break out of the encirclement from the west gate.Kong Youde imagined that after breaking through the siege, he would join forces with the bandits from the Central Plains, and also be a group of wandering soldiers who rushed to seize the state.Unexpectedly, a low-level officer in the rebel army took advantage of the night to cross the city anyway, and reported this important military situation. Zhu Dadian and others quickly deployed a three-way ambush.When the rebel army entered the ambush circle, the officers and soldiers charged and killed in all directions, trying to conquer Dengzhou in one fell swoop, but after the rebel army was ambushed, they retreated quickly, and the rebels left behind in Dengzhou City also responded with artillery, so that the officers and soldiers of the Ming army approached the city wall.At the same time, the Ming army intensified their attack at the east gate of Dengzhou, and had captured the outer wall of Shuicheng. Kong Youde understood that if he did not make a decision as soon as possible, Shuicheng would be occupied by the Ming army, and they would become shackles. Can be caught without a fight.

That night, Kong Youde ordered that in addition to leaving more than 2000 people for cover in Dengzhou City, more than 600 rebels and their families (including [-] combat troops) boarded more than [-] large ships, together with weapons, guns, etc. From the north gate of Shuicheng, the object braved the artillery fire intercepted by the Ming army, and broke through by sea.

The Ming army soon invaded Dengzhou City, and the remaining troops of the rebels were still relying on Shuicheng to resist stubbornly. The city wall conquered the water city.Another part of the rebels retreated to Danya Mountain by the seaside of Dengzhou City, preparing to fight trapped beasts. Zhu Dadian did not kill the last rebel team, but persuaded them to surrender. Most of the rebels went down the mountain to surrender, and some surrendered. Hai commits suicide.Kong Youde, who fled to the sea, initially envisioned occupying an island or a place off the coast of Liaodong, and armed himself to separate one side.However, Huang Long, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army stationed in Pidao and Lushun, led the navy to intercept and kill them. Li Jiuzheng's son Li Yingyuan was beheaded, and Mao Chenglu and Chen Guangfu were captured, which completely shattered his dreams.He and Geng Zhongming led the remaining ships and personnel to drift at sea for several months, and also spent the New Year at sea.Kong Youde, who was in desperation, made the final decision to surrender to Houjin, the enemy of the Ming Dynasty.After liaising with Houjin, they landed at the designated place, and Huang Taiji dispatched generals of the Eight Banners of Han to repel the pursuit of the Ming army and help Kong Youde's rebels enter Houjin's territory.After confirming that Kong Youde had indeed come to surrender, Huang Tai was overjoyed and personally greeted Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming outside Shenyang City.

Since then, Kong Youde's rebellion ended after [-] months, but neither side was victorious in this counter-rebellion war. Chief Ling Chi's execution was regarded as a shot in the arm for the empire that had been losing streak.But the Denglai two states of the Ming Dynasty, the logistics training base of the Liaodong front, were smashed to pieces by the rebels, and it also brought more than [-] people to the Shandong area near Gyeonggi, and the ruined three hundred miles. The officials of the frontier and a large number of local officials were killed.Meanwhile, neither of the two ringleaders of the rebellion was caught.Although Kong Youde captured many counties in Dengzhou for a time, he did not realize his idea of ​​becoming an armed separatist regime on his own and fighting against the Ming Dynasty. He eventually became a traitor and a dog of the Manchus.The biggest winner was Manchuria. Huang Taiji finally got the excellent Western artillery that he had dreamed of. Kong Youde brought at least twenty Hongyi cannons originally installed by the Portuguese Macau Artillery Bureau. It also received military technical personnel such as Kong Youde, who were directly taught by Portuguese military advisers, drug manufacturing technology, targeting knowledge and instrument operation.With the help of Kong Youde's rebels, Tong Yangxing's Han army flag began to live up to its name, and Kong Youde's surrender of gold led a group of people. weak

The history that should have happened did not happen, all thanks to Shi Dayong's gambler character.If it weren't for his desperate gamble, Dengzhou would not have been taken down so easily.Of course, it was not himself who made Shi Dayong perfect, but luck. When danger came, Kong Youde rushed to Laizhou with the main force of the Dengzhou rebel army.

Wang Bingzhong's death rather than surrender brought some troubles to the Jinzhou Army, but it was just troubles. The method of digging and using gunpowder to blow up the city walls was not thought of by Shi Dayong, but offered by Wang Tieshi, a Pingdu rebel in the army, and shot It is guaranteed that it will be successful, because the rebels used this trick to blow up the city wall that day.After taking Shuicheng, Shi Dayong summoned Wang Tieshi, appointed him a general title, temporarily led a team of soldiers, and rewarded him with 100 taels of silver.

The feeling of successfully winning Dengzhou is really wonderful, especially seeing the more than 1000 war horses, the silver that can definitely dazzle people's eyes, and the coveted cannons and firearms, Dayong's heart is ecstasy besides ecstasy.

If it is said that the goods and arms seized from Shahe and Pingdu made Dayong the joy of getting rich overnight, then the seizure in Dengzhou City made him the richest man in Ming Dynasty.

Heaps of gold and silver, heaps of ordnance, and top-notch warhorses, Da Yong's ambition began to swell. He was no longer satisfied with being just a general who commanded thousands of horses. He began to have the desire to guard one side and be alone.

The commander-in-chief, the township with the seal of General Pei, this is what Dayong wants!

Dayong believes that the great achievement of capturing Dengzhou is enough to wash away his sins, but if he wants the seal of the general army, only Dengzhou is not enough. If he can bring the heads of Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng to Beijing, and Jinzhou For the great victory, no matter how much the emperor blames himself, he is afraid that he will always reward the great seal of the general soldier.

Cao Bianjiao suggested to attack the rebels in Laizhou immediately, but Jiang Wanli and Song Qing disagreed, thinking that Dengzhou had just been captured, so it is better to hold it firmly first.There are still tens of thousands of rebel soldiers outside Laizhou City. The Jinzhou Army is new, but there are only more than 3000 soldiers capable of fighting. More than half of them were lucky to win Dengzhou. It is impossible to go to Dengzhou.It's better to hold on to Dengzhou, digest the loot first, expand the strength, rectify the city defense, and wait for the rebels to die by themselves.

The Jinzhou army is not those Dongjiang Liao soldiers, and Shi Dayong is not Sun Yuanhua. With those hundreds of cannons, even if Kong Youde's teeth are all broken, he will never want to enter the city.

Shi Dayong chose to stick to the suggestion of Dengzhou. The credit for beheading Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng is tempting, but we must also consider the strength comparison. [

"Send hundreds of family members of the rebels to report to Kong Youde, and we will wait for him here in Dengzhou City."

After Dayong gave the order, he added another sentence, "Tell those Liao soldiers that if you want your family members to survive, come and vote for the general within half a month. Once the deadline is over, the general will kill people."

"My lord, there is news from Laizhou that Xie Lian is dead." In the Dongnuan Hall, after Wang Chengen carefully reported, he glanced at the chief assistant Wen Tiren standing there.

When the young emperor heard the news, he was a little surprised. He raised his head and glanced at the favored eunuch who wanted to die, and asked in a low voice, "How did you die?"

"Hunger strike to commit suicide." Wang Chengen gritted his teeth.

Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth tightly, bit out two dimples on his cheeks, sighed, and said, "It's Zhang Chun again." Wen Tiren also sighed, and immediately said, "Your Majesty, Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian are Because Liu Yulie did not enter and Laizhou lost support, the second minister died for the country. The minister thought that Liu Yulie was ordered to supervise the army, but he did not enter, and there must be something in it."

Hearing this, Chongzhen held back for a long time, and said coldly: "He wants to be caressed." His complexion changed, "Catch Liu Yulie and go to prison!" Then he said: "Who can replace him?"

Wen Tiren was delighted in his heart, but his face remained unchanged, he said: "I think Zhu Dadian, governor of Shandong Province, can replace him."

Chongzhen thought for a while, but since Zhu Dadian was in charge of Shandong, the situation in Lu has been changed. Zhu Dadian is indeed a capable minister, so he nodded and said, "Okay, call Zhu Dadian to replace Liu Yulie, take full responsibility, and raise the salary of potential guardians." , to tell them that I am getting impatient with waiting, if they don't move, are they going to tell me the good news of Laizhou's fall, so that I can have another surprise!"

Chongzhen was upright, and the servants inside and outside the palace were rewarded, and Xu Guangqi came.Chongzhen called Guangqi to come in, and after entering the palace, Guangqi kowtowed at Sheng'an.

Chongzhen looked at him and said: "Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, and Li Zicheng broke into Henan from the south of Jincheng and conquered Xiuwu. The Henan gentry jointly signed to the court to ask for help. They will surely have a good general to save Jin and Henan from the crisis. Who can the old Aiqing send?" "

Xu Guangqi thought for a while and said, "My minister Zuo Liangyu."

"Zuo Liangyu?" Chongzhen pondered, this person first aided Dalinghe and then defended Jinzhou, all meritorious service, and Liaodong came to report that Zuo Liangyu was the first person to contribute to the battle of Jinzhou, is this true? Really, it's not clear.But one thing can be understood, this Zuo Liangyu is indeed a capable general, if he is asked to rescue Henan, he will not make mistakes.Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "I want the Ministry of War to transfer Zuo Liangyu to Henan."

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