Daming wolf ride

Chapter 413 Blame others

The river beach here is a branch of the Taizi River. Not far away, there is a post station of the Ming army, which is called Tiger Skin Post by the locals.Before Nurhachi massacred the Han people in Liaodong, because of the irrigation of the Taizi River, there was a piece of fertile land around the tiger skin station, but now it is barren.

I don't know if there were too many Han people who died by the Taizi River, and God was also angry, so that the Taizi River would be flooded every three forks, flooding the original good land into wasteland, where people and animals could not live.Now, the river beach is full of dead reeds and weeds, only occasionally a few birds that have not survived the winter fly into the air like a glimpse. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that there are still a few bird nests in the reeds. .

When Manggurtai arrived, he saw a scene of misery. There were countless dead bodies lying on the river beach, including men and women, old and young. He jumped into the river and was drowned instead of escaping.Banner soldiers searched and searched, but did not find a single victim, but even the infants and children in the burden were trampled to death, with cruelty and cruelty.

Mangurtai's face was ashen, and he didn't say anything. In his sight, the body of a woman in the middle of the river still kept the struggle before death. She was holding a piece of wood in one hand, while the other hand was dead. Grab a bag full of something.From her appearance before she died, it can be seen that she was not drowned, but was frozen to death by the cold river water, because her face was covered with ice stubble.

Most of the banner people on the river beach were hacked to death, and a small half were killed by some sharp object. The sharp object was obviously very powerful, and it smashed the head of the corpse, and some of them did not bloom. It also forcibly dented a large piece, and the well-endowed head became a dissimilar utensil, and the appearance of the facial features was also out of shape, which made people sick to see.

The people who died on the river beach were all bannermen returning from the north of Liaoyang City. Like Manggurtai’s subordinates, most of them belonged to the Xianglan Banner. When it comes to relationships, some are even blood relatives, and the bannermen who found the corpses of their relatives screamed on the spot, crying loudly, in pain.For a while, there were several cries and screams on the river beach, and the hoarse voices made people feel very sad.

But the Ming army not far away seemed like a group of hard-hearted people. The wailing of the flag soldiers was heard as if they hadn't heard it, and they didn't seem to have seen the tragedy of those corpses. Army" screamed in pain.Among the crowd, there were a few Ming soldiers pointing at the corpses of the banner men, with smiles on their faces. As long as careful banner soldiers pay a little attention, they will find that the three-eyed blunderbuss in the hands of the Ming soldiers seem to be stained. some flesh and blood.

"Who did it, who did it!"

Mang Gurtai's face was very gloomy, his cheeks twitched constantly, it could be seen that he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.Witnessing the untimely death of his own clansman, and the death condition is so miserable, no one can be moved. [

"Ama, these people were blocked on the river beach by the cavalry." Abilun reminded him in a low voice, but he looked at the Ming army from the corner of his eyes, and his expression was obviously vigilant.

"you mean"

Although Abilun didn't explain what he said, how could Mang Gurtai not understand what he wanted to say, if the murderer was really the Ming army, wouldn't it mean that Shi Dayong deceived him?If Shi Dayong has been deceiving him, isn't he himself?

Just when Mang Ertai's face was cloudy, doubtful and frightened, Shi Dayong led his guards and galloped over. After a cursory glance at the river beach, Dayong pointed his whip at the corpses, Without the slightest scruple, he said: "I think that at this moment, Big Baylor must think that these people were killed by my subordinates, right?"

No matter how suspicious Mang Gurtai was, he never thought that Shi Dayong would directly point out his words, he was slightly taken aback, and instinctively denied: "I don't mean that, General, don't think too much about it."

"Since I arrived in Liaoyang, the commander has firmly abided by the treaty made by the two parties. Since I have promised Big Baylor to let these people live, I will not break my promise, so Big Baylor can rest assured that the death of these people is definitely not the result of our Ming army. Why." Speaking of this, Dayong paused for a moment, and then asked back: "Actually, if the commander-in-chief insists on killing these people, I am afraid that Big Baylor will eventually agree to it. If this is the case, why should the commander-in-chief be a villain who breaks his promise? What about doing this sneaky thing here?"

Mang Gurtai spoke for a moment, not knowing how to answer Dayong.Seeing that he was silent, Dayong reminded: "Actually, Big Baylor should be able to guess who killed these people. It's just that he didn't think of it when he saw the tragic scene and was in the middle of the game."

"Does the general know who killed these people?"

Abilun didn't quite believe in Shi Dayong. He instinctively believed that the deaths of these bannermen had something to do with him. After all, although this place was one day away from Liaoyang, it was three days away from Shenyang. From the perspective of distance, only the Ming army Be able to catch up with these bannermen quickly and kill them.

Mang Gurtai also had the same thoughts as his son, but hearing Shi Dayong's strange words, he started to think about it again.

Dayong originally thought that he would think according to his reminder, but Mang Gurtai didn't think of anything for a long time, so he had to go out in person, and said directly: "This commander thinks that the death of these people is inseparable from Shenyang. Do you believe it?"

"Shenyang?" Mang Gurtai was stunned, why did he get involved with Shenyang?Suspicious faces appeared on his face, and Ebilun was also confused. The father and son just looked at Dayong in a daze.

Dead wood cannot be carved!Dayong cursed secretly, and asked with a straight face: "Big Baylor, think about it. After these Liaoyang bannermen return to Shenyang, will there be more advantages or disadvantages for Da Baylor?"


"Big Baylor suddenly turned back to Shenyang. Presumably there are many people in Shenyang who don't know what's going on, so if I were acting on behalf of Shan, I would definitely seal up all news about Big Baylor, and I would never let anyone know that Big Baylor was with me. Da Ming cooperates, so these people must not return to Shenyang, otherwise they will inevitably leak the news of Da Bei Le's return to the Ming Dynasty, and will also bring news of Liao Yang's fall. What is good to use to defend the city?" [

"Besides, after these people return to Shenyang, they will definitely still preach the benevolence of Dabeile. If they preach the benevolence of Dabeile, how will Daishan deal with himself? Should they be allowed to say that Dabeile is good when they meet people, or should they not be said? Good? You must know that people’s words are terrible. If everyone in Shenyang City said that Dabeile was good, and said that Dabeile returned to Ming, how many people in the city would be willing to fight against Dabeile when he was outside the city? ? Will someone sympathize with Big Baylor and secretly open the city gate to let Baylor enter the city?"

After a series of rhetorical questions, Dayong threw out the most important sentence, "If Da Bei Le is a substitute for good, should we let these banner people go back to Shenyang or kill them to avoid future troubles?"

Mang Gurtai and his son talked for a long time. After a long time, Mang Gurtai raised his head, looked at Shenyang City with hatred, and cursed: "Daishan, you are so vicious, I will swear against you!"

Abilun also wanted to understand, yes, if it were him, he would not let these banner people go back to Shenyang, only by killing them can Shenyang City be stabilized and someone in Shenyang City should be prevented from responding to my father and son!

"I'm afraid that Big Baylor will think of his brotherhood and compatriots at that time, so he won't be so cruel." After successfully causing trouble, Dayong continued to provoke Mang Gurtai.

"Don't worry, general, there is no brotherhood between me and Daishan. When he wanted to arrest me that day, he never treated me as a brother again. I even had a grudge against him for killing his wife and son. How can I forgive you lightly?" killed him!"

"Swear to kill Dai Shan to avenge my Er Niang!" Thinking of Er Niang's death, E Bilun's eyes instantly turned red.

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