New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 120, Fuhrer's Wrath

() Everyone withdrew, leaving only Hitler and Goering in the office.

Hitler said to Goering: "I gave the order! This is my order! I ordered the air force to stop the enemy's air attack. Where was the air force when the enemy's bombs fell on the capital of the Reich? How dare you disobey my order!" "

Goering explained: "Führer, the Air Force has tried its best to intercept, and many of our pilots have died. I have specific battle reports here. You can take a look."

Hitler took the battle report and read it.

Seeing that Hitler's face softened, Goering hurriedly spoke to Hitler:

"Our air force fought very bravely. Several pilots even used the method of crashing and dying with the enemy to intercept enemy planes and defend our motherland. It's just that we have too few planes. If the head of state can let the industry tilt a little more towards us, We must be able to..."

"Herman, my friend, you know, the Eastern Front is under a lot of pressure now, and it is difficult for us to devote more resources to the Air Force Department."

"But the Führer, if not..."

"Herman, we will discuss this matter later."

Just when Goering thought the matter was over like this, a voice came from a radio by the window:

"The bbc is now broadcasting to the European continent. In this program, we have invited Brigadier General Ron of the US Army Air Forces. He will explain to us the battles our Sky Knights have fought over Europe in the past few days.

Hi General Ron, we all want to know...

General Ron, what do you mean, the Luftwaffe is deliberately avoiding war now?

Yes, otherwise we would not be able to play such a 1:12 exchange ratio today. "


With trembling hands, Hitler took off his glasses. He turned his head and looked at Goering, his lips trembling.

"Ahh... so the truth is this... the military has been lying to me! Everyone is lying to me, even your air force! I didn't expect that our generals are just a bunch of despicable and disloyal cowards !"

"Führer, you must not insult the Air Force!"

"You are all cowards, treasonous wretches!" Hitler roared.

"Führer, you have to trust us! You can't listen to the enemy's instigation!" Goering said gruffly.

"I believe you? Hmph, Spiele of your air force has long asked me to avoid the war. Now you actually... the generals of our army are all scumbags of the country, with no sense of honor!" Hitler angrily The documents on the desk were swept to the ground.

"They claim to be generals. They have stayed in the military academy for several years, but they only learned how to eat with a knife and fork? Over the years, the military will only hinder me! They hinder me everywhere! If I had known it would be like this... I'll kill all the top generals, just like Stalin!"

"Führer, I..."

"I have never betrayed my motherland, for many years, I alone, conquered all of Europe! (I came to Hebei province, anorectal is great) These scumbags! I have been deceived from the beginning!! Since Dare to betray all the German people so badly? But remember - all traitors must pay the price, they will use death to atone for their sins, and they will fall in a pool of their own blood!"

"Führer, not all..."

"No!" Hitler glared at Goering, "I don't trust these generals anymore, I can't trust these scumbags anymore. Neither the army nor the air force! They have no loyalty to their motherland, they only care about their ranks and medals They ignored my orders! These cowards, they were intimidated by the enemy, they thought I had failed! They may have imagined that they could surrender to the enemy once again, and then continue to maintain their high aristocratic status and wealth."

Having said that, Hitler smiled ironically, his voice slowed down, with an indescribable hatred and malice.

"Perhaps they have contemplated handing me over in exchange for the personal clemency of our enemies. They may have already conceived such an idea, and by that time they would have written a book called "Everything Matters" The memoirs of Blame the Mustache, put everything on me. All this, just like they followed in the last war! They must think they are very smart? They have no plans, they will win-whether the Germans or not victory!"

Hitler raised his clenched fists to his chest, and then smashed them down fiercely. At the same time, he raised his tone and roared angrily:

"But they were wrong! This war is different from any previous war! This war is a desperate battle between the German nation and those barbarians. In this war, the only thing that belongs to the loser is total destruction ! If Germany fails, the German nation will be destroyed! Without Germany, they are worse than dogs!"

Hitler's eyes suddenly became firm again.

"And I don't need to rely on them, I don't need to rely on these hypocritical Junker nobles! The German people, the awakened German people are what I rely on. I can no longer entrust the future of the country to these people, no! We We must build a more tenacious, braver, and more determined armed force. We will not only have the Waffen SS to fight on the ground, but we will also have the SS Air Force that will always dominate the blue sky! We will definitely get Final victory!"

Goering's face turned pale all of a sudden. He has always regarded all air power as his own taboo.He has declared many times that anything flying in the sky must be under his control.At that time, the navy wanted to follow the fashion and build an aircraft carrier, but Goering's words ruined the navy's dream of aviation.Now, a new air power that he may not be able to control in his hands is about to appear.Moreover, Hitler's move itself also represented a decrease in trust in him.

Goering knew that, regardless of his current position and power, unlike those deep-rooted generals in the army, all his strength came from this person in front of him.As long as this person says a word, he will have nothing left.

"Führer, your decision is wise." Goering said against his will, "I am willing to serve you and the cause of our party."

Goering specifically proposed "our party's cause", but in fact it was in front of Hitler, making a cut with the traditional Junker nobles in the army.In order to maintain influence in the future SS air force, so as to maintain his position as deputy commander-in-chief.

"Hermann, my friend, I still trust you." Hitler nodded and said, "You are our old party member. We all know your infinite loyalty to the cause of the party and to the German nation. You and those guys It's different! The construction of a new team requires your experience and wisdom."

Hitler's statement made Goering heave a sigh of relief, and he hurriedly said: "I am willing to die for the head of state, for the cause of the party, and for the German nation!"

Hitler patted him on the shoulder and said: "But, my old friend, you must also be vigilant. Those moths will not just watch. They are very cunning, they dare not come out and fight us head-on, but they will They use all kinds of excuses to deceive us and corrupt us with their corrupt way of life. Especially the latter, we must be vigilant!"

Goering knew that this was Hitler's warning to himself.Goering's extravagant and corrupt life is no longer news.But Goering also knew that Hitler was actually quite a nostalgic person, and his willingness to say this to his face showed that he still regarded himself as the most trustworthy person.

Goering also knew that Hitler was a very stubborn person, and his plan basically could not be denied by others.It now appears that the establishment of the SS air force is inevitable.In fact, this may not be an opportunity for Goering. No one in the party has more experience in the Air Force than him.As long as he behaves a little more positively, this new air force will definitely be commanded by him, and he can even establish authority here that surpasses that in the Air Force.

Therefore, when Göring left, he had already made up his mind: Once the SS air force was established, he would immediately get all the top pilots in the Air Force!


If Ron knew that Hitler and Goering had done such a trick, he would laugh out loud.Now, his biggest worry is that the Germans will continue to avoid the war.The reason why he was interviewed by the BBC and mocked the German Air Force as cowards in the program was that he hoped to use this method to increase the pressure on the German Air Force and force them to really come out and fight for consumption.It's just that he never imagined that with Hitler's cooperation, the effect would be so good.

Many years later, some conscientious young historical inventors discovered a strange phenomenon when studying this period of history.That is, the Americans and Hitler are trying hard to let the top pilots of the Luftwaffe go to death.After serious brain-slapping, rich associations and bold assumptions, they invented a truth: Hitler was a spy:

In 1866, a group of Prussian barbarians, through a criminal war, drove Austria out of Germany, the orthodoxy of Germany and the inheritor of the Habsburg legal system.What a pain this is, there is no Rome after 1453, and no Germany after 1866.

But as the saying goes, it is the way of heaven that pays off, and Germany has no reason to be wronged for a long time, and everyone will have revenge.As the saying goes, although there are three households in Austria, they will die in general. 73 years later, an Austrian completely eliminated the cancer of the Prussian barbarians from the body of Germany through a more brilliant war.Completed the greatest revenge in human history.

Of course, this is all for later. At this time, Ron's full energy was put on formulating a new battle plan.Because, within the next few days, he will get the long-awaited reinforcements, a large number of new fighters, and a large group of new fighter pilots who have just come out of the Inverse Cross.

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