Daming wolf ride

Chapter 449 The Great Retreat

The sudden heavy snow changed the Jinzhou Army's retreat plan. Under Shi Dayong's insistence, a tragic massacre began quietly.

The first to be killed was Manggurtai, who was under house arrest in the artillery battalion. He was dragged and dismembered by the Ming army with five horses. Then his son Ebilun and others were killed one after another.

Before Ebilun and his aunt Mang Guji had time to catch a glimpse of Mang Guertai, they were tricked into the gate by He Rufeng, an infantryman from the left battalion of Jinzhou guarding Fengtianmen, and shot them to death.

Before his death, Ebilun was extremely painful, and even if he was a ghost, he would not let go of the shameless Shi Dayong who broke his promise.

Mang Guji died simply, the Ming army hit her in the chest with a bludgeon, blasting Princess Hada's breasts to pieces, and died before even screaming.

After the death of Mang Gurtai and his son, the bannermen of the Han army loyal to the Jinzhou army, with the cooperation of the Jinzhou cavalry, wiped out the Liaoyang banner soldiers in the inner city. .

Some Liaoyang banner soldiers were willing to surrender, but the Ming army would not accept it, so they beheaded and cut ranks.

So far, there are no Eight Banners men in Shenyang City, and there is no Aixinjueluo. Together with the Jin soldiers who died in the battle, the Ming army killed a total of 12006 Shenyang Eight Banners men (7500 heads can be counted).

The more than [-] Eight Banners women who were imprisoned in the Khan Palace were selected by the Jinzhou Army to select more than [-] people, and the rest were torched together with the Khan Palace that Hong Tai spent a lot of money to build.

More than 2000 young and beautiful banner girls, together with more than [-] Han court ladies and eunuchs, withdrew to southern Liaoning with the Ming army.Banner girls include Hongtai's two concubines, Ye Heshi and Yan Zhashi, as well as several Belle Fujins and Cianfujin of various sizes.Dorgon Zhengfu Jin Borjijite, side Fujin Borjijite, Duoduo Zhengfu Jin Ming Antaiji's daughter Dazhe and other daughters are all included.

Dayong arranged for these women and the gold, silver and jewels found in the inner city to be the first to evacuate. Jiang Wanli was in charge of the evacuation task. Along the way, the 600 cavalrymen, Peng Sihai, the nephew of Peng Dachui, were protected, and more than 8000 large and small carriages were used. There are more than [-] personnel.

The second batch of people who left the city were the artillery battalion. They retreated together with more than 300 carts of grain, 200 carts of cloth, silk, ginseng, mink, etc., and 160 carts of armor, weapon.Those in charge of the retreat were Qianhu Shen Yi and Dong Zhong of the Artillery Battalion. The retreat consisted of 9200 people.

The third batch to go out of the city is 200 carts filled with the heads of men from the Eight Banners. The heads of the men of the Aixinjueluo clan are in the current few carts.These heads were guarded by the Ming army as treasures, far more important than those gold and silver treasures.Except for the heads of young Dings who do not count military merits, there are 8600 heads of Chengding of the Eight Banners and 1500 heads of the Han Army.

In the Ming Dynasty, meritorious service was counted by the head, and the wealth in Shenyang City was enough to make the entire Jinzhou army rich, but military merit was valued more by the Jinzhou army.Everyone, including Shi Dayong, wanted to be officially rewarded by the Ming court.Therefore, when arranging the third batch of retreat, Dayong was the first to order to take away all the heads of the enemy soldiers.

In addition to the heads used to count military merits, another 3500 horses recovered from the Baylor Mansions retreated together. Monk Geng Zhongming was responsible for the retreat task. The guards along the way were 2400 soldiers from two thousand households except the left camp of the infantry. In addition, there are 1600 newly surrendered Han troops and 1500 young and strong auxiliary soldiers, totaling more than 6000 personnel.

The three groups of people will depart on the 20th, 21st, and 23rd respectively. The Liaoyang side has already announced in advance that they should make preparations before the 30th.

Dayong ordered Cao Bianjiao to retreat immediately to avoid being trapped by the wind and snow, but Cao Bianjiao sent someone to say that he is currently stationed near Xiping Fort, and there is no snow here, so there is no need to worry about the retreat of the heavy cavalry for the time being. If the horse speeds up, it will only take five days to approach the Hunhe River, so he must contain Hong Tai in Xiping Fort, so that his forward will not pose a threat to the retreating Ming army too early.

Dayong was worried that Cao Bianjiao's cavalry was not many. If Hong Tai personally led the elite cavalry to cross the main force and march towards Shenyang, Cao's troops might not be able to defeat the enemy. Let's make calculations after it clears.

Heavy snow fell in Shenyang for three days one after another. Except for the initial blizzard, the subsequent snow was not heavy, but the wind was so strong that it hurt people's faces.

In the past few days, in addition to trying their best to arrange the retreat, the Ming army also informed the Han people in the outer city through the Han officials of the former Jin regime that if they wish to withdraw with the Ming army to southern Liaoning, they can follow the army, but they need to prepare their own vehicles, food, and protection from the cold. For clothing, the Ming army only provided protection along the way, and the Han people took care of the rest.

With such harsh conditions, very few people naturally responded to the Ming army. After one day, only more than 8000 Han people were willing to withdraw to southern Liaoning with the army, and the rest remained silent.

Seeing this, the Ming army did not take any other actions, nor did they force the Han people to join the army, nor did they rob the Han people of their property and women. This made the Han people in the outer city feel at ease. It seems that the army of Destiny Khan is coming back soon. Otherwise, why would the Ming army retreat in such a hurry.Out of fear of the Eight Banners soldiers, many Han people who originally wanted to return to the Ming Dynasty also had a wait-and-see attitude. They were very worried that if they followed the Ming army and were caught by the Eight Banners soldiers, they would die, not to mention that the Ming army could not provide them much. Help, who in the world of ice and snow is willing to travel thousands of miles and die?

After the Ministry reported the movement of the Han people to Dayong, Dayong didn't say much, but immediately arranged the more than 8000 Han people to go out of the city, and took out his latest invention-the snowy car.

The design and material of the snow lift car is very simple, it is useless in other places, but it is a sharp weapon in the ice and snow.Dayong also thought of the snowy carriage only after seeing that the carriage out of the city was difficult to walk, and the load was not large.After simply drawing a blueprint, he asked people to call the Han craftsmen in the city, and asked them to make dozens of samples overnight.After getting the amazing results from the experiment outside the city, many yamen in the inner city were demolished immediately, and tens of thousands of pieces of wood were gathered together to build snow warps, and more than 5000 snow warps were built.In addition to using horses, these snow carts also use dogs.In order to transport as many people away as possible, Dayong ordered all the livestock in Shenyang City to be used. Apart from dogs, a lot of cattle were also found, which greatly increased the transportation capacity of the Ming army.

According to Lin Junyi's statistics, the large-scale use of snow sheath vehicles can increase the carrying capacity of the Jinzhou Army by a quarter.Don't underestimate this quarter. If it is replaced by population, it will save [-] lives. If it is replaced by goods and food, it is enough to support tens of thousands of troops for half a year.

Most of the trophies, food, gold and silver in the city have already been transported away, and the rest will not take up many carriages and snow carts. Therefore, Lin Junyi, Guo Cheng and others once again asked Dayong whether they can force some Han people from the outer city to leave the city, so as not to They died for nothing.

After thinking about it, Dayong agreed that the Ming army would force [-] Han people to leave the city, but these [-] Han people had to be women and children, and the rest could leave if they wanted to, or let them go if they didn't want to.

After receiving Dayong's order, Lin Junyi and others immediately arranged for the Han people to leave the city. The Ming army broke into houses and ordered the women and children in the family to leave the city immediately.Under the threat of force from the Ming army, more than 4000 children and 6000 women were forced out of the city.Husbands and fathers with women and children who cried and wanted to leave the city were also approved. In this way, together with more than 8000 people in the early stage, nearly 3 people were willing to leave the city.But this number also tested the transportation capacity of the Jinzhou Army. Dayong was quite unhappy when he found out, because a large number of chariots and horses had been withdrawn to Liaoyang with the first three batches of troops. But it can barely transport less than 2 people out of the city.The number I gave Lin Junyi and the others was 1, but they got nearly 2 out, a full 1 more, how can this be done?

Dayong can't blame the generals for their soft-heartedness. Why is he not in pain? He is a descendant of Yanhuang, so he has the heart to kill them. Therefore, he did not blame Lin Junyi and others for violating the order, but asked them to demolish houses in the outer city immediately , as much as possible to build some more snow warped cars out.


It’s not that the bones haven’t been updated in the past two days, but that it’s not allowed to write plots of massacres or violence after receiving a notice. You must pay attention to the policy, so you struggle with how to write later.Some places still need to be changed, so stop for two days.

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