Daming wolf ride

Chapter 455 The Great Retreat

By the Hun River, Dayong watched with a blank expression as the soldiers dragged the bodies out of the two carriages and buried them in the snow on the spot.

After the corpses were emptied, the carriage was quickly filled with new Han people. They shivered and squeezed into each other, motionless, their eyes glazed over, and they couldn't see a trace of life.

All the gaps in the carriage that had a little bit of air leakage were blocked, even so, there was still no warmth in the carriage.

The situation of people freezing to death has not stopped since the departure. Dayong has personally seen no less than three times that the whole car was frozen to death.After watching too much, Dayong also became numb. At first he still felt heartache, but now he has no feeling at all.

It is warm before snow and cold after snow.

After departing from Shenyang, the temperature continued to drop. In the past four days, more than 300 Han people have froze to death.

Most of the Han people who froze to death were old people with poor physique, and a small number of women who were not prepared enough.

Dayong didn't want these people to freeze to death, but he couldn't help it. All the clothes in the army that could keep out the cold had been distributed to the Han people, but it was getting colder every day, but manpower couldn't resist it.He couldn't let the soldiers take off his three-layered and thick clothes to these Han people. If he did this, I am afraid that none of the more than 2 people would be able to reach Liaoyang alive.

So far, none of the children died of freezing, only a dozen or so were frostbitten, and those who were frostbitten were all their ears and hands. As long as they survived to Liaoyang, it would be fine to ask the doctor to take a look.

In order to cope with frostbite, Dayong has tried his best to ask the army to provide fat to the Han people, but there are too many monks and too little porridge, and the fat has to be used for food, and all of them are used to prevent frostbite.It's freezing cold, and no one can bear it on an empty stomach.

The army did not bring tea bricks at all, and there was not much salt. It was difficult to digest beef and mutton if they ate too much. Therefore, the small amount of fat became the best food for the Jinzhou army to absorb nutrition.Although it is greasy to eat too much fat, it is better than nothing.

There was snow all the way down, the dry firewood was basically used up by the front team, and the houses of the bannermen along the way were also demolished. Those who wanted to retreat in front had suffered enough from the ice and snow.

In the past two days, no matter whether they are soldiers or civilians, most of them eat cold food, and it is rare to light a fire to cook some hot food.The soldiers were fine. They had more fat intake and cold-proof clothing and food, and their bodies were stronger than ordinary people, so no one died of freezing. The old and weak Han people did not have these conditions, so freezing to death was naturally inevitable.This is certainly a natural disaster, but it can also be said to be a crime.

Speaking of which, the warm clothes for thousands of children were the best in the entire retreating team, better than those of the Jinzhou Army, because Dayong saw that the children couldn't stand the cold, so he ordered all the mink and bear furs that the general carried were all Take out and distribute to these children.

These mink, bear, and even tiger skins were originally intended to be sold in the customs in exchange for money and food to maintain the development of Dengzhou, but now Dayong wants to take them out to keep the children warm.In this regard, it is not that no one has complained, because once these furs are used and sold, they will not be sold at a good price.

But Dayong insisted on this. He told his subordinates that the future of Daming is the children, and they also fight to death for the children. If they watch the children freeze to death, Shi Dayong will absolutely not accept it.You can earn less money, and you can eat less food, but in any case, you must ensure that these children can safely evacuate to Liaoyang, otherwise what are they working so hard for?

Dayong has a lot of authority in the army, and he can be said to be a promise. Naturally, no one has any objections when he said this. After all, there are very few people who can bear to watch their children freeze to death.Although it shows that most of the generals in the army have eaten human flesh, and they can be said to kill people without blinking an eye, but they are also inherently good people, and it is only because of the current situation that they become bloodthirsty. Willing to be an inhuman devil.

After all, there are few furs, and most of them have been transported to Liaoyang. The rest can barely guarantee that two or three children can cover one piece. Even so, the kindness of the Ming army made the Han people very grateful. The parents of those children spontaneously He kowtowed to thank the Ming army around him, which gave the Ming army a heart-warming feeling.

Dayong once said to the generals that this is the so-called "military-civilian fish and water situation". The soldiers have the people in their hearts, and the people will naturally support the soldiers.But if there is really a choice, I am afraid that those Han people would rather die than have any fish and water relationship with the Ming army. It is not their fault. They live in Shenyang well. Going on, and now being forced by the Ming army to leave Shenyang and embark on this road of life and death, it is no wonder that I can thank the Ming army.

Dayong never denied that he did great evil to the Han people while doing small kindness.But he has nothing to do, if there is a better choice, he will not let these Han people suffer like this.

After the dead were buried in the snow, Dayong turned his horse's head and continued to set off.Not long after they left, more than a dozen young and strong men rushed to the snowy graves impatiently in the team behind, dug out the dead who had just been buried, and then took off their clothes and eagerly put on their clothes. on himself.

This phenomenon did not happen once or twice. In the beginning, the Ming army would still feel disgusted by this kind of behavior of stripping dead people's clothes, but as more and more people were frozen to death, they no longer paid attention to this kind of thing.The only requirement is that these Han people must bury them again after stripping their clothes, otherwise they will also be stripped naked and thrown in the ice and snow.

In this weather, being stripped naked and thrown in the snow is undoubtedly a dead end. The young and strong Han people did not dare to disobey the order, but consciously buried them again after stripping off their clothes.

Dayong also heard about this kind of thing. He told the people below that the living is more important than the dead after all. If a piece of clothing can keep a person alive, then absolutely do not stop those people from doing what they do, but support them in this way Do.However, it is strictly forbidden for the young and strong Han people to snatch the warm clothes of the elderly, children, and women. Once found, they will be killed immediately.

Dayong's own face was also frostbitten by the severe cold. The half of his face that had been peeled off by the cannon was very itchy. Sometimes it was unbearable, but Dayong always gritted his teeth and insisted not to scratch. He knew that if he scratched If so, it is very likely that he will die as a result of this action.In order to prevent his frostbite from getting worse, Dayong asked Guo Yi to take some bearskins and make a cotton hat similar to that of later generations. Whether he was marching or resting, this bearskin cotton hat should always be worn on his head. It was very weird, but it had many effects. At least the frostbite was stabilized and did not expand further.

Because of the lack of vegetables, snow blindness began to appear among the soldiers. Dayong had no choice but to order the soldiers suffering from snow blindness to be placed in the carriages, try not to let them out, and wait until Liaoyang to replenish vegetables. The longer the recuperation time, the better the disease will be.

On the 29th, Dayong and Cao Bianjiao met at the confluence of the Hun River and the Taizi River. At the same time, a cavalry of the Jin Army appeared in the rear, playing the banner of Zhengbai Banner.

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