() Time is running out, so Ron doesn't have time to go back to "Inverse Cross".Fortunately, the "Reverse Cross" side has basically made arrangements.As for who will succeed him, Ron is more inclined to McGaher. Of course, the final decision on this matter is still up to the top, but Ron's recommendation will definitely play a very important role.

Four days later, a c-54 transport plane will fly directly to the UK, and Ron intends to take this plane to the UK.Prior to this, Ron spent almost all his time studying the composition, training and post-mortem of his new wing to better perform ground missions.

But he did not forget that he wanted to write a letter to Nadya.In fact, although he didn't say it explicitly, he also hinted to her that he would soon leave the United States and return to the battlefield.At that time, Najia was admiringly praising the peace on the North American continent. She said that there was almost no shadow of war in the United States.So Ron told her that the effects of the war were actually everywhere.

"No, Nadya, the impact of the war is still very obvious." Ron said, "Didn't you notice that most of the young people we met were women after we walked for so long?"

"Ah, really!" Najia nodded after she had just reacted, "Maybe I'm used to not seeing young men on the street." There was a hint of melancholy in her words.

Ron knew that in history, tens of millions of people died in the former Soviet Union, which was almost a whole generation.After several years in the Soviet cities where there were almost no young men, Nadya really couldn't find the problem that there were few young men in the city.

"Nadya, the war will end." Ron comforted her, "The most difficult time is over. And at least you don't have to worry about me. I'm already a general. Even if I go back to the front line, I'm unlikely to die It's on the battlefield."

"Ron, you won't really be going to the front line?" Nadia was very alert, her eyes widened, and she looked at Ron worriedly.

"Look at you!" Ron smiled, "Who knows what will happen in the future? However, even if I get to the front line, my superiors have already banned me from flying into the air to score achievements. So, you absolutely don't have to worry about me!"

Nadia suddenly kept Ron tightly, "Don't lie to me, I know you are going to the battlefield!" She buried her head on Ron's shoulder.Ron could hear her choking back sobs.

But Nadya quickly got herself under control.She stopped her sobbing, wiped away her tears, smiled hard, and said to Ron, "You don't have to worry about me, take good care of yourself!"


In the early morning four days later, before the sun came out, Ron took Scott and boarded the C-54 transport plane.

Apart from Ron and Scott, there were other passengers on the plane. Most of them were military officers, but there were also a few people in civilian clothes. From their every move, Ron determined that these people were definitely not soldiers.

Among the few people in casual clothes, the oldest one was over 60 years old, and his hair was all white.But his spirit is not bad.Next to him was a young man in his 30s who looked like his junior.They were sitting in the seat in front of Ron, chatting.From what they said, both men appeared to be experts in architecture.As for the other people, they sat far away from Ron, so although they were talking, Ron couldn't hear what they were talking about.

At this time, another passenger boarded the plane. He was a soldier in his 50s. He was wearing a slightly old but clean military uniform. Judging from his epaulettes, it was An army aviation colonel officer.

The colonel caught sight of Ron the first time he boarded the plane and noticed the star on his shoulder.So he stepped up, and first raised his hand to salute Ron.

After Ron returned the salute, the colonel spoke first: "You are General Ron? I am Clark Speer..."

Suddenly, he met the captain of the mission support team that General Arnold had chosen for him here, which surprised Ron.According to the materials I read, shouldn't he be in the UK?Ron thought so, and at the same time reached out to hold his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Colonel Speer. Aren't you supposed to be in England?"

"Ah, General Ron," Colonel Speer looked around and saw that there was an empty seat beside Ron, so he said to Ron, "Is there no one else sitting here?"

"No one, you can sit here." Ron replied hastily.

Colonel Speer sat down next to Ron, and said to Ron: "I was supposed to be in the UK, but I got a notice a few days ago that I will be transferred to a new wing as mission support." The captain of the brigade. For this, I got a few days off, and it just so happened that my daughter just gave birth to a little grandson a few days ago. So, I took advantage of the few days off and came back to have a look."

"Congratulations on getting it." Ron said, "How is the little guy?"

As soon as Sibeier's grandson was mentioned, Sibeier immediately smiled all over his face, and his two small eyes were narrowed until there was only a slit left.

"Very good, a full 9 pounds, a very healthy lad. It's a pity that the war is not over, or I can retire and go home and play with him..."

The two chatted for a while, and at this moment, a flight attendant came over and said, "The plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts." Ron and Spell quickly fastened their seat belts.At this time, the propellers of the aircraft began to spin, and the aircraft began to slide along the taxiway to the runway.

The C-54 transport plane was converted from a McDonnell Douglas passenger plane. Compared with the passenger plane, in order to increase the carrying capacity, many comfort facilities have been removed. For example, things used for sound insulation have been removed. A beauty.So when the plane began to accelerate taxiing on the runway with all its strength, the roar of the engine filled the entire cabin, making those who were still chatting had to shut their mouths.

However, as the altitude of the plane got higher and higher, the roar of the engine gradually decreased.At this time, a ray of reddish sunlight also shone into the cabin...

After almost a whole day of flying, the plane finally landed at an airport in Scotland in the afternoon.The long-distance flight is the most exhausting. Even an ace pilot like Ron feels tired. Others think it is needless to say that the two construction experts sitting in front of Ron have long since sat with backaches. Colonel Bell, although he is no longer young, ran back and forth on both sides of the Atlantic in a few days, and his spirit is not bad, better than many young men.

The UK now is obviously different from when Ron came last time, and there is a sense of tension that the war is coming.On this rear airport, Ron saw that almost every few minutes, a plane took off or landed here, and on the apron of the airport, a large row of transport planes and land-based anti-submarine planes could be seen.Some American paratroopers are also carrying parachute bags and lined up in front of the tarmac, ready to board the plane. The m1 semi-automatic rifle was packed in a bag and hung on the side.Ron's jeep passed by them, and Ron clearly saw a howling eagle on their armbands.

"Isn't this the 101st Airborne Division?" Ron thought, at this moment, a singing voice came from behind them:


He shattered the wind, he shattered the ice, and he fell terribly from heights.

The ribbon of the parachute fluttered around his leg.

He won't get up again.

Gory, gory, such a great way to die.

He won't get up again.

The tangle of hemp swaying in the air wrapped around his neck, and the paracord tore the top of the umbrella.

The hanging straps were knotted around his skinny bones.

The dome became his shroud, and he was thrown from the air.

He won't get up again.

Gory, gory, such a great way to die.

He won't get up again.

Past lives, emotions, laughter flashed through his mind.The girl next door he misses,

The only person he cared about after he left.He thought of the physicians,

Think about what they'll find.

He won't get up again.

Gory, gory, such a great way to die.

He won't get up again.


It may be difficult for people from other countries to imagine that a paratrooper team wrote a military song for themselves, which actually described how a paratrooper was thrown to death because of a parachute accident.Even described the process so meticulously and bloodily.A gust of wind blew the last lines of the song into Ron's ears:

"He fell to the ground and made a sound of tearing gold and silk,

His blood was running high like a fountain.His companions cried out:

What a fucking way to die.

He rolled several times on the ground, covered in his own plasma.

He won't get up again.

Gory, gory, such a great way to die.

He won't get up again.

Blood stained the paracord, brains smeared the canopy,

Guts dangled on his paratrooper suit.

He was a mash, and people had to pour him out of his boots.

He won't get up again.

Gory, gory, such a great way to die.

he won't stand up again


"This bunch of crazy boys," Colonel Speer laughed, "the only ones who can sing such a song so cheerfully, even joyfully. But this tune is quite pleasing. I know a lot of Brits like it, but they don't like the lyrics of our song..."

It was the first time for Ron to hear this song full of strange optimism, but he was very familiar with the tune: "Damn it! Isn't this the team song of Manchester United? Did your team song come from the cottage here?"

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