Daming wolf ride

Chapter 493 Destroy Shaolin first and then Wudang

"Excuse me, Lord, spare my life, Lord!"

When the two blood-covered tiger guards pulled the horse bandit leader who was so frightened that his crotch was wet to Qianhu Wang Fei, the horse bandit leader was already speechless. The massacre of the thugs had already frightened him to death. He had killed a lot of people for so many years, but he didn't kill as much as the gang of officers and soldiers in front of him!

Those bastards don't care about loyalty. I have been shouting behind for so long, and none of the bastards have turned around to help my gang. They don't pay attention to loyalty.... The master wants to cry but has no tears, yes Those subordinates who were flying separately in the face of catastrophe were filled with resentment.

Smelling the smell of excrement and urine on the head of the horse bandit, Wang Qianhu couldn't help showing disdain, and felt disgusted with the leader of the horse bandit, thinking that this guy is so timid, how can he still be the head of the horse bandit who robbed houses? .

Suppressing the stench, Wang Fei raised the horse bandit's face with a knife, and said in a deep voice, "Why do you ask me to spare your life?"

Hearing this, the head of the family trembled like a drowning man grasping at straws: "The little ones dare not ask the official to be free, and the small ones have a little money. As long as the official sends someone to pass a letter, the small one will go to the village." I will take money to redeem the villain."

Compared with his own life, the head of the family doesn't care about those floating money. This life is gone, and no matter how much gold, silver and jewelry become the property of others, maybe the gang of bastards who fled back will discuss how to go back halfway. Divide his own few beautiful women in Yazhai.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood.The head of the family thought that if the other party took the ransom and let him go back, the lost money could be extracted from those big families. Anyway, there are quite a lot of big landlords in Henan, and it is not a piece of cake to make up for their losses.As for those who are not loyal, they will go through the knife one by one.

"Take money to redeem your life? Hmph."

Wang Qianhu sneered, the Liaodong Army didn't use money to redeem their lives, but it was okay to use money to redeem things, and Donglu spent a lot of money on this.

Seeing that the leader of the horse bandit is not an important person, what are you talking about with him, killing him with a knife is also eliminating harm for the people, Wang Qianhu waved his hand and asked the tiger guards to drag him away and chop him up.

Seeing this, the head of the family turned pale with fright, and shouted in horror: "The officer has mercy, I have important news to tell the officer!"

Hearing this, Wang Qianhu turned around and glanced at him, and asked, "What important news?"

"The Huihuis in the Majiazhai were secretly working with the rogues. They knew that the officers and soldiers were coming to suppress them, and they knew they couldn't beat them, so they sent people to Zhending to ask the rogues to help. I heard that the leader of the rogues was called Old Huihui and The Ma family has a good relationship, and I reckon that the one the Ma family sent to contact is Lao Huihui.” In this regard, the head of the family can’t care about Huihui’s life and death, and the Ma family is almost dead, so I want to find him. There is no one anymore.If the officers and soldiers really can't get rid of the roots, Hui Hui will come to trouble him, at worst they will pack up their belongings and go to other places to continue to be kings.No matter how ruthless they are, can they still drive themselves to the sky?

"Old back?"

The name of Ma Shouying, Laohuihui, is known to everyone in the Liaodong Army, and he is also a big bandit that everyone wants to kill. Now the army is going north to suppress it. Wang Qianhu was immediately refreshed, and asked the horse bandit, "Is this news true?"

"The little one's life is in the hands of the official, so how dare you lie to the official." The head of the family cried and looked at Wang Qianhu beggingly, wishing that the other party would let him go with a wave of his hand for the sake of the news.

Seeing that the big master was so afraid of death, Wang Fei felt amused, and he waved his hands and said: "Okay, your news is indeed important, um, it's worth your life. Get up and get out."

As soon as he heard that he had really let himself go, the head of the family was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up from the ground, saying "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!" He was about to leave this damned place quickly, but before he walked a few feet away, a few The officers and soldiers suddenly stepped forward and rushed to him.

"Hey!" The big boss was shocked, "What are you doing?"

The officers and soldiers didn't answer, they dragged him aside and knelt on the ground, then chopped off his head with a swing of the long knife.

Wang Qianhu stomped on the head of the head of the family, shook his head and said: "I spared your life, but those people who were killed by you didn't say to spare your life. You have been a bandit for many years, and you owe too many lives. Where are you?" I can spare you." After finishing speaking, he raised his head and told the soldiers: "Tell the brothers to be quicker, we have to tell the commander to come back and invite the big fish!"


Knowing that the government army had suppressed Huihui in Majiazhai, the Han people in a radius of tens of miles were all elated. The government is finally willing to stand up for us Han people!

Thinking of the Hui Hui's bad temper these years, the Han people clapped their hands and applauded the government and army's action to suppress Hui Hui, and the common people whose relatives were beaten to death and injured by Hui Hui cried out excitedly.Some scholars even wrote a lot of poems and essays to praise the righteous actions of the officers and soldiers, and no longer hostile to this guest army who came from afar. The restaurants and shops in the city that were smashed at the beginning also sent representatives to bring good wine and meat to reward the officers and soldiers. For a while, the boundary of Tangyin County was very lively.

It's just that Tangyin county magistrate suffered a lot. The Liaodong army killed thousands of times in his own territory. .

You know, the Huihui in Tangyin County is not limited to the Majiazhai, but tens of thousands of people, and there are even more Huihui in Nanyang Prefecture. Once they leave, I'm afraid there will be riots immediately.

Huihui have always had a famous saying, "If a Han dog scolds me, I will beat his whole family; if a Han dog hits me, I will kill his whole family; if a Han dog kills me, I will kill ten or a hundred of them!"

If there were tens of thousands of times of clamoring and rioting in his Tangyin, it would be a catastrophe like the rogues!After being investigated by the superiors, the knife can't cut the head of the troublesome Lushun general soldier, but it can cut the neck of our little seventh-rank sesame official!

The county magistrate of Tangyin became more and more frightened when he thought about it, and he even took a family of old thieves out of the city at night and disappeared.

Those Huihui who got the news late and didn't have time to participate in the resistance of the official army in Majiazhai will all be wilted now. The news that the official army slaughtered the entire Majiazhai has spread throughout Tangyin County, and they are spreading at a fast speed. The surrounding prefectures and counties spread the word, and it won't take long for the whole of Henan to know about it.

Some Huihui who were still on the way to support the Huihui brothers in Majiazhai heard the news and evacuated faster than when they came, for fear that the officers and soldiers would show their temper and kill them together.

The Huihuis are bullies and fear the hard-boiled. There is such a fierce Han army at the gate of the house, and they really killed thousands of Christians. Those Huihui who have not had time to participate dare to move.

Huihuis in Tangyin County usually see the Han people with arrogance and arrogance. If they are slightly displeased, they will beat and scold them, and if they are serious, they will kill and hurt others. But they all hid at home and did not dare to go out. Those who dared to go out saw the Han people who were usually bullied by them and smiled with them. After the Han people left, the hateful face appeared again. His face quickly became harmonious again.For those Han people who dare to show color, they even secretly said in their hearts: When the soldiers of Lushun Commander-in-Chief leave, I will kill your whole family!


The Liaodong army broke through the Majiazhai, and after slaughtering three or four thousand Huihui, they did not intend to leave. However, they did not continue to send troops to encircle and suppress the nearby Huihui. Later, a siege operation against the old Hui Hui was being deployed.

Hou Xun did not participate in the military meeting. After knowing that Majiazhai died thousands of times, Master Hou didn't want to meet Dayong again. I can't save face, I'm afraid I'll take someone away long ago.

Dayong was discussing with the generals how to encircle Lao Huihui, when the guards outside came to report that a group of monks and Taoist priests had come from outside the camp, clamoring for the general to make decisions for them.

Monk, Taoist priest?

The identity of the visitor confuses Dayong and the generals in the tent. The officers and soldiers can't compete with these outsiders. What do you want them to do?Could it be that the people below ransacked their temples without observing military discipline?

Thinking that some soldiers may have violated military discipline, Dayong couldn't help frowning, and ordered Jiang Wanli to continue to preside over the military discussion, and he took people outside the camp gate to find out. If there are really unscrupulous soldiers committing crimes, then the military law must be enforced , and give justice to those outsiders.

When I got outside the gate of the camp, I saw hundreds of monks and Taoist priests coming, and there were actually a few nuns among them, but they were not young and beautiful, but pure nuns like Miejue Shitai.

After Dayong arrived, the general banner guarded outside the camp gate notified Dayong's identity to the monks and priests. Hearing that this general with an overly frightening face was Lord Lushun General Soldier who dared to send troops to wipe out the return, all the monks, priests and priests The nuns disregarded the rule that outsiders do not pay homage to officials, and all knelt down in front of Dayong, shouting for grievances in unison.

Dayong was taken aback, what a crime it was to make these people from other places kneel down in front of him, and shouted for grievances in unison excitedly.

"What is your grievance? Let's talk about it slowly. I don't know the reason for making such a fuss. How can I decide for you?" Dayong signaled to the outsiders not to talk like this. It's okay for representatives.Otherwise, if you say something and I say it, how can you understand it.

The monks, priests, nuns heard Dayong's words, and saw that although the Lushun commander looked scary, his words were quite polite to them, without any official prestige, so the next old monk boldly brought them here The reason for the injustice was said.


It turns out that the reason why these monks, Taoist priests, and nuns came to the camp to complain is that their temples, Taoist temples, and nunneries have been taken over by the domineering Huihui in the past few years!

The methods used by those Huihuis to seize the Taoist temples are really shameless and despicable. Because one temple was old and in disrepair, the Taoist priests invited craftsmen to renovate it. It is said that this place is the former site of their Qingzheng Temple, and the Taoist priests are not allowed to stay here anymore, and they forcibly occupied the Taoist temple and changed it into their religious temple.The Taoist priests who were kicked out were not given any compensation. The Taoist priests were angry and couldn't resist a few words before being beaten to death by the Huihui.The government also did not dare to make decisions for the Taoist priests because they were afraid of making troubles these times, causing the Taoist priests to wander around like beggars.

The old monk who took the lead was the abbot of the Xiaoxiangguo Temple, the largest temple in Tangyin. It was also because Huihui saw that the location of Xiaoxiangguo Temple was good, the temple buildings were well preserved, and the incense was also flourishing, so thousands of Huihui came and used force Drive the monks away and turn it into a temple of worship for Muslims.The poor old host is almost 80 years old and was kicked out of the temple where he had read all his life scriptures. One can imagine the indignation, helplessness and grievance in his heart.

Not only monk temples and Taoist temples were occupied by Muslims, but also the nunnery with only a few Qing nuns escaped the bad luck of being occupied.

Hearing that the officers and soldiers from other places dared to fight back to eliminate evil for the people, these foreigners who were oppressed by Islam came together to complain to the army, hoping that the officers and soldiers who dared to fight back could make decisions for them.

After hearing the cries of all the monks, Taoist priests, and nuns, Dayong couldn't help but said: "Could it be that Shaolin is destroyed first, and then Wudang is punished; only my donkey sect makes Wulin king?"

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