Updated: 2012-10-09

There are too many people to transport the corpses for thousands of miles, and the soldiers of the Second Wuyong Battalion are all from Changping in Guannei. Naturally, the bones of this fellow villager should be sent back by them.

As the representatives of Shi Dayong, Huang An and Shao Wu Erqian led several generals to embark on the road back to the south a few days ago.

Before the corpse cart entered Jinzhou City, when it was leaving, Qiu Hejia felt that the soldiers had returned to the south, but wrapped them in coffins. He asked the gentry in Jinzhou City to offer the coffins. In this way, more than a hundred coffins were obtained for the Songshan army.

It was very desolate to transport the body back in a carriage, and I am afraid it would make the relatives of the deceased even more sad when they saw each other.The hundreds of coffins in Jinzhou were a drop in the bucket, so Shi Dayong ordered Huang An, Shao Wu and others to buy coffins on the way back to the south.If the shop owner sues the government, the governor's yamen will send a letter to inform, and Songshan will settle the matter afterwards. [

The corpses of cavalry soldiers who died in battle are easy to deal with. They were originally born and raised in western Liaoning, and most of them died with their families.Now that they died in battle, the bones naturally don't need to be transported back to Changping in the pass like the Second Wuyong Battalion.

After discussing with Jiang Wanli and others, Shi Dayong chose Songshan as their burial place, and asked Jiang Wanli to go to Ningyuan and other places to buy coffins for placement.

The bones of Changping soldiers, Shi Dayong wanted to carry the coffin back in person, but the army of Naijian slaves is coming soon, Qiu Hejia is the only person available around him, he is the only direct descendant of Qiu, and he has made great achievements, how can he leave so easily when he is employing people .

At this time, only Xia Desheng and Li Yizhong, two members of the Shi Department, led [-] cavalry, and another [-] remnants of the cavalry battalion.The infantry all participated in transporting corpses to the south, and the wounded soldiers were also taken in by the governor's yamen.

All the military camps in the city had been occupied by the Liaodong troops, and it was impossible for them to let them out. As a last resort, the governor's yamen had to rent an abandoned warehouse in the west city from a large family in the city, and Shibu was able to gain a foothold in the city.

Naturally, the imperial court rewards are arranged by special personnel, what Shi Dayong has to do is to report the list of meritorious soldiers one by one.

The 6000 taels of silver were transported back by Guo Yi with dozens of cavalry battalion soldiers.After being transported back, it will be sealed up and distributed only when the Nangui brothers come back.

The royal wine is also sealed together, saying: sharing weal and woe, sharing wealth and honor.If you have meat, you should eat together, and if you have wine, you should drink together.

All the soldiers worshiped, and others complained.

In the past few days, except for the wine and meat sent by the governor's yamen, the gentry and common people in the city heard that Songshan had won a bloody battle with Jiannu, and they were on the front line of Liaodong. Naturally, the common people knew what beheading more than two hundred levels meant, so they were different from the indifferent attitude of the courtiers in the capital. , There is an endless stream of spontaneous actions to reward the army in Jinzhou City.Some people don't know where the Songshan Army is stationed, and they also heard that Zu Dashou, the commander in chief of the vanguard, led the party to achieve such a great victory, so they even regarded the Liaodong soldiers in the city as meritorious soldiers, delighting those Liaodong soldiers to eat and drink call.


After leaving the governor's yamen, Shi Dayong went back to the Xicheng barracks.As soon as they entered the camp, the shouts of the "general" became louder and louder.

The garrison master has been promoted to three ranks in a row, and the good news that he has worshiped the general of Jinzhou has already been sent back to the camp. The soldiers are all excited that their master can be promoted to the general.

After bowing hands with his subordinates, Shi Dayong walked towards the camp without stopping.There, the young Cao Bianjiao was being ordered to build an iron pagoda for him.

Uncle Lai Cao Wenzhao made good use of the influence of cavalry, and Cao Bianjiao also had a soft spot for cavalry.After talking with Shi Dayong for a night, he devoted himself to the creation of the so-called "death cavalry" in Shi Dayong's mouth - the heavy armored cavalry iron pagoda.

Jin Guofeng is good at defending, and Cao Bianjiao is good at attacking, which has long been affirmed by historians.

Ten years after Shi Dayong's time and space, Cao Bianjiao fell into the siege of Songshan. At that time, all the troops were defeated, but Cao's troops swore to fight to the death and charged in the opposite direction.

He took the lead and led [-] cavalrymen straight to the place where Huang Taiji's tent was located, beheading soldiers and generals all the way, just like entering a place where people are.

Pulling the bow and stretching the string, an arrow hit the emperor flag on the left side of Huang Taiji, causing Huang Taiji's tent to retreat 300 meters. [

However, at that time, the Qing army was tens of thousands, and the Ming army was all defeated. With an army of [-], it was difficult to defy the sky.

Bianjiao was killed by dozens of arrows, and before he died, he still shouted: "Kill the slaves, kill the slaves!"

Bravery, General Xiao Cao!

Sad, General Xiao Cao!

Alas, why are the heroes of the Han family so tragic!

The general will never forget through the ages!


"Xiao Cao, Xiao Cao, how is my Iron Buddha?"

As soon as he got to the back, Shi Dayong called out, calling Cao Bianjiao Xiao Cao like Qiu Hejia.That's right, Cao Bianjiao was only eighteen or nineteen years old at that time, but Shi Dayong was only in his thirties, so it's not an exaggeration to call him Xiaocao.

Called a few times, but no one answered.Guo Yi was a little strange, and ran to the back of the stable to see if anyone was there, but he only took one look, and exclaimed, "What is this?!"

Hearing the sound, Shi Dayong raised his legs and walked over. Following Guo Yi's gaze, he couldn't help but wondered: "What is this! How could Tiefutu be like this!"

Iron Futu built three cavalry, but what Shi Dayong saw was six cavalry. Although both men and horses have armor, it seems that they cannot be called heavy armored cavalry.Because those armors are still made of pieces of mail armor, not one piece like plate armor.Moreover, every rider has a sharp spear tied to his stomach. If you look closely, isn't it the long log held by the Wuyong Second Battalion?

Cao Bianjiao was standing there with a few craftsmen at the moment, constantly looking back and forth between the horses, patting this one, tugging that one from time to time, unaware of Shi Dayong's exclamation.But those craftsmen hurriedly bowed and saluted Shi Dayong.

Shi Dayong hurriedly waved his hand to signal that there is no need to be polite, and only looked at Cao Bianjiao groping there with a puzzled expression.Don't bother him, just watch.

The general didn't speak, and the crowd kept silent, looking at the six armored horses and muttering.

After a long time, Cao Bianjiao suddenly yelled: "Bring the bird gun!"

Bird gun?

Everyone was taken aback, wondering what they wanted the bird gun for.

After the two soldiers who had been working with Cao Bianjiao looked at each other, one of them ran out, and after a while, he took a blunderbuss and handed it to Cao Bianjiao.

At this time, Cao Bianjiao also saw Shi Dayong, he nodded slightly, then ignored him, picked up the bird gun, took out the matchlock, and lit it.The muzzle of the gun was facing Yiqi's chest in front of him.

What is Cao Bianjiao going to do?

Shi Dayong stayed there, watching Cao Bianjiao motionless as he fired at the horse with a blunderbuss. [

The craftsmen knew that the sound of the blunderbuss was loud, but they were afraid that the horses would explode and hurt people if they were disturbed by the sound of the blunderbuss, so they all hid aside in fright.

Shi Dayong was not afraid of the horses hurting people, vaguely he already understood what Cao Bianjiao wanted to do.

It seemed that he wanted to use the blunderbuss to test the thickness of the vest, to see if the vest could block the blunderbuss without being injured.

However, I was still sweating in my heart.

Although the power of the bird gun is not great, it is not as powerful as the big arrow of the Eight Banners soldiers, but it is almost shot against the belly of the horse at such a short distance. times.

The vest doesn't look very thick, can it really withstand the blow of this bird?

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