Daming wolf ride

Chapter 404 The Man-eating Ming Army

Liaoyang City, where the former Liaodong capital of the Ming Dynasty was located, has been the military and political center outside the Guan since the beginning of the Kingdom.In the first year of the Apocalypse, the Jin army conquered Liaoyang, and Zhang Quan, the imperial envoy of the Liaodong patrol, was trapped in the city.The slave escorted Zhang Quan back to the government office, and the Han people in the city shed tears and demanded to protect Mr. Zhang.After hearing this, Zhang Quan said to everyone: "You are all good people." After that, he adjusted his clothes and hats, worshiped the capital, and then swung his sword to kill himself. He was only 46 years old.In the same year, Nurhachi moved his capital to Liaoyang, and then conquered Guangning and Shenyang one after another. Four years later, he moved his capital to Shenyang and changed his name to Shengjing.

With Guangning and Yizhou firmly in the hands of the Jin army, Liaoyang's strategic position has declined, and it is no longer the largest city outside the pass, but has become more of the connection between southern Liaoning and Shenyang.In the second year of Tiancong, Hong Tai ordered the defense of Liaoyang City to be handed over to Xianglan Banner. Jierhalang, the owner of Xianglan Banner, sent 800 troops to Liaoyang City. Mountain Egypt.

Since becoming Liaoyang defender, Aigu has done the most is to collect taxes.Liaoyang is located in an important place for north-south transportation. Although the Ming army shrank in Ningjin and moved eastward, it lost its status as a military town, but it developed on the commercial road.The continuous victories of the Jin army in the war against the Ming Dynasty made the non-governmental trade more prosperous in the more than ten years of war in southern Liaoning.The land outside the customs is originally a land of fur, ginseng, and Dongzhu's special products. All ethnic groups have trades. Even North Korea in the northeast also has merchants who come to trade. This naturally makes the business tax extremely developed. Liaoyang alone has a year The tax is enough to support half of Xianglan Banner, so this Liaoyang guard is a big job, and Jierhalang will not put him here if he is not a trustworthy person.

You don’t need to work your brains to death, you only count money and drink every day. These good days make Igule reluctant to leave, but I don’t know what happened more than 20 days ago. I usually hit the caravans from Lushun, Yongning, Jin, and Gaishu states in the south. There is no trace of him, and there is no news from Shanguan. It seems that except for Liaoyang City overnight, there are no cities and living people in this world.

In the first few days, Igu didn't pay attention to it. Now it's late autumn and winter. It won't be long before the snow should fall. At that time, businessmen of all ethnic groups have also packed up for the winter. This business will have to wait for the next year It can only be done in the beginning of spring. Perhaps the weather is getting colder this year, and the merchants received it in advance.However, what is unexpected is that from the tenth day onwards, the banner people outside Liaoyang City successively discovered bannermen who had fled from the south, and some soldiers in ragged clothes. They brought back an amazing news—Ming The army killed from the south.

Ming army killed from the south? !

Hearing this news, Igu's eyes almost popped out, and he instinctively thought of which Ming army general would dare to move the tiger's beard of the Eight Banners warrior after eating the bear's heart and leopard!Ever since Lao Khan started his army, there has always been only our Eight Banners bullying the Ming army, but there has never been a time when the Ming army retaliated!The goddamn general, I'm really tired of working. Back then, I led 800 people and dared to rush into your 1-strong formation, killing you all with your helmets and armor. You haven't lost your martial arts yet!

It just so happened that the Great Khan led the army to fight against Mongolia and didn't call his master. The master was worried that he had no merit to make, but the people of Ming Dynasty were very funny, and they put the credit under their noses eagerly, hey!

Ladies and gentlemen, put on your armor and mount your horse, and follow this general to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds! [

As soon as he was full of blood, Aigu wanted to take his two Niulu to reinforce Anshan. As soon as he rode his horse out of the city gate, he bumped into Wu Qitai, the leader of the banner of the Han army who had fled all the way back from Anshan.Seeing Ai Gu and the Eight Banners soldiers who had already rushed out of the city gate, Wu Qitai wept as if seeing his own father, and looked as sad as if his parents had died.After crying for a while, he didn't say any useful information. Ai Guyang was so angry that he whipped up a whip, which stopped Wu Qitai's crying, but what he said afterwards about the strength of the Ming army made Ai Guyang After being shocked, Gu became worried.

I don't know if it's true or not, but Wu Qitai firmly insisted that the attacking Ming army had tens of thousands of people, and they also carried hundreds of cannons. There were actually thousands of cavalrymen, those cavalrymen were like ghosts, each with red eyes, and several skulls hanging from each of them, it was very frightening.They kill anyone they see, and they don't leave chickens and dogs wherever they go. They can fight more than the Eight Banners warriors.I even heard that the Ming army had adopted a strategy of "supporting war with war" and sent many teams of Ming troops to burn, kill, and loot everywhere, leveling a lot of the bunkers of our bannermen, and some bannermen who escaped said Some Ming soldiers couldn't grab food, so they killed their bannermen to eat as cattle and sheep, and they ate them fiercely, and the red light on their faces looked weird and terrifying.

This time, not only Igu was frightened, but also the other officers of the Inlaid Blue Banner in Liaoyang were also panicked. Tens of thousands of people have no reason to be unable to attack, but this time the Ming army actually committed the atrocities of killing banner people as cattle and sheep, which is beyond their imagination.As cruel as they are, there are very few such actions that both humans and gods are angry with.

There are only more than 200 armored soldiers in Liaoyang. It is difficult to fight against the mighty Ming army with this strength. Relying on Sijian City is much better than fighting against the Ming army alone.

Iago was also in a dilemma.

If what Wu Qitai said is true, then the strength of this Ming army is no less than the strength of the Ming army in the Linghe battle last year. Igu did not participate in that battle, but after the war, I also heard from colleagues in Xianglanqi that the Ming army In addition to the more than 1 elite soldiers of the ancestors who were trapped in the Daling River and the more than 2 elite soldiers in Jinzhou, there are also strong troops transferred from the pass, with a total of 7 to [-] people.As soon as the war started, the banks of the Daling River were filled with black smoke, and the sound of crackling firecrackers was like setting off firecrackers from morning till night. It was shelling, and a Ming army in heavy armor rushed straight to Da Khan's line, almost hurting Da Khan.Fortunately, God blessed Dajin in that battle. At the critical moment, the wind direction changed sharply, and the Burning Army was caught off guard, which made Dajin turn defeat into victory.

In such a big battle, although the Ming army had 7 to [-] people, it seemed that they did not bring much artillery except for the large number of guns. If the Ming army of the southern criminals really brought hundreds of cannons as Wu Qitai said, how powerful would it be? Isn't it stronger than the Ming army at the Battle of Daling River?Could it be that the Ming Dynasty moved all its belongings to southern Liaoning?If this is the case, then this is a battle that is related to the fate of the Dajin country. Unless the main force of the Eight Banners fights against it, it will be difficult for Liaoyang alone to fight against it.

Aigu is not stupid, no matter what Wu Qitai said is completely true or not, judging from the fact that all the cities south of Liaoyang have fallen, this invading Ming army is by no means something he can contend with.After only thinking about it for a moment, Igu ordered to return to the city without hesitation, and immediately recruited Banner Ding to guard the city, and sent people to send Wu Qitai to Shenyang to report for help, and also sent people to move all the forts around Liaoyang to the city to avoid being attacked. The murderous hands of the Ming army.This made the people of Liaoyang panic. Those bannermen who had enjoyed the fruits of victory in the Ming war never dreamed that one day the Ming army would appear under their noses again, and it would come so fiercely.The rumors about the Ming army eating their banner people as cattle and sheep have become very clear. The one said that his relatives in Gaizhou were disemboweled by the Ming army, cleaned and cooked for food, and the one said that his cousin in Jinzhou Baozi The whole family was fried in an oil pan by the Ming army, and it was called "fried fat sheep"

As these frightening rumors became more and more true in Liaoyang City, the confidence of the Bannerman dropped to freezing point, and for the first time, he felt the fear and fear of Daming. This feeling has disappeared from the hearts of the Jurchens. 20 years.

The Han people in the city are also undercurrents, the original master-servant relationship has become a little delicate, and some bannermen have begun to treat their Han people aha with good words, it seems that they want to prepare a way out for themselves up.

There are also hardline banner people who keep cheering for the clansmen, saying that King Khan's army has already defeated the squadron and will be back soon. The reinforcements from Shenyang are also on the way. As long as they can hold on for a few days, the Ming army will definitely die without a fight. retreat.After all, no matter how powerful the Ming army is, it is not a brave opponent of the Eight Banners army.This kind of propaganda and agitation had a certain effect, but the arrival of reinforcements could not be seen for several days, and the confidence that had just been ignited slowly dropped again. Bannermen leave the city, I'm afraid Liaoyang City has already started a big wave of fleeing.

In fact, Aigu guessed correctly, Dayong came across the sea this time with great strength, although it can't be said that it is all of Daming's wealth, but it is almost the same.It must be known that Sun Yuanhua used up half of Ming's treasury to train the new army, and the purchase of cast firearms and cannons was originally used by Chongzhen's high hopes for a decisive battle with Hong Tai.If it wasn't for Kong Youde's rebellion, tens of thousands of firecrackers and hundreds of cannons would not have sunk into the sea, and the new army that had been formed for only one year would not have been wiped out without even going to the battlefield. With such an expansion of armaments, in the future, no one in Ming Dynasty would dare to talk about a decisive battle with the Jin army.In Songshan ten years later, it would be a decisive battle that Ming did not want to fight and was not prepared at all. It is a miracle that he is undefeated.

Now, all the ordnance hoarded in Dengzhou enough to fight the decisive battle with the Jin army fell into the hands of Dayong. He was prepared again and slashed at the weakest rear of the Jin army in southern Liao, relying on the Jinzhou army to kill from the pile of dead It would be a miracle if the bravery that came out could not sweep southern Liaoning.Before crossing the sea, Dayong also made the worst plan. Once Hong Tai's army returns or cannot fight due to weather reasons, he will quickly retreat to Jinzhou and board a boat to Shuangdao or Pidao. As long as there is no shortage of food, he can survive the winter Go ashore and sweep him once, and you don't believe that you will let go of the blood of the people.

During the few days of waiting for the reinforcements in fear, Aigu could not eat well, sleep well, and lost his temper for no reason. Those rumors about the Ming army knew that once the Ming army broke through the city, the whole city would be destroyed, so this Fujin, who had always been proud of being able to control her husband, did not dare to get angry, and the former tigress became very docile.

Aigu didn't feel the changes in Fujin at all, he only felt the pressure of form, and this pressure rose to the extreme after he found a small group of cavalry from the Ming army outside the city.When the nerves of the soldiers and civilians in the city were stretched to the extreme, Igu's brother-in-law Zhenglanqi Tulushi came. [

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