The officers and soldiers did not move, and Ma Laosan was about to move. If this continued, if the Lushun General Soldier sent a large group of troops to come, the family would not have the advantage in numbers.

In war, we need to bully the few with the more, and beat the weak with the strong. Right now, the strong ones out of the 2000 Christians are the strong ones, and there are also 600 horse bandits who have been licking blood all year round. This strength is the guard of Nanyang Prefecture He dare not come to make trouble, let alone his soldiers from outside.There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, this time let us, the local snake, teach this powerful dragon a lesson!

Having worked as the head of the police in Tangyin County for more than ten years, Ma Laosan more or less led the auxiliary soldiers, and the policemen suppressed small groups of bandits who did not deal with his Ma's family. They are considered big in this Tangyin area. He is famous, and besides, he has seen a lot of officers and soldiers sent by the imperial court to suppress bandits in recent years. He knew that these officers and soldiers were very aggressive before the war, but they were very packed when they fought. The firecracker is just a display. , Put a gun and the soldier ran away.Therefore, Ma Laosan didn't like the two thousand officers carrying guns in front of him at all. If these guys had the guts to rush forward, they wouldn't stay there.How can a group of mobs who can't even eat enough to eat can compare to a group of religious people.

"Call everyone! Make a quick decision, and return to the village to eat meat after the fight!"

Ma Laosan, who had calculated that he had a great chance of winning, had no patience, and asked his clan brothers to rush towards the officers and soldiers with the priests carrying knives and guns.The horse bandits who had been hired with a lot of money over there had long been impatient. Seeing that the Ma family moved, the leading master laughed and led the horse bandits under him to rush towards the officers and soldiers.

Hundreds of bandits on horseback launched a charge, and the formation looked quite scary.The Huihui were very excited, shouting "Kill the Han dog, kill the Han dog!" and rushed towards the officers and soldiers.The ones at the front are all young white hat Huihui, all of them hold big knives in their hands, and they look very fierce with their teeth and claws.


The officers and soldiers saw the Huihui move, and began to react, but instead of running, they began to move forward one by one following the shouts of the officers.

The officers and soldiers didn't run away?

The horse bandits were a little surprised. According to previous experience, when the hundreds of people in my family rushed forward on horseback, the officers and soldiers in front of them would have to run no matter which guards they were in, but the foreign soldiers and horses in front of them did not run but moved forward. Moving forward, still yelling something "one, two, three, four..." After a few calls, he stopped, and then moved forward again, which is really weird.

This man started to move, no matter whether he is weird or not, let's rush first and then talk, maybe this gang of officials from Lushun don't know how powerful our caravan is, and they think of us as little ones.When they lean up and kill them fiercely, they will know that our Henan hero is not easy to mess with!

Seeing that the officers and soldiers were well equipped, the head of the family couldn't help feeling excited. If he could get a few hundred more good long knives, he would be able to recruit more people.In this border of Henan, whether it is rogues, bandits, or local tyrants, it is all about strength, whoever is stronger will survive, and whoever can grab more good things!The leader who wanted to expand his subordinates for a long time would naturally not let go of the superior equipment of the officers and soldiers.

Out of excitement, hundreds of horse bandits let out strange screams. While screaming strangely, the horse bandits in the front tried to bury their bodies, because they knew that once they entered the range of the official army's firecrackers, The fire sticks in the hands of those official dogs are about to go off.

No matter how lucky you are, there must be dozens of brothers who hit the blunderbuss, but it doesn't matter, Guangou's blunderbuss can only be hit once, and the horse can rush in in the blink of an eye. Then it's time for our caravan brothers to show their prestige!

As for the brother who hit the gun, he can't blame anyone, that's what happened when he licked blood with a knife, if you die today or he dies, there is nothing to complain about, anyway, the big girl and the little daughter-in-law also ruined a lot, drinking big bowls and eating big pieces A few days have passed since the immortal days of meat, even if it is dead, it is worth it!

Six hundred horse bandits roared in, but there was still no commotion in the officers and soldiers. The soldiers were still mechanically doing repetitive movements according to the officer's password. Occasionally, a few timid ones became calm because they were surrounded by their fellow soldiers. Come down, hold the firecracker in your hand and breathe heavily.


"Light the match!"

When they were still a few hundred away from the horse bandits, the officers finally ordered the team to stop advancing, and the soldiers took out fire pockets from their arms and lit the fire ropes of the firecrackers in their hands.

"Raise the gun!"

The 200 gunners at the front of the team immediately raised their guns.


After the horse bandits entered the shooting range, the gunners in the front row immediately pulled the trigger, and the immediately ignited fire rope was buckled into the medicine chamber, and the medicine chamber containing the gunpowder was ignited with a "pop", followed by a "bang", The iron bullet loaded in the barrel was fired.

"Let it go!"

Without any interruption, the gunners in the second row fired their guns in an instant, while the gunners in the front row were already squatting on the ground.

One, two, three... The firecrackers of the officers and soldiers seemed to be endless, and they kept roaring in the field of the empty mine.


The Liaodong army was armed with a new matchlock gun made by Sun Yuanhua in Denglai. This matchlock gun was much more convenient than the bird's beak gun used by the Ming army, but the bullets used were similar. Otherwise it is not immediately fatal.

But for the returnees with white hats without armor protection, the intensive firing of more than a thousand firecrackers in turn is enough to make their corpses litter the fields and blood stain the ground.

After two years of training, the newly formed army adopted the three-stage firing tactic, and the shooting of the firecrackers was like shooting in line, which was enough to sweep the Huihui and horse bandits who were not at all the army in front of them.

Cao Bianjiao seized the Yellow River ferry and took six thousand cavalry. Dayong still had a battalion of cavalry guards on hand. If cavalry were sent to fight these retreats, the efficiency would definitely be much higher than that of infantry, but Dayong still decided to send infantry to encircle and suppress these retreats. , because since the establishment of the new army, there have been almost no battles, and the training of soldiers is completely brought by those veterans. Although the training seems to have achieved the effect that Dayong wanted, it is an army that has not really experienced blood and fire. It cannot be regarded as a real strong army.

Before the upcoming battle with the rogues, Dayong always wanted his soldiers to participate in actual combat more, but he didn't have a good opportunity. Now those who come back to his door, compared with the rogues who are dispatched by tens of thousands at every turn, it is obviously inferior. The best object for training.

If a battalion of infantry can't deal with a self-defense Huihui, then there is no need to talk about exterminating the bandits, just pack up and go home.Dayong has no doubts about the victory of the battle at all, the only thing to consider is how many casualties will be caused in this battle, and how many problems will be exposed.

Wang Fei of Thousand Households, who led his troops into battle, was told to report the whole process of the battle to the staff newspaper after the war, so that the whole army could learn from it and improve some shortcomings that might cause mass casualties.At the same time, the order he got was to keep no dog or chicken, yes, no dog or chicken, Dayong wanted no one alive in the Ma family village.


After the firecrackers of the Liaodong Army fired, the horse bandits were stunned. The brothers in the front kept falling off their horses, but the people behind couldn't rush to the front, because the firecrackers of the official army were too dense, and the sound of the blunderbuss was simply Tens of thousands of troops were firing guns at the same time, bullets were flying everywhere, and there was no gap for them to charge forward.

The horse bandits who were hit by the guns were covered with countless holes, each hole was oozing blood, they fell off the horse as if off the thread, and then rolled on the ground like blood gourds, but they could not die, unless their Bleeding dry.

In the blink of an eye, three or four hundred brothers died. Looking at the officers and soldiers who were still raising their guns, the horse bandits realized that they had encountered a hard stubble. These officers were not their prey, but hunted own hunter.

The horse bandits are not really not afraid of death, nor are they a well-trained army. After witnessing the tragic situation of their companions, panic broke out in an instant, and the remaining horse bandits turned around and ran away without even thinking about it, but this was just before the charge. No matter where you can say U-turn, you just turn around. Suddenly, more than 200 horse bandits were in a mess. In the panic, a few unlucky guys were knocked to the ground by their own family members.

The head of the horse bandit was the first to run away, and it is natural to have vision to be the head of the bandit. This battle must not continue. I am here to make a fortune, not to die. I will run quickly, as many as I can run, it is better than dying here.I don't know if it was because he was running too fast or because he was too frightened, but the big master accidentally fell off his horse. Fortunately, he didn't get hurt from the fall. He was about to get up, but saw a guy rushing towards him on his horse, so he was so frightened that he hurried to the ground After a roll, it didn't step on it.

The strength of the officer's guns and the collapse of the horse bandits stunned the white hats. Ma Derong immediately broke off his horse and ran away. After he ran, those Huihuis would naturally not be so stupid as to continue to die, and followed in a swarm Run to the stockade.Those who run the most viciously are Huihui who just yelled to kill Han dogs. It seems that these Huihui are not afraid of death, nor are they ignorant. Be quite proficient.

Just lost?

Ma Derong and the old servant Ma Xiangming, who were watching the battle in the stockade, were stunned. Everyone was frightened by the sound of gunfire from the officers and soldiers, and they all had the same thought in their minds: Why are the officers and soldiers in Lushun so strong? Why can't the gun be finished?

Finding that the Huihui who rushed over with the horse bandits turned around and ran away, Wang Fei immediately ordered to stop shooting.

After the sound of gunfire stopped, five hundred soldiers with long knives in their hands and wearing two layers of padded armor separated out from the brigade. They were expressionless and had four skulls hanging from their waists. Tiger guards.

Those who enter the Tiger Guards are all cannibals and fierce soldiers.

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