New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 158, Successful Experiment

() Ron and a few people sat on a small sand dune about 600 meters away from the target town. It was late at night, and the desert was quite hot during the day. Although it was late autumn, the small sand dune could still be hot at noon. To more than 30 degrees.However, at night, the temperature will plummet like taking an elevator, and it will drop to below zero in a blink of an eye.

But everyone was prepared for this, and all put on thick clothes.At this time, the sound of an engine was blown into everyone's ears by the night wind.

"Here we come!" Dr. X stood up, looking around with his neck raised, "Where is it?"

Ron also stood up and looked along the voice.

Because it is far away from the city, there is neither the reflection of ground lights nor the pollution of industrial waste gas.So the starry sky here is extremely brilliant. A milky white Milky Way hangs in the sky, surrounded by densely packed stars.As a pilot, Ron had learned how to use the constellations to tell direction and time.Now, from the height of the three brightest stars in the constellation Orion, the time is about three or four in the morning.

The dense stars covered the track of the plane, and Ron didn't see the blinking navigation lights on the wing of the plane until the roar of the plane was clear.

"Why are you flying so low?" Guard Donald obviously saw the plane too.

"Did you see it? Where is it? Just show me!" Dr. X said with his eyes wide open at 800 degrees.

"It's right there, doctor." Donald hurriedly pointed to Dr. X, then pulled out a flare gun from his waist, and then fired 3 flares into the sky.And more than ten steps away, someone lit a fire.This is to send a signal to the aircraft to tell them not to drop here when they drop their bombs.

The plane will drop two special incendiary bombs.This special incendiary bomb is actually converted from a 1600-pound aerial bomb.The staff installed a parachute on it, and then set several small doors that would open automatically on the body, and an oxygen-providing device was installed in the body.When the bomb falls to a certain height, the small door will automatically open, and then the bats with small incendiary bombs will be ejected.One such bomb can carry about 400 bat bombs.The two bombs are 800 small incendiary bombs. In theory, it is enough to burn the target town to nothing.

After the bat is released, the projectile will of course continue to fall. The parachute on the bomb is very small (so as to ensure that the bomb will not be blown away by a gust of wind), so when it lands, the speed is still very fast. Come on, smashing people to death is definitely enough.For the safety of those watching below, it is important for the aircraft to know their location in advance.

The plane dropped the bomb at an altitude of about 1500 meters.If the attack is a larger target, such as a city or something, the height of the bomb can actually be higher.As long as a little improvement is made to the magazine and a little heating system is added, it will be no problem to drop bombs from a height of 8000 meters.

In order to make it easier for ground personnel to see the bombs, the two bombs also have their own lights.So Ron saw this easily.When the two bombs fell to a certain height, Ron heard someone say: "Look, the bat has popped out!" He quickly raised the binoculars.

In the telescope, Ron could clearly see that several small doors on the bomb had been opened, and some small boxes were continuously thrown out of these small doors.These small boxes burst open not long after flying out, and then a few bats flew out.

"It seems to be a success." Ron put down the binoculars, thinking so.

However, it is too early to say whether it will be successful or not. At most, it can be said to be a partial success.Although throwing the bat is the most problematic part, if you want to say that it is completely successful, you have to wait.The bats will still be roaming the town for a while.They will not go under the eaves of those houses until it is almost dawn.

Before long, the morning star rose from the east. Dr. X looked at his luminous watch and said, "There are still 5 minutes." Everyone immediately became nervous.Everyone stretched their necks and looked at the town that was still sleeping in darkness.

5 minutes seemed extremely long, until everyone felt that their eyes were a little dizzy, and the town was still dark and silent.So someone asked, "How long?"

"Come on, there are 30 seconds left." Dr. X replied.


However, after Ron's 0 was read out, nothing changed in the town.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Dr. X. Dr. X still looked confident, and said slowly:

"This is an incendiary bomb, not a bomb. The fire can't be burned in an instant..." He suddenly changed his face and shouted wildly, "Fire! Fire! It's burning!"

Ron turned his head and saw hundreds of small fire spots suddenly appeared in the darkness, as if the stars in the sky were projected onto the earth at once.Then these small fire spots expanded rapidly, and before everyone had time to take a few breaths, these small fire spots had turned into raging fires.

The fire had already illuminated the whole town.The fire started from the eaves first, and the flames licked the wooden roof upwards.The roof also burned rapidly. In the fire, the rafters broke first and fell down with flames and thick smoke.Then the burning beams broke into several pieces and fell into the house.So the pillars, the wall boards and so on all burned.

Countless sparks and even some small wooden sticks that were still burning were lifted up by the violently rising scorching air, and then scattered on the roofs of the surrounding houses that had not yet caught fire. The fire in the entire town was almost instantaneous. Even into a piece.

"Sean, you're a fire expert." Ron said to a big guy beside him. "How many people do you think can be saved if there is a fire brigade in the town?"

"Sir, it depends on the specific situation." Sean replied: "If everyone in the town is awake, has gone through a fire drill, and the fire brigade is on standby, at least three-quarters of the people will be able to escape without incident. Run out uninjured. If everyone fell asleep and didn’t realize until the fire started, not to mention ordinary people, even the fire brigade itself might not be able to escape a few people.... This is just a small town, if It’s a city, if more bat bombs are dropped at one time, even if everyone is awake, I’m afraid not many people can... I don’t dare to think about it.”

"How about hiding in the basement?" someone asked.

"It's useless." Xiao En replied, "A fire like this will quickly consume the oxygen near the fire site, and you will die if you stay in the basement. At most, you can still find the body."

At this time, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the fire rose to a height of nearly tens of meters, and the flames illuminated the surrounding area brightly.Even Ron and the others, who were 600 meters away, felt that their bodies were getting hot from the fire.

"Let's lean back a bit. It's getting a little hot in here," said Ron.

The fire burned for a full four hours before it was gradually extinguished.And the residual temperature in the small town is still too high for people to approach.It wasn't until the afternoon that Ron and the others were able to enter the "town".Of course, the "small town" at this time is no longer a small town, it is completely a piece of white land. blue smoke.The original street was paved with a thick layer of gray-black ash, and when walking up, there was an ankle-deep footprint.

"Well, it worked out great!" said Ron.A gust of wind blew up, kicking up a large cloud of ash, which almost blinded everyone's eyes, and someone coughed.

"Forget it, there is nothing to see. Let's go back." Dr. X made such a suggestion.


The experiment was a resounding success, as it turned out that two such incendiary bombs were guaranteed to destroy a Japanese-style town of more than a thousand houses.A b-29 bomber can carry 9 tons of bombs.Of course, a b-29 flying from China won't take that much.But the incendiary bomb carried by a b-29 is enough to burn a lot of places.

It's just that Ron feels that further experiments are needed.For example, high-altitude flight tests to test the adaptability of these special incendiary bombs in high-altitude environments.Another example is the long-distance raid experiment to test the impact of jet lag on bats.And the testing of the microgravity fuze -- that's the real key.Otherwise, no one can afford to use hand-set fuzes like the present one on a large scale.Regardless, the successful experiment proved that the thing was promising.

"How long will it take to build another town like this?" Ron asked, "It doesn't need to look like this, as long as it's a wooden house with protruding eaves."

"General, if this is the case, it will be very fast. Give the design requirements to some simple house manufacturing companies, and they will be able to produce a small town in a week at most." One person replied.

"We will first carry out the high-altitude flight tolerance test and the long-range raid test." Ron said, "In addition, the research on the new fuze must be paid close attention... In fact, as long as the reliability problem of the microgravity fuze is solved, it can be used in On the grenade? Set the fuze to the microgravity state for a period of time to automatically unlock. Once the microgravity state is over, it will explode immediately, which can ensure that the grenade will explode when it hits the ground? In this way, the infantry does not need to count the time of the fuze before throwing the grenade, and also Don't worry about the enemy throwing the grenade back?"

"Yes, this is a good idea." Dr. Hughes' eyes lit up.

"Telling this idea to the army will definitely get more personnel and funds." Ron continued to tell his real purpose, "In this way, can the research progress of the fuze be faster?"

"Yes, definitely!"

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