( ) A week after the groundbreaking at the airport, Ron left China again.But this time, he did not go back to the United States directly, but went to Australia first.

The main reason for going to Australia is that the full simulation experiment of bat incendiary bombs will be carried out in Australia soon.It was already winter in the United States at that time, and the bats had entered hibernation.But the experiment cannot be stopped just because the bats hibernate, so the experiment was dragged to Australia to do it.

According to the test plan, a bomber will take off from New Zealand, fly over a distance of several thousand kilometers, and finally drop several bat incendiary bombs in a desert in central Australia, attacking a simulated town with more than 1000 buildings.

The difference from the last experiment is that this time, it will completely test the high-altitude tolerance of the bat bomb, the geomagnetism brought by the long-distance flight and the influence of time difference.If this series of experiments can be successful, the bat bomb can be put into production.

As soon as he landed, Ron's first feeling was that it was too hot.Contrary to seasons in the northern hemisphere, it is summer here.Especially the airport where Ron landed was a desert airport, and it was noon at this time, and the scorching sun almost melted the runway.The moment the cabin door opened, a blinding white light came in, blinding Ron and his entourage, and a wave of heat rushed over, almost making people stagger.

"This place is wrong." After getting off the plane, Ron said to Dr. X who came to greet him, "Japan is not so hot. This will not affect the results of the experiment."

"Don't worry, General, it's not hotter than Japan in the early morning."

Deserts have such a characteristic, that is, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the temperature is the lowest in the morning in the day.Mornings in desert areas are always quite cool or even cold.Even the desert above the equator like the Sahara can freeze you shivering at night.

After taking a short rest in the lounge, Ron and Dr. X took a jeep to check the target town when the sun was about to set.

Since the experiment will take multiple rounds to test the reliability of the bat bomb, the target town is different from the one in Nevada, which is built of reinforced concrete.

In the last experiment, the destructive power of bat incendiary bombs on Japanese-style wooden houses was fully confirmed.Now, what needs to be proven is the question of reliability, which requires repeated experiments. It would be too extravagant and a waste of time to build a small town for every experiment.And a town made of reinforced concrete will not be burned down by this incendiary bomb.In particular, these incendiary bombs are not filled with white phosphorus or thermite, but just napalm. Although the flame burned by this thing is not small, the temperature it can reach is quite limited. There is no problem at all with igniting wooden houses. But it is far from enough to burn reinforced concrete.At most, it is just some burnt marks left between the beams and columns of the house.And by checking these traces, you can know how many bat incendiary bombs have successfully fired.

This way, before the next experiment, instead of recreating a town, you just need to repaint certain places.And when the experiment is completely over, this "town" can be used for other purposes.The Army also said the town could be used as a training base for street fighting in preparation for possible future street fighting on mainland Japan.

"How's the preparations going in New Zealand?" asked Ron.

"The preparations over there are almost done according to the plan, Your Excellency the General." It was a young and beautiful female secretary of Dr. X who answered him.


Two days later, the first round of experiments was over.The results of the experiment show that the long-distance high-altitude flight has affected the state of the bat to a certain extent.Experiments have shown that nearly one in ten bats directly falls to the ground and dies.But the other bats are pretty normal, and the firing rate is quite good.

A large number of bats fell directly to the street, which may attract people's attention, so as to discover the secret of this bat.If the Japanese discovered it early and the response measures were well organized, the lethality of the bat bomb would be greatly reduced.

"The dead bats have been retrieved and studied. The initial judgment is that these bats are of poor physical fitness. In the next round of experiments, we will use selected strong bats to see if we can reduce the proportion of falling deaths How much." Faced with this question, Dr. X looked worried.

"Okay, let's do a few more experiments." Ron was also very worried, and even thought, is this one of the reasons why this plan was eventually rejected in history?

Fortunately, in the later experiments, this problem has been alleviated to a certain extent. After using selected strong bats, the proportion of crash deaths was reduced to less than [-]%.Although such a fall death rate may still cause the enemy to discover the secret of the bat, the chance of discovery is much smaller after all.

After staying in Australia for nearly two weeks, while watching the progress of the experiment, Ron gradually outlined the outline of the plan for the "Reverse Cross" reform.As for more details, it needs to be discussed with other people in the "Reverse Cross" after returning to the United States before it can be finalized.


Speaking of which, it has been almost half a year since Ron left "Reverse Cross".But he still has the title of "Reverse Cross" commander.When Ron returned to the "Reverse Cross" again, he found that the current "Reverse Cross" seemed to be able to run smoothly without him, and even the "Reverse Cross" was not only the chief officer, but also the deputy chief officer. In the case of , there is still no problem of poor operation.This reminded Ron of a joke:

Inside IBM, two ogres lurk.They eat an IBM employee every month, and they have been eating for ten years without being discovered.But finally one day, they were exposed and caught.In the court, Ogre A scolded Ogre B: "I told you that cannibalism can only eat executives, but you just didn't listen! You see, we have eaten executives for ten years, and no one has ever found out. There are fewer people in the company. But you are disobedient, and you ate a cleaner two days ago, so we are here now!"

Ron felt that if he was also eaten by the ogre, the staff in the "Reverse Cross" would not find out for ten years, at least half a year would be completely possible without him as the chief officer.

In fact, in some units whose working methods have stabilized, the sense of presence at the top is sometimes really weak.Ron's feeling also shows that the operating mechanism of the "Reverse Cross" is quite mature.

But as soon as Ron came back, the stability of the "Reverse Cross" was about to be broken immediately.In companies, long-missing executives pop up, often with dramatic changes.It is the same in the army.

It was lunch time when Ron returned to the "Reverse Cross".He also went to the cafeteria to grab a lunch, casually greeted the pilots who hadn't seen him for a long time, and then ate with everyone.

Unlike some armies in the East, the US Air Force does not have many rules in the mess hall.It's not a big deal to talk while eating.Therefore, when someone walked past him, they would stop suddenly and say something like: "Sir, are you back?" "Is it fun outside?"

And Bang even said: "It's a coincidence that the chief came back, didn't you come here specially to see beautiful women?"

"Come here specifically to see beauties?" Ron was stunned, "Reverse Cross" is a Shaolin Temple, when did there be beauties?

"It seems that you really don't know." Bunge smiled, swallowing a chicken leg vigorously, and said vaguely, "Recently, a Russian ballet troupe is touring the United States. It is said that the standard is very high. In particular, the standard of beauties is very high. It is said that you can’t find a few such beautiful and temperament in Hollywood. Two days ago, this ballet company moved to Nevada. We all discussed to find a weekend to see ..."

"Ballet? Could it be that Nadia and the others have been in the United States for almost two months and haven't returned yet?" Ron thought, but considering that there are dozens of states in the United States, it does take a lot of time to tour.

"General, there is something troublesome..." Bunge said, "We have not prepared your ticket."


The ballet company performing was the same one that arrived in America with Ron.They will also spend a week in Nevada.During the war, the theater took good care of the soldiers. The seats of the "Reverse Cross" pilots were all in the front row of the theater, and even Ron, who came to buy tickets temporarily, found a good seat in the front row.From here you can see the actors dancing most clearly.

This performance is the most classic ballet repertoire "Swan Lake".This is an adaptation of a well-known fairy tale, which is a classic ballet repertoire. However, this work is quite difficult to perform, and has high requirements for the male and female protagonists, especially the heroine, who needs to play the white swan Odette and the black swan It is very difficult to have two images with very different personalities like Odile.

Ron knew that this work has two endings, one is a happy reunion in which the prince and princess live happily together, and the other is a tragedy in which both the prince and princess die in the storm.I don't know which ending the director intends to perform for this performance.

But for the pilots of "Reverse Cross", these are not important, the important thing is that the actress must be beautiful.

At this time, the lights gradually dimmed, the curtain slowly opened, and the performance was about to begin.

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