() On the stage, Nadia had already completed her last move. Before she left the stage, she winked at Ron with a smile on her face.Obviously, she noticed Ron's presence, but now Nadja is obviously more mature than a few months ago, like before, just because she saw Ron, she would jump the wrong steps on the stage Things don't happen again.

"The ugly duckling has not only turned into a white swan, but also got used to being a white swan." Ron thought as he sat under the stage.When the white swan has fully realized that she is a white swan, the former youthful and shy beauty gradually disappears from Najia, but another kind of elegant and graceful beauty becomes more and more obvious in Najia.

"So, Ron, this woman is also an opportunity for you. We Americans like to see conquest, and one of the signs of conquering an enemy country is a beautiful woman who can conquer an enemy country. Just like Alexander the Great married Darius III Of course, generally speaking, this has to be done after the victory. But if you can abduct other people’s princesses before the war, just like Jason did back then. That is also very good. Now some people are against You have a lot of concerns about your relationship with this swan princess. What are they worried about? It's very simple. What they worry about is who has captured whom. So, if you really like this princess, the most important thing now is to convince people , It was you who captured her, not the other way around." Barton continued his teaching to Ron, a junior young man.

"If it was me who was chasing this swan princess, I'm sure no one would worry that I belonged to a captive. You have to think about the truth in this. Well, the following program is actually very important to you. It's no fun, is it? Do whatever you want!"

Ron smiled at Button, stood up, took advantage of the intermission, left his seat, and walked backstage.

Ron understood the meaning of Barton's words.Indeed, if it was Patton who was rumored to have an affair with a Russian woman, everyone would certainly not worry that Patton would fall to the Soviet Union.The reason is simple. Patton's big mouth made his political attitude, especially on the issue of how to view the Soviet Union, so clear that it was enough to dispel other people's concerns about it.But, can I really follow his example?Ron knew that he couldn't go this way.In fact, Ron had always known that he came across as more of a technocrat than a commanding general.Suddenly changing your style will only make others more suspicious.However, Barton's reminder is still very valuable.Ron had other ways to achieve a similar effect entirely.

After World War II, with the unfolding of the Cold War, McCarthyism has been practiced in the United States for a long time.By the way, if it weren't for Mr. McCarthy's help, the rabbit's two bombs and one satellite would probably take longer.During the period when McCarthyism was rampant, even figures like General Marshall were investigated, and even technical officials were investigated and persecuted even more.However, there is one kind of person who will never be investigated.That is the real masters of the United States - the millionaires of Wall Street.In fact, doing the math, Ron has already accumulated a certain amount of wealth by relying on those patents.And as a time traveler, he also has a certain understanding of what can bring wealth in later generations.As long as you get on Wall Street before McCarthyism ramps up, these kinds of problems will never be a big deal.

With that in mind, Ron came backstage.

Backstage this time, Ron didn't have any familiar friends, but the star on his collar helped him anyway.Although the janitor in the backstage didn't let him in, he still agreed to help him to go inside and let him know.

"General, you have to understand that there are a lot of disheveled celebrities inside, so I can't let you in. However, I can bring you in with a message." The old lady at the gate had a pleasant face .

Of course Ron only agreed.After a while, the old lady came out, and she told Ron: "Miss Nadia is still waiting for the dressing room. She will come out soon after she has changed."

Ron found a bench next to him and sat down.To say that when a woman tells you "it will be ready" when changing clothes, the "immediately" will generally be much longer than the "immediately" you are used to.For example, now, Ron felt as if he had been waiting for centuries, but Nadya still hadn't shown up.

Just when Ron could bear it no longer, and was about to trouble the old lady to take another look, he suddenly heard this voice:

"General Ron, I really didn't expect to meet you here!"

Ron turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in a second lieutenant's uniform walking towards him.This man was recognized by Ron. In fact, not only Ron recognized him, but in the United States, there seemed to be not many people who didn't know him.This so famous second lieutenant is Clark Gable.

Clark Gable's crew was on holiday today, so everyone came to watch the show together.And Gable, who was more familiar with these female stars, was sent out by the captain to ask for photos and autographs from those female stars.So, he met Ron here.

"Ah, it's Clark. Are you here to visit your old friends?" To be honest, Ron and Gable were not familiar with each other, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to during the boring wait.

"Yes, it's been a long time since I saw those lovely girls. General, are you here waiting for someone?" Gable asked back.

"Wait for my girlfriend. She's changing. She's said to be 'coming out'." Ron shook his head with a smile.

"Ah, you really need to wait, General. As far as I know, the time for those ladies to change a dress is enough for us to go to Berlin. Oh, yes, yes Which girl captured our hero?"

"You should have asked which beauty I captured," Ron replied. "I caught a white swan."

At this moment, the backstage door opened again, and Najia, who had just changed into a white dress, came out.

"Ron!" She flew towards Ron like a bird, and slammed into Ron's arms, "I kept you waiting for a long time? There are too few dressing rooms here, and it took me a long time to wait for my turn." .”

"Not long, actually," said Ron. "Shall we go for a walk?"

"Well, I listen to you!" Nadya said, taking Ron's arm.

"Clark, I'll take my leave first." Ron said to Gable.

"You can do whatever you want. Congratulations, General, I now believe that you are a good hunter." Gable turned towards them with a characteristic smile.

Walking out of the theater, Ron and Nadya came to the streets of Edinburgh.

"Where are we going?" Nadya asked.

Ron raised his head, looked around, then pointed in one direction and said, "Go there, Edinburgh Castle is there. When you arrive in Edinburgh, you always have to go to the castle. You know, in the United States, you can hardly find one A real castle."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Nadya took Ron's arm and shook it gently.

Although Edinburgh Castle can be seen from a distance from the street, it is still very far to walk there.Fortunately, a taxi just came by.Ron stopped it with his hand, and got into the car with Nadya.

After getting into the taxi, Nadya asked Ron about the history of Edinburgh Castle.To be honest, Ron didn't know much about this castle, but he vaguely remembered that this castle seemed to be related to William Wallace.So he told Nadya the story of William Wallace.Of course, Ron is also ignorant of the true history of this legendary Scottish hero.The story he's telling is actually exactly the story in the Mel Gibson movie.

This story full of romantic heroism obviously moved Nadya.This can be easily seen from her big flickering eyes.

The taxi stopped near the castle.Ron and Nadya got out of the car, and Ron asked, "How much?"

"Ah, no need. That wonderful story of yours is worth the journey. I know what you're talking about is made-up stuff, but I must admit, sir, that you made it up very well. Excellent." The driver replied.He went on to say to Nadya:

"Girl, it must be a blessing to have such a boyfriend who can make up stories. But be careful, such a man can be very deceiving."

"Ron won't lie to me." Nadya shook her head.

"Did he tell you that this castle is a very romantic place? Actually...well, I'd better not say it."

"Ron, what didn't you tell me?" Nadya looked at Ron with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"No, I just had a temporary idea. To be honest, I don't know anything about this castle." Ron said innocently.Then he turned to the driver: "Sir, can you tell us about the castle?"

"I don't want it anymore." The driver said, "I'm not as good at making up stories as you are. If you want me to tell you, you can only tell the truth."

"You've got me hooked," said Ron. "I really don't know."

"Well, I can say it! Edinburgh Castle is a famous ghost castle. It is the most famous ghost castle in Europe, and even the world. Don't look at it in the daytime. One of the characteristics of Edinburgh Castle is that it will be haunted during the day. But don't be too frightened miss. Our Scotch ghosts are just a little mischievous, but not evil. Ghosts don't kill as many people in 1 years as a silly doctor in a day. The best they can do is use them Those hands you can't see are just tickling your itch, they won't really hurt anyone."

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