The generals from Songshan had no artillery background, and they didn't know much about how to use artillery. Two of the surrendered generals were from artillery, but they were brave enough to hand over the artillery battalion to the surrender generals.For the battalion officer, he preferred Shao Wu, an old subordinate who followed him in Songshan, but Shao Wu was ordered to return to Jinzhou to transfer troops, so after much consideration, Dayong chose Song Qing as the battalion officer temporarily.

The candidates from the five thousand households also selected three military officers from Songshan, namely Dong Zhong, the former Songshan commander-in-chief, Wu Guoqing, the former Songshan Wei Zuoqianbao hundred households, and Yang Phosph, the former Songshan guard signing officer.The other two were entrusted to Gao Huai and Shen Yi, who were in charge of the artillery of the New Firearms Army.In addition, Dayong also assigned more than a dozen instructors to the newly established artillery battalion. These instructors were Portuguese officers who were captured by the rebels after the destruction of Dengzhou City.

In order to make the new firearms and new army form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, Sun Yuanhua hired a group of instructors and craftsmen in addition to purchasing cannons and matchlock guns from Macau with a lot of money.When the city of Dengzhou was broken, the Portuguese military officer Xie Teixeira Correa and 11 of his men died fighting for the Ming Dynasty, and 15 others including Fisk served for the rebels.After Li Zhongfu and Geng Zhongming killed Mao Chenglu and surrendered, Fisk and others became prisoners of the Jinzhou Army.Dayong didn't pay much attention to these aliens who came all the way to the East to make a fortune, neither killing them nor releasing them.Originally, they wanted to wait for the imperial court to send people to take over Dengzhou and hand them over to the imperial court for disposal, but now they have the opportunity to give full play to their strengths.

It is no longer necessary for these foreign teachers to teach the use of matchlock guns, but they still need to work harder on the use of artillery.Like Sun Yuanhua, Dayong also paid these Portuguese officers a lot of money. Like those young and strong farmers, Dayong also clearly told these Portuguese officers that they can leave as long as they have served in the Jinzhou Army for three years, and there will be travel expenses. .Fix and the others are very satisfied with this condition. They are not settled in the country, and if they have a way, they will not risk dying at sea and travel thousands of miles to the East to seek money.Originally, after being captured by the rebels, they did a lot of things for the rebels to save their lives, and they also committed a lot of crimes of murder and looting. The army was defeated, and they also became captives.Thinking of what they had done before, Fix and the others had no idea of ​​surviving.Unexpectedly, instead of punishing them, this disfigured general of Ming Dynasty continued to hire them with a lot of money. This made the Portuguese people feel grateful, and they couldn't help expressing that they would serve Daming and the general wholeheartedly.

After Fixes and the others thanked them for leaving the account, Dayong turned his head and told Guo Yi: "When the three-year period expires, chop up these bastards and feed them to the dogs." [

Originally there were more than 100 craftsmen from Macau. Unfortunately, after the rebels entered the city, they showed no mercy to these compatriots who looked the same. Except for three translators and seven craftsmen who had been staying with the Portuguese officers, all others were killed. up.After the establishment of the Artillery Battalion, Dayong also retained these craftsmen for the maintenance of firearms in the future. In addition, he found some craftsmen among the captives. After collecting 100 people, he found a site in Shuicheng as the location of the Jinzhou Army's Weapons Maintenance Bureau.However, the current maintenance bureau is still empty, and there are not many weapons for them to repair, and there is also a lack of raw materials and tools. Dayong is not very proficient in this aspect, so he thought about sorting out the maintenance bureau after Ma Zhong from Jinzhou came over. , and strive to develop this maintenance bureau into an arsenal for the Jinzhou Army.Now, let's support these people for the time being, and let them do some small things of building and repairing farm tools first.

There are two new firearms and new battalions, each battalion has 4000 soldiers. The soldiers are equipped with a new matchlock gun, a waist knife, and a cotton armor.The two Huoqi new battalions are still named after Huoqi Zuoying and Huoqi Youying, and the battalion officers are Zuoying Jiang Wanli and Youying Li Dashan respectively.Four of the eight thousand candidates were Jinzhou military officers, and the remaining four were served by surrendered generals Li Zhongfu, Zheng Tai, Xiang Chong, and Du Dao.The appointment of Baihu and Zongqi officers is basically [-]-[-].This arrangement is to attract these surrendered generals to serve the Jinzhou Army with peace of mind. After all, many of their original subordinates are in these adaptations. If one of the surrendered generals is not used, it will inevitably cause these surrendered soldiers to worry.Moreover, Dayong believed that these surrendered generals and those soldiers were not really useless wastes. They were able to make such a big commotion in the Northland, scaring the officers and soldiers to flee far away, which proved their combat effectiveness.The reason for their failure was simply that they encountered a stronger Jinzhou Army. As long as they were reformed and integrated into the big collective of the Jinzhou Army, these people would still be able to display a powerful combat power that should not be underestimated.

Let a sheep lead a group of wolves, it must be unsightly, but let a wolf lead a group of sheep, it will be impressive, besides, the Jinzhou army is not a wolf, but a group of wolves, these soldiers and generals Nor are they a flock of sheep, they are wolves who once fought against Donglu.As long as their wolf "nature" is aroused, they are still a pack of wolves that make their opponents afraid.

The supply battalion was also expanded, with 1000 soldiers in the whole battalion, 4000 auxiliary soldiers, and 300 households. The battalion commander was Qi Sanbao from Shahefan, and Wang Tiande was the deputy commander to lead the [-]th household.The whole battalion is equipped with [-] large and small carriages. For now, the task of the supply battalion is basically to transport food and grass, and there is no need to go into war.The weapon configuration is a new-style matchlock gun for the soldiers, and a waist knife for the soldiers. The auxiliary soldiers only wear an old-style firecracker, and no additional weapons are provided.

The above four battalions, the artillery battalion has 5000 people, the two infantry battalions have 8000 people, and the supply battalion has 5000 people, a total of 18000 people, plus Cao Bianjiao's wolf cavalry army, the five armies have a total of 20500 people.

Dayong's personal battalion remained unchanged, still numbering 800 people. The four battalion officers, Guo Cheng, Li Gu, Wang Fei, and Lin Junyi, all had the title of thousand households, and they were still directly led by Dayong.The reason why he didn't expand his personal camp is because Dayong didn't want to use all the resources to build his own personal soldiers like other generals in Ming Dynasty, and ignored other soldiers, so that most of the soldiers in the army could only be reduced to auxiliary soldiers.In this way, it is difficult for the army to be united on the battlefield. Once the personal army is defeated, the victory or defeat will be decided.Dayong is obviously dissatisfied with this kind of battlefield mode. He hopes that all his soldiers will be the same elite, and they can all work hard on the battlefield in the same way, instead of being reduced to a role of waving the flag and shouting.

Guo Yi was not sent down to serve in the camp by Dayong. Dayong continued to keep him by his side to lead a bodyguard of 50 people. This arrangement was because Dayong felt that Guo Yi was too young.Counting the false age, Guo Yi is actually only 16 years old. Dayong still wants to stay with him for a few more years before releasing him.Guo Yi has no complaints about this arrangement. When he was 11 years old, he went to serve Dayong's brother Dazhi, and after Dazhi's death, he went to Dayong's side again. Subconsciously, he regarded Dayong brother as his elder brother.After witnessing Dazhi's tragic death, Guo Yi didn't want to see Dayong die in battle, so he wanted to stay by Dayong's side. In case of danger in the future, he might be able to block a fatal arrow for Dayong.

After this reorganization and expansion, the entire army has nearly 21500 soldiers. At present, Dengzhou has 260 million shi of food in storage, and one shi of grain is about 120 catties. If the people are not counted, it is enough to support the Jinzhou Army for ten years. Top four or five years.Coupled with the fact that farming is in progress, the food shortage that Dayong has been worrying about, unless there are some major changes, there is no need to worry about it at all.

It took seven days for the reorganization. During this period, Dayong did not leave Shuicheng for a single step. It was not until the reorganization was completed that he was relieved and prepared to visit Qian Dagang's Dengzhou Navy.Unexpectedly, Song Guanglan in the city sent someone to rush to tell him that the capital was coming.

Is the capital here?The decree has arrived?Dayong was surprised, Gao Qiqian should not have arrived in Beijing yet, and Beijing sent people to Dengzhou not so soon, did something happen?

Thinking of the painstaking efforts he had put into Dengzhou and the Jinzhou Army these days, Dayong couldn't help being excited. He was very afraid that the imperial court had sent people to take over Dengzhou, and he was also afraid that the imperial court would order him to return to Jinzhou after knowing his actions, so that his hard work would be exhausted. Put it into the water.

The surrendered generals also knew that someone was coming from Beijing, and they all ran to Dayong's military tent for a while, all of them were extremely nervous, Dayong comforted them a few words, winked at Cao Bianjiao and Jiang Wanli, and remained silent. The "color" rode back to the city with his personal guards.

Before reaching the city gate, Wang Hui, Song Cheng and other demoted officials were already waiting there. Seeing Dayong's figure, they rushed over as if seeing their parents and fathers. What they said was that they had no credit or hard work these days, and now the imperial court has sent someone here, and asked General Shi to fulfill his promise to them and protect the lives of their whole family.

Dayong himself didn't know what the people from Beijing were doing here, and he was worried, but he still reassured the demoted officials, so that they don't have to worry and go about their own errands. He is responsible for everything, and Shi Dayong is not a believer.Having said that, how can the demoted officials feel at ease, they can still comfort themselves when things are not in the head, how can they comfort themselves and say that it is all right now that the trouble is imminent.Moreover, it was a group of Jinyiwei soldiers who escorted the people from Beijing, which made them even more afraid.In the Ming Dynasty, officials who committed crimes were mostly arrested by members of Jinyiwei. Now it is Jinyiwei who comes to Dengzhou. Although Jinyiwei and Dongchang have been abolished since the emperor ascended the throne, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses and lose their hair. The tigers in China also bite people, and they have committed a crime of treason that is worse than corruption and breaking the law. Can you not be afraid!

After a few words of comfort, seeing that the demoted officials were still panicked, Dayong ignored them and entered the city with a whip.After entering the city, he went straight to the governor's yamen, and the people sent by Song Guanglan reported that Mr. Song had arranged all the people from Beijing to the governor's yamen.

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