Daming wolf ride

Chapter 323 Minister Shi Dayong Weeping Blood Report

The assistant is also a minister, the emperor's will has been decided, who in the world can persuade him?The next day, the imperial decree came out: Sun Yuanhua and Zhang Tao abandoned the city, and Wang Zheng and Yu Dacheng were dispatched.Min Hongxue, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Yandeng, Yudu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Chief of the Six Divisions, Liu Silai came to the platform on time at the end of the day and waited for Hou Chongzhen to see him . :)

This platform edict is the third time since Chongzhen ascended the throne. Yuan Chonghuan, who met for the first time, was killed; Shi Dayong, who met for the second time, conspired to rebel.It is not yet known what will happen to the person who met this third edict.However, with the lessons learned from the previous two, none of the officials now wish to be seen by the emperor on the platform. Although this is a great honor for the officials, the officials just don't want to share this honor with themselves.

The original Minister of the Ministry of Officials was concurrently held by Zhou Yanru. After Zhou Yanru stepped down, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has been vacant, and the affairs of the Ministry are temporarily managed by the left and right servants.Now it's finally a daughter-in-law who has become a mother-in-law for many years, and has finally become an official of the Ministry of Officials.

Zhang Fengyi took Xiong Mingyu's seat. Xiong Mingyu was also unlucky. The governor Shen Xi had an affair with the Donglu behind the back of the imperial court, and the Denglai rebels were still unable to be wiped out. All kinds of disadvantages combined made him the first chief official of the six ministries to step down in the shortest time since Chongzhen ascended the throne.His term of office was only one year, and I wonder if there is anyone who is shorter than him.

Zhang Fengyi got the high position of Minister of the Ministry of War, which can be regarded as a sideways step. Logically, Liu Dexia, the left servant, should take over. Unfortunately, Liu Dexia and Wen Tiren are at odds. Wen Tiren naturally does not want to see a minister of the Ministry of War who refuses to obey his orders. , In this way, this piece of cake fell on Zhang Fengyi's head. [

Zhang Yandeng took Li Changgeng's seat. This old master has lived through three dynasties and should have retired long ago to return to his hometown.In fact, Zhang Yandeng is not young, he is 62 years old this year, but because of the proper maintenance, he still looks quite energetic.

Liu Silai took over the position of Minister of the State of Wei. The original officials were given the post of Minister of the State of Wei. During the incident, the reason for the dismissal of the Minister of Wei was because he opposed Chongzhen's dispatch of eunuchs and supervising troops. Gao Qiqian, the eunuch who supervised the army, pointed out that he had wronged the country by eunuchs and failed to perform the responsibility of supervising the army, which caused difficulties for the court officials. The court should take this as a lesson and immediately recall all the eunuchs who supervised the army. There are many places in the list that allude to Chongzhen's partiality to his ministers, and there are signs of repeating the old affairs of the previous dynasty. As a result, Chongzhen was angered, and he was dismissed by the young emperor.

The four of them are not considered upstarts. They have been in the capital for many years and have spent a lot of time in the capital. They have seen many vicissitudes, and know how to deal with the grace of the emperor and the wrath of the thunder. After entering the platform to salute, they stood there cautiously. , waiting for the emperor to ask questions.

Chongzhen's face was very heavy, and he seemed worried. After the four people saluted, he didn't talk to them, and asked straight to the point: "Do you know what I am waiting for?"

The four looked at each other and said in unison: "I don't know."

Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Since I came to the throne, the state affairs have been collapsing day by day, internal and external troubles, and people's lives are not safe. I ask you, are these my faults?"

"It was caused by natural disasters, it's definitely not the fault of the emperor!" The four of them dared not say that Chongzhen was at fault, they hurriedly replied in unison.

Knowing that they would answer this way, Chongzhen snorted, "Can a sentence of natural disasters be enough to make up the fault? I ask you, why are there peace in some places, but people's lives in other places? For example, when Yang He visited Shaanxi earlier, The result turned out to be a big mess, I sent Hong Chengchou to go, Shanxi decided quickly, and there was Chen Qiyu, he was able to do things that others couldn't do, and Pingyansui in March, it would be very difficult for others You say, what is the reason for this?"

Several people didn't understand what Chongzhen meant, and no one dared to answer.

Chongzhen did not need to answer, he said directly: "The reason lies in one sentence, talents are rare!"

Chongzhen got up and walked to the imperial case, pacing with his hands behind his back, "Han Yiliang once gave me a favor. Although he wanted to be favored, I didn't talk nonsense. He said that it was indeed a big disadvantage of my court! I didn't use an official. First of all, bribery, civil and military are the same. To select officials, you need to borrow debts, to fill vacancies, you need to bribe, to inspect, you need to give gifts, and you have to pay off debts as soon as you arrive at the office. Love the people?"

Speaking of this, Chongzhen stopped facing the four people, and looked at them inquiringly, "'If this evil is not corrected, if you want to achieve good governance, you will never get it!' Who said this?"

This time Chongzhen expected the four of them to be able to answer the question, but to his disappointment, all four of them were questioned and none of them knew.

Seeing this, Chongzhen shook his head in disappointment, and his voice became louder, feeling a little dissatisfied.

"This is what Taizu said! Taizu also published

There are many reasons inside and outside, and the officials and workers, big and small, cannot be blamed.Employing talents are all in Qing and other departments, the source is clear, and employing people is self-directed.If one of the talents is unbearable, that is, the source of which is unclear, how light is the responsibility of Qing and others!What you are doing now is the work of the world. It is called heavenly work, and you must put your heart into it.If you just follow the old ways, the promotion of a few officials is enough to hold the book and call one official, so what's the use of the book?Another example is that the Ministry of Officials has a lot of disadvantages, and all kinds of things can't be done by appointing officials. "

Hearing these words, Min Hongxue Khan came down, and Chongzhen made it clear that the source of all employment malpractices lies in the Ministry of Officials, and the emperor wants to get to the bottom of it!He didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to express his position: "The disadvantages of official books are only for small officials. As for the big bureaucrats, they are all ministers and others. I dare not blame them. The original consultation and visit list, the minister will consult again and look up to the sacred bosom. "Min Hongxue stated that he wanted to rectify the administration of officials. How dare Zhang Fengyi pretend to be deaf and dumb, but his foundation is shallow, and he just took office, and he didn't want to make too much trouble and offend his colleagues too much. Bandits and thieves fight each other because they will lose people, and this is the crime of ministers and others. In the matter of officials, Wu Bian has always been trying to make a living, since the emperor's gods have been in charge, this problem has stopped."

Although Chongzhen was young, after all, he was responsible for the world by himself, and he was an emperor who wanted to rule and strengthen himself. How could he not hear the truth of Zhang Fengyi's words?

Glancing at Zhang Fengyi, he snorted and said, "If you don't care about any sympathy, only a few good people can be hired. If you just talk about cheating, how can you do it? A year ago, there was a general who asked for it, and found the staff secretary Lang Zhongfang Kong Zhao, thank you for 3000 taels of silver, what do you mean? Once you arrive at the place, you will naturally be stripped of the army. As ministers, you need to clean yourself and lead your subordinates."

One word hit Zhang Fengyi's Achilles' heel, Zhang Fengyi said silently, lowered his head, and secretly figured out how to manage the military affairs under the premise of satisfying the emperor.

Chongzhen ignored what the two of them were thinking, turned to Zhang Yandeng, and said to him: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate should place more emphasis on discipline and example, and the places where the censors go to patrol are things that I can't do and can't see. I want him to go and patrol." , What a relationship! Whether the censor is good or not is all in the assessment. Now we only need to rely on a booklet from the Taoist government below to say how much civil and military work has been done, how much grain and stones have been accumulated, and how much filial piety has been given, and it’s over. It’s just that there’s something wrong with the local government Yes, there are those who have been ordered to return to Taoism for strict assessment, and they have to make excuses for him, and the fine and salary will be downgraded. If you refuse to punish one, what kind of constitution is it!"

A few words and a few words revealed clearly the situation of the inspector censor accepting bribes, returning protection and colluding with cheating. Zhang Yandeng was so frightened that his legs trembled, and he stammered: "The people in the world are poor, and all the officials are unclear. The censor encouraged the law. In the future, if you see someone who is not in office, you will go to the office immediately, and you will never dare to be lenient."

"As long as you are honest, you are not lenient, and those who can achieve actual results are competent, and those who make great mistakes are ordinary. If there is something wrong, it is usually rectified, or it is not reported, or the correction is improper. This is incompetent. .Now there are not even the usual ones. They are all competent. If they were all competent, how could the world be like this? Those who are incompetent will be relieved for him. How can you do your best?"

These words made Zhang Yandeng's heart tremble even more, and hurriedly said: "I dare not not strictly examine..."

But Chongzhen interrupted him, not allowing him to speak, and only said to himself, "The assessment must be true, not just talking about it. If you only rely on Taoist documents, it's just a story."

"The case must be submitted by the Taoist government, and the minister should conduct multiple interviews separately, and dare not rely entirely on other people's documents."

Hearing Zhang Yandeng's words, Chongzhen softened his tone a little, and said earnestly: "You are the new appointment, I believe that you can do your job." But then he became strict again, and said heavily: "As before, this is the procuratorate, but it is really unbearable. Exams are extremely cautious. No matter where you are or who you are, as long as you take the experience of the old city, be honest and simple. Today's exams are only based on that essay. You all have passed the subject. What's the use of testing it? The examination of the censor was originally to test his ability, and he was actually taught just now. Now that he has done the test of the censor, he will definitely be taught, and he will never come down. Ke Dao is used to Beijing. It is extremely unbearable to see it as a shortcut Some of them were also promoted to the two departments of the chief minister and the procuratorate, but few were promoted to the magistrate, what is the reason for this?"

After finishing speaking, Chongzhen sat up straight, scanned the four of them, and then said: "Now the frontier is not peaceful, the flames of war are shocking, and thieves are spreading. How long will it take! Civil and military officials don't ask for actual achievements, but only use false names to expand their reputations." Let’s say, let’s not say that not all the talents are used, even if the six members of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the seven members are all virtuous talents, then the peace can be ruled? The origin of civil and military affairs is in the officials and soldiers, and the wind is in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The responsibility is not light!”

"The ministers should do their duty!" The four said repeatedly.

After talking about Zhang Yandeng, Chongzhen turned to Liu Silai again, and said, "Liu Silai, you are an eloquent officer, and you take words as your job. If the article can really benefit the military and the country, I am very happy to hear it. But now the eloquent officer It is said that the way of speech is blocked, or that it seems to be clear but actually blocked, is it that I have blocked your way of speech?"


Liu Silai plopped down on his knees, and just about to speak, Chongzhen raised his hand to stop him, "It doesn't matter whether the officials' comments are valid or not, they are just for the sake of favor or bribery. How can you be an official?" Where is the money and food for soldiers, horses and food everywhere, which is not bad for you to check, why would you commit fraud, and when something bad happens, and you are outside it, what is the use of you? Don’t refer to his actual performance, one person, don’t refer to his name, or a book from the counselor, so that it is inconvenient for him to participate in impeachment. Are there any of these things?”

Seeing Chongzhen's question, Liu Silai hurriedly argued: "A minister is in charge of his speech, and he will tell what he hears, and he never dares to hide anything from the Holy Majesty."

But Chongzhen did not give up. He said: "If you hear this sentence, do you say it from your heart or just from your mouth? The officials are the eyes and ears of the court. If they are not smart, everything will be useless. If you cheat yourself To say that others are cheating, and to say that others have broken the law while you are breaking the law, is it possible to be an official? In the future, if there are people who hold entrustments and bribes, feel that there is the law of the ancestors! Get up."

I looked at the four people again, "Since you are an official, you will be in charge of an official. Now that the people are poor and rich, and there are thieves everywhere, you should worry about everything and plan everything, and the world can be peaceful."

After talking so much, I don't know if the courtier listened to it, but Chongzhen didn't intend to say anything more, he was a little tired, and raised his hand tiredly, "Let's do it like this today, you all retreat."

"Sir, please retire!"

The four of them bowed down as if they were being pardoned, but they saw the sound of footsteps coming from outside the stage. The four of them wondered who dared to be so presumptuous on the platform, and they were not afraid of the emperor's wrath.

Liu Silai was a member of the Ministry of Officials, so he was ready to join someone at the first thought, to light the first fire for his new official appointment, and to leave a good impression on the emperor.But when he looked up and saw the person who came in, he lost his mind for a moment. The person who came was not one he dared to participate in. It was Wang Dehua, the big crotch of the inner court and the palm print of the supervisor of ceremonies!

Wang Dehua has always been mature and prudent, but he didn't know what to do. Didn't he know that I was summoning ministers?

Chongzhen frowned slightly, a little displeased, but he didn't act, after all, there were still foreign ministers.

But Wang Dehua didn't care about the emperor's dissatisfaction, he rushed over, and impatiently handed a memorial in front of Chongzhen, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Dengzhou has been recovered!"

"Ah?" Chongzhen thought he heard it wrong, "What?" He subconsciously reached out to receive the report.

"Dengzhou has been recovered!" Wang Dehua repeated in a low voice.

This time Chongzhen heard it clearly, and with a jolt, he opened the report as if he had been spat with chicken blood. Afterwards, the smile froze for a moment, very stiff.

The last few words Chongzhen saw were "Chen Shi Dayong played the report of weeping blood in Dengzhou" :)

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