Daming wolf ride

Chapter 476 Give Me Back, General Cao

It has been seven years since Wang Dehua took over from Wei Zhongxian's party member Si Li Zhang Yin and Wang Tigan, but in these seven years, he has never seen Chongzhen so sad, crying so bitterly. Most of the eunuchs and court ladies were standing outside the curtain and under the eaves holding their breath, and a few timid ones had already knelt on the ground and trembled.A few steps away, Ma Yuancheng, the new eunuch in charge of the Qianqing Palace, stood upright with red eyes, and his shoulders shrugged from crying.

"Are you a dead person, hurry up and send a letter to the girls!"

After being kicked by Wang Dehua, Ma Yuancheng came to his senses, and while rubbing his waist with one hand, promised to run away.This Ma Yuancheng is the eunuch in charge who just took over from the incompetent imperial eunuch Zhao Quan last month. He has been working in Shangyinjian before, and he can be regarded as an old man who has gone through two dynasties, but he dare not fart in front of Wang Dehua. , as well-behaved as you want.

Ma Yuancheng was chased away, but several young eunuchs from the Shangshan Supervisor came over carrying the red lacquer food boxes, saw Wang Dehua from a distance, and the eunuch in charge hurriedly saluted: "Old ancestor..."

"Shut up!" Wang Dehua pointed to the palace gate behind him, and cursed, "Are you tired of living? Dare to come at this time!"

The eunuch was stunned for a moment, and replied: "In the past, meals were delivered at this time, that's right!"

Wang Dehua glared at him and said, "If you fucking can get a few mouthfuls of food from the Pope, our family will reward you very much!"

"That's a small job..." The eunuch didn't know what had happened, he smiled, and was about to thank him when two tall eunuchs came galloping up the stairs, followed by two tall eunuchs carrying bright yellow shoulders. Ma Yuancheng and several court ladies ran out of breath.

Wang Dehua rushed forward quickly, and when the shoulders were stable, he quickly came over to salute, and carefully reported: "Long live, the empress is here."

The hall was silent, and Empress Zhou said with tears: "Your Majesty, my concubine is here..."

There was still no sound in the hall, and the eunuchs and maids were all stunned. Wang Dehua resisted the desire to enter the hall and reported in a low voice again: "Long live, the empress is here."

Chongzhen's powerless voice came from the hall, "Queen, go back, I don't want to see anyone, only my ancestors are the ones I want to see."

Hearing this, Empress Zhou trembled all over, and said in astonishment: "Why, the emperor wants to see the ancestors?" She felt uneasy, for fear that her husband would be too sad and do something good or bad.

Seeing that there was no movement outside, Chongzhen in the hall said impatiently: "Go, all go! I am the only one who is quiet!"

Hearing her husband's weeping voice, Empress Zhou's heart ached, she gritted her teeth and said: "Then the concubine will send the lunch in before leaving?"


Chongzhen smiled wryly in the hall, "I don't even have the heart to eat, how can I swallow it? I want to go to the Fengxian Hall to kowtow to my ancestors, and I have to apologize! I am an unfilial descendant!" After finishing speaking, he pushed the door and left Hall, do not look at Queen Zhou, let alone take a chariot, walk to Fengxian Hall.

When Queen Zhou saw her, she hurriedly followed her on foot, and Wang Dehua and other eunuchs also hurriedly followed.There was no sound at all along the way.

After Chongzhen entered the Fengxian Hall, he knelt in front of the ancestor god and wailed loudly, his heart was a little more sad than in the Wenhua Hall before.

"Your Majesty, take care!"

Without a decree, trespassing is not allowed. Empress Zhou followed her and knelt down outside the Fengxian Hall, not daring to go in to comfort her. She weepingly delivered an order to Concubines Tian and Concubine Yuan.

After Concubine Tian and the Crown Prince arrived, everyone knelt outside the gate of the palace and advised the emperor not to be too sad to damage the holy body.

Many accompanying eunuchs and court ladies saw the empress, imperial concubine, prince and two young kings all crying hurtfully. They all sobbed with red eyes, and there was a burst of crying inside and outside Fengxian Hall.

"Your Majesty--"

An old and hoarse cry came, and everyone turned their heads to look, but it was Concubine Liu who came.Concubine Liu is in her eighties. Among the concubines of the previous dynasties, she is the oldest and the most respected.Chongzhen lost his mother when he was young, and was raised by her for a long time.Both the Chongzhen and Tianqi dynasties had no queen mothers, and the queen mother Yuxi in the palace was in charge of Liu Taifei.

When Empress Zhou saw Concubine Liu coming, she hurriedly got up and helped her: "Old Ancestor, why did you alarm the old man?"

"Queen! I'm not so old, I can still move my legs and feet. I heard Concubine Tian said that the ancestral tomb was set on fire by the bandits. The emperor was so angry that he cried and didn't even take a bite of the food. My heart aches!" Concubine Liu With red eyes, she stepped forward leaning on a dragon-headed crutch, knocked on the door tremblingly and said, "Your Majesty, all the ancestors are here to watch you, they know your heart, and they still want you to vent this anger for them! You How can you not eat or drink like this? The Great Ming Dynasty brought down by Emperor Taizu Gao still depends on you!"

Empress Zhou heard that there seemed to be a bit of complaint in her words, and she was a little annoyed. She glanced at Concubine Tian Gui, thanked her for being well-behaved and smart, and secretly blamed her for being troublesome on her own.Just thinking about how to tell the difference, Chongzhen shouted hoarsely: "Hand towel." Hastily took the soaked towel from Ma Yuancheng's hand, gently pushed open a corner of the door, and handed it over.Chongzhen took it and wiped his face before ordering everyone to enter the hall.

After everyone saluted in front of the ancestor God Lord, Chongzhen sighed loudly, stroking the prince's head and choking with sobs: "The ancestors have never experienced such a tragic change in the 300 years of history. I didn't expect the bandits to be so rampant and difficult to control, the disasters intensified, and even the ancestral mausoleum was destroyed, and the central capital fell, how can I be worthy of my ancestors!"

He forced himself to suppress his crying, closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, and then said: "You don't need to comfort me, I understand in my heart, and I won't make any nonsense. I will take the head of the thief and offer it to the Taimiao to comfort the spirit of the ancestors in heaven, and wash away the snow. What a shame!"

Concubine Liu sighed and said with tears, "My child! It's hard for you too."

Chongzhen said sadly: "The old ancestors were all children with little virtue and little ability, and they did not inherit the inheritance for the ancestors. God Zong ruled inaction back then, and there were few things in the country. How reassuring to be an emperor! When it comes to grandsons, so many disasters and disasters have been added. I'm really at a loss, and my ancestors can't live in peace, and they have to worry about it, and feel ashamed!"

"I watched you grow up. It's not easy to clean up the mess left to you by Shenzong and your father and brother! You have to be good, and ZTE can have hope."

Concubine Liu couldn't help covering her face and weeping as Concubine Liu said, Concubine Tian Gui stepped forward to help her, and persuaded: "Old Ancestor, Isn't Your Majesty doing well? If your old man is sad again, won't you provoke him again? We juniors are all I don't agree!"

"I'm sad to see the emperor lose weight again."

"Oops! Old ancestor, you forgot that Liu Bei didn't ride a horse for a long time, and his spleen and flesh revived, and he was doing nothing, and wept with emotion? The emperor's Qing has reduced a little, which is the proof of his work on state affairs and ZTE's achievements!"

With everyone's persuasion, Chongzhen was in a better mood. After sending Concubine Liu away, no one stayed with him for dinner.The lunch has been made simple due to the reduction of expenses. There are only four dishes and one soup, and there is no meat. Chongzhen feels pain in his heart. This lunch is extremely difficult. Thinking of the burning of the ancestral mausoleum again, sadness came from it, tears came down, and I threw up the chopsticks, my heart was in a mess, and I had to think of the emperor's demeanor, and I ate with grief and indignation.

After eating intermittently like this for less than half an hour, Chongzhen tore off the sky blue napkin and waved away the crowd. He wanted to rest on the imperial couch in the East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace, but he felt bored in his chest, and he didn't feel sleepy at all, and sat alone After pondering for a long time, it was reported that Wang Dehua came in and ordered:

"The decree is that Hong Chengchou rushes into the army, encircles and suppresses the rogue bandits from the east, and must not be recruited. The governor of Shandong, Zhu Dadian, the governor of the water transport and the governor of Lu, Feng, Huai, and Yang, moved the town to Fengyang and restored the imperial mausoleum. The son-in-law Duwei Ran Xingrang Go to the Taimiao to pay homage to the second ancestor and the ancestors."

Chongzhen finished a few orders in one breath, then let out a long breath, and ordered: "The thief has not been settled, and the mausoleum is shocked. I want to move out of the main hall of Qianqing Palace, tidy up the wooden house next to Wenhua Hall, and go there Sitting quietly in a fasted house, wearing sins and avoiding guilt. If there are no ceremonies, I will wear black clothes on weekdays to govern, reduce meals and enjoy music, and share joys and sorrows with the soldiers until the day of Kouping."

Hearing this decree, Wang Dehua was shocked, and hurriedly stopped him: "Long live Lord is talking about saving the house? You can't do it! There is no fire in that wooden house, and it's freezing in the cold..." Before he finished speaking, he Seeing Chongzhen's sharp gaze sweeping towards him, he was so frightened that he stopped talking, and changed his words: "Yes, yes, this servant will go down and get ready."

Shengjian lives in the northwest corner of the Wenhua Hall, but it is not close to the main hall. It is isolated on all sides, like an attic in the sky, far away from the world.The foundation of the house is paved with a thick log frame, three feet above the ground.The wooden house has been idle for a long time and has not been used for many years. The railings and wooden steps are full of dust, cobwebs hang on the front of the eaves and on the windows, and the south road in front of the house is full of weeds.In terms of scale and decoration, it is completely different from the Wenhua Palace, and it looks dwarfed and shabby. It is unexpected that there is such a dilapidated place in the magnificent palace.

Wang Dehua ordered people to tidy up the Xingjian residence overnight, and sealed up all the air gaps.Early the next morning, Chongzhen stepped into the provincial residence, kowtowed respectfully to the Jade Emperor, sat upright with his eyes closed, and meditated intently, thinking about how to issue an edict of sin against himself, and how to express this anger for his ancestors as soon as possible.


Hong Chengchou's life was not easy. Ever since he led the army out of Tongguan, the officers and soldiers kept rushing into the air. The thieves were divided into several groups.The longer the time dragged on, the more difficult it would be for his strategy of "Suppressing Thieves in June" to be reported to the imperial court.

The house leak happened to be raining continuously. In October, Gushan deputy commander Ai Wannian, Liu Chenggong, Liu Guozhen, and guerrilla Wang Xi ordered 3000 people to chase the old Huihui headquarters of the bandit army in Xiangle Town, Ningzhou. They were ambushed and besieged. , Ai Wannian and Liu Guozhen were killed, Liu Chenggong and Wang Ximing were seriously injured, and more than 1000 officers and soldiers died.

When the news came, Hong Chengchou was shocked and turned pale, he didn't dare to pursue the army lightly, and ordered all the troops to stand by in order to prevent being defeated by the bandit army one by one.

In November, Cao Wenzhao, who was transferred from Yansui General Soldier to Aid and Suppression General Soldier, was furious when he heard that Ai Wannian had been killed in battle, and asked Hong Chengchou to send troops to avenge Ai Wannian.

Cao Wenzhao was a famous general in the northwestern part of the Ming Dynasty. He was famous for his bravery and outstanding military exploits.

Such a fierce general invited himself to attack the bandits, Hong Chengchou was overjoyed and immediately agreed, but he said that he had no soldiers to distribute to Cao Wenzhao, but only promised to be his queen, so Cao Wenzhao led 3000 troops to the expedition.

On December 28th, Cao Wenzhao's troops encountered [-] rebel troops from Laohuihui, Jiutiaolongguo Dacheng, Guotianxing, Huo Caocao and Luo Rucai in Qiutou Town, Zhenning. When the army was more than [-] miles away, suddenly the bandit army ambushed and surrounded Cao Wenzhao's army. During the fierce battle, his soldiers were captured and shouted: "General, save me!" So someone in the bandit army recognized him and said : "This is General Cao."

As soon as he heard that Cao Wenzhao was here, the bandit army rushed up and surrounded him.Cao Wenzhao clashed left and right, killing dozens of people with his hands, fighting for several miles, but the bandit army came in like a tide, Cao Wenzhao couldn't escape, and finally killed himself with all his strength.

Hong Chengchou, who lost his generals after successive defeats, did not dare to report the death of Cao Wenzhao to the imperial court.But just after the Lantern Festival, the news of the destruction of the Fengyang Imperial Mausoleum came. The shocked Hong Chengchou no longer dared to stay where he was, and hurriedly urged the army to divide and rush into the encirclement and suppression.

Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong split up and left. Zhang Xianzhong went deep into the Jianghuai area, while Gao Yingxiang went northwest to Guide, met Luo Rucai and Huideng, and returned to Shaanxi.Hong Chengchou was shocked. Seeing that he was unable to catch up, he galloped on his horse and sent an emergency document to Shaanxi governor Sun Chuanting to stop him along the way.


In Guangde Town, Weihui Prefecture, Henan Province, Shi Dayong led [-] soldiers dressed in sackcloth and filial piety to look at Zhending from a distance, crying, "Give me back General Cao!"

After thirteen shots were fired, Cao Bianjiao, commander of the new Liaodong Army Cavalry Guard, led 6000 cavalry troops to attack Zhangde.

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