According to the gold and silver exchange at that time, one tael of gold could be exchanged for 11 taels of silver. The 3000 taels of gold equaled nearly 15 taels of silver. Adding the 24 taels of silver, the total of gold and silver alone was nearly 40 taels.In addition, those antique calligraphy and paintings that Shi Dayong said were left in his hands to bury the heavenly objects are even more valuable.

Gao Qiqian is a big crotch of the inner court, he is naturally quite fond of antique calligraphy and paintings on weekdays, and there are many people who are capable of appreciating them. According to their reports, if these antique calligraphy and paintings are brought to Beijing for sale, I am afraid they will be worth as much as that one. Two thousand taels of gold and 1 taels of silver.In this way, the total value may be close to a million taels of silver.

What is the concept of 100 million taels of silver?At that time, Liao's salary was continuously increased by the Wanli, Tianqi, and Chongzhen dynasties, but it was only 600 million taels of silver.Now that Gao Qiqian got one-sixth of Liao's salary out of thin air, he didn't have to worry about extortion and extortion that would attract the people to take risks, and he didn't have to worry about the noise from officials in foreign courts. fanny pack.Wouldn't it be a fool not to do such a business?

Of course Gao Qiqian is not a fool, but he also knows that it is impossible for him to swallow this huge sum of money by himself, if he really wants to swallow it alone, he is afraid that his stomach will burst.Besides, what Shi Dayong is asking for is too big, and the relationship is too big, he must shut up a large number of people, otherwise if someone "reveals" a few words, the money is probably not worth it.

The Zang Zang Alliance was established soon, and its members included Lin Qing, Commander of the Beijing Battalion, Pei Shaokuan, Commander, Jin Guochen, General of Jizhen, Le Guoqi, General of Chongqing, Deng Si, General of Chongqing, Wang Hong, Chief of the Military Department, and Zhang Guochen, Chief of the Ministry of War. and others.Although there were quite a few people participating, the bulk of the team obviously fell into Gao Qiqian's pocket. There were several groups of Yumajian teams returning to the capital in the past few days, and each group consisted of dozens of taels of large carts and small carts. [

In private, Dayong bleeds again, not only returning the silver he snatched from Shang County to Lin Qing, but also taking out 20 taels of silver to "help" Deng Si, Wang Hong, Jin Guochen and others.Regarding Shi Dayong's generosity, all the generals said that Jinzhou Vice General is a man of benevolence and righteousness, nothing to say.

Soon, under the leadership of Gao Qiqian, Lin Qing, Jin Guochen, Deng Si, Wang Hong and others jointly signed the memorial table and galloped into Beijing.

According to the memorial table, Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde, the leaders of the thieves, saw the strength of the army and lost their nest in Dengzhou, so they feigned surrender again, and wanted to wait for the army to return to the division before raising the flag of rebellion.Fortunately, Vice General Shi Dayong of Jinzhou saw through the plot of the bandits and led the army to put down the rebellion in time.During the battle, Liaodong general Zu Dabi and guerrilla Wu Sangui were unfortunately killed.

In the memorandum, Gao Qiqian pleaded guilty to the emperor, saying that he failed to understand the treachery's treacherous tricks, which almost caused a catastrophe, and caused the deaths of Zu Dabi and Wu Sangui.But at the same time, he also said that he was in the middle of planning, not afraid of the bandits, personally supervised the formation, and commanded the Jinzhou Army, Jingying, and Jizhen soldiers to work together to put down the rebellion, and only then did the rebellion be put down in time.

As for the fact that he reported the Jinzhou army's plot to rebel, Gao Qiqian also explained it at the same time, saying that it was to put down the rebel army as soon as possible, so he secretly discussed with Shi Dayong, falsely claiming that the Jinzhou army conspired to rebel, so that the rebels would not be on guard In this way, the Jinzhou Army can draw troops out to surprise Dengzhou, take away the rebels' lair in one fell swoop, and make the rebels feel relieved.In order to prevent this plan from leaking, the rebels were prepared, so they risked the crime of deceiving the emperor and even concealed it from the court.Now that the matter is settled, I also ask the emperor to punish him for the crime of deceiving the emperor.

An apology is an apology, and the crime of deceiving the emperor has also been confessed. Gao Qiqian's bet is really too big, let alone other things, just this crime of deceiving the emperor may also make other people's heads fall.But he is not afraid, because he knows the young emperor in the Forbidden City too well.If he got it in Denglai, then the crime of deceiving the emperor must be confirmed, and the emperor would cut himself off in a rage.Now, with the counter-insurgency in hand, the emperor will never punish him as a great hero.Of course, the biggest reason why Gao Qiqian dared to admit that he was deceiving the emperor was probably the controversy in the Wenhua Palace.Just in case, Gao Qiqian took out tens of thousands of taels of silver and went to Beijing to manage it. Wang Dehua, the palm seal of Li, must have done it well, and Wang Chengen, the eunuch of Bingbi, cannot be left behind. None of the eunuchs can be left behind.

At the same time, the report of Zhang Guochen, the head of the Ministry of War, was also sent to Beijing. The general content is similar to that of Gao Qiqian and the others.Yang Yufan, the commander-in-chief of Tongzhou in Laizhou City, also went to Shu to confirm that Li Konger had treasonously surrendered and rebelled and was killed.

Shi Dayong also stated that although the bandit leaders Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde had been beheaded, the rest of the rebel army still operated in Denglai. In order to ensure the stability of the place and prevent the bandits from resurging, the Jinzhou Army is sparing no effort to fight against the rebels. The rest of the army carried out conquest and suppression.At the same time, the imperial court was asked to temporarily use Dengzhou as the place where the Jinzhou Army temporarily stationed. After the Denglai rebels were completely wiped out, the Jinzhou Army would return to the outside of the pass.

At the same time that a letter of urgent memorial was sent to the capital, the imperial envoy team from the capital also arrived in Shang County.Zhu Dadian, the supervisor of the soldiers in Shandong, finally led five thousand Lu soldiers to Laizhou slowly.

During this period, Dayong led the Jinzhou Army to escort tens of thousands of rebels back to Dengzhou.When they arrived in Zhaoyuan, Dayong personally executed Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde, dismembered their corpses by five horses, and sent their heads to the capital on fast horses presented in iron boxes.

After Huang Taiji decided to go on an expedition to Chahar Lindan Khan, he sent an order to the various Mongolian ministries who had surrendered to Houjin to come to the meeting.In April, Taiji, the ministers of Horqin, Jalut, Bahrain, Naiman, Aohan, Karaqin, Tumed, Alu Horqin, Ongniud, Asut and other ministries, met on the banks of the Xilamulun River. The force is about 10.In late April, Huang Taiji led an army across the Xing'an Mountains and garrisoned the Dulong River.That night, two Mongols from Xianghuang Banner stole horses and escaped, and reported the news of the army's suppression to Lin Danhan.Lin Dan Khan wanted to lead his troops to retreat to Khalkha in Mobei, but the three Khalkha Khans were at odds with him.So Lin Danhan led a group of 10 subordinates to go west to Kuhdersu, pass through Hohhot, and cross the Yellow River to Ordos.Huang Taiji divided his troops into three groups and pursued Lin Danhan for 41 days. He entered Hohhot in late May and learned that Lin Danhan had crossed the Yellow River south.Then he stopped pursuing and returned via Xuanfu and Zhangjiakou.On the way, tens of thousands of people left behind by Lin Dan Khan were gathered.

Lin Dan Khan fled to Qinghai after crossing the Yellow River south. As the direct descendant of Genghis Khan, he held the jade seal symbolizing imperial power in his hand and ruled Mongolia for more than [-] years. Return to the Central Plains and rule the world.Unexpectedly, his grand plan was shattered by Nurhachi and his son.Now, he was "forced" to Qinghai by Huang Taiji again. The weather here is very changeable, with ice and snow all year round, and the conditions are very harsh. How did the pampered Lin Danhan withstand this blow? The deadline is coming soon.

Before dying, Lin Danhan summoned his eldest son Ezhe, pointed to the jade seal next to his pillow and said to him: "Ezhe, I am afraid that time is running out as a father. Remember, we are the direct descendants of Genghis Khan, Nai Tianhuang Noble, golden lineage. This jade seal is a treasure passed down from generation to generation. It has been lost for more than [-] years, and it has returned to the old master as a father. You hold the jade seal in your hand, and sooner or later you can command Mongolia. You can’t stay here for long. After the death of your father, you can lead everyone back to the east, clean up the remnants, try your best, and regroup. The vast desert is thousands of miles away, and you can deal with Huang Taiji. Remember: Father and Jurchen are at odds with each other, you want to unite with Great Ming in the south to reject Houjin, and when the time is right, destroy Houjin first and revive my Chahar glory."

E Zhe looked at his father's thin face, and couldn't help crying bitterly.Lin Danhan struggled to make his last wishes, Ezhe nodded persistently: "Yeah, don't worry, I will remember."

After confessing the last words to his son, Lin Danhan fell into a coma, and in the middle of the night, he swallowed his last breath at the age of 36.

After burying his father, Ezhe didn't want to stay in Qinghai for a day. After the first seven days, he led the remnants back to Mongolia.Along the way, some old ministries heard that he was returning to the east, and came to vote one after another. As far as the Yellow River area, there are more than [-] households, more than [-] people.

They walked all the way and argued all the way.The faction headed by Er Zhe wanted to inherit Lin Danhan's legacy and revive the great cause, while others who were frightened by the Jurchen advocated return to the gold.At this time, E Zhe was full of blood, and he ignored the ministers who had surrendered at all, so the surrender faction had no choice but to encourage E Zhe's biological mother, Queen Mother Su Tai.

After all, Queen Mother Su Tai has experienced many ups and downs, and her mind is much clearer than that of E Zhe. She persuaded E Zhe: "My father's dying words are the words of a dying person. My son Don't take it too seriously. You have great ambitions, and a mother is naturally very happy, but at the beginning, my father had never fought for a big gold with 40 people and Ming's support. Now that the world has reached this stage, why do you fight with it? contend?"[

E Zhe was very unconvinced by his mother's words, and he said to himself: "Because I am the direct descendant of Genghis Khan, and because of this jade seal in my hand!"

The son's youthful vigor made the Empress Dowager Su Tai shake her head, and sighed: "Don't talk about this jade seal, I think we have fallen to this point today, all because of this jade seal."

Hearing this, Er Zhe was taken aback: "Mother, what do you say?"

Empress Dowager Su Tai wept and said: "Before my father got this jade seal, he was diligent in political affairs, good at fighting, and good at collecting the hearts of various ministries. Soon he had hundreds of thousands of soldiers. But since he got this jade seal , changed from the past, began to boss around, give orders, and regarded himself as Genghis Khan, which hurt all the ministries. Nurhaci took this opportunity to split up and disintegrated. First, he pulled the Horqin tribe over, then the Naiman tribe, the Aohan tribe... Erfu In the end, he became a lonely family, and even died as a guest. I saw your father go downhill step by step after he got this jade seal. Do you think this jade seal is an auspicious object?"

"But the jade seal is indeed a rare treasure in the world, and our ancestors made great achievements based on it." E Zhe did not dare to agree with his mother's words.

Empress Dowager Su Tai shook her head and said, "Maybe it's because we are so unlucky that we can't bear this heavy burden."

"What does mother mean?" E Zhe couldn't figure out what his mother wanted to say to him.

After some hesitation, Queen Mother Su Tai finally made up her mind and told E Zhe: "Returning gold, this is the only feasible way at present."

"Return the money?!"

Ezhe was taken aback, didn't make a sound, lowered his head, and didn't say yes or no.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager Su Tai persuaded again: "Mothers all hope that their son can achieve a great career. Who would like to see their son groveling and submitting to others?" However, in the Ming Dynasty, there are now peasant armies making "rebellions" inside, and there are "post-golden forces" outside. Some soldiers are terrified when they hear about gold. Xiong, son, think about it, what will the consequences be?"

What the mother said was indeed true, E Zhe couldn't help but nodded, hesitantly said: "What the mother said makes some sense, but..."

Author's Note: Here, Lin Dan Khan died half a year earlier.

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