Updated: 2012-11-02

After the pre-war mobilization was completed, Shi Dayong had to start to implement the weapons of his subordinates. He couldn't ask these three thousand Changping children to go to the battlefield with him empty-handed.

All the household belongings were counted, and when Jiang Wanli and Huang An reported the accounts, Shi Dayong frowned worriedly.

"Mianjia originally had [-] pieces, Master Futai allocated [-] pieces, and the total is [-] pieces. In addition, we originally had [-] pieces for playing cards, but [-] pieces were destroyed, and only [-] pieces remained. The Taiwan University sent another three hundred, and the total was seven hundred."

"Our original ones plus the new ones, totaled 560 long spears, [-] bird guns, [-] large gun guns, [-] knives, and [-] bows. That's all." [

"Including the original repairs, there are a total of 800 sets of heavy armor, and there are about 100 pieces of chain mail remaining. We originally had more than 300 horses, and more than [-] horses died in the battle of Dalinghe. More than [-] horses died in the war, and now there are less than [-] horses."

Hearing this, Shi Dayong thought of Qiu Hejia's promise to transfer horses for himself, so he asked: "Didn't Master Futai say that he transferred some horses for us from the regiment training and guards? How about it, how many horses did you transfer?" "

Cao Bian spread his hands and muttered, "All the military horses in the city were taken away by the Liaodong army. They have two horses for each of them. For this alone, more than 2000 horses were needed, and the remaining hundreds were also taken away by the army. Master Futai still transferred us [-] horses from the personal army, the number is too small, and it is useless."

Jiang Wanli sighed softly: "General, what we lack right now is not horses, but people."

"People?" Shi Dayong was startled, three thousand soldiers from Changping had just arrived, and there were plenty of people, so why is there a shortage of people?

Seeing that Shi Dayong didn't understand, Jiang Wanli hurriedly explained: "The last general said there was a lack of people, but he meant a lack of cavalry. We only have 91 cavalry brothers left, so no matter how many horses there are, it is useless if there is no one to ride them."

Cao Bianjiao also said: "There are no cavalry in the city, and the last general also asked. Of the three thousand Changping soldiers, only a few dozen had ridden in their hometown, and the rest had never ridden."

"Without cavalry, we just rely on our two legs and Jiannu to fight. This battle is over." Ma Zhong said with some concern.

Li Dashan interjected: "Don't the army have cavalry? We are transporting food this time, so we can just follow the army, and we don't have to fight in the front line."

Cao Bianjiao gave a wry smile: "The cavalry outside the pass has not surpassed ten thousand cavalry since they fought against Sun Jinglue. Since Yuan Chonghuan and Mangui, there are only five or six thousand cavalry left. Now most of them are in Dalinghe City. Ning’s iron cavalry only totaled more than 1000, and the rest were transferred from the pass earlier. They look strong and strong, but they can’t do it in real fights. Zhang Bingbei, I heard that the deputy general Zhang Hongmo had [-] cavalry under his command. Those from Jizhen are inferior to the two generals of Wu and Song. It can be said that most of our army this time is infantry, and the number of cavalry is not even comparable to that of Jiannu."

"Just this little cavalry?" Li Dashan was anxious when he heard this, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Didn't the imperial court think of sending more cavalry before they were transferred? Don't they know that Jiannu has tens of thousands of cavalry?"

"Where to transfer from?" Shi Dayong glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "Right now there are thieves everywhere in the pass, demanding soldiers everywhere, and it is difficult for the imperial court. Our Ming cavalry is not much, and Xuanda and Guyuan have to guard against it. Beilu, where can the cavalry be transferred? Besides, it is too late to transfer."

Li Dashan curled his lips: "If you say it this way, this battle will still be lost in all likelihood."

"Being undefeated is another matter, but this battle is still going to be fought. Don't you think that what this general said to the soldiers just now is all lies!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Dayong got up, took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and turned his head to order Cao Bianjiao: "Take out those dozens who can ride horses. In addition, you recruit 3000 people from 200 people. We have to reorganize the wolf cavalry army. At the critical moment, point to the wolf cavalry and charge again!"

Cao Bianjiao hesitated: "General, they don't know how to ride horses, so what's the use of recruiting them?"

Jiang Wanli and the others also felt that this kind of driving ducks into the racks was not enough, even if the recruits were put on horses, they would still fall off after this bump. If they were not familiar with horse riding, they would definitely not be able to serve as cavalry.

But Shi Dayong made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't know how to ride a horse, just tie them to the horse!"


All the generals were taken aback when they heard the words, they all felt that this method was too sensational, and it seemed too unbelievable to tie a man to a horse.

Jiang Wanli lowered his head and thought about it, but nodded and said: "This is a good idea. The wolf cavalry army doesn't need to be on the horse, as long as they can hold their spears on the horse. It's really not good. It's fine if you can sit still. .”

"If you tie someone to a horse, you won't be able to fall off, but if you do this, you're going to risk your life." Cao Bianjiao wasn't sure if this method would work, but he just felt that this way, for the two hundred recruits, it would be a big deal. I really don't want to live anymore.

"This is also a last resort. It is Nai who tied people to the horse. The right is a dead soldier. You tell those soldiers that this is the real job of tying their heads to their trouser waists. If they are not voluntary, they must not be forced. No one signed up, and you led those 91 brothers to set up the wolf cavalry army!"

Now that things have happened, Shi Dayong has no better way to do it. Let the dead horse be a living horse doctor, and then ordered Huang An: "Pass down the order. Before going out, this general will give money to the brothers."

"Send money?"

When Cao Bianjiao heard that Shi Dayong wanted to give money to the soldiers, he hesitated, looking at Shi Dayong, wondering whether to say it or not.

Shi Dayong raised his hand to signal him to speak directly, Cao Bianjiao then asked: "General, do we have so much money?"

Shi Dayong said: "The emperor allocated 1 taels of silver as a reward. I have used some of it now, and there are more than 7000 taels left. We officers don't need to collect it for now. The soldiers in the old battalion will give each of them ten taels. Give the three thousand Changping disciples two taels each."

Upon hearing that all the money was sent out, Huang An reminded: "General, all the money has been sent out, what should we do in the future?"

"That's right, the compensation money for our fallen soldiers has not been seen yet. There are many places where the money will be used in the future. If all the money is distributed, what will happen in the future?" Shao Wu thought more and felt that the money could not be fully paid. send it on.

But Shi Dayong said: "Let's talk about what happens in the future. You can't let the brothers die in vain. If everyone can come back alive from this battle, I will find a way to make up for the rewards of the soldiers. The families of the soldiers who died in battle Both have to be sent."

"General, how much should you keep?"

Huang An and Shao Wu wanted to persuade them again, but Shi Dayong waved his hand to signal that they don't need to persuade them anymore, and ordered Li Dashan to take people to move all the silver boxes to the school grounds.

Spiritual appeal is important, but material rewards are also indispensable.

Although there was not much money, Shi Dayong did his best to give it out, not for anything else, just to give these soldiers who voluntarily came to follow Shi Dayong a little more security, even if it was psychological.


Three thousand Changping soldiers must be led by veterans to become an army. Before the money was distributed, after Shi Dayong asked Qiu Hejia for instructions, he promoted all the veterans of the Wuyong Second Battalion to be generals. Generally referred to as defense.

In the battle of Daling River, the imperial court already promoted rewards, but it was delayed because of the Jin army's large-scale siege of Daling River. Shi Dayong promoted the officers of his troops without authorization. This was nothing more than advancing the promotion of the Ministry of War, and it was not a big mistake, so Qiu Hejia naturally would not have any objections.

On the basis of voluntary registration, Cao Bianjiao recruited [-] dead soldiers as he wished, and rebuilt the Wolf Cavalry Army with the original Wolf Cavalry.

Jiang Wanli's cavalry battalion was formerly headed by Qian Qian, but now it is defending with 1000 people as the Chinese army.Huang An and Shao Wu each led 1000 men as the front and rear armies.

Temporary expansion, temporary promotion, everything is just for the war, so all affairs are kept simple, with only one purpose, which is to keep the three thousand Changping children from getting confused when they go to battle, knowing that they must follow orders. [

After the reorganization of each department was completed, they came to Beicheng successively under the leadership of the battalion officers.On the top of the city, the governor Qiu Hejia, the prefect Chen Ang and other Jinzhou military officials saw Shi Dayong off.

The grain transportation team organized by more than 1000 civilian husbands and young men also gathered on standby. The [-] shi of grain on the truck was suspected to be a life-saving scarecrow for the besieged Dalinghe City, but it was not known whether the grain could be transported into Dalinghe City.

The prefect Chen Ang was born as a Jinshi during the Wanli period. He was originally a doctor of the Ministry of War and a member of the Eunuch Party. After Chongzhen came to power, he was liquidated. Fortunately, he had a good personal relationship with some people in the Donglin Party. I don't know whether it's a good life or a hard life to be the magistrate of Jinzhou outside the customs.

Looking at the more than 3000 recruits under the city, Chen Ang really couldn't lift his spirits. When he sent the army out of the city earlier, the army was really neat, with bright armor and uninterrupted banners, which made people full of confidence.And these three thousand recruits don't have all the armor and weapons, and they are probably better than the bandits, so it's good if they don't collapse at the first touch.

But thinking that these more than 3000 people were just following the army to transport food, and they didn't go to battle to kill the enemy, so there must be no delay. In addition, Shi Dayong, the leader of the army, is the direct descendant of the governor, so Chen Ang reluctantly smiled. In order not to embarrass the governor, he also praised the morale of the city from time to time. This time, he will surely fulfill his mission and achieve something.

The gentry were already deeply impressed by Shi Dayong, and they all said that with this brave general in charge, no matter how unbearable the recruits are, nothing will happen to them.Besides, there is Zhang Bingbei leading Wu Zongbing and Song Zongbing in the front line. The more than 2000 chariots are exciting to see. can be removed safely.As long as the army is there, Shi Dayong's 3000 troops will no longer look good, and a strong reputation will always do.

Liu Zeyi, Wang An, Ge Qing and other generals were also on the top of the city. At this moment, their training regiments and guards became the main force defending Jinzhou, and it was rare to feel elated.Several people have been with Shi Dayong to help Dalinghe, which can be regarded as a little friendship, so after seeing Shi Dayong, they all came to say hello to him.Shi Dayong also returned the salute with everyone one by one, and then directed people to carry more than a dozen large boxes and pile them at the gate of the city.

Those boxes were so heavy that six or seven strong men had some difficulty lifting them, and there was still a seal on them. For a while, no one knew what was in the boxes, only Qiu Hejia knew that these boxes were the last time the emperor came out of the box. Reward silver allocated to Shi Dayong Songshan Army from internal funds.

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