() Boss Hu has been a bandit in Minshan for 35 years.In fact, Boss Hu is just 35 years old this year.He was born in a family of bandits. Since the time of "My Great Qing", his grandfather's grandfather, his family has taken up this very promising career.

On this day, Boss Hu stayed in his cottage, a temple built on the mountainside.I don't know when this temple was built. Anyway, since Boss Hu can remember, this temple has been a den of bandits.Today's life is hard, even the bandit family has no food left.Boss Hu and his brothers haven't had a good life of eating large pieces of meat and drinking in large bowls for several months.

In the past, some caravans came and went near the cottage from time to time.At that time, the caravans passing by this road basically had to send a sum of money to Mr. Hu for the road.So at that time, Boss Hu's life was really good.However, the situation has changed recently. There are still caravans on the trade roads, but there are fewer and fewer small caravans without background.And most of the teams that appeared on this business route had backgrounds that he couldn't afford to offend.For example, last time, when Boss Hu attacked a caravan selling tobacco and soil, he was shot quickly and knocked down several brothers.If it wasn't for Boss Hu's quick read, he would have to explain where he was.Later, Boss Hu realized that although the caravan was wearing casual clothes, in fact, they were just the same people.

Fortunately, these gangsters didn't mean to settle accounts with Boss Hu.After two months of worrying about Boss Hu, he gradually relaxed.But this morning, just as Boss Hu woke up, a minion ran in in a panic.

"Boss, it's not good! A lot of women have come into the mountain!"

"What!" Boss Hu was taken aback. Although he overthrew a few big soldiers last time, he had to say that he suffered even more.Moreover, it has been several months, and revenge should have come long ago.How could it be delayed until now?

"Go out and have a look!" Boss Hu quickly calmed down, picked up his box cannon, and walked out, saying as he walked, "Tell the brothers to pack up, if something is wrong, we will go to Run in the back mountains!"

After leaving the village, Boss Hu followed that minion, climbed over a mountain ridge, leaned against a big rock, poked his head out and looked out, he was very obedient, there really was a large group of gangsters coming into the mountain.

Although the distance was still far away, Boss Hu was born with good eyes. He squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and a new doubt arose in his heart.

This team is well equipped.They were all wearing steel helmets, and they were holding unusual things.Although it is far away, Boss Hu can still see that the soldiers are not holding something made in Hanyang. Most of the soldiers are holding American-made Springfield rifles, and this team of more than 100 people Inside, there are no less than eight Czech-style and more than 20 submachine guns.

"Mr. Ge! Did I beat Chang Kaishen's brother-in-law to death last time? Why did you send such a man here?"

But Boss Hu quickly realized that this team probably wasn't running after him.Leaving aside those great figures who would not personally escort the smoke and soil, even if he really killed some great man last time, it was impossible to delay sending such a small force to catch him for so long.It was really easy and effortless for this army to attack his stronghold.But to search the mountains and arrest people in such a large mountain, it seems that there are not enough people.

Taking a closer look, Boss Hu saw that there were still a few foreigners in this team, and Boss Hu felt more at ease.

"It is estimated that there are a few foreign adults who are going to cross the road. The government is afraid that something will happen to their godfather, so they sent such a team of people to escort them. But is it wrong? There is no road to this place? Where are they going? ?”


Mr. Pei rode on a donkey and looked around with a binoculars.Then he put down the binoculars and said to an interpreter beside him, "How far is it from the big cave you mentioned? Are there many bats there?"

The young student turned his head to look like an interpreter, and asked a man who looked like a military officer: "Battle Commander Zhang, Mr. Bei asked how far away?"

"Hurry up, the guide said, after climbing over the two mountain ridges in front, we will arrive around noon."

The translator informed Mr. Pei of the situation.Master Bei turned his head and said to the other people who followed him: "We will probably arrive at noon. If it goes well, we can even go down to the cave today to have a look."

Mr. Pei's mission this time is to inspect bats in caves near Chengdu to determine whether these bats can carry special incendiary bombs.

"In caves where there are many bats like this, there are also many snakes. Fortunately, it is the season for snakes to hibernate, so there is a lot less danger." Bei Ye added.


Boss Hu quietly followed the team all the way.The team first headed towards his cottage for a short distance, then turned a corner and headed south.

"What are they doing in the south?" Hu Boss said.

"Isn't there a hole in the south? It is said that there was a time..." Xiao Luo interjected.

"Could it be for King Zhang's treasures?" Boss Hu immediately remembered a local legend.It is said that when Zhang Xianzhong, the eighth king, occupied Sichuan, he hid the gold, silver and jewels he had looted in some caves near Chengdu.The cave in the south is said to be one of them.

"Grandma, those foreigners will attack our Chinese treasures. Hehe, the cave is deep, and a hundred or ten people go in, and it's hard to say if they can't come out." Boss Hu said, "Let's follow up. Let's find out."


At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the team arrived at the entrance of the cave.This is a cave near a mountain stream.It's early winter now, and it's quite cold on the mountain, but it's much warmer at the entrance of the cave. Firstly, this place faces the sun from the wind, and secondly, there are bursts of warm air coming from the entrance of the cave.The semicircular opening of this hole is quite large, and it can accommodate three people walking in side by side hand in hand.But within a few steps, you'll find the cave shrinks and turns downward at an almost vertical angle.

Mr. Pei picked up a stone and threw it down.After a while, the sound of the stone hitting the cave wall and the sound of the stone rolling quickly came from below.

"First there is a vertical section of about 35-40 meters, and then there is a sharp downhill." Mr. Pei put away the stopwatch in his hand and said, "This is a very good place to net. We will need a lot of bats in the future. When it is time to set a net here, you can easily catch a lot of bats. However, you should also pay attention to the fact that the net cannot be filled too much at one time. If there are too many bats, they will be injured or even die. The ratio is high. We just need healthy bats."

He found a rock and sat down, and said, "Just how many bats are there in this cave, take a rest, we have to go down and have a look to find out."

If it was a few months earlier, to know how many bats there are in the cave, there is no need to go down and wait at the entrance of the cave. By evening, the bats in the cave will go out to look for food.When the time comes, stay near the entrance of the cave and see how many bats fly out.But now, bats have entered hibernation, so to know their state exactly, going down into the cave is the most reliable way.And for cave lovers like Mr. Pei, seeing a cave and not going down for a walk seems a bit unsatisfactory.


Boss Hu has been watching this strange team from a distance on a hill far from the entrance of the cave.He saw the procession reach the mouth of the cave and stop there.They stayed there until about three or four o'clock in the afternoon.Then Boss Hu saw a few people carrying a small box out of the cave.

"What is that?" Boss Hu's eyes widened. "Did they really dig up those things? But they just brought out a small box. According to the legend, there are definitely more treasures in it."

At this time, the weather also began to change, and dark clouds began to gather from all directions.It looked like it was going to rain, and there was a faint rumble of thunder.This kind of weather is extremely rare in the Minshan Mountains in early winter.

"Damn it!" Boss Hu said in his heart, "Why is the weather so weird? Could it be that the 'Eight Kings' are angry?"

Heavy rain in the mountains often brings messy troubles such as flash floods and mudslides.So Boss Hu decided to change to a safer place.

Just as Boss Hu changed places, that team also left the entrance of the cave.The place is too low and obviously unsafe when it rains.Finally, a group of people found a small platform in the middle of the mountain and stayed there.

When the team set off, it was expected that it would be too late to come back that night.So get ready for camping too.The soldiers hurriedly set up tents for American aid, and the officers began to arrange bright and dark guards for the night.A few Yankees were eating dinner and began to discuss what they saw after going down into the cave.

"Mr. Bei, have you been to many caves like this?" Kewell stuffed a large piece of Spam into his mouth with a disgusted expression, and asked vaguely.

"I've been to a few, but it's not common to see so many caves with such long vertical passages."

"Actually, what bothers me the most is not those vertical passages, but those damn big cesspools! Those damn bats don't care about hygiene at all, just hanging there for hundreds of years to poop. Damn, that smell It's really... vomit... vomit..."

"Actually, the smell is not bad. After all, it's winter now. And you're wearing a gas mask! I was in the Philippines..."

"Are you finished yet?! People are still eating!"

So several people fell silent, at this moment, there was the sound of raindrops falling on the tent, and it was raining heavily outside.

"You said, are these bats physically qualified?"

"We'll have to take it back and make detailed measurements. However, I think this thing is a little bigger than those guys in our lab."

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