Updated: 2012-10-10

Mang Gurtai's words were eloquent, and Huang Taiji couldn't help but hesitate. He didn't mention the crime of Tu Lai's violation of orders and arrogance in fighting, but he brought up the matter of abandoning the bones of the fallen soldiers. .But after a closer look, Mang Gurtai was not wrong. The order not to fight the Ming army was issued by him, Huang Taiji himself. Mang Gurtai strictly followed the order. What's wrong?

There is nothing wrong with Mang Gurtai, the fault lies in the fact that others live up to their name. Mang, if he is a little softer like Dai Shan, and those who know the current affairs are heroes, and if they put themselves in a lower position, I am afraid that Huang Taiji will not hate him. up.

If it were someone else, when King Khan said those words, he must have made a wise choice to admit his mistakes, and if he was right, he would admit his mistakes, and he would never contradict King Khan like Mang Gurtai.

Everyone in the tent listened carefully, and they could all see clearly. They couldn't help sweating for Mang Gurtai's boldness, and the general with two yellow flags was even more annoyed: "What do you mean by Sanbeile? Questioning the tone of King Khan, where did you put King Khan in your eyes! [

Gu Shan Ezhen and Niu Lu Ezhen under the Zhenglan banner also felt that the way the banner owner spoke was a bit inappropriate.


Since he succeeded to the throne, except Erbeile Amin, Rao Dabeile Daishan has never contradicted himself like this. Huang Taiji hated Mang Gurtai in his heart, but he couldn't do anything with him.One must know that Mang Gurtai is not only one of the Four Great Beasts, but also holds the Zhenglan Banner under his command.If he is forced to act against him, Zhenglanqi and his gang will definitely not obey.There will be trouble, and it will be difficult to clean up.Right now, all the soldiers of the whole country are besieging the Dashou Department of Dalinghe Zu. They want to fight to determine the situation in Liaodong. It is really inappropriate to fight among themselves.

But it was not Huang Taiji's character to swallow this anger. After Amin was imprisoned, he could no longer allow anyone to violate his authority.

However, he will not show everything like Mang Gurtai. Instead, he rolls his eyes, smiles on his face, takes three steps forward and holds Mang Gurtai's hand, and says kindly: "Third Brother, how much more?" Don't worry, Ben Khan has the heart to blame the third brother, if he really has it, he must be called Tianzhu."

After a short pause, he said in a relieved tone: "This time when I sent troops to the Ming Dynasty, I have to rely on my third brother. Only when my brothers are of the same mind can my father Khan's strategy of cutting trees fall on the Ming Dynasty."

Mang Gurtai originally thought that Huang Taiji would change his face, but he was so kind, and even brought out his dead father Khan, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and subconsciously said: "If King Khan has an order, I will do my best to obey it. "

Waiting for your words, Huang Taiji sneered in his heart.Calmly, he continued: "This time, Ben Khan came with the most powerful soldiers. Although the Zu Dashou Department in Daling River City has only a few thousand people, it is the elite of the Ming army and should not be underestimated. Therefore, Ben Khan has already So the strategy of besieging the city and fighting for reinforcements was decided. How to make this encirclement the best, the key is to attack the reinforcements of the Ming army. As long as the reinforcements of the Ming army are blocked, Zu Dashou will be a bird in a cage, and he can fly if he wants to. Can't fly out."

"The King of Khan is wise!"

Immediately there was a burst of praise from the tent, Mang Gurtai also agreed with Huang Taiji's strategy of besieging the city and fighting for aid.In all fairness, Huang Taiji's military talent is something he is ashamed of.

"The third brother led the Zhenglan and Xianghong banners between the Daling River and Jinzhou. It was necessary to cut off the connection between Jinzhou and the Daling River. Ben Khan personally led the other five banners to encircle and wipe out Zu Dashou. The elite of the Liaodong Army was in the Zu In the hands of Dashou, the city of Jinzhou is very empty, and the third brother led two banner soldiers to help, more than enough."

Having said this, Huang Taiji suddenly looked distressed, and said: "However, the siege of the city is still too small, and the art of war says that it takes ten times the siege to break the city, so Ben Khan wants to draw a thousand red flags from the third brother's Zhenglan flag." Jiabai Yala, transfer another ten Niulu under the command of Ah Shan and Darhan to participate in the battle of the siege, so that the siege soldiers are enough. But I don't know what the third brother thinks?"

As soon as these words came out, Mang Gurtai was startled, and the heartbeats of Jierhalang, Dege and the others also accelerated instantly, and everyone in the Zhenglan Banner changed color.But Ah Shan and Darhan in the crowd were overjoyed when they heard this.

That Ashan is Gushan Ezhen of Zhenghuang Banner, a fierce general in the Eight Banners Army. brave man".Darhan is Gushan Ezhen of Xianghuang Banner, one of the eight ministers.

If Mang Gurtai agrees, one of the two will receive a thousand red armors, and the other will receive ten bulls. This strength is undoubtedly the leader of the generals of all banners. How can they not be happy?

Although there are [-] cattle records in the Eight Banners in name, one-third of them are Mongolian cattle records that were naturalized during the Nurhachi period. They are not real Jianzhou. Only [-] cattle records are pure Jianzhou Jurchen, which is also the Eight Banners the foundation of.

When Nurhachi died that year, the most powerful of the Eight Banners was not Huang Taiji, the successor Khan, but Dabeile Daishan. His Zhenghong Banner had 35 Niulu, and his three sons also had 26 Niulu. So the most powerful.

Shuerhaqizi, who was imprisoned for the Yongping massacre, and Erbeile Amin had 33 cattle records with yellow flags, ranking second.

Mangurtai's Zhenglan Banner has 21 Niulu, while the Zhengbai Banner led by Huang Taiji has only [-] Niulu, so Huang Taiji is the weakest among the four Baylors. [

Of course, this is only the strength of the four Baylors. In real terms, the three brothers Azig, Dorgon, and Duduo are the strongest.The three of them originally each had [-] cattle records, but Nurhachi made it clear in his later years that after his death, all the [-] cattle records he commanded would be handed over to Dodo, and at the same time, he would give Dorgon a flag.

Before Nurhachi's death, he even transferred Du Du, the owner of the Xiangbai Banner, who owned fifteen cattle records, to the Xianghong Banner, and gave the Xiangbai Banner to Dorgon.At that time, everyone in the Jin Dynasty believed that this was Nurhachi's intention to pass the Khan throne to Dorgon.Because in this way, Dorgon will have thirty cattle records, and if the three brothers unite, they will reach as many as seventy cattle records, which is impossible for anyone including the four major Baylors to contend with.

However, as Huang Taiji succeeded to the throne, the strength of each banner weakened to varying degrees. In addition, Amin was imprisoned, and the inlaid yellow banner he held was personally led by Huang Taiji. These two yellow banners stood out from the eight banners. Less than [-] cattle records suddenly swelled to nearly [-] cattle records in the two banners, ranking first in the eight banners.

However, the Niulu under the name of Daishan has dropped to less than thirty. Although the 21 Niulu in Mangurtai have not been moved, all other banners have been cut off by coincidence. There are forty cows left.

And the Hongjia Baiyala is the lifeblood of the banner owners of each banner, the elite of the elite, each banner has no more than two to three thousand people.The Zhenglan Banner of Manggurtai used to have 3000 red flags, but they lost some when they attacked North Korea, Mongolia and entered the customs to conquer the Ming Dynasty. Now it is less than [-].Now Huang Taiji asked him for a thousand red armors and ten cattle records as soon as he opened his mouth, which is equivalent to cutting off half of Zhenglan Qi's strength.Nominally, he was seconded to participate in the siege of the city, but after the war, who knows if he will be returned to the banner organization.

Mang Gurtai is just a little reckless, because he is one of the four big sons, Huang Taiji's elder brother, and the first son, and his mother is the concubine conferred by his father Khan, unlike Huang Taiji, whose mother is just a side concubine, so he treats him normally Huang Taiji was not very respectful.But he is not stupid, it is impossible for him to hand over half of Zhenglanqi's property to Huang Taiji without hesitation.But Huang Taiji's words were high-sounding, and it was just an excuse to besiege the city, so he couldn't just refuse.Remain silent for the moment, neither saying yes nor saying no.

Seeing that Mang Gurtai was silent, Huang Taiji smiled: "What? Could it be that third brother is unwilling?"

Mangurtai remained silent, not even his brother Degelei.The two expressed their objection in silence.

Huang Taiji didn't take it seriously, laughed, and said: "When the six divisions were set up in Shenyang that day, I told the banners, don't think that Ben Khan is planning on the property of your banners! What Ben Khan is targeting every day is the Ming Dynasty. It is the idea of ​​the country, and I will never play the ideas of my brothers in property! Niulu, the soldier, is the property left to everyone by the first Khan. I have never thought about this aspect, and I will never move it in the future! So three Brother, don't worry, as long as the Ming army of Zu Dashou is completely wiped out, this Ba Yala and Niu Lu will return to Zhenglan's banner."

Hearing this, De Gelei breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Since King Khan has said so, how can the minister not agree?" After speaking, he lightly poked Mang Gurtai.

Mang Gurtai was unwilling, but he also didn't want to be said to be disregarding the overall situation, so he had to say against his will: "If it's for Zhengming, I will naturally say something else."

"Okay, third brother knows the general idea!"

Huang Taiji laughed again, his whole body trembling with laughter, and he was complacent: Mang Gurtai, you idiot, you Daoben Khan will really give you back the thousand red armors and ten cow records !

Just as he was smiling, someone outside the tent sent a message: "To King Khan, Angbang Zhangjing, and the forehead son-in-law Tong Yangxing, please see me!"

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