The Huihui of the Majiazhaizi is the descendant of the Semu people (Western Region, Central Asian race). Cheng Zu Jingnan moved from the northwest to Kaifeng, and moved from Kaifeng to Tangyin during the Chenghua period. Hui Hui Ma Shouying is a Han Hui.

The so-called Hanhui refers to the Han people who believed in Islam. Except for some of them who were kidnapped by Huihui to study scriptures since childhood, there are also those who married Nazhenhui and converted to Huihui.There are various reasons for the formation of the Han Hui, but most of them are based on interests.

There are especially many Han Hui in the Northwest. The reason is that the local Han people are often bullied by Hui Hui, but they can't resist, so they simply believe in Islam.Regardless of whether it is a true Hui or a Han Hui, Islam advocates that all believers belong to one family, so there is no distinction within the religion. When troubles arise, the Han Hui is more ruthless than the real Hui.

Ma Shouying escaped from the frontier army in his early years and fled to Henan. He got help from Majiazhai, so he has some affection for Majiazhai. Moreover, there are more Muslims in Tangyin than other places, so Nine Longguo When Dacheng said that he wanted to lead troops to clean up Tangyin's place, Lao Huihui decisively dissuaded him. He repaid the kindness of helping him back then and paid off his fellowship. After all, he was also Huihui, and his subordinates were all Muslims. Nine dragons were slaughtered and Tangyin was washed. This is unjustifiable anyway, and it violates the teachings. He is afraid that he will not be able to go to heaven after his death.

Ci County is hundreds of miles away from Tangyin, what is Ma Dexi doing all the way here?The Ma family can be regarded as a tyrant in Tangyin, so they suddenly sent the second child in the family to see him, presumably there must be something wrong.

After Ma Dexi told about the situation in the village, the old man was furious, he dared to have officers and soldiers bullying us Muslims, he really ate a bear's heart and a leopard's guts!

I also thought about Gu Junen's earlier statement that an army from the east of Henan came from the east of Henan, and Ma Dexi said that the army that bullied the village came from Wei Hui's side, and the leader of the army was some kind of Lushun general. I'm afraid it's the official army that Gu Junen said had beaten the Eastern Captives.

"You don't have to be afraid, I'll order soldiers and horses to meet that Lushun general for a while! I will definitely kill this official dog!"

Old Huihui is not afraid of the officers and soldiers who have beaten the Eastern captives. In his eyes, the officers and soldiers are all of the same virtue. Even if the officers and soldiers can fight, they have come all the way from Liaodong. They still have some strength to run all the way down. Dealing with them is a piece of cake, no matter how strong they are, can they beat Cao Wenzhao?

The old Hui Hui had no idea about Donglu, only knew that Donglu was making troubles in Liaodong outside the customs when he was in the frontier army in his early years, so he thought that the officers and soldiers Ma Dexi was talking about were also from outside the customs.

Ma Dexi was naturally overjoyed to see that Lao Huihui was willing to lead his troops to fight against the officers and soldiers without saying a word. At that moment, Lao Huihui asked Ma Dexi to eat something first, and then asked his own soldiers to call the next group of leaders, and finally decided to let Lao Huihui lead the army 4000 cavalry went to attack the official army, and the rest of the troops stood still, guarding against Guo Tianxing and the others turning against the water and throwing themselves at Chuangwang, while guarding against the northern official army coming from Baoding.

There are 4000 cavalry dispatched, and I always think that I am certain of victory. Although Ma Dexi said that the army has 2 soldiers, he does not have many cavalry. With the 4000 cavalry under his command, he always thinks that he will be able to defeat the army with 1 troops. .The reason why tens of thousands of people were dispatched to kill Cao Bianjiao that day was that Cao Wenzhao's subordinates were all cavalry, and there were 3000 of them. There are tens of thousands of horses.But if the opponent is an army infantry, Lao Huihui doesn't need to call other people to help, he can deal with it by himself.

As expected, most of Laohui's cavalry were the elite of the Northwest Frontier Army. Hearing that the leader said he wanted to go south to fight the army, they arrived from their respective stations in half a day. Lao Huihui didn't ask to bring much food and grass. After the food is finished, let Majiazhai supply some. After the army is destroyed, everyone will not be hungry. Besides, there is still Tangyin County waiting for the old man to go back and grab some, so why worry about running out of food.

Ma Dexi set off with Lao Huihui. Along the way, he saw Lao Huihui's Hui soldiers dragging several carts of women into the camp. Ma Dexi thought that these women were for the Hui soldiers' entertainment, so he couldn't help showing a lewd smile. See you later, but he told him with a big grin, these women are all very beautiful, if you like this, someone will send you a thigh later.

At best, Ma Dexi is Tang Yin Huihui Xiaoba, who usually bullies and bullies Han people by relying on his status as a Muslim and the second child of the Ma family, smashing Han people's shops, molesting Han women, and occasionally snatching up a traitor or two. He is prostitute, but he has never really killed a person. It can be said that he has never killed a chicken. Because of this, he is often laughed at by the youngest Ma Derong.

Now that Lao Hui opened his mouth to ask for his flesh, Ma Dexi was not so frightened that he fell off the horse on the spot. Seeing this, Lao Hui didn't force him, just smiled and beat the horse and led his men away.


Lao Hui responded to Ma Jiaxiang's invitation to send troops southward. On the bank of the Yellow River, Cao Bianjiao was leading a battalion of cavalry galloping in the wilderness.There is dry and cracked land everywhere, and the grass and trees are all withered and yellow, and the greener bark and grass leaves are not visible at all, but they have been stripped bare by the hungry people.

Along the way, from time to time, I saw people dying of starvation, their corpses lying on both sides of the road. Many of the corpses were mutilated, either eaten by wild dogs or cut off by passing hungry people.There were too many dead people, so many that Cao Bianjiao didn't even bother to order them to be buried. Fortunately, it was so cold that he didn't have to worry about the plague.

On the road, I saw dozens of hungry people who escaped from nowhere and where to go. They were wearing tattered cotton jackets. The cotton exposed from the cotton cloth was black and dirty. Tightly tie it around his waist with a straw rope.

Seeing the officers and soldiers on horseback appearing in front of them, the hungry people subconsciously hid far away, looking at the officers and soldiers with fear in their eyes, obviously, they were worried that this officers and soldiers would snatch their last morsel like the bandits .

The dead man Cao Bianjiao couldn't control it, but seeing these hungry people who were about to die at any time, he couldn't help but stop, and was going to ask his personal guards to send them some food so that they could go further.In Henan, where there are thousands of miles of red land, if you can go farther, you may not be able to survive.

But as soon as the horse stopped, those hungry people ran to a farther place in unison. Cao Bianjiao was startled, and immediately understood why the hungry people ran away.He sighed softly, feeling a little sad, and ordered his four guards to bring a few bags of bread to catch up with the hungry people and hand them over to them, then silently rode away.

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