Daming wolf ride

Chapter 482 Yellow Peril!Yellow Peril!Yellow Peril!

In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, he wrote a letter to the imperial court to ask for the appointment of a governor of the boarding brigade, but the imperial court did not reply, and the memorial was lost.

Dayong had no choice but to appoint the local officials of Denglai and Lushun himself. The prefect of Dengzhou was the former Denglai Supervisor Jundao Wang Hui, and the prefect of Lushun was Ge Wannian, the former prefect of Dengzhou.

Wang Hui and Ge Wannian, like Song Guanglan from Dengzhou Road, surrendered to Kong Youde after Kong Youde's rebellion, and were expelled from the court long ago.Therefore, they are grasshoppers on the same rope with Dayong. If there is Dayong, there will be them, and if there is no Dayong, there will be no them. Therefore, he is very loyal to Dayong, and the errands assigned by Dayong are not bad. He is praised by Dayong. As the saying goes, you are I am Shi Dayong's right-hand man.How true this is, but no one knows.

For the management of Dengzhou and Lushun, Dayong adopted a divide-and-conquer approach, that is, the original local residents were managed by the magistrate's yamen and county magistrate's yamen, while the immigrants who moved later were managed by the brigade resettlement envoy.

After Chongzhen bravely broke through Dengzhou in four years, he transferred tens of thousands of captured rebels to the Dengzhou army, and promised them that they would be released after three years with a certain amount of payment. It has a positive effect, and it also enables the Dengzhou military station to operate quickly.

When the three-year deadline expired, Song Guanglan, the former Dengzhou governor who was in charge of farming at that time, asked Dayong whether he would fulfill the promise he had made to the captives three years ago and let them go home. Except for the alien livestock, Dayong had always kept his promise, and asked Song Guanglan to start immediately. Arrange for the young and strong to return to their hometowns.

Unexpectedly, the number of young adults who were willing to return home was very small, only more than 600 people were willing to receive payment to return home, and the rest of the young adults all chose to stay in Dengzhou as farmers.Of course, Dayong was surprised by this result. The military households in Tuntian did not have much freedom. Now that he gave them freedom, these people refused to leave.

It was Song Guanglan who understood. He told Dayong that there are natural disasters all over Daming today. Although these young and strong people have no freedom in Dengzhou farming, they can still eat their stomachs anyway. In addition, the young and strong have been farming for three years He still needs to receive military training. He has already integrated into the big family of the army and has a heart of belonging to the Liaodong Army. It may not be the best choice for him to return to his hometown to starve or become a rioter again.

Song Guanglan also said that due to the stability of Dengzhou in the past three years, many people in Laizhou and Shandong have brought their families to vote, and some poor families have married their daughters to military households in order to fill their stomachs.In addition to the disabled and retired military officials from the former Songshan Army, many young and middle-aged people married wives and had children. Once they got married, even if the roots were firmly established, they would not leave even if they were bravely chased away.

Hearing this explanation, Dayong was naturally happy. It is indeed a sense of accomplishment to give the common people a comfortable place in this troubled world.

After thinking about it, Dayong still decided to let Song Guanglan transfer all the young and strong in the farmland to Dengzhou local household registration, return them to freedom, and distribute the reclaimed land to them, and just hand over [-]% of the annual harvest to the government.

The reason for this is that Dayong feels that farming is hard work after all. He has squeezed them for three years in vain. Now that conditions permit, it is natural to be more humane to them.Besides, these people did not leave Dengzhou. As long as they stay in Dengzhou, they have to pay taxes. [-]% of the net tax sounds small, but it is actually a lot. Years of drought, the income cost is not much. Dayong can't bear to let them Pay fifty to sixty percent.

Being able to become a free citizen and get the land to cultivate by oneself is such a good thing that everyone praises it quickly. The day after the order was issued, Shi Dayong gained the reputation of "Living Bodhisattva" among the people.For this good name, Dayong accepts it calmly. Compared with "give away the skin", this living Bodhisattva sounds much better.There were sycophants in the field officials who encouraged the people to build temples for Dayong. Hearing this, Dayong hurriedly stopped him and told the sycophants of the field officials whether you know Eunuch Wei, and if you don’t know, ask the masters in the yamen.


Dayong doesn't dare to deserve it, he still wants to live a few more years.


In addition to allocating land to the freedmen, Dayong also asked the Dengzhou government and the four county governments under its jurisdiction to organize the freedmen to raise livestock, and also asked the Dengzhou government to organize the people to go fishing.

Dengzhou is close to the sea, the so-called relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and relying on the sea to eat the sea. Wouldn’t it be a fool not to reclaim the big fish bank of the Bohai Sea?

If it weren't for the inconvenience of transportation and storage in this era, Dayong might have come up with the idea of ​​buying and selling aquatic products.Even so, dried kelp, seaweed, and dried fish appeared in small batches in restaurants in the capital.Dayong told the officials in charge of exporting seafood that as long as they can open up the market, they will have a share of the profits they make.

Contrary to what Dayong imagined, high-ranking officials and nobles these days don't seem to be very interested in seafood. They probably don't like such cheap things, but they are traffickers. Ordinary people are very fond of kelp and dried fish.

Based on the principle of small profits but quick turnover, Dengzhou's seafood sales have opened up markets in the capital and Tianjin, and tens of thousands of taels of silver have been earned every year.Although the money is so small that even Dayong can't see it, Dayong still encourages the officials in charge to make this business bigger and stronger. He often says "Look at the future, look at the world"...

Qian Dagang, the chief soldier of the navy, has changed his career to become the leader of the caravan. The waterway in the south has been opened up. Dayong sent people to connect with the Zheng family. Grain produced in the south is continuously transported to Denglu.

The Zheng family's appetite is really too great. Dayong estimates that if they continue to cooperate like this, within two years, they will evacuate the gold mountain they robbed from Donglu.He really wanted to make a fuss about it, but the Zheng family's navy was stronger than his own. God knows how these pirates became stronger than the official army!All the officials in Fujian must beheaded!

Dayong didn't have the idea of ​​expanding the navy yet. There was no way. His family was limited. He had spent too much in the past two years. Although he raised money everywhere, he didn't save money anywhere. There was no response, which made Dayong really want to go to Shenyang to grab another one sometimes.But thinking about the fact that Hauge's family background is limited, and there is no good opportunity for him to rob him, he can't afford to take the risk.It is worth grabbing the North Koreans, but it seems a little unreasonable for them to do business with themselves under the pressure of Hauge.Japan is a good place to go. I heard that silver is produced in that place. If you can grab it, you will gain a lot.

As soon as Qian Dagang talked about the idea of ​​expedition to Japan, the other party shook his head like a rattle and told Dayong a word, don't look at the navy who can run to North Korea now, but if he really wants to go to Japan, he will fall apart halfway.

Big wind and big waves!

The current Dengzhou navy is not the giant fleet of the Sanbao eunuch in the past, at best it is slightly stronger than the Yangtze River navy, and the two ships that can fight the most are sent by others from North Korea. many.Didn't Qian Dagang even dare to go to Lushun when the sea was windy? If he had the guts to go to Japan to rob, he should just be a merchant ship honestly.

There is no way, the navy can’t go, Dayong can only stop this idea, planning to build the largest warship in Asia in Lushun in the future, and the navy must also become a navy, so that the Dutch and Spanish warships will all fart. , Obediently pay tribute to Daming, if you don't pay tribute, all these white monkeys will be slaughtered to eat meat.

The age of great navigation!

No matter how ignorant this gambler is Dayong, he also knows that the seventeenth century was the time when European countries were desperately expanding to the sea. Later generations called it the age of great navigation. Some people say that it was the age of great navigation that opened the door to modern human civilization. .

In this era that opened the door to modern human civilization, but can only stare at the door in a daze, Dayong is annoyed and does not want to know.I don’t know whether it’s a broken pot or a brain, but he decided to wait until the Ming Dynasty is peaceful, and he will lead the army from the northwest to the west, Central Asia, West Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe...everywhere the Ming army can go, they will all colonize However, it depends on whether the modern human civilization created by your great voyage is stronger, or the mainland civilization created by Shi Dayong with a butcher knife is stronger!

White-skinned pigs, you wait, one day, you will look at the east with trepidation and exclaim: "Yellow peril! Yellow peril! Yellow peril!"

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