Before dawn, a group of people from the Liaodong Army came to the original Zhangde Guard Station. After a few simple inquiries, the leading officer ordered the youths under the age of 30 in the camp to serve as temporary guards. All the strong Hui Hui were escorted back to Fucheng, and the rest were still handed over to these guards to guard on the spot.At the same time, the Liaodong Army from all over the country received orders to escort all the returnees in the defense area to Zhangde Prefecture.

When the first batch of [-] young men came back and were escorted into the city, the old chief, Chen Laoshi, who was born in a military household in Ningyuan, hadn't sharpened his sword yet. After hearing the movement, he looked up at the bandits and shook his head. Without saying a word, he lowered his head again, and sharpened the already sharp knife vigorously.From a distance, Chen Laoshi's back became even more hunched.

Behind Chen Laoshi are the last dozen jars of salt left in the army.


In the capital, martial law has been imposed throughout the city, and people are in panic.

On March [-]th, two days after the imperial decree was sent out, another imperial decree came out of Beijing immediately. The content of the imperial decree was to confer Lu Xiang, the prime minister of the five provinces who had just won the "Xinyang Great Victory", to be promoted to the governor of Xuanda, and immediately the governor of the world to help the army See you in Beijing.At this time in Xinyang, Lu Xiangsheng, who didn't know that he had changed from the prime minister of the five provinces to the governor of Xuanda, had just received the news that his father had passed away.

After the Qing army invaded Juyong Pass, its vanguard was ordered by the General, Prince Zheng Jierhalang to lead He Shuogong Prince Degelei, King Tanggu of Wuying County, and Doro Pingan Beile Tabai to lead the two blue flags and the North Korean firearms fell successively. In Yanqing, Changping, Liangxiang, Shahe, Qinghe, Wu Aheng, governor of Jiliao, was so drunk that he was beheaded by the Qing army in his sleep.

General Yangwu of the East and Prince Su Yuetuo commanded the left-wing army, leading the two Red Banner armies of [-], and four Mongolian troops of Horqin, Chahar, Zhalaite, and Durbert with [-] troops. Under the command of Prince Cheng Sahalian, Prince Heshuo Ezhe, Prince Heshuo Tuxietu, and Prince Wu Keshan, Prince Heshuo Liketu, they entered from Qingshan Pass by destroying the side wall. After joining forces in Tongzhou on the outskirts of Beijing, Yuetuo's troops bypassed Beijing and went to Zhuozhou. The troops were divided into eight routes and marched westward.All the prefectures, prefectures and counties were trapped, and the army of King Qin from all walks of life suffered heavy losses, so they dared not look north for a while.

On the [-]th, Hauge led two yellow banners and [-] troops from the Eight Mongolian Banners to enter the pass, and was successively trapped in Miyun, Shunyi, Yingzhou, and Yongping cities. Erhalang's army echoed each other from afar, wanting to encircle Beijing from north to south.

After learning that Donglu had a total of three groups of soldiers and horses entering the pass, two groups surrounded Beijing, and all the way south to intercept the army of King Qin from the north, Chongzhen was shocked and called the cabinet ministers and the Minister of War Zhang Fengyi for an emergency meeting.

After everyone arrived, Chongzhen couldn't wait to ask Zhang Fengyi: "Which of the teachers from all over the world are already on the way?"

"Shanxi General Soldier Wang Zhong, Datong General Soldier Cao Xian, Baoding General Soldier Dong Yongwen, Shanhaiguan General Soldier Jin Guochen, etc. have already joined the army. They are all on the way. The fastest Jin Guochen may reach the capital in two days."

After hearing what Zhang Fengyi said, Qian Wensheng, the second assistant, said, "Jin Guochen can't move. If he moves, what will Shanhaiguan do?"

"What time is it, why don't you move?" Chongzhen said anxiously, "If the capital is lost, what's the use of keeping Shanhaiguan!"

Qian Shisheng was really anxious when he saw the Son of Heaven, so he didn't dare to say any more, and instead asked Zhang Fengyi: "Then how many soldiers and horses are there in these several groups of King Qin's troops?"

"Five thousand each, and Jin Guochen has fifteen thousand, totaling thirty-five thousand." Zhang Fengyi, the reinforcements, knew it by heart, so he blurted out.

After hearing this, Chongzhen said decisively: "Not enough! Jianlu repeatedly offended me, which time was it not fifty thousand and one hundred thousand troops? The change of Jisi is a lesson from the past. When those generals heard that they were fighting with braided soldiers, they all stayed behind! 5000 people are not enough, and we can't beat the Jian captives, so we have to mobilize more troops."

Zhang Fengyi said cautiously: "Then recruit Ma Rulong from Yanqing, You Shiwei from Tongguan, He Renlong from Yulin, Wang Chengen from Yansui, and Yang Ph from Shaanxi?"

"No!" This time it was Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant, who said no. He said to Chongzhen: "Except for Ma Rulong, these people are all under Hong Chengchou's command to suppress the bandits. If they are transferred at this time, what will happen to the bandits in the Central Plains?"

Qian Wensheng also said: "Lu Xiangsheng's army has been transferred to help, and then Hong Chengchou's soldiers will be transferred, but there will be no officers and troops to suppress the bandits."

Zhang Fengyi didn't speak, he didn't want to transfer Hong Chengchou's soldiers in his heart, even Lu Xiangsheng didn't want to transfer, but the emperor was so anxious that he ordered Lu Xiang to be promoted to the imperial edict of the governor, and he didn't even ask him if he was the minister of the Ministry of war. If it is feasible, it will be sent out. If Hong Chengchou's subordinates are spared now, it will wait until the Central Plains is handed over to the rogues.

This Lu Xiangsheng had just severely wounded Gao Yingxiang in Xinyang, and the Liaodong army of Governor Hou Xun had severely injured Lao Huihui and Guotianxing in Tangyin. The southern Henan and northern Henan were victorious at the same time, and the morale of the officers and soldiers was greatly boosted. It's a good time to completely deal with the rogues, but at this juncture, the rogues are coming. It's so unexpected, so unbelievable.

Didn't Shi Dayong say that the eastern captives were already powerless to commit crimes in the south?Zhang Fengyi secretly slandered, originally he was going to persuade the emperor to reward Shi Dayong and his Liaodong Army, but now he didn't even want to mention it, if it wasn't for his false report, he, the military official, would have drawn the troops of Jizhen Are there so many thieves going south?

The first assistant and the second assistant objected at the same time, and Chongzhen had to consider the feasibility of this matter. After a moment of meditation, he nodded and said: "The soldiers under Hong Chengchou's command are not transferred, and Ma Rulong is called to help immediately. In addition... let Jin Guochen The army left [-] troops to guard Shanhaiguan, and asked Ning Yuan to recruit some more soldiers and horses to help." After speaking, he asked Zhang Fengyi: "Is there anything else?"

"Shi Dayong's Liaodong Army is still in Zhangde, and Hou Xun may have received the official document from the Ministry of War..."

Before Zhang Fengyi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chongzhen, "Don't count on him, this Shi Dayong is deceiving, he dares to say that Donglu has been severely injured by him, but right now I am surrounded by Donglu in the capital. Hmph, don’t mention him to me anymore. Also, Hou Xun reported that Tang Yin had killed so many rogues. The Ministry of War can’t believe it all. It has to be verified by someone. Now I believe that Xuan Mo didn’t lie to me.. ..anything else?"

"May we add Liang Tingdong, governor of the three sides, to help?" Zhang Fengyi looked at Chongzhen hesitantly and said his name.

Liang Tingdong is the trilateral governor after Hong Chengchou was promoted to the governor of the five provinces. He is still somewhat talented, but his conduct is not very good. He has been impeached by the censor many times, but he has a good relationship with the inner court. He often said good things for Liang Tingdong in front of Chongzhen, so Chongzhen had a good impression of him.Hearing Zhang Fengyi's proposal to let Liang Tingdong join him, Chongzhen immediately nodded in agreement, and after turning his hands behind his back, he muttered again: "Tianshou Mountain, that's the place where the ancestors are buried."

Seeing this from Chongzhen, Zhang Fengyi's hairs immediately stood on end!As the minister of the Ministry of War, he was so under the nose that he didn't know it!Wang Qia, Shangshu of Jisi's Rebellion Department, was executed, Fengyang Imperial Mausoleum crashed, the emperor did not take heavy responsibility, it was a mercy, if there is another accident in Changping Imperial Mausoleum, my head can only be handed over to the emperor.Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down on both knees and said: "Your Majesty, I invite the governor of the capital to fight the Jian thief!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Zhou Yanru and Qian Wensheng were shocked, and Chongzhen's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "You want to come to the battle in person?"

"Yes, I will repay the Lord Long En with blood!" Zhang Fengyi said with certainty.

Chongzhen was overjoyed: "Okay! The civil servants are like this, and the generals dare not be negligent. I will give you the Shangfang Sword, ten thousand gold, and five hundred medals for meritorious service!" After a pause, he said, "Call the governor Liang Tingdong to the towns on the West Road, and your governor to the East Road All towns, rise up the Submarine Supervising Army and issue an order immediately!"

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