Updated: 2012-11-13

After the battle started, Shi Dayong didn't obey Zhang Chun's order, and led his headquarters three miles away from the army. Instead, he led the Songshan old battalion and the three thousand Changping disciples to move closer to the army.

Just like the boys from Yulin, Shaanxi, this Changping boy seemed born to be a strong army, and he didn't even have the fear of the battlefield, even with the rumble of artillery in front, one of the three thousand boys showed fear.

Changping is a place on the outskirts of Beijing, while Yulin is a land with nine borders. One of them has never lived without swords and guns for a hundred years, and the other has never been separated from swords and guns for a hundred years.It stands to reason that these disciples should be completely different, one for literature and one for martial arts, but this Changping disciple is naturally strong like the Yulin disciple, it is really puzzling.

Shi Dayong also couldn't figure out how this Changping boy was so unafraid of death, he couldn't figure it out, not only he couldn't figure it out, history couldn't explain this puzzle. [

There are too many confusions in history, just like the battle of Dalinghe, the strange battle situation left too many puzzles for future generations.

I can't figure it out, but I am determined.

The closer he got to the army, the more determined Shi Dayong became. What made him feel more at ease was not the battle situation ahead, but the three thousand Changping soldiers behind him who were not afraid of death.

People are not afraid of death, so they can go forward bravely.


Seeing that the army defeated the Jin soldiers and marched all the way to the Xiaoling River, when they were about to cross the river, they were attacked by the artillery of the Jin army, and the formation was stagnant.

I thought that Zhang Chun would order to retreat, reorganize the formation and set up camp on the spot relying on Changshan, in order to fight again, but I didn't expect Zhang Chun to order the army to continue to advance against the artillery fire of the Jin army.

When the army crossed the river, the golden army's artillery also fell silent, but the Xianghong flag that retreated to the other side of the river crossed the river again to fight back.

Shi Dayong didn't know how the front was going, whether the cavalry with the red flag was wiped out, he only knew that the front was shouting and killing, the large formation formed by tens of thousands of soldiers was crowded with people, and the plain terrain had no way of knowing the situation ahead.

Although he was worried that the army would not be supported, he could not lead his troops to rush forward.Because the formation of the Ming army in front is still complete, if Shi Bu rushes forward rashly, not only will he not be able to help the army, but it will add chaos.

I don't know soldiers anymore, but I also know that the Xiaoling River is the key to life and death. There is still a chance to cross the river.

This place is more than ten miles away from Jinzhou, except for those cavalry who can escape with their horses, how can the [-] infantry escape back!

Success or failure lies in the battle of crossing the river. This point, Zhang Chun thought, Huang Taiji thought, Shi Dayong thought, and similarly, the generals of the two sides also thought of it, so there will be Man Ku and Wang Zhi Ku's courageous advance, and it will be possible. There is Azig's Jedi counterattack!


While waiting anxiously, Shi Dayong witnessed how the army was defeated. The tens of thousands of Eight Banners cavalry seemed like demons released from hell, harvesting the lives of Ming soldiers one by one.

Defeated, disastrous, the army in front was in disarray, and thousands of defeated soldiers ran towards the rear, running wildly and crying.

As the crowd became thinner and more scattered, Shi Dayong saw the Chinese army flag still standing in the wind.

Under the banner is the commander-in-chief of the army who is over 65 years old - Zhang Chun, a [-]-year-old man!

The sixtieth old man is still fighting bloody to the end, he would rather die than retreat, let alone I am in the prime of life! [

Without extra words or fancy movements, Shi Dayong quietly put the bronze mask on his face, then turned over and jumped off the horse.

Facing the generals calmly, he said: "The army is defeated, but Lord Bingbei is still insisting. We should follow Lord Bingbei to the end. This is the true color of a Ming soldier."

There was no response, Cao Bianjiao, Jiang Wanli, Huang An, Shao Wu, Li Dashan, Ma Zhong, Sun Youjin and other military officers did not speak out, but no one objected, but looked at their generals firmly grown ups.

Firm, resolutely firm.

They have already made a choice, just like they did under Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City that day.

If the top is not afraid of death, the bottom will follow; if the top is afraid of death, the bottom will abandon it!

"The whole army obeys the order and moves forward with this general. This battle is only for the sake of death!"

With the support of his subordinates' eyes, Shi Dayong issued an order for the whole army to advance, to be precise, an order to dare to die.

"Death! Desire! Desire!"

In the crowd, the young man who didn't want money at the gate of Jinzhou suddenly shouted loudly, and in an instant, the shout of "death" resounded throughout the sky.

The blood was burning in the chest of Songshan soldiers, and the blood was burning in the hearts of Changping's children.

The will to die, the wrath of every man.

Amidst the sound of war drums and heroic shouts, General Shi Dayong of Jinzhou led his 3000 two hundred and 64 subordinates to the battlefield of hell.


Everyone walked with their feet. Although it was only two or three miles away from Xiaoling River, Shi Dayong still ordered everyone to dismount and walk, even the wolf cavalry army dismounted, because Shi Dayong wanted to leave enough space for the wolf cavalry to charge. horsepower.

Those Changping children who voluntarily signed up for the Wolf Cavalry Army walked forward empty-handed and without armor under the leadership of the veterans.Their armor and horse armor were carried on the shoulders by six hundred unarmed Changping children.

In front, more and more defeated soldiers came from all directions, and there was only one target, which was Jinzhou behind the Songshan Army.

Shi Dayong is determined to stop those rout soldiers, everyone has the right to live, he has no right to ask others to die like him.

At the beginning, they only shouted for the defeated soldiers to retreat to both sides, but as more and more defeated soldiers began to rush towards the Songshan Army, shouting was no longer effective, and those defeated soldiers who only cared about survival had lost their minds.

Shi Dayong no longer hesitated, and ordered Cao Bianjiao without hesitation: "Little Cao, kill anyone who stands in my way!"

"Yes, General!"

Cao Bianjiao, who received the order, swung his sword first and cut down two defeated soldiers.Under his example, the gunners in front also fired their guns forward. [

In the sound of "bang bang", nearly a hundred rout soldiers were knocked down to the ground, groaning in pain.

Hundreds of spears also stabbed forward at the same time, and the sharp spearheads told the defeated soldiers who were in a panic - this road is not going to work!

The rout soldiers were startled by the sound of firecrackers. Seeing the soldiers and horses behind them who dared to kill their own people, a fleeing guerrilla rushed out of the crowd, pointing at the Songshan army and yelling: "He Grandma, how did you come out, why stop us! Get out of the way, if you don’t want to stop me, don’t drag the men into the water!"

The one who answered him was—"My general has an order. You are required to live. My general will not stop you, but you cannot attack our army array. Otherwise, you will kill him!"

The guerrilla heard this, and snorted coldly: "What a big tone, is your general the master of the town or the lieutenant general of the hanger? What kind of people are you? What kind of heroes are a bunch of recruits! Get out of the way quickly, or I will die." Order to rush!"

"My general is the new Jinzhou General Shi Dayong, and our army is the Songshan Army!"

"Songshan Shi Dayong?!"

Hearing this name, the guerrilla was shocked. Could it be that Shi Dayong who fought with the Tartars outside the city, almost wiped out the whole army, and finally had half of his face cut off by his own red cannon? !

I heard that this guy drank Tartar blood and ate Tartar meat, he is really a fierce god.

Shi Dayong's deeds of eating human flesh and drinking human blood made the guerrilla shudder. Although the opponent did not have many soldiers and horses, only [-] people, but his formation was neat and his morale was high. In front of him was a group of veterans who were eager to see At first glance, it looked like he crawled out of the dead, with a murderous look on his body, which made it clear that gods came to kill gods, and Buddhas came to kill Buddhas.

If you really want to charge hard, I'm afraid the opponent will not be soft.

Forget it, why bother with these guys who are dying, I can't afford to mess with those who have registered with Lord Yan!

The guerrilla stopped thinking about it, and clasped his fists and shouted: "Since it's General Shi, the last general will take the people aside, but let General Shi know that we have already been defeated, and Jiannu has already crossed the river. Most of the pawns in the army rushed forward risking their lives like this, I am afraid that the chance of death is very dangerous, it is better to listen to the general's advice and turn around quickly."

"Master Bingbei, the Chinese army's banner is still there, how can our army be defeated!" Guo Yi shouted angrily.


The guerrilla was speechless for a while, and many rout soldiers looked behind one after another when they heard the words. Sure enough, the banner of the Chinese army was still there, and there were still several soldiers under the banner fighting with the Jiannu cavalry.There are also several battle formations on the left and right wings resisting.Jiannu crossing the river cavalry was pinned down by these Ming troops who insisted on resisting, and there was no division of troops to chase and kill the rout troops for a while.

The commander-in-chief's banner was still there, but he ran away. For a while, the defeated soldiers were a little embarrassed, and some even wondered whether they should go back and join the Chinese army's banner.

At this time, the opposite Songshan Army shouted again:

"My general said, you only have two legs, but Jianu has four legs. This place is more than ten miles away from Jinzhou. The army is really defeated. How can Jiannu let you go back? You can escape here, but Jianu was restrained by our brothers who didn't run away, that's why we didn't come to chase you, but if Lord Bingbei can't hold on, Jiannu will definitely divide his troops to chase you, then you won't be able to escape to Jinzhou at all!"

"Whether to continue running, or to act like a man, and go with our Songshan Army to fight against Jiannu with the soldiers. Make up your own mind. Don't block our way now, otherwise, don't blame us for not being comrades!"

After the sound fell, the Songshan army continued to move forward, and the rout soldiers stepped aside one after another when they saw this.

Seeing Master Guerrilla in a daze, one of Guerrilla's subordinates hurried forward and asked in a low voice, "My lord, what shall we do?"

The guerrilla looked at the Songshan Army that was marching towards the Chinese army's banner, gritted its teeth and said, "What Shi Dayong said is right, we can't outrun Jiannu's war horse on two legs! Didn't Jiannu catch up and kill him in the end?" , or be taken captive by them, since that’s the case, why should we run, the only way to survive right now is to go back and fight the Tartars! There may be a chance of survival!”

Hearing this, Mr. Qian was taken aback, swallowed his throat, and said with difficulty: "My lord, the Tartars are all cavalry, we can't beat them..."

"If you are afraid of death, run away by yourself!"

The guerrilla seemed to have made up his mind, ignored the general manager Qian, waved his hand and shouted at the stunned rout soldiers, "Brothers, follow General Songshan Shi back without fear of death! Even if you die, you are still a hero. It is better than being killed." Jiannu cut it well!"

After speaking, he took the lead and followed the Songshan Army team to the banner of the Chinese Army.Mr. Qian hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly followed.The two officers took the lead, and the rout soldiers who were still hesitating stopped fleeing. Yes, no matter how hard they ran, they were not as fast as the Tartars' horses. Since they couldn't run back, they might as well go back and fight the Tartars!Even if you die, you have to die!

More and more routs turned back, and soon, there were no less than two thousand routs behind the Songshan army.

These more than 5000 people rushed to the battlefield. With thousands of routs on both sides, it was like going against the current, but it was more like a small boat in the ocean, which might be capsized at any time.


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