Updated: 2012-11-02

Knowing that Shi Dayong had woken up, Cao Bianjiao, Jiang Wanli, Ma Zhong, Li Dashan, Sun Youjin and other officers all came to visit him.They had all seen the injury on Shi Dayong's face when he was unconscious, so after they came, they tacitly kept silent about the injury on the general's face, lest the general be upset.

Shi Dayong accepted the kindness of his subordinates, and accepted their kindness. He kept silent about his own face, but asked about the aftermath of the soldiers who fought with him that day. Let Shi Dayong worry about it.

As a high-ranking person, he puts the behind-the-scenes of his soldiers more important than the situation of the battle. This matter, in the eyes of outsiders, is putting the cart before the horse, but in Shi Dayong's view, the two are in conflict.Even from the perspective of future generations, his behavior may be a bit of a woman's benevolence. It would be inconvenient and costly not to mention conditions. The trouble alone is enough to make people complain.It is far less convenient than burial on the spot. The family of the deceased will give some compensation money, and the local government will take good care of it, and the matter will be settled.

After all, these soldiers were not fighting for Shi Dayong, but were working hard for the court and the emperor, and it was the emperor's business to take care of them.It is very good for those who lead the soldiers to eat and drink less blood, how can they control so much! [

These days, the soldiers are in a panic, they are fighting outside the pass, and they are also fighting inside the pass. Someday no one will die. If all the soldiers are like him, then the Ming Dynasty will be very lively. The corpse team is gone, and paper money can be scattered from Shanhaiguan to Guangdong and Guangxi.

However, Shi Dayong insisted on doing this, and even took the corpse back to his hometown as his soul of the Songshan Army, and he shed snot and tears that men shouldn't shed. Why?Because he respects everyone and every lost soul!

If he doesn't want to be a bone of bones in the wasteland after his death, let the wind and rain blow, let the wild dogs eat, let his relatives see through the eyeliner but don't know where he is, he must treat his subordinates well, treat those people well Unyielding heroic soul!

Killing decisively is joy; going forward bravely is fear.

However, once he succeeds, his bones will dry up!

After thousands of years, which famous general can transport corpses for thousands of miles like Shi Dayong!

After death, not to mention the presence of souls, it is for their parents not to cry and go blind, for their wives and children to go to the graves to burn some paper money and provide some meals during the Ching Ming Festival. No matter how much money is spent, no matter how much manpower is spent, it is worth it!

Money can't buy peace of mind.


A group of military officers had never dealt with the governor's yamen or the Liaodong soldiers. This battle was fought under the city of Jinzhou, so the corpses belonged to the civilian husbands organized by Jinzhou prefect Chen Ang to deal with the aftermath.Cao Bianjiao had a close relationship with Governor Qiu, so everyone took him as a representative and participated in the arrangements for the funeral of the fallen soldiers throughout the process.

Immediately told Shi Dayong: "Li Desheng, Xia Yizhong and more than 300 soldiers who died in the battle were all originally from Liaoyang. At present, it is occupied by Jiannu, so the coffin is transported there. There are not so many coffins to be placed at the moment, and the weather is hot. , can’t stop, so the last general can only bury them in Songshan first, and then relocate them after recovering Liaoyang in the future.”

After finishing speaking, seeing Shi Dayong's face was heavy, Cao Bianjiao thought that there was something wrong with his arrangement, and hurriedly said: "If the general thinks that the general did not do well, the general will ask someone to make another arrangement."

Shi Dayong shook his head, patted Cao Bianjiao lightly, and smiled a little sourly: "You've done a good job. Thank you for your hard work these few days."

Cao Bianjiao hurriedly shook his head and said: "These are the last things to do, the general should not dislike Xiao Cao Chaoyue."

"No, no, how can you dislike it? You, Xiao Cao, are becoming more and more sensible now, and you can also take charge of your own affairs. I am very happy in my heart. You have done a good job in this matter, really good. Let the fallen soldiers It is my general's consistent proposition that the bones be buried in their hometown, and I hope that this proposition will be passed on in our Songshan Army."

Speaking of this, he stopped, and said to everyone earnestly: "Others lead soldiers, they talk about loyalty, filial piety, wisdom and bravery, but I lead soldiers with great courage, but I don't talk about these things. I only talk about one thing, which is that my subordinates don't have to worry about it after death. Posthumous affairs. Perhaps, you will think that I am a bit of a mother-in-law, a woman, or a little angry. Before this battle is fought, I have settled the posthumous affairs first, which will inevitably ruin the morale of the army. But I think that the soldiers followed I, Shi Dayong, besides exchanging my life for the breadwinner of the family, I also trust me Shi Dayong. When I am alive, I can’t give them the best. After death, I will not help them take care of their funeral. What does it mean to be worthy?"

Ma Zhong said with emotion: "The general is benevolent and righteous, treats my officers and soldiers like brothers and sisters, we will only swear to die, and dare not take responsibility!"

"We only swear to follow each other to the death, and dare not take responsibility!" Everyone bowed down.

Shi Dayong helped them up one by one, his eyes passed slowly over the faces of his subordinates, hesitating, and finally said: "Master Zhang led the troops to help, and he intended to send troops to help, but I don't know what your intentions are." ?”[

"The general is just recovering from his injury, how can he fight?" Cao Bianjiao was taken aback.

Jiang Wanli shook his head: "The general wants to send aid, and the last general should swear to follow him to the death, but our Songshan has less than one hundred soldiers now, and the Zhang Bing Department has [-] troops. If we go, we may not be able to help. "

Hearing this, Shi Dayong was taken aback for a moment, but he forgot that his subordinates had no soldiers left, and most of them died in battle at Daling River and Jinzhou City.Er Jin himself just wants to go to the rescue, and if he makes his last effort, it will be saved.

"Yeah, without soldiers, it's difficult even if you want to help." Ma Zhong touched half of his face, and then looked at Shi Dayong's. Can no longer lead troops into battle.

I have less than 100 people under my command. Under the leadership of Wu Xiang and Song Wei, all the Liaodong soldiers in the city went out to help Zhang Chun. The only ones left are regimental training and guard soldiers, at most 2000. It is difficult, and we have to mobilize the young and strong to help guard.If Qiu Hejia was asked to take all the regiments and guards with him, I am afraid that Qiu Hejia would not agree.

Could it be that Zhang Chun's army was wiped out like this, and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians from Daling River descended to Manchuria?

Could it be that he really couldn't stop the tragedy that happened in Daling River, couldn't stop He Kegang's head from falling to the ground?

Shi Dayong had a terrible headache. He basically lost all the money he built in Songshan, and the wolf cavalry army was also disabled. It can be said that he now has no soldiers under his command.Is it really necessary to bring these dozens of people and the tens of thousands of Jin Jun's army to the last one?

No, if you want to find death, you can't die like this. If you insist on going your own way, it will be unfair to these subordinates who survived the catastrophe.

Nai, Shi Dayong sighed, and wanted to say that since he went all out to help, he should stay in the city.Just as he was about to speak, the guards outside came to report: "Report to General, the two generals, Huang and Shao, have returned from Changping!"

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