Updated: 2012-09-23

Watching the soldiers in Wuziying carry a log and stop and go every day, laying it flat and lifting it vertically from time to time, the Yongzi battalion, cavalry battalion, supply battalion and the folks who came to transport food were all very happy, watching the excitement He also pointed at Wu Ziying.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

The officers of the Wuzi Battalion were also full of opinions. Chief Qian Huang An asked him several times, but Shi Dayong didn't tell him what the purpose of this kind of training was, but strictly ordered him to continue the drill.It was not until the afternoon of the fourth day that Shi Dayong told the generals his purpose of training troops in this way.

"The Tartar cavalry are powerful. Our military method is to fight against them in the field. We charge forward and rely solely on the blunderbuss and spears to control the enemy. If the formation is disordered, our army will be defeated. Therefore, this officer thought of the method of using wooden tips to control the enemy. They are all one zhang in length, and if the Tartar soldiers come, the soldiers will hold up the trees and erect them, using the strength of birch to block the enemy in front of the formation, so that our soldiers can be protected in the formation.”[

"Is this method feasible?" Huang An didn't quite believe that a mere piece of wood could withstand the slave cavalry.

Shao Wu, Jiang Wanli and other generals also expressed doubts. They have been in the army for so many years, and they have never seen wood used to resist cavalry attacks, but they have seen vehicles used to resist the enemy.

Seeing this, Shi Dayong didn't say anything anymore, he waved his hand to ask the generals to follow him out of the camp, and ordered the Wuzi battalion to hold a wooden array, and sent his own soldiers to bring four old and weak horses, blindfolded them with cloth, and drove them madly to Wuzi. The word camp goes.

The horse was tens of paces away, and the command did not move, and it still did not move for nearly ten paces, but when the first soldier was about to be bumped by the startled horse, he suddenly gave the order to lift the wood.

Immediately, the soldiers who had been nearly numb from the training instinctively squatted on the ground, and quickly raised the wooden sticks in their hands to the front.Before the four horses could rush into the formation, they were forced into their stomachs by the wooden point, and fell down with a "plop", neighing and wailing, and the knight on the horse also jumped off the horse due to the force of inertia.Fortunately, it was just a rehearsal, not a real charge, otherwise the horses behind would have already trampled into flesh.

"My lord, good means!"

Jiang Wanli was a cavalry soldier, so he could see the purpose of those wooden points at a glance, and immediately praised him sincerely.

With his praise, Huang An and the others applauded in a hurry and witty way:

"With this method of warfare, why be afraid of the Tartar cavalry rushing forward!"

"The birch wood is hard and not easy to break. It is more than enough to withstand a cavalry. As long as a cavalry stands in front of the formation, the Tartar cavalry behind will be chaotic!"

However, Ma Zhong raised his own question: "My lord, if the Tartars attack from the two wings instead of the front, what should we do?"

This is a good question, and it got to the point. Shi Dayong glanced at Ma Zhong appreciatively, nodded and said: "This officer has also taken this into consideration, so when we march in the future, the third team of Wuziying will be in front, left and right. , right three sides, the Yongzi Battalion is in the center, and the Cavalry Battalion is behind the formation. No matter which side the Tartars charge from, we can always have room to maneuver."

The generals thought about it for a while, and they all thought it was right, but the cavalry general Sun Youjin asked another question: "The Tartar cavalry are very powerful with bows and arrows, so what should we do if we use the arrows first to disrupt our formation?"

Hearing this, Shi Dayong pointed to the soldiers' left-handed shields, and asked him back: "Do you think that the officer asked the governor to get these hundreds of shields for viewing?"

Sun Youjin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said: "My lord, this method is indeed ingenious, using the long tree to defuse the advantage of Jiannu cavalry, but I think that if there is a war, Jiannu will gather heavy troops. At that time, thousands or even Tens of thousands of cavalry are rushing in, can we really resist with our long trees?"

Hearing this, all the generals were stunned for a moment, Shi Dayong was also dumbfounded, after staring at the Wuziying in the field for a while, Fang turned his head and said to the generals: "If the Tartars attack me with heavy troops, I will definitely not survive. "

After hearing this, all the generals were suddenly sad, but they heard Shi Dayong say impassionedly:

"However, the Tatars are few, and I will survive! As long as you are united with me, our Songshan Army will continue to grow in the future. Today it is a thousand people, and it may not be able to expand to ten thousand in the future. Then, why should we be afraid of the Tatars?" Come on son soldiers! This officer is not a rash person, nor a person who will fight wildly. How can we let our army fall into the heavy siege of the Tartars? You can rest assured. But if I am here, our Songshan army will be wiped out Dangerous, it will only become stronger and stronger!"

All the generals cheered up when they heard the heroic words of the garrison lord, and hurriedly responded with clasped fists: "We swear to advance and retreat with you!"

After waving his hands to signal his subordinates not to do this, Shi Dayong looked at Jiang Wanli's face and said in a deep voice: "Although the way of defense is heavy, it is a small section. To win the battle, you need to attack. All of you are cavalry, and they are offensive weapons." If our Songshan Army wants to make great achievements, your department has a long way to go, and I hope that Jiang Qian will always think about Ming Dynasty and the emperor, and fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield in the future, so as to promote the power of our country and the power of Songshan Army!"

Hearing this, Jiang Wanli suddenly said: "The final general will swear to serve the court and the emperor to the death. Don't worry, my lord, on the battlefield in the future, our troops will fight the enemy bravely, and we will not retreat even a single step!"

Shi Dayong didn't speak any more, but slowly shifted his gaze to Jinzhou in the northeast direction. When the generals saw him, they thought the garrison was looking in the direction of Jinzhou, but they didn't know that the garrison was thinking about Dalinghe City at the moment.

Daling River, the death of Ming Dynasty with white mountains and black waters!

On May [-], Shi Dayong was ordered by the governor's yamen to escort grain and grass to Daling River again.All the way, safe return.

On June [-], it was still a matter of going to the Daling River with food and grass.

I thought it would take half a month to send the grain and grass next time, but I didn't want to go back to Songshan, so I received the military order again and ordered to go to Dalinghe City with another three thousand stones of grain and grass.

"I just came back and I'm going, even if I'm urging my life, I'm not in such a hurry, right?"

The subordinates were very angry with the governor's yamen's order, they only went back to Songshan yesterday, and they will go again today, could it be that those soldiers in Dalinghe City are useless, and they ate up half a month's grain reserves in one go!

Shi Dayong has no complaints, firstly, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders; secondly, he was single-handedly promoted by Qiu Hejia, if it wasn't for him, where would it be his turn to sit in the Songshan garrison position, and the reorganization and equipment of the Songshan Army would not be implemented .In addition, there are still many places to rely on Qiu Hejia in the future. Unless he rebels or joins Huang Taiji, he must obey the orders of the governor's yamen.That being the case, what's the point of complaining.

After appeasing the generals, Shi Dayong ordered the Wu, Yong and Cavalry Battalions to participate in the escort, and the Baggage Battalion immediately recruited [-] civilians, and set off immediately after preparing food and grass.

The convoy set off at noon on June 160th, accompanied by [-] soldiers from the [-]th Battalion of the Songshan Army, [-] civilian men and [-] carts.

Only a dozen old and weak soldiers and dozens of military households from the original Songshan Fort stayed behind in Songshan. These people were all dismissed during the reorganization, and they were not allowed to go to the battlefield.Fortunately, although Songshan is an important place for military settlements, there is Jinzhou in the front and Ningyuan in the back, so I don't worry that the Jin army will fly in with wings.

Collection, there is an urgent need for collection; red ticket, the most important red ticket!

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