Updated: 2012-10-06

Dashou and all the generals wanted to surrender, but Gang refused to follow, and ordered the two of them to flee outside the city to kill him, but Gang's expression remained unchanged, and he died with a smile on his face.After Ke Gang died, his corpse was eaten by the hungry in the city

The night was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, and there was not a bird's cry in the wilderness.Occasionally there are two sounds, but it is the owl that hides at night and comes out at night.

In such a dark night, there is a group of soldiers silently driving one carriage after another slowly heading south. [

The torches were lit from the front to the end of the team, like a fire dragon in the dark night, illuminating the way for the dead to return home.

"Bull-headed god, horse-faced god, big and small gods walk around on both sides, don't get in the way when you accept the precious money. Don't get in the way, don't get in the way..."

The choked Changping cavity was full of sadness.Every time you say it, the paper money in your hand will be scattered out.

Buying road money, buying road money, is only for the brother's soul to return home.

"Second brother, we've passed Jiming Station, and we'll be in Jinzhou ahead, so stay in the car, don't ask Hei Baichang to take it with you. The old lady at home is waiting to see you for the last time."

"The baby is only two years old. I'm afraid I won't even call out to you. When you leave home, you are very reluctant to let go. You look back every three steps, with tears in your eyes. It makes people feel distressed. Alas, being a father Who doesn't love the baby, doesn't want the baby. Brother knows you want to! I didn't hear you mention it in the past, and everyone made fun of you, but you didn't get annoyed. Good man. Who would think of this and lose his life? Lost it Throw it away, Lord Guard is merciful, I have brothers in my heart, I will send you home now, at least I will let you see the child again..."

"Brother, don't worry, my lord is benevolent and righteous, I will definitely not let your blind old lady have no one to take care of and only pity your daughter-in-law, who will become a widow at a young age..."

The tears are dry, the voice is hoarse, the dead will eventually die, and the living will live.

It is more painful and sad to be alive than to be dead.

go home, go home...

Several shouts from the bottom of my heart guided these men to move forward step by step firmly.


Affected by the sorrow of Songshan, the five hundred Liaodong cavalry also looked sad.During the day, they witnessed the bloody battle between the Songshan army and Jiannu, and they admired these men who would rather die than retreat.Now, they are even more excited for Shi Dayong's charitable act of transporting corpses for thousands of miles. They believe that what the guard said to them during the day will definitely be fulfilled!

Without an order, all the Liaodong cavalry were speechless. Although the horsemen under their seats were a little impatient, they still carefully controlled the speed of their horses, and no one dared to take a step past the carriages transporting corpses.

The dead are the most important, no matter how they usually claim to be good at fighting cavalry, how arrogant they are, now, they must silently follow behind.

Xia Desheng and Li Yizhong, two general managers, have been following Shi Dayong. Along the way, Shi Dayong briefly asked them about their situation. Knowing that these two people were both from Zu Dashou's family, he couldn't help being wary of them. It was Zu Dashou's eyeliner in his subordinates.

But along the way, watching the behavior of the two, listening to the conversation of the two, I admired my behavior of fighting bloody battles during the day, and my words were very respectful, not at all the arrogance of someone who is a striker.Songshan generals such as Huang An and Shao Wu were also very polite.Just from the surface, Shi Dayong still can't see whether these two people have any instructions from Zu Dashou to embarrass him or spy on him secretly.

After passing the Jiming Station, Shi Dayong suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly, he is only a small guard now, even if Zu Dashou's promise comes true, he is only a third-rank general.It is said to be the third grade, but looking at Liaodong, this general is also full of hairs.Not to mention that Ming Dynasty is rich in culture and military, he is a military general of the third rank, in the eyes of those civil officials, he is not even as good as a county magistrate of the seventh rank.I'm afraid that any civil servant of the fifth or sixth rank would dare to kill himself without authorization, just like Yuan Chonghuan dared to kill the lieutenant colonel of the army when he was only a rank four.

Since I will be a small and important role now and in the future, why do I have to deceive myself and put gold on my face, wishful thinking that Marshal Renzu is worried about me, and spend such a large amount of capital to monitor me? [

In other words, the price is too high.Five hundred cavalry is a decisive force. If it is placed in the pass, it will be the strength of the general army.That is to say, his ancestor Dashou was rich and powerful. If it were any other general, who would be so bold as to cut a piece of meat for himself.

Or maybe Zu Dashou wasn't as miserable as he thought, or maybe he felt a sense of pity for a hero, or maybe he felt guilty for his behavior of not being saved, so he decided to support himself.

Don't look at the people of today with the mentality of the people of later generations, let alone think that you are a big shot, have some great abilities, and think that everyone who treats you better has other plans for you.

Be human, and be at ease.After all the bloody battles, there is nothing I can't let go of, what I can't think about.

You know that people want to look at you, but you don't know that you want to look at others.

One step is one step, maybe the road ahead is smooth and uncertain.


After another seven or eight miles, the cavalry battalion leading the way at the front brought Zongsun Youjin to a gallop, and asked Shi Dayong for instructions: "My lord, brothers have driven all the way, should we stop and let everyone rest for a while before we go?"

From Dalinghe to the present, except for a brief fire cooking at Jiming Station, the team has not stopped at any time, and they need to take a rest.Besides, Songshan is now immersed in grief, and the grief has turned into the power to move forward. Although this power can temporarily forget fatigue, if it is not relieved properly, it will easily bring people physical and psychological troubles.

Shi Dayong understands why Zhang Chi has the right way, just like when he gambled, he didn't put all his money in it.This place is also close to Jinzhou, and it won't delay the matter if you take a rest for a while.Thinking of this, Shi Dayong nodded and said: "Alright, pass down the order and the whole army rests."

"Yes, my lord!"

Sun Youjin responded immediately, and ran forward cautiously by the light of the torch, whispering the rest order while running.

After hearing the order, the convoy stopped slowly, and the soldiers leaned on the carriages to talk to each other, either staring at the distant black scene in a daze, or staring blankly at the comrades in the carriage.

When the five hundred cavalrymen left the city, they brought dry food with them, and they took it out to eat at this time.Li Yizhong asked people to take some to send to the Songshan Army, some took it, but some shook their heads and didn't take it. It seemed that they still had prejudices against Liaodong soldiers and horses, and even the five hundred cavalrymen who had been classified as Songshan Army were also dissatisfied. I don't like it.

Seeing this, Shi Dayong had no choice but to hope that time would dilute his subordinates' resentment towards the Liaodong soldiers.After all, it was Zu Dashou who gave the orders, and it was Zu Dashou who refused to go out of the city to rescue.

Complaints have their heads, and debts have owners. If you really want to settle accounts, you should go to Zu Dashou.

However, not all the Liaodong generals in Dalinghe City are as cold-blooded as Zu Dashou, the deputy generals He Kegang, Zhang Cunren, and the guerrilla Gao Guanghui are good, and they are worth making friends with. There are also opinions on whether to save or not.

Um?How Kegang!

Shi Dayong suddenly shuddered, and his face instantly became ugly, because he remembered - who is that He Kegang!

Wasn't he just He Kegang who was ordered by Zu Dashou to have his head beheaded in front of tens of thousands of Jin troops at the foot of Daling River because he opposed Zu Dashou's surrender!

Isn't he the loyal minister He Kegang who smiled until death and never said a word!

So strong, what can be done! [


Shi Dayong respected righteous men and loyal ministers the most, and the tragedy of He Kegang's refusal to surrender but being killed made his heart ache.

In order to save his loyal ministers from dying in vain, Shi Dayong decided to report to Governor Qiu Hejia that the Houjin army was coming, and the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Dalinghe City would be completely destroyed by the enemy after returning to Jinzhou.

No matter what method is used, He Kegang must be saved!

Shi Dayong secretly made up his mind, thinking about how to persuade Qiu Hejia to order Zu Dashou to withdraw immediately with the best and most credible words in his mind.

Even if it makes your promotion path more difficult and more bumpy, you should do your best.

Just as he was thinking, he heard the sound of horseshoes in front of him.

Hearing the sound of hooves, dozens of brothers from the cavalry battalion leading the way in front of the team immediately threw away the dry food in their hands, turned over and straddled their horses, drew their knives in their hands, and looked nervously at the dark front.

The sound of hooves was getting closer and closer. After seeing the fire that suddenly appeared in front of them, the sound of hooves stopped abruptly. In the darkness, I heard someone asking: "Who is in front? Is it the subordinate of the forward commander?"

"We are the Songshan Army." Sun Youjin called out immediately, and waved his hand to signal his subordinates to put down their knives. The person coming from the direction of Jinzhou must not be a Tartar.

"Songshan Army?"

Hearing Sun Youjin's answer, someone on the opposite side exclaimed and whispered, obviously not believing that they were really the Songshan Army.After a while, someone shouted: "Traveling the horse to report, your Songshan army has been surrounded by Jiannu, how did you appear here? Aren't you pretending to be Jiannu and overseas Chinese, and come to swindle Jinzhou City?"

As soon as he said this, Sun Youjin lost his temper immediately, and cursed: "Fuck your mother, I almost lost my life when I beat you with a tartar, and you became a tartar in your mouth yesterday." It’s a disguise! Your grandma, open your eyes and see, these carriages are full of Lao Tzu’s brothers!”

The other side was silent for a while, as if they were discussing something, and soon, the person who asked the question called again: "Brothers on the other side, are you brothers from Songshan? We can't tell for a while. You also know that Jianu has many tricks. , I like to find someone to sneak into the city in disguise as an internal response, and then open the city gate to let their army in, so for the sake of safety, you'd better show evidence that you are the Songshan Army, otherwise, we will go back to the city to report to the governor My lord has told you that you are Jian slaves in disguise."

Hearing this, Sun Youjin jumped into a rage: "I'm alive and well, this is proof, what the hell do you want? Dalinghe City is still in our hands, if we are really Tartars in disguise, how can we You came here from under their noses? No matter how fucking wordy you are, I will lead troops to attack you, son of a bitch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body was pulled by someone, and he turned his head to see that it was the guard.

After asking Sun Youjin not to yell, Shi Dayong raised his voice and said to the opposite side: "I am Shi Dayong, the defender of Songshan, if you want evidence, I will give you evidence, and then!"

It's not dark, no one knows what Shi Dayong threw out.

On the other side, there was a scream: "The head is a human head, with braids, it is the head of Jiannu!"

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