( ) attack

A week later, the new attack aircraft of the two squadrons were sent to the "Crow's Nest". At this time, the pilots of the two attack aircraft squadrons were already in place, and the entire wing was finally able to operate smoothly.At this time, Ron got a new order.

It was an order from General Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of Allied Forces in Europe.According to this order, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing will attack various German targets in the Calais region of France.Ron knew that this mission had two main purposes:

The first intention is to give this newly-built wing a chance for actual combat drills, so that they can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible before the landing operation.The second intention was to hope that the pressure brought about by the actions of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing in the Calais area would cause the Germans to misjudge the strategic objectives of the Allies.

In fact, it is no secret to the German army that the Allied forces are preparing to land in France. The war has progressed to the present, and there has long been no possibility of concealing such a strategic direction.Now the Allies have turned the whole of southern England into a big army camp.Millions of troops, thousands of warships, and tens of thousands of fighter planes are all concentrated here. If the Germans don't understand what the Americans want to do?Doesn't that really make a fool?Therefore, the Allied Army itself has never concealed its intention to launch an unprecedented landing campaign in France.In the Allies' broadcasts to the German-occupied areas, the Allies continued to encourage the people in the occupied areas, telling them that the long night of German occupation was about to pass, and the Allied forces would soon cross the strait and come to liberate them . zi youGeneral Charles de Gaulle of France kept broadcasting, calling on the French people to join the resistance organization and cooperate with the Allied forces to expel the German invaders.

In this situation, the activities of resistance organizations have also become more active.Together, the French resisters are most right to help the Allied forces with some intelligence, and sometimes they will do some assassination or something.But recently, these people have become more and more emboldened.Not to mention that there are more and more assassinations, there are even more direct attacks on the Gestapo agencies.There are also more and more sabotage activities. Armed resisters will even attack lone German soldiers, and those unarmed guys will also secretly cut the Germans' telephone lines and drop the German soldiers. The rails on the railway to be passed.

The time of the Allied landing is of course one of the top secrets, and of course the Germans don’t know it—in fact, even if you ask General Eisenhower now, he still doesn’t know it, because it hasn’t been determined yet.In fact, the date of the dri is not fixed until a few days before the arrival of the dri.However, the approximate date of the Allied landing was very clear to the German army.This is because the English Channel has always been windy and dangerous, and the hydrological state is complex and changeable. The time that is really suitable for launching large-scale landing activities is only the four months from May to September.

The location where the Allied forces landed is a secret that the Germans are more eager to know.It's a pity that the Allied forces' secrecy work is not generally good, and the German army can't get any information, so this matter has to be guessed by the Germans themselves.However, although the French coastline is long, it is not suitable for landing everywhere.Some coasts are full of steep cliffs. Even if there is no defense, at most a few light infantry who are proficient in rock climbing can come up; The steepness makes it difficult for landing craft to dock; the matrix of some beaches is too soft, and heavy equipment will sink on the beach.All of these, but the places that are really suitable for landing are quite limited.Among them, there are two areas that the Germans consider the most dangerous: one is Calais and the other is Normandy.

Of the two locations, Calais is the more dangerous.Although the hydrological conditions are not as good as Normandy, Calais and Britain are the closest, which means that the same number of ships can send more troops ashore in the same time.Moreover, there is an available port near Calais. After the first wave of landing is successful, the port can be quickly occupied, and then a large amount of heavy equipment can be continuously landed on the French mainland.And starting from here, it is even closer to Paris.Therefore, this location is the most dangerous to the German army.

As for Normandy, another landing site, although the hydrological conditions are better than Calais, there is a lack of ports nearby. After the vanguard lands, the speed of subsequent heavy troops landing will be very problematic.In addition, it is far away from the hinterland of France, leaving a little more time for the Germans to react.

Because of this, the Germans focused their defense on Calais. They built a powerful coastal battery with six 6mm guns on the coast of Calais, as well as a large number of artillery bunkers, machine gun bunkers, anti-tank trenches, and minefields. , barbed wire.The Allied forces made a plan, and after calculations, the Allied forces came to the conclusion that the navy alone needed to sacrifice three to five battleships and a large number of cruisers and destroyers in the preparation of firepower before landing.Of course, if the Allies tried their best regardless of the losses, they could still take Calais, but such a result was not what the Allies wanted.Therefore, from a very early time, the Allies had set their sights on Normandy.

After determining that Normandy was the landing target, the Allied forces formulated a strategic deception plan code-named "Indomitable", using various means to lure the Germans into believing that Calais was the Allied landing target.To this end, the Allied forces have done a lot of work, and the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing's strengthening of its activities in the Calais area is one of the means.

This morning, the weather in Calais, France was quite good, and it was another good day with bright sunshine and clear skies.But this kind of weather does not please the Germans.In the early years, the Germans were particularly fond of weather like this, but now, such good weather almost means heavy air raids.

At around 7 o'clock in the morning, Imperial Field Marshal Rommel was traveling to Calais Beach for an inspection in a Mercedes-Benz sedan, escorted by a convoy.Yesterday, he had another argument with his immediate superior, Marshal Rundstedt, over a defensive strategy.Marshal Rundstedt still decided that the Americans would land at Calais instead of Normandy.At the same time, he still insisted that the main force must be deployed to the rear in order to increase the depth.You can take advantage of the unstable foothold after the US military lands, launch a counterattack and wipe out the main force of the US military in one fell swoop.Even if the German army cannot beat the American army, they can retreat and choose a favorable terrain to organize a defensive line to defend.It can also prevent the German army from being encircled and wiped out by the US military cutting off its retreat.

But Rommel knew that it would not be easy to use this plan to deal with the U.S. military. The U.S. air force was too powerful. If the German army launched another counterattack in France, the German army would be severely hit by the U.S. air power, and it would be impossible to organize a large-scale attack. fight back.

But Rundstedt insisted that the initial Allied landing must be unstoppable.The landing of the Allied forces was inevitable.According to his plan, even if the prepared counterattack cannot destroy the system that the Allied forces are rebuilding, due to the rearward center of gravity of the German army, at least they can gradually and steadily retreat across the Seine River, push towards Paris, and even retreat further and deeper into the German-French border , This is what the Allied Forces are facing, and it will be the front of the German defense group. The defense line covering this front will be relatively intact, and there will be relatively sufficient troops to encircle the Western Front of the Empire.

Rommel knew that Rundstedt's considerations were justified, but didn't the old marshal understand: As long as the Americans are allowed to go ashore, is Germany's defeat inevitable?So here, in any case, Americans cannot be allowed to land on the European continent.To this end, he and Marshal Rundstedt even conducted a war game.Rondstedt played the role of the Allies in the deduction, and Rommel fought against it according to the defensive strategy of his main force arranged in front.In the end, the winner was of course Rondestedt. Relying on the strong material strength of the allied forces, the old marshal successfully defeated his defense and landed on the European continent in the war chess confrontation.It's just that this victory was not enough to convince Rommel. He knew that if he changed his position and played the allied army himself, Rundstedt's defensive counterattack would definitely not be able to fight.In fact, thinking about the overwhelming military power of the Allies, Rommel felt that the originally clear sky had become cloudy...

Arthur was flying over Calais with six PA-6s on the first combat mission of the 38st Attack Aircraft Wing.Under its belly, there are 21 6-pound aerial bombs, and 250 rockets are hung under the wings.This time he was tasked with patrolling along the rail and road lines from Paris to Calais, attacking any German targets they found.

"There's a train below!" The wingman pilot Simon shouted from the headset.Arthur looked down and saw a train coming from the original direction, belching black smoke.

"Get ready to attack!" Arthur ordered.Several PA-38s immediately changed into a linear formation, Arthur's fighter was at the forefront, and the rest of the fighters followed in turn, ready to attack.

As the train drew nearer, Arthur stared at the target with wide eyes. ——The power part is at the front of the car?Damn, it's probably a passenger car. ...Look again...it's really a passenger car!Arthur cursed in his heart, and then issued an instruction through the wireless power: "Give up the attack! Climb, it's a bus!"

It is very important to judge the target before attacking the train. France is an ally. If a passenger train is hit by mistake and a large number of French casualties are caused, the impact will be too bad.

Arthur pulled up the plane and was about to leave.At this moment, he saw that there seemed to be another train coming from a farther place.

Arthur's fleet approached the train.This is a freight train, and there is a wagon in front of the power locomotive. Several 37mm anti-aircraft guns placed on it illustrate its nature.Arthur took the lead and rushed down, firing rockets at the train.When launching the rockets, Arthur kept making moves to avoid the attack of the anti-aircraft guns. Therefore, although he shot out all ten rockets in one go, his rockets were shot very crookedly, even None hit the target.

But you can't say that Arthur's attack was ineffective. He attracted almost all the anti-aircraft artillery firepower, giving the teammates following him a chance to shoot calmly.At least two of the rockets fired by his wingman Simon landed on the anti-aircraft vehicle, and the 37mm anti-aircraft guns immediately went dumb.Then other fighter planes swarmed up, and rockets and bombs rained down. After a while, the train was blown into several sections and capsized beside the railway.

"Nice job!" said Arthur. "How many bombs do you have left?"

"I lost it!"

"I lost mine too!"

"I still have two rockets!"

"I still have two bombs!"

"I do not have anymore!"

Arthur had dropped all his bombs, too, so he said, "Let's fly a bit down the road, find a place to drop the rest of the bombs, and go home!"

So the fleet began to turn to the road, and after flying for about ten minutes, Arthur suddenly discovered that a German military convoy appeared below his twelve o'clock, and there were several high-end cars inside!

"Thank God!" Arthur crossed himself, and shouted, "Ready to attack!"

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