Daming wolf ride

Chapter 435 Shenyang Three Tus

Qingning Palace.

Women such as Ulanara and Zalut were hung from the beams one by one, and several brocade benches on the ground were kicked down.In addition to them, there were also a few old mothers who fell to death in the house. They did not know what kind of poison they had taken, and they were bleeding from all seven orifices. Judging from their distorted faces, they must have been in great pain before they died.Master and slaves, I don't know whether to praise them for their loyalty or scold them.

The tree fell and scattered.

The magnificent Qingning Palace in the past was a mess. The tables and chairs in the palace were all overturned, and several vases on the table were also overturned. There were still some small pieces of gold and silver under the broken porcelain. There are dozens of oriental pearls and a few pieces of jade that were broken in half, which should have been torn off by maids and eunuchs during random theft.

The masters are all dead, and it is not too much for the slaves to steal something.After all, no one can be indifferent to gold, silver and jewelry.Birds die for food and people die for money. Everyone wants to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune. As for whether they can really own it, no one will think about it.

The death condition of the hanged ghost is too ugly. No one wants to stay in the hall with corpses swaying in the wind for a moment. Apart from the weird horror that makes people uneasy, the stench that permeates the hall is really too embarrassing. Endure - the feces in the body of the hanged ghost will flow out automatically after death.

The body hadn't stiffened so fast yet. The woman's body that Daishan saw after arriving at Qingning Palace was still warm, and the scar on her neck was also blood-red, not the bruises and black swellings that appeared after a while.

The woman who wanted to kill hanged herself, which made Daishan, who came from the murder, feel admiration after being stunned.He asked people to untie the corpses from the noose one by one, and then carefully placed them on the ground.He also carefully put on the shoes that fell off due to the struggle, and ordered the maids to dress up for their masters, trying to make these Aixinjueluo women still maintain their honor in life after death. [

Amid the unbearable stench of others, Daishan carefully inspected the corpses one by one, and then said familiar names one by one from his mouth.Every time he confirmed one, there would be a smile on his face. His appearance was so kind that it made the palace ladies and eunuchs who were trapped in the palace shudder.

At the gate of the hall, Sai Mi, dressed in blood, looked coldly at the court lady and servants kneeling there, without a trace of pity in his eyes, and the shining long knife in his hand was still dripping blood on the ground, the blood-colored coldness shone Those poor people dare not lift their heads.

Outside the palace, dozens of Jin soldiers who rushed into the palace with Daishan were scanning everything in front of them viciously, their eyes were equally frightening.

After confirming the identities of these hanged women, Daishan sighed softly at their corpses: "The Dajin Kingdom will never forget you, and neither will the Aixinjueluo family. It will be desolate, my fourth younger brother will definitely bury you richly and give your family a blessing when he comes back." After speaking, he lifted a brocade stool from the ground melancholy, and then sat there in despair.His robe embroidered with four golden dragons had been soaked in blood so that he could not see its original appearance, and the Buddhist rosary hanging on his chest had fallen somewhere, and the only thing still on his body was the 40 rosary that accompanied him. The sword of the year.

Caressing this treasured sword presented to him by his father Khan when he raised the army, Dai Shanbi felt lonely.What a hero he was back then, but he looks like this today.

No one dared to make any noise to disturb this big Baylor, only the cold wind howled through the house continuously into the hall, unaware of the injury here.

A Goshha whose left arm was chopped off broke the silence in the hall. He rushed in hurriedly: "Master, the fourth and fifth elder brothers are gone!"


Daishan's body moved slightly, put down the treasured knife in his hand, turned his head and looked at Na Geshha coldly, the disappearing killing intent flooded his cheeks again, and Na Geshha couldn't help taking a step back in fright .

"Yan Zha and Ye He, these two sluts! What do they want to do! Do they want my descendants of Aixinjueluo to surrender to the Ming people! Do they want to shame my Aixinjueluo family! Kill, you should kill , should be killed, these two sluts should be killed!"

Daishan's face turned blue and black, frightening the maids and eunuchs to lay their heads on the floor, their upturned buttocks trembling uncontrollably.

After the roar, Daishan regained his composure, and the anger was no longer visible on his face. He called out: "Semi!"

Sai Mi quickly stepped forward and said, "The servant is here!"

"You take someone to find these two sluts for me right away." Daishan's tone was the same as usual.

Syme nodded heavily, but asked hesitantly, "The fourth elder brother and fifth elder brother?"

Thinking of those two nephews, Dai Shan shook his head slightly, and didn't tell Sai Mi what to do, but said: "They can't escape."

Sai Mi was stunned, then nodded: "I understand, I'm going now!"

Daishan didn't speak, and Saimi took two steps back, but suddenly asked, "What about you, Big Baylor?"

"Me?" Daishan smiled miserably, but said nothing.

Saimi knew that neither he nor Daishan could escape, but he still couldn't help but said: "The servant is willing to protect Dabeile and kill you."

"Get out?" Daishan laughed and waved his hand immediately, "Go and do your errands, I'm tired too, I want to be alone."

Daishan's voice made Semi tremble, and he didn't want to leave, but Daishan turned around and didn't look at him anymore, obviously he had made up his mind.Nai, Saimi could only look at Daishan in pain for the last time, then resolutely turned around and walked out of the hall.

Dai Shan also walked towards the side hall silently, he really needed to be quiet, he didn't want people to see him dead.

The Golden Soldiers knew that their revered Big Baylor was going to leave them forever, so they couldn't help but choked up.The two Goshhas wanted to accompany their master for the last journey step by step, but they were dismissed by Daishan, and then ordered to the golden soldiers who were looking at them reluctantly: "Kill all these maids and eunuchs, sir! Kim doesn't need them anymore."


The golden soldiers obeyed Daishan's orders as before, they raised the swords in their hands again, and walked towards the unarmed eunuchs and maids with ferocious faces.

The eunuchs and maids screamed, they knew that Jin Bing would not let him go, but when he was really about to die, no one wanted to face it.The maids didn't have the guts to run away, they knelt there hugging each other and weeping bitterly, but many of the eunuchs didn't want to stand still, they all jumped up from the ground and rushed out of the hall.

"Dog slave, do you still want to live!"

Seeing that the eunuchs dared to run away, the golden soldiers immediately chased after them and cut down a few who were left behind. They also followed the eunuchs and rushed out of the hall.

Outside the hall, the eunuchs didn't run away, but stood there stupidly one by one, and the golden soldiers who were chasing them also stopped, staring blankly ahead.On the opposite side, hundreds of firecrackers were facing them.

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