[Chapter 4, Volume 4]

Chapter 451 Chapter 430

It was Sai Mi and his poor dozens of golden soldiers who were first burned with anger, and the Ming army swarmed up and hacked them to death.In the chaos, several eunuchs also suffered disaster.

When Saimi died, he still guarded Daishan's body tightly until his head was cut off by the Ming army.A Ming soldier saw that the head of the Tartar had been cut off and his eyes were wide open, as if he was unwilling, he raised his hand with the tip of a knife and gouged out his eyes.

Daishan's head is very valuable. Dayong asked someone to fetch it in a brocade box, then sent someone to send it to Liaoyang quickly, then transferred it to Jinzhou from Liaoyang, and then sent it to Beijing by Haidao.

Dayong wanted the head of Daishan to be seen by the emperor before he officially presented the victory report to the capital. He tried his best to imagine how happy the young emperor would be when he saw the head of the king of Jin.

The body of Daishan, whose head had been cut off, was dragged out of the palace by the auxiliary soldiers who entered the palace together with the corpses of those golden soldiers, and they were piled up in the square in front of Fengtianmen.

Dayong wants to use the dead bodies of many people to build a "corpse temple" that is taller than the city gate and more spectacular, so that Mrs. Hong, who has come back from thousands of miles, can have a pleasant surprise after being exhausted.

In the winter, there is no need to sprinkle even lime on the corpses. The Ming army in the outer city organizes some young and strong Han people to pile up. [

The palace has been completely controlled by the Ming army, and all the maids and eunuchs, including Mrs. Hong's women, were taken to the Phoenix Tower for custody.

Later, Dayong ordered Guo Yi to lead people to search Khan's palace from bottom to top, and found countless gold and silver wealth, which was jaw-dropping.

The room is full of gold and silver, making people dazzled, and there are more than a dozen boxes of goose egg-sized pearls, and the ginseng, mink, tiger, and bear skins in the old forests of Changbai Mountain are even more numerous. I can't count them all.

A large number of calligraphy, paintings and antiques were also found in the Chongzheng Hall, many of which were packed in boxes and not displayed, and were stained with blood.

Dayong was also shocked by such a huge wealth. He was overjoyed and immediately asked people to pack and seal them all, ready to leave for Liaoyang at any time.

The Ming army searched Khan's palace extremely meticulously, so meticulous that all the gold ornaments and jade objects on the corpse had to be dug out.

I don't know which general banner came up with a crooked idea to take away all the Buddhist vessels used by Mrs. Hong to sacrifice to her birth mother in the harem, not even letting go of the candlesticks where the candles were placed.

A very clever soldier also carefully tore down the portrait of Hong Tai's biological mother. Afterwards, this painting was secretly redeemed by Hong Tai, and the ransom was as high as 30 taels of silver.

Outside the palace, reports came from everywhere.

Abilun sent people to report that he had taken control of Jierhalang Mansion;

Shang Kexi sent someone to report that Daishan Mansion was under control;

Zhang Dingliao sent someone to report that Yuetuo Mansion was under control;

Pei Guozhen sent someone to report that he had taken control of the Sakhalian Mansion;

Chen Bang sent someone to report that Abatai Mansion has been controlled; [

Wang Fei sent someone to report that he had taken control of the Azig Mansion;

Lin Junyi sent someone to report that he had taken control of Dorgon Mansion;

Xiang Chong sent someone to report that Duoyi Mansion had been controlled;

Jiang Wanli, who sits in Fengtianmen, sent someone to report that the right battalion of the infantry had taken control of six yamen, the yamen of Lifanyuan, and Hongwenguan.

As the Ming army aggressively entered the city, the Eight Banners clan in the inner city knew that the situation was over, except for the nine sons of Nurhachi, Babutai, who tried to lead the Banner servants in the mansion to fight the Ming army to the death, but were shot to death by random arrows , the rest of the clan accepted the fate of defeat.They stayed in the mansion obediently without any resistance, allowing the Ming army to surround their mansion, including the old capital Tang A Dun who had fought with Nurhachi all his life.

In addition to the dead Daishan and Babutai, there are three sons of Nurhachi in the inner city. These three brothers who are not valued by Mrs. Hong are the eleventh son of the old slave—Mele Erzhenba of Xianghuangqi Buhai, Thirteen Sons - Zhengbai Banner Niulu Zhang Jinglai Mumu, Sixteen Sons - Zhenghuang Banner Niulu Zhang Jingfei Yangguo.

The three brothers had always been at odds with Mrs. Hong and sympathized with the fifth brother Mang Gurtai. Therefore, after the Ming army entered the city, they did not choose to resist with death. Instead, they opened the gate of the house and ordered the slaves to surrender to the Ming army.During this period, he also tried to send someone to contact Mang Gurtai, but was rejected by the Ming army.

During the city-wide raid by the Ming army, Yangguli, who had been hit by a stray arrow, was found at home, beheaded and beheaded.

The body of Du Du, who was blinded by the blunderbuss of the Ming army, was found at the top of the city, and his head was also cut off.

Sony, whose arm was cut off in half, died less than 50 meters away from the house due to excessive blood loss;

Daishan's trusted general, Talai, was shot with more than a dozen arrows, and his life is unknown;

Sun Degong, who was seriously injured and comatose, was tied up by several Han troops who surrendered and dedicated to the Ming army;

The three brothers Zu Zerun, Zu Zeyuan, and Zu Zechuan knelt down and surrendered to the Ming army under the leadership of their uncle Zu Dacheng, while Han Daxun was killed in the "rebellion" army.

Zu Kefanian temporarily accepted the surrender of Zu Zerun and the others for the sake of Zu Dashou's love, but he did not dare to hide it. Instead, he ordered his subordinates to escort them to Fengtianmen and be dealt with by Jinzhou Army General Jiang Wanli.

After the city was broken, the Ming army that attacked the city was too mixed. There were Mang Gurtai's Liaoyang Banner soldiers and Xianglan Banner Han people, as well as the Han army led by Zhang Cunren and other surrendered Han generals. There are only 5500 people in the barracks, and among the 5500 people, one thousand households will be left to guard the outer city and appease the Han people in the outer city. Therefore, there are less than 4000 Jinzhou soldiers in the inner city.

The two artillerymen outside the city were useless, so the Jinzhou Army faced a serious shortage of manpower after the victory. As a result, although the inner city was controlled, not many places were really controlled by the Jinzhou Army.

In the inner city, there are more than a dozen large and small Baylor mansions, and there are no less than a hundred mansions of the clan, ministers, and generals of the Eight Banners. In addition, there are too many places that need to be divided into occupations such as the Khan Palace, the Fujin Yamen, and the Six Departments Yamen.It is impossible for the Jinzhou army to disperse its limited forces to capture these places one by one, so it can only hand over some places to the Liaoyang banner soldiers and the surrendered Han army to control. Naturally, fishing in troubled waters cannot be avoided.

After confirming that all the key places in the inner city were occupied, Dayong sent his own soldiers to secretly summon Jiang Wanli, Guo Cheng, Li Gu, Xiang Chong, Zheng Tai, Shang Kexi and other generals to the Khan Palace for secret business.

After the secret business, the generals in Jinzhou split up. Soon, Ebilun, Zhang Dingliao and others received Shi Dayong's military order, ordering them to take all the bannermen and clans in the besieged mansion to the Lifan Yuan for orders. .

It was also ordered that all the armies escort women and children of the Eight Banners in the city into males and females. All males will be sent to Xiaodongguan where the red flag is garrisoned, and all females will be sent to Khan Palace.

He also ordered Dong Zhong, a thousand artillerymen outside the city, to immediately lead a team to Fuling, the tomb of Nurhachi in the eastern suburbs of Shenyang.

The order has been effectively executed, and everything is proceeding step by step.

After late at night, the relaxed Dayong thought of Ye He in Yanqing Palace.

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