New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 104, Bombers are not easy to mess with

() On this day, the bomber unit performed the synthesis and deployment of the box formation in front of Kotin.A day later, another high-altitude bombing training was carried out with the Soviets.Then, according to the agreement between the two parties, after a week, Soviet pilots will fly fighter jets and conduct a confrontation exercise with the bomber unit.

To be honest, the Soviets attached great importance to this confrontation exercise with the bomber force, even more than the confrontation exercise with the American fighter ace.The reasons for this may go without saying.After all, at least for now, we are still allies.

To say that Kejing is really a talent, as soon as he returned to his residence, he immediately got into his office and got busy, even without dinner.When the lights came on, a tired Kejing came out with a piece of paper in his hand.Instead of resting, he called a meeting of the Soviet pilots.

"Let's talk about your views on American bombers." Seeing that everyone was present, Kejing spoke first.

"Good ammunition load and range, great strike power. Powerful!"

"Self-defense firepower is very strong, and there is almost no shooting dead angle." It was Alvin who spoke, "I have checked in several machine gun towers. The position of the machine gun is reasonable, and the lethality of the 12.7 machine gun is also very reliable. I think we should get closer Be careful with this stuff."

"I have carefully observed some structures of this aircraft. The girder is very strong and the distance between the engines is not bad. It is difficult to destroy two at a time. I think even if you use a 37mm gun and hit one or two shots, you may not be able to Shoot it down." Valia said, she discovered for the first time that even the firepower of the 37-gun can sometimes appear insufficient.

"Yes, that thing is really strong. I think, let alone a few shells, even if a plane hits it, as long as it doesn't hit a fatal place, it may not be able to knock it down." It was Cove who said this. Thumbs up.

"Besides, their formation is also very troublesome. Their box-shaped formation has strong self-defense firepower. If the number of fighter jets is a little less, it will be easy to suffer when rushing over." Valia added, "If To launch an attack, you must choose a good angle."

"Comrade Valya is right." Kotin said, "The Americans' formation is indeed very good. To defeat these bombers, you must first know what is the weakness of their formation. I have done some research, and you can take a look. .”

As Kotin said, he put a piece of paper on the table.

"What is this?" Skomorohov took the paper and looked at it carefully.

"Comrade Kotin, you used to study mathematics, and you actually built a mathematical model for the US bomber formation?" Popkov, who was watching together, stretched his neck, shouted.

"I built a mathematical model, let me take a look." Valia put his hands on the table, jumped directly from the table, and snatched the paper from Skomorohov's hand.

Looking at it, Valya gradually frowned: "The idea is very good, and the conclusion is correct. But Comrade Ketin, you have been calculating this question for a long time? How could you come up with such a complicated algorithm? Don't you..." Valya simply turned the paper over and put it on the table, and then took out a pencil, "Look at this...doesn't it count? You actually..."

Kotin came over, picked up the piece of paper, and looked at Valya's calculations.Then he had to admit that this woman's algorithm was indeed better than his.

"As long as the final data is correct." Ke Jing was a little unhappy, "You see, if there is time, we can enter the attack from this angle, so that we will be hit the least. If the pursuit of maximum efficiency, then this positive It's a good angle."

"It's so troublesome there, but I actually have a more effective way. I can definitely smash this flying Spanish phalanx." Valia said.

"What way? Tell me?"

"Simple, each plane carries 8 to 10 rockets and shoots head-on to ensure that the problem is solved."

"This is a good way, we will use this method next time to give the Yankees some color!"

"No! This plan must be kept secret!" Ketin stood up and gave everyone a serious look. "Before returning to China, everyone should stop discussing this plan. Just pretend that Comrade Valia never mentioned it."


A week later, the confrontation began as scheduled.

Because the confrontation was carried out at an altitude of 7000 meters, Soviet pilots no longer flew the p-39 and f6f that they were more familiar with.Both of these planes lack turbocharging and can cause heart attacks at high altitudes.Considering the self-defense firepower of the bombers, all of them were replaced with more robust p-47s.

Valya had also switched to a P-47, and she was now looking around, searching for targets.But bombers are much easier to find than fighter jets, especially bombers flying at high altitudes.At high altitudes, the cold causes water vapor to condense on small particles of exhaust from aircraft engines, which then leave long trails in the sky.The four engines of each bomber pulled out four tracks, and the tracks left by more than 40 bombers looked like a silvery river from a distance.

So from far away, Valya found the target.So she started approaching with the p-47 fleet.

At high altitudes, just as a group of fighter jets can spot bombers at a long distance, bombers can also spot a group of fighter jets at a long distance because they also have a long trail behind them.

So just as Valia's p-47 fleet approached, the bombers were also ready.

"Attention, reiterate the discipline, under no circumstances are allowed to deviate from the scheduled route, and evasive actions are not allowed! Maintain formation, machine gunners are ready!"

Valia also issued an order: "We hit the impact from the front, fight for one shot and disperse them!"

Skimming from the four corners, the risk of attacking the bombers on the four corners is minimal.It's just that this method will take effect very slowly, and when dealing with real large formations, the effect is quite limited.So the most direct way is to attack head-on.

The bomber group in front of Valia formed a box formation with upper and lower 4 floors.Valya set his sights on the topmost floor.This is because, in such an attack, after the attack is completed, a direct climb can leave the killing range of the US bomber's self-defense firepower.Even doing a simple somersault action, you can enter the attack route again.

Valia swooped down from an altitude of 8000 meters with the aircraft group, and the speed of the fighter jets climbed to 800 kilometers per hour.This is not a speed suitable for precision shooting, but the super high approach rate brought by this speed will put a lot of pressure on those rookie bomber pilots.This feeling of being about to hit it soon makes it easy for those rookies to make some dodge moves.And these evasive actions will force other bombers to also make evasive actions, which will then cause a chain reaction, and finally lead to the collapse of the entire box formation.

Although the rookies have been warned before, they are not allowed to dodge at any time.And they also understand that people will not really bump into them.But when I saw a plane swooping towards me at a very high speed, I was still very nervous.Some guys instinctively want to dodge.

In fact, the chances of an incoming fighter jet hitting a bomber are not high.Fighter fighters are veterans who know when to pull up to avoid a crash.On the contrary, if the bombers dodge by themselves, it is easy to cause a collision between the bombers.Therefore, during training, every rookie captain is accompanied by an instructor.One of their important duties is to stop the rookies when they can't bear the pressure and want to dodge.

At this time, the instructors played a role, they decisively stopped the irrational behavior of those rookies.This also means that the impact of Valia and the others is impossible to truly cause the bomber formation to collapse.

The Soviets actually only knew this.However, according to the agreement, during the assault, if the instructor in any bomber intervened, it would be automatically determined that the bomber was shot down.The instructor will temporarily take over the bomber and will fly it out of formation.

Valia drove the p-47 until he could clearly see the pale face of the rookie pilot inside the bomber, then pulled up the plane and passed over the bomber bit by bit.

"These bastards are really crazy." Inside the bomber, the instructor Haig cursed while holding down the hand of the rookie who was screaming wildly!

After the first round of raids, six aircraft automatically left the formation.This shows that in the attack just now, the pilots of these six planes all tried to change the course to dodge.If the instructors hadn't stopped them, perhaps the entire bomber fleet would be in chaos now.

However, Valia's impact was not without cost.They will also be shot by many machine guns in such an attack.I'm afraid he also took a lot of bullets.It's just that the situation of being shot can't be judged until the photos in the camera gun are developed.

The Soviets launched several more assaults, but the effect of the subsequent assaults was far less effective than the first.After the attack, there were no more aircraft that automatically disengaged from formation.

A day later, the interpretation of the photo of the camera gun was also completed.After the first round of attacks, another 12 B-24s were judged to be injured, four of which were judged to be shot down.The 16 p-47s of the Soviets, except for the one of Skomorohov, were all damaged (Skomorohov, the Soviet ace who shot down 46 enemy planes in history, what's more, This guy's plane was never hit during the entire war), and the fighter jets of Valia and two other pilots were considered shot down.It can be seen that even a rookie bomber should not be underestimated.

Just after this confrontation ended, Ron received another mission.General Arnold informed him that LeMay was in trouble.He asked Ron to go to Europe by name.

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