Daming wolf ride

Chapter 37 The Unfeeling Invitation to Liaodong Great Victory

Updated: 2012-10-07

Huang Taiji poured out all his soldiers to destroy the main force of the Liaodong Ming army in a single battle, making the Daling River the death of the white mountains and black waters of the Ming Dynasty, and making the Ming Dynasty look north; To deal with the emerging Lin Danhan in Mongolia, in order to achieve the national policy of "remnants unite Mongolia".

In this battle, the Eight Banners of Zhenghuang, Xianghuang, Zhenghong, Xianghong, Zhengbai, Xiangbai, Zhenglan and Xianglan were all sent out, so that Haoge and Sahalian who stayed in Shenyang had only a thousand bannermen , but also full of old and weak soldiers.If Huang Taiji hadn't kept two hundred of his own army of Baiyala behind, Shenyang City, the core of the Great Jin Kingdom, would really be a veritable empty city.

If the arrow does not shoot, it will be dead, if it is fired, it will hit, and if it hits, you will die.

The Haidongqing flying in the sky symbolizes the sword of the Eight Banners warriors, and the prey under the eagle's claws is the Dalinghe City. [

The world depends on the first battle, and Gai Xiong has the ambition of a hero.

Huang Taiji, Jianzhou never gave birth to heroes.

Dalinghe, the fate of Zu Dashou is doomed.

Zu Dashou, who was depressed, had already dealt with the thunderous blow of the Eight Banners army, and what was waiting for him was to linger.

I don’t know when Ning Wan’s words spread among the nobles of Jianzhou—”Sun Chengzong is an old man, once Zu Dashou is destroyed, who is there in the Ming Kingdom outside the pass!”

That's right, after Zu's birthday, who is there in Daming outside the pass?


The detailed operation network of the Ming army outside the customs had already collapsed during the massacre of 600 million Han people by Nurhaci during the Tianqi period. Therefore, no one knew about the aggressive actions of the king and ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty, from the strategist Sun Chengzong to the ordinary soldiers.

However, thousands of secret works of Houjin hidden in the territory of the Ming army were sent to Houjin at a rate of hundreds of military reports every day.In their secret report, the size of the matter, and even the amount of new military rations of the Ming army were counted one by one.

The outcome of the war seems to be doomed long ago, but the poor people in the game don't know it.

The officials in Jinzhou were immersed in the joy of the "Songshan Great Victory", and the fast horses that announced the good news ran towards Shanhaiguan one after another.

Everyone in the world is drunk and I am sober. It is not luck, but pain.

At first, Shi Dayong was a bystander, but now, he is also a pawn in this game.

After returning to Jinzhou, he was treated like a meritorious official, from the governor Qiu Hejia to the small secretary office in the yamen. They didn't give him excited eyes, but walked on the road, they saw adoring eyes.

However, who should Shi Dayong tell about his pain?

Qiu Hejia believed in his judgment. After these few months, Jin's side was really too quiet, too quiet, a little scary.

From Shi Dayong's mouth, Qiu Hejia knew that there were not only Jiannu Xianghong Banner, Zhenglan Banner and Xianghuang Banner appearing in Dalinghe City, but it seemed too strange that different people from the three banners appeared in Dalinghe at the same time.Because the Jiannu Eight Banners have always acted alone unless there is a major action. Two banners appearing at the same time means a big battle, not to mention the appearance of three of the Eight Banners this time?

Jiannu must have come towards the Daling River, maybe their main force is moving towards the Daling River!Otherwise, how to explain the unusual signs appearing in the three flags at the same time?

But Qiu Hejia believed it was useless, his words didn't count. [

Sun Chengzong received the official document sent to Shanhaiguan, but he didn't believe Qiu Hejia's judgment, and thought that Qiu Hejia was jealous of Zu Dashou's victory this time, so he wanted to delay Zu's hind legs.

In the official document returned to Qiu Hejia, Sun Chengzong told Qiu Hejia in an extremely stern tone that Zu Dashou had won the battle this time, and the Tartars must have been too frightened to come again, and there would be no army coming.Besides, Songshan has only a thousand people, and they can recreate the slave three-banner cavalry, beheading hundreds, and Dalinghe City has more than ten thousand elites, even if the army of slaves really arrives, they have to panic.When soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods them.

Now that the construction of Dalinghe City is almost complete, I hope that the governor will put the overall situation first and not selfishness, which will chill the hearts of the soldiers.

In the end, he changed the subject and praised Qiu Hejia for his ability to know people. Shi Dayong, who used Songshan for defense, was indeed a good general. , to have such a great victory, gratifying to congratulate Yunyun...

Qiu Hejia showed the palindrome to Shi Dayong, and Shi Dayong could only shake his head in silence after reading it.In exchange, it was impossible for him to tell Qiu Hejia that in fact Zu Dashou had never dispatched a single soldier, but he had been unwilling to save him from the very beginning. It was just a deal made by Zu Dashou.

The bitter fruit can only be swallowed by oneself. I am afraid that the official document of the victory has already arrived in Beijing, so there is no use in talking back.

Sun Chengzong disagreed with Zu Dashou's retreat, and Qiu Hejia had no choice.Although he is also a member of the governor's party on behalf of the emperor and has the right to control Zu Dashou, but he knows that it is impossible for Zu Dashou to obey his orders. As long as Sun Chengzong does not let go, it is impossible to withdraw troops.

"This is the end of the matter. I have tried my best. It is up to people to plan and make things happen. Is it true as you said, but let's see how God treats us."

With a soft sigh, Qiu Hejiabi got up lonely and walked slowly towards the back hall.Shi Dayong also got up and watched the old governor leave.

After walking a few steps, Qiu Hejia thought of something, turned around and said to Shi Dayong: "It is a righteous act to transport the bones of the fallen soldiers back to their hometown, and it is also for the generals. I also support it. However, if things are really as you want He said, the army of Jianshou is coming soon, for the sake of safety, you should stay in Jinzhou, and leave the matter of transporting the corpses to the people below. What is missing, what is needed, but just tell the governor's office, I have confessed, and everyone You must provide everything you need in Songshan, and there must be no mistakes." Speaking of this, there was a bit of sadness on his face, "If anything happens, the only person I can rely on is you. Wu Xiang, Liu Zeqing and the others He is a member of Zu Dashou, and he has always disobeyed Benfu's orders. If something big happens to Dalinghe, Jinzhou will be next. Sigh..." After finishing speaking, he let out a long sigh.

"The end general knows how to do it, so don't worry, my lord."

Shi Dayong secretly sighed, Qiu Hejia said so, could he insist on transporting the corpse himself?Although he really wanted to send those dead brothers back to their homes in person, how could he walk away when Huang Taiji's army was coming.If you stay in Jinzhou, no matter how bad you are, you can always organize reinforcements to rescue them. It's better to try to do your best than to regret afterwards.

"Ben Fu knows it's difficult for you. The current situation is difficult and you can't help yourself. You won the battle in Songshan this time, and Zu Dashou and Ben Fu jointly protected you as a general. I think the imperial court's reward will come down soon. You yourself Also make preparations, those below who should be promoted should be promoted, those who should be rewarded should be rewarded, and as little as possible be withheld, after all, they all escaped from death, so the soldiers should not be too chilling..." At this point, Qiu Hejia suddenly stopped When he got down, he laughed at himself: "Look, what am I talking about? You can send the bones of fallen soldiers back to their hometowns, so you are not a person who withholds rewards. Sun Jinglue said that I have knowledge. Human beings, I am confused, I should be scolded if I am confused..."

Seeing that Qiu Hejia really blamed himself, Shi Dayong's heart warmed up, he stepped forward with a smile and said: "Master Futai, I will have an unfeeling request at the end, but I don't know if Master Futai can agree?"

"A merciless request?" Qiu Hejia was a little puzzled.

Shi Dayong said: "The final general heard that a new general, Cao Bianjiao, was recruited under the lord's account. He is a young hero, but I don't know if the lord can give up his love and transfer this Cao Bianjiao to the general's command?"

Hearing this request, Qiu Hejia took a strange look at Shi Dayong, and then he chuckled: "It's strange, since Xiao Cao knew that you, Shi Shoubei, drank the blood of the Hulu and ate the meat of the Hulu, and then he kissed me every day. Crying to work under your account, but not wanting to, you also asked Ben Fu for Xiao Cao. Hehe, it seems that the two of you are really congenial. Well, this is a trivial matter, and Ben Fu promised you."

"Thank you, my lord, for cutting love!"

Shi Dayong also laughed from the bottom of his heart, being able to take Cao Bianjiao under his account may be the happiest thing he has done in the past few days, which is even more joyful than being promoted and getting rich.

On the night of June [-]th, before the second watch, the capital had already quieted down the street, and there were not many pedestrians to be seen on the huge street, which looked particularly gloomy and desolate.Occasionally, a watchman would appear with a small lantern, knocking on a broken gong or clapper, and then disappear into the darkness.The slow, spirited sound of gongs or clappers gradually faded away in the sound of the wind.

To say that the capital city was not like this two years ago, at night, the lights and festoons were so lively, singing, playing strings, drinking, listening to books, entertaining guests, and looking for kiln sisters, everywhere. A true scene of peace and prosperity.However, since Jiannu from the north suddenly killed him in the capital two years ago, the popularity under the emperor's feet suddenly disappeared.After two years, the city of Beijing is still the same as it was two years ago. At night, everyone closes their doors and goes to bed early. [

The memory of the "Jisi Change" brought to the people of the capital is still so deep, the fear it brings to them is still terrible, and the pain it brings to them cannot be erased in a lifetime.

Perhaps, they no longer remember Yuan Dushi who was chopped alive; perhaps, they no longer remember Man Jinglue who died in battle at Yongding Gate; perhaps, they no longer remember how many adults were beheaded by the emperor.But they clearly remembered the hundreds of thousands of people in Gyeonggi who were captured by Jiannu, the houses burned by Jiannu, the wealth robbed by Jiannu, the women who were raped by Jiannu, and the empty city where no one was left. ...

The fear of the common people, the pain of the common people, how can the adults care.

In that deep house compound, those high-ranking officials who were drunk and dreaming of death were still living a life of debauchery, and the life outside seemed to be too far away from them, and those scenes of tragedies seemed to never happen.

There are many dignitaries of the Donglin Party living in Gongzi Factory. Unlike those bold relatives, they are very concerned about the emperor's opinion, and they also pay great attention to maintaining their own image.Therefore, when they listen to and enjoy songs, they never allow courtesans to use gongs, drums, or even silk and bamboo. They only allow courtesans to tap their eyes gently with red sandalwood or ivory clappers and sing in a low voice.

Sometimes the singing voice is as thin as a strand of hair, which seems to curl continuously, hovering on the exquisitely painted beams, and then flies to the mysterious night sky.The host and guests kept their glasses in their hands, tapped their toes on the ground, listened intently, and almost stopped breathing.As soon as the singing stopped, they nodded their praises frequently, cheerfully persuaded them to drink and pass food, and guessed their fists.

Perhaps in their view, the eunuch Wei Zhongxian had already been executed, and now the imperial court reproduced the scenes of the Donglin Zhuzheng Dynasty, the current emperor is the king of Zhongxing, and the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty will come again as before.The Jiannu in the north are just clowns, they will be wiped out when the imperial army arrives, and the thieves who are raging in the northwest are just gangsters, and they will all be punished in a short time.

As for the tragedies of family ruin and death that have happened around me in the past two years, it can also be explained by the phrase "the thief has a little power".

But as long as they keep their eyes open, they will find that there have been many disaster victims under the feet of the emperor in the past two years, and they have come from all directions.At first, they were just the people of Gyeonggi who were harmed by the slaves, but gradually, many of them spoke the Northwest dialect.

The victims came from all directions, they thought that as long as they got to the feet of the emperor, the imperial court would definitely take care of them.But a year or two years later, they are still victims of the disaster, they have no place to sleep, they can only sleep under the eaves on both sides of the street.

Summer is okay, but in winter, they can only tremble, moan, complain, and sigh in the biting cold wind.The women called the old man in a low voice, weeping in mourning.The children huddled together in the arms of their mothers, crying, crying and crying, tearing the adults' hearts apart.But when the patrol soldiers sent by Wucheng Bingmasi approached, they temporarily endured and did not dare to make a sound.

It's not that the imperial court didn't help them, the emperor allocated money, and it was quite a lot.But after the money was deducted layer by layer, the rest could only be buried in a large pot to cook some dilute soup that was so clear that rice grains could be seen.

Officials have been the ones who have harmed the people since ancient times!

The eyelids of the eunuchs on duty behind the Huiji gate were almost glued together. If it weren't for the emperor's order, who would want to stand here at night to send and receive urgent deliveries.

This will be extremely urgent since the year of the apocalypse, except for Yang Lian and the Donglin party who gave a memorial to impeach Wei Zhongxian, only two years ago have they sent and received an urgent report of Jiannu's invasion of Gyeonggi, but these two years have been one None of the memorials and military newspapers have been received.

That's right, the group of Donglin Party members left because the General Secretary was controlled by the eunuchs, and they were afraid that the emperor would not receive their memorial, so they left.There is no urgent military situation, and the report from the Nine Sides also goes to the Ministry of War, so there is no need to go to the extreme gate in the middle of the night to deliver the film.

If it weren't for the ancestral system, the father-in-laws of the supervisor of ceremonies would have thought of a way to withdraw the rules of the extreme sect.Ganming still has to think of a way to get rid of this bad job, otherwise it will be really hard to suffer this bad punishment every day.Spend some money, just spend some money, if you don’t bring it with you when you die, the money is not for living comfortably, if life is not comfortable, what is the use of the money.

The eunuchs thought this way, but the Huiji Gate, which had not been slapped for two years, made a "bang", which startled them, and immediately heard someone shouting urgently outside:

"Liaodong Express, great victory, great victory!"

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