New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 207, Highway of Death

Through the thick iron door of the air-raid shelter, Wittmann could still feel the vibrations from above.With the shaking, wisps of dust fell from the top of the reinforced concrete air-raid shelter, and the air-raid shelter was full of dust.The air-raid shelter itself has an exhaust system, but this system has not been opened.Instead, all the vents are tightly shut.When the Allied forces landed the day before yesterday, they dropped an astonishingly powerful bomb.The pictures of these bomb explosions were taken by the German army and sent to German research institutions for research.According to the deduction of German scientists, this bomb is actually an aerosol bomb. It ejects a large amount of flammable aerosol in the first explosion. These aerosols will enter the fortification with the air and then explode.So if you want to defend against such bombs, you must maintain airtightness, and when they are bombed, no outside air can let them in.

At the same time, German weapons experts also warned that the bomb would consume oxygen when it exploded.Therefore, after the explosion, the explosion area will be in a state of oxygen deficiency for a long time.Therefore, the personnel inside the fortifications must also prepare oxygen.And this warning was also verified when the Allied forces landed.The British and Americans did not use chemical protective clothing when they entered the blast area, and the phenomenon that some counterattack troops wearing chemical protective clothing lost their combat effectiveness in a very short time after entering the blast area is the most powerful inference for this inference. proof.

Therefore, the German armored soldiers hiding in the air-raid shelter now carry a small oxygen cylinder with them.However, there is no lack of oxygen in the air-raid shelter, so no one uses this thing.Everyone just raised their heads and looked at the top of the cave, feeling the constant vibrations coming from outside.

The shock caused by the explosion gradually disappeared, but it was not possible to go out yet.Because the outside may also be in a state of severe hypoxia.According to the calculations of those weapons experts, this lack of oxygen may last for nearly 10 minutes.Therefore, everyone still has to stay in the air-raid shelter honestly.

"Hey, what kind of battle is this!" Being locked in a confined space, people's emotions are particularly easy to fluctuate, so it is natural to complain.

"I said, have any of you fought such a battle?" The person who just said that he was alive continued, "Damn, all actions can only be done at night. In the daytime, if you want to survive, you have to go into a hole in the ground. We all become Become a mouse."

"It was bombed at night, and they were bombed all night!" Another person interjected, "What do you think it is? You were bombed all the way, and now you are bombed again! The bombs of the Yankees and the British are all on trees. It grows out? Throwing it around without money!"

"Where's our air force? They just watch us being bombed? Don't they have a lot of trump cards that have shot down two or three hundred planes? What are they doing?" Another person interjected.

"You are stupid! Still counting on the Air Force?"

"It's not a supplementary soldier, why are you so naive?"

"You expect those flying in the sky to fight for those of us crawling on the ground? Are you awake?"

"That's right, they are the fastest runners at all times, except for a time in Cuban where they were tough."

Wittmann knew that the Luftwaffe's reputation in the army was not very good.Because the Air Force always likes to blow the cowhide, and once they are at a disadvantage, they always run faster than the Army.In addition, um, I am not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I am afraid of comparing goods.The soldiers of the army have seen how the Soviet air force fought more than once.His attack plane has never seen that the opponent's fighter jets are more than the escort plane, so he just dropped the bomb and returned.On the contrary, even if there is no escort aircraft, they will forcefully attack the target under artillery fire.Even, many Soviet aircraft that were hit and caught fire would even directly hit ground targets with flames.The Luftwaffe had never done that.

But it is not necessarily good for such conversations to continue, it will lower the morale of the soldiers.So Wittmann stepped up.

"The air force is far behind the enemy in terms of strength. They only have 450 aircraft in total, and most of the pilots are rookies. Our enemy has tens of thousands of aircraft, and the pilots are all experienced guys." said To be honest, if our air force rushed out rashly, the enemy would be able to wipe them out in less than a morning. However, as far as I know, when we launch an attack, they will attack with all their might. Just like in Ku Ben."

"Really?" someone asked.

"Really!" Wittman replied.

"That's all right, if they hold out for an hour, we'll drive all the Brits out to sea."

"By the way, there is one thing to remind everyone." Wittmann said, "There is a British fleet near the beach. Be careful of their naval guns."

At this time, it has been almost 25 minutes since the bombing ended.The air in the air-raid shelter became increasingly cloudy.Wittman said: "The time is up, let's go out and see, let's hope we don't lose too much."

Everyone opened the airtight iron door of the air-raid shelter and walked out.

The scene outside is like the surface of the moon seen through a telescope.There are large and small bomb craters everywhere.Some trees that had been blown up by bombs fell there, still emitting wisps of blue smoke.But what everyone is most concerned about is the situation of the tanks.

Part of the tank group hidden in the woods was bombed.However, only one unlucky No. [-] H tank was directly hit by the aerial bomb.The tank was basically blown to pieces, and it was probably useless except for returning to the furnace as scrap steel.Some of the remaining tanks, while not blown to pieces like that, were still far from intact.

The least damaged was Wittmann's Tiger tank.An aerial bomb that exploded more than ten meters away from the tank broke its right track and damaged two road wheels.A little further away from Wittmann's tank, one of Powell's Leopards rolled over.The tanker got in to have a look, and then said that this thing should be righted up, and if it is repaired a little, it should be fine.However, it is not easy to right this 40-ton guy, because the rescue tank responsible for this work has also been overturned.

After a period of statistics, the loss was identified.At this assembly point, a total of twelve tanks were unable to participate in the assault operation at dawn the next day due to various damages.The situation in other areas was unclear, but at least one other assembly point was also hit by airstrikes.


"The enemy's attack on Caen today has been significantly reduced. Our reconnaissance personnel found that the enemy is laying mines along the road. In addition, several assembly points have been bombed or shelled. The enemy has almost The woodlands near them were blown up indiscriminately."

"So, the British may have realized the danger." Marshal Rommel thought this way, "It would be great if the tank troops were not deployed so far away at the beginning. That way, they would not be subject to such a big shock before launching an assault. Losses. After this series of air strikes, the organization of many troops is going to be messed up."

But now, the assault was ready to be launched.Rommel decided that he would visit the troops as usual to give them encouragement. "Success or failure depends on the raid in the early morning tomorrow!" He thought.

Rommel chose to take an ordinary barrel car to the troops this time.The Mercedes-Benz car equipped for him is too conspicuous. In today's situation where there is no air superiority at all, traveling in that car is like sending out "Come and hit me, I Very important information." Rommel didn't want to be killed by scattered soldiers in his own control area like Vatutin.In his convoy there is also a half-tracked self-propelled 20 anti-aircraft gun, a sdkfz50 "puma" 2342-wheeled armored vehicle with a 8mm gun, 3 Opel trucks and two BMW motorcycles.That's more than enough to deal with enemy paratroopers you might encounter.There is also an Opel sedan in the convoy. Its existence can absolutely guarantee that Rommel's barrel car will not become the first target of attack.

At around 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was about to set, and Rommel's convoy set off.


Boynton and his wingman had been circling the sky for two hours.But he still failed to encounter a single German plane.

"Damn it! If I knew earlier, maybe I should replace it with a PA-38. In this way, I don't need to maintain the security mission at such an altitude, and I can go down to trouble the Germans on the ground." In the airspace he was in charge of The team of pa-38's in there had gone back because they were running low on fuel.It is already 6 o'clock in the afternoon, so there will be no new attack planes rushing over for hunting.Boyington looked at his fuel gauge, and he was still quite full of fuel.

"Why don't we take a guest role as an attack plane, go down there for a while, and go back when it's dark?" Boynton said like a wingman.

"Okay, sir! You're too wise. Seriously, air missions are so boring, I'm going to sleep."

So the four p-4 fighter jets began to rapidly lower their altitude.

After flying for a while along the kilometer, the sky became darker and darker.Boyington still didn't meet any targets.

"Fly along this road for another 5 minutes, and we will climb back." Boyington said while shaking his head.

Just then, a convoy appeared in front of them.

"Target found!" Boyington yelled, pulling the joystick and starting to climb to a higher position while getting a better view of the convoy.

"Two armored vehicles, one of which is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and one car! Maybe a big fish! I attack the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, 02 attacks the other armored vehicle, 03 attacks the car, and 04 attacks the truck!" Boyne Dun gave the order, and then took the lead in swooping towards the convoy.

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