Updated: 2012-10-08

The response of the so-called "Songshan Great Victory" in Beijing was far less than the sensation caused by the "Ningyuan Great Victory" back then. Nurhachi personally led an army of tens of thousands to attack an isolated city in Ningyuan. The momentum alone was much more terrifying than the thousands of slaves encountered in the city of Dalinghe.

In addition, the elders of the imperial court thought that Ningyuan would be lost, and Jiannu would drive straight into Shanhaiguan. They all heaved a sigh of relief.Although the price was a bit high, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians on Juehua Island were slaughtered by Jiannu, but no matter what, the slave chieftain also hastily withdrew his troops.When the slave chieftain withdraws his troops, Shanhaiguan will be in danger. Shanhaiguan is not in danger, and the capital will naturally be safe. If this is the case, it is not a great victory!

Therefore, everyone from top to bottom fully affirmed the great victory of Ningyuan. At that time, it was a real sensation in the government and the public. .

Even the censors, who have always been the most skeptical of other people's meritorious deeds, turned their heads collectively, and praised Yuan Chonghuan's memorials to Emperor Tianqi. The hero is the emperor's close servant—the nine thousand-year-old Eunuch Wei! [

Eunuch Wei, who was a false alarm, would not let go of such a famous act, so the government and the public started to move together. This "Ningyuan Great Victory" will not be achieved if it is not imagined, and Yuan Chonghuan will not succeed if he cannot imagine the limelight.

However, the battle that took place under Dalinghe City was completely an encounter, far less eye-catching than the Ningyuan battle, and no one knew that there would be such a battle in advance.How can you tell the officials of the imperial court to feel that this is really a great victory comparable to the battle of Ningyuan?

Of course, Zu Dashou was able to lead his troops to behead more than two hundred people. It seems that no matter how much you boast about the Liaodong side in the Battle of Songshan, you can only use the phrase "the generals work together and work together to achieve this great victory" in the imperial court.

It can't be blamed that the officials in the capital regard the "Songshan Great Victory" so much. When it comes to the significance of this battle to Daming, to the emperor, to them, it seems that it really has nothing.

No matter how you look at it, it seems a bit exaggerated to call it such a great victory as Ningyuan.

Put aside the opinions of the officials and talk about the common people. The common people must be happy to hear that it is a great victory, but when asked how many Tartars were killed, how do people answer.If you answer that the northern captives and the eastern captives only have more than two hundred, then the people will still scold their mothers: "What kind of shit victory is this? You only killed two hundred Tartars and you dare to call it a great victory. The leader of the army is too damn good." Don’t you have gold on your face? I think back when Lord Wanli was there, our Daming killed 10,000+ Japanese pirates in North Korea. It’s useless for this large army to return to the court. Now it’s a good thing. It’s hard to call it a big victory after beheading two hundred heads. Is our Daming really getting worse day by day?"

Although there were very few beheads in the battle of Ningyuan, after all, the slave chieftains did lead the army, unlike the Songshan battle, they only faced two cattle records of Jiannu Xianghuang and Xianghong flags, plus what Zu Dashou said The Zhenglan Banner's elite team is only four or five thousand people, the momentum is really incomparable, and this great victory is really indescribable.

The fast horses that Zu Dashou and Qiu Hejia sent to the capital to report their victory that day went straight to Huiji Gate, with a clear goal - to go straight to the emperor, and the cabinet didn't know until the next day when someone from the chief inspector came to inform them.

Not to mention whether the chief assistant Zhou Yanru was dissatisfied with Zuqiu and the two overstepping him, the Ministry of Soldiers was quite dissatisfied with Liaodong's failure to follow the regulations. Shangshu Liang Tingdong's face turned cold at that time.

On the contrary, the officials were as excited as Emperor Chongzhen. Jiannu ran amok in Gyeonggi two years ago, and their ferocious appearance was still fresh in their memory. Although there were no major battles outside the pass in the past two years, Jiannu attacked North Korea again. Fighting against Mongolia again made a lot of trouble, but Daming did nothing, it was a bit embarrassing.

Now it's all right, finally a battle has been fought, the Ministry of War has inspected the heads, and they are all real Tartars, why not make people happy?

The Ministry of Rites gave Shizhong Wang Hua the first one to praise the great victory in Liaodong, and then the Ministry of Punishment sent Shizheng Tai, Shizhong Zhounian and others to follow him, and then each department gave Shizhong one after another, and all inspected The people from the court were even more enthusiastic, the Liaodong governor Qiu Hejia was their colleague and a kind person, how could they not help out as colleagues!

All of a sudden, the speech officials took action and applauded the "Songshan Great Victory", but all the memorials were suppressed by the cabinet without exception.

Suppressing the officials' memorabilia is not the meaning of the first assistant Zhou Yanru, but the meaning of the second assistant Wen Tiren.

It is said that Wen Tiren said to Zhou Yanru after receiving Wang Hua's appointment from the Li Ke, "It's not just that, but no matter who goes up to applaud the battle of Songshan, the cabinet should suppress it."

Hearing this, Zhou Yanru was naturally surprised: "Why is this? The Ministry of War has inspected the head, and it was a real Tartar mistake. Since it is a victory, it is natural to praise it more. First, it will inspire people's hearts, and second, it will comfort the soldiers of Liaodong. Three times, it also makes the emperor happy, such a good thing is hard to come by, why did Zhang Qing suppress it?"

Wen Tiren smiled, shook his head and said: "Since the Wanli year, there have been more bad news than good news. There are too many people lost. The suzerain of the Liao Dynasty advocated that every step should be taken step by step, steadily and steadily, and gradually recover. Dalinghe City was built in May, and it has been built three times. Every time it is built, the slaves will be destroyed. The army of slaves will come to the Daling River in ten days. If we publicize the victory of Songshan with great fanfare at this time, how will the cabinet deal with the aftermath if the ancestor loses to the army of slaves on his birthday?"

"This..." Zhou Yanru fell silent.

"Your majesty is young and energetic, and he was naturally overjoyed when he heard the good news for the first time, but if this bad news follows, I'm afraid"

Just afraid of what, Wen Tiren didn't say anything.

Zhou Yanru naturally understood what Wen Tiren wanted to say, and nodded slightly: "Then, according to Changqing, how should the cabinet deal with it so that both parties can confess?"

Wen Tiren smiled and said: "The cabinet also needs to act. The rewards promised by the emperor will naturally be issued, but that's all. It would be best if this matter didn't happen. Whether the officials make trouble or not, let's pretend we didn't hear it." According to me, Shoufu should think about who can replace Sun Chengzong."


Hearing this, Zhou Yanru's eyes flickered with imperceptible joy, and immediately pretended to be sad, and said in a deep voice: "I hope that Zu Dashou will live up to the emperor's order, and the Liao affair will not be lost again. If it is true as Chang Qing said, I will I'm afraid Shoufu will suffer too."

Hearing Zhou Yanru's words, Wen Tiren cast a casual glance at him, but said nothing.

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