Daming wolf ride

Chapter 421 The Battle of Shenyang

The gunners of the Jinzhou Army were taught by the Franji officers Sun Yuanhua hired from Macau with a lot of money. Their proficiency in the use of artillery is no less than that of artillery from any country at the same time, so the effect of the first round of shelling is quite ideal.Dayong was also really surprised by the precise distance measurement. Fortunately, these gunners trained with a lot of money are now under his command, instead of becoming the second tartar artillery along with Kong Youde to help the evildoers.It should be known that in the original history, the consequence of Kong Youde's investment of gold to Ming Dynasty was that the strong city that could be relied on in the past could no longer stop the iron cavalry of the Eight Banners.

Some of the 80 western light cannons carried by the two artillerymen, Qianhu, were fired solidly, and some were fired loosely. The small bronze cannons supervised by the Ministry of Industry were all fired solidly, and a few were shot.

The artillery of the Ming army has three standard configurations: loose, solid and cannon.

The solid is made of iron or lead, and a small amount is ground into a sphere with stones. This is mainly used for siege and penetration of city walls. It has a long range but is not very powerful for killing personnel unless it hits directly. Once hit directly by a solid, it will either die or be disabled.

Grain is a powerful type of field artillery. It is composed of several liters of lead-iron pellets. When shooting, it can form a curtain and is extremely lethal. However, Grain has a fatal weakness. one mile.

Sanzi is flowering, made of iron shell, with a long firing distance and great explosion power. Although it is not as "one cannon can rot for several miles" as Yuan Chonghuan reported to the court after the Ningjin War, the damage range is also limited. Ten square meters, if the number of enemy soldiers in this area is quite dense, it is common for more than a hundred people to be killed or injured in one shot.

The Hongyi cannon that Daming spent a lot of money to buy from the Flang machine is this kind of giant cannon that can open flowers. There are also those who can only take five or six catties of medicine, and the least can only take three catties of medicine.

The amount of "powder" in the charge determines the power of the flowering cannon. The 80 Western light cannons used by the Jinzhou Army to attack the city are flowering cannons that can only be loaded with three to five catties of medicine.This cannon can be easily transported by horse. When shelling, a wooden box filled with soil is placed under the cannon body so that the cannon can be fired stably. 』Zi's Hongyi Pao is much smaller.

In addition, 60 of the 30 small copper cannons made by the Ministry of Industry were solid.Perhaps it was affected by the "siege of cities and land". Since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, most of the artillery used by the Ming army were small copper cannons that could hit solid iron balls to facilitate siege, and the other 30 were used in field battles that could shoot hail. Tiger crouching cannon. [

The tiger squatting cannon is 2 feet long from the head to the tail, with 7 iron hoops added around the body. The cannon head is supported by two iron claws, and there are iron trippers. The total weight is 36 catties.Before firing, the gun body must be fixed to the ground with big iron nails. Each shot can be filled with 5 small lead or pebbles weighing 100 yuan, and a big lead or stone weighing 30 taels is used on it. When it is pressed against the top, when it is launched, the big and small particles fly out together, with a roar like thunder, and the lethality and radiation range are very large, especially suitable for field battles.Back then, Qi Jiguang liked to use tiger crouching cannons to bombard the dense battle formations of Japanese pirates.At that time, Qi's army equipped three tiger squat guns for every 500 people.

According to the configuration of Qi's army, the 30 tiger squatting guns outside Shenyang City are equivalent to 5000 Qi's troops going to battle. What is the concept of 5000 Qi Family Army?Back then, Qi Jiguang guarded Jizhen so that the Mongols did not dare to look south, relying on the 3000 Qi family troops under his command.

Dayong is a man of later generations. He is well aware of the impact of artillery on warfare, and inspired by Sun Yuanhua's new army firearms battalion. Naturally, he wants to build a powerful artillery with all his strength.Cannons must also be separated from other arms. Only when they are all gathered together can the power of artillery be exerted.Fortunately, the artillery left by Sun Yuanhua to Dayong is enough for him to use the "big artillery" war concept of later generations in advance to the Ming Dynasty.

Before the shelling, Shen Yi of Qianhu fired three cannons in turn. After measuring the distance, two artillerymen, 140 cannons of Qianhu, fired at full fire, announcing to Shenyang City with a loud roar that the battle had really begun.


The 80 Western (Flanger) light cannons first exploded on the top of the Great South Gate, and the broken bricks and dust from the explosion immediately filled the entire top of the city.The shattered and exploded iron shell and broken bricks claimed hundreds of lives in an instant, and also blasted the city wall to be uneven, with as many holes as there were pockmarks on a human face.

Before the Jin army on the Great South Gate came back to their senses, they heard the ear-splitting roar of the Ming army's artillery formation on the opposite side. White smoke rose again from the Ming army's artillery formation. The Jin Army of the Liaodong Army of the Ming Dynasty subconsciously tightened their bodies and hid behind the city wall.They knew that what the Ming army hit on the top of the city this time was solid iron that would die if it hit it.

The killing effect of solids on people is far less than that of flowers, let alone graupel. In field battles, solids rely more on the impact generated by jumping to kill and injure enemy soldiers, but in siege battles, solids can do more damage to enemy walls than Ten times stronger in field battles.

Although there were a few houses that fell behind the city wall, most of the iron still smashed hard on the city wall. The city bricks that had been shattered by the impact of flowering debris suddenly collapsed in large pieces. Several city bricks and strips The stone fell to the city in the dust package.

The 30 tiger squatting guns did not fire, because they could not hit the city wall with a range of less than one mile, so they just squatted there silently, while the dark hole and the gunners behind them were waiting. Tell the golden army on the top of the wall-we are not vegetarian.

The tragic situation after the shelling on the top of the city and the wailing and panic of the defenders made the Ming army more confident in seizing the city. Mangurtai was also excited, but he couldn't help thinking that if he hadn't returned to the Ming Dynasty, he would have been the one defending the city. , Facing such intensive shelling by the Ming army, how long can it last.


The Jinzhou army carried an unimaginable amount of medicines across the sea, almost evacuating three-quarters of the stocks in Dengzhou. With so many medicines available, Dayong would naturally not feel distressed. The effect of the round of shelling was obvious, and an order was sent to continue the shelling immediately.He wants to see no living person on Desheng Gate, he wants to completely defeat the guts of the Kuajin army defending the city, and he even wants to be able to climb to the top of Shenyang without losing a single soldier.

Without the attack of the cavalry of the Golden Army, one side fights the hard-fought battle of the other side, and anyone is happy to change it.Under the cover of their own cavalry and infantry, the artillerymen of the Ming army fell into a carnival, wantonly pouring the anger of the cannons at the top of the city, only hitting the entire top of the Great South Gate like fog, making it impossible to see anything clearly. [

The guard of the Golden Army at the Great South Gate is Han Daxun, a confidant of Zu Dashou, who is also the culprit who killed He Kegang. He knew that he would never end well after the Ming army broke through the city, and he is now struggling to hide in the gate tower. Turning a deaf ear to the wailing around him, he just gritted his teeth and hoped that the Ming army's guns would be finished soon, and then they would fight the Ming army to the death with real knives and guns.

Seeing the artillery hauled in from the south bank of the Hun River by the Ming army, Han Daxun immediately ordered the ahas who were helping the battle to go up to the city, and let his Liaodong army go down to the city, leaving only some people to urge the ahas .This order allowed him to retain the power to defend the city - the 400 Han troops that Zu Zerun gave him. As for the casualties of the Aha cannon fodder, Han Daxun didn't care at all.

The Ming army's bombardment lasted for half a stick of incense and then suddenly stopped. Han Daxun's heart tightened, realizing that the Ming army was about to attack the city, he immediately ordered to fire to prevent the Ming army's infantry from entering the city.

The Great South Gate is equipped with eight Folang cannons handed over to the Ming army. Of these eight cannons, only two can hit six catties, with a range of more than two miles, but the remaining six can only hit one mile. Therefore, Han Daxun could only watch helplessly as the Ming army fired cannons, but he could not counterattack the opponent with cannons. This kind of attack without the slightest power to fight back made Han Daxun feel aggrieved.

Finally, when the cannons of the Ming army were also fired, although the city walls around the Great South Gate were blown apart, and several places even collapsed several feet, the overall collapse of the city wall was still far away.If the Ming army bombarded the city wall with a few rounds of bombardment, can Shenyang City still be the capital of the Kingdom of Jin?

Under the city wall, the Ming army really moved.I don't know where the Ming army found the wood, but they actually built a batch of ladders and a few crash cars, and they are slowly advancing towards the city wall at this moment.

The 500 banner soldiers under Mang Gurtai were preparing to ascend the city, and they were covered by a thousand firearms soldiers from the left battalion of the infantry.Those ladders and crash cars were not ordered by Dayong, but brought by artillery Qianhu from Liaoyang.Dayong doesn't like this kind of siege with cold weapons. He wants to use cannons to show off his power.It's just that the cannon was fired several times. Although the Jin army on the top of the city suffered heavy casualties, they still had to attack the city in the end.When the power of the black gunpowder of the cannon is not enough to bombard the city wall with a few cannonballs, it is an inevitable choice to take people's lives to the city.

Dayong did not use his soldiers as cannon fodder to attack the city. He handed over this important task to Mang Gurtai. He told Mang Gurtai that if his men could climb the city first, not only would they be able to share half of the city's soldiers after the city was broken. The spoils of war can even be reported to the court as the person who made the first contribution.

Mang Gurtai was naturally overjoyed at this condition. He could see clearly just now that there were no more defenders on the top of the city. As long as the Ming army launched a round of attack, Shenyang City would be considered broken.Unexpectedly, Shi Dayong would hand over the great achievement of breaking the city and half of the spoils of war to him for the sake of a few soldiers casualties, which made him secretly happy.But he was not too impulsive, and the excuse was that he had to beware that the Jin army might rush out of its city gate to attack the army, so he could only organize 500 banner soldiers to ascend the city, and the rest of the siege force had to be sent out by the Ming army.This request made Dayong secretly scold Mang Gurtai for shame, but he still agreed and ordered Geng Zhongming to lead a thousand infantry to cover the bannermen to the city.

When the flag soldiers were carrying ladders and crashing cars to attack the city, Han Daxun immediately ordered to fire after calculating the distance.

With the sharp whistle of the cannon, two heavy cannons landed on the marching bannermen, flying and jumping continuously, killing several people in an instant.

The bombardment on the top of the city startled both the banner soldiers and the Ming army. Fortunately, the Jin army's artillery stopped after only two rounds. It seems that what Mang Gurtai said was right, the Jin army did not have enough Medicine.

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