The heavy bomb fell off the pylon and smashed towards the target.Before Ma Long had time to see if the bomb hit, he leveled the plane urgently.The plane's wing almost brushed the top of the steel frame of the railway bridge.Malone did not pull up the plane to climb. Instead, he lowered the PA-47 attack plane to a height of about 10 meters and left along the river at high speed.

Malone's bomb was dropped quite accurately. The 1600-pound bomb easily penetrated the steel support and bridge deck of the railway bridge, and almost fell into the river against the pier.Then it exploded violently underwater at a depth of more than 5 meters.Such a result is even better than hitting a bridge pier directly.If it directly hits the pier and explodes, because of the compressibility of the surrounding air, the overpressure that the final explosion can cause on the pier is still limited.A 1600-pound bomb is far from enough to destroy a solid bridge pier.The damage it caused may soon be restored.But a bomb exploding in the water next to a bridge pier would cause quite a different story.Since water is incompressible, the overpressure transmitted to the piers is much greater.Such overpressure may even cause structural damage to the piers.Such damage is almost irreparable.

However, although this pier was not made in Germany, it is still very strong.When the water splashed by the bomb explosion fell one after another, the pier was still standing there firmly.However, the air strike was not over yet. At this moment, another PA-47 attack aircraft dropped another bomb.

The position where the bomb fell was a little bit more biased than the bomb dropped by Malone, but not too much.After the violent explosion, the bridge piers still stand tall.

Carl Wood, commander of the German anti-aircraft artillery force, looked at this strong pier and really wanted to kiss it. "Really, it's really like our German one. No matter how bombed it is, it won't span or break!" But now is obviously not the time to admire the strength of French bridges.Four other enemy planes were heading towards the piers and they had to be stopped.

The 37mm anti-aircraft guns of the Germans are struggling to turn the barrels, trying to aim at these roaring PA-47 attack aircraft, but most of them have gone to attack those P-47 fighter jets just now, and The pointing of their gun barrels is far away from the planes to be intercepted now, and it is completely impossible to turn them around in such a short time.

The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth bombs all fell in sequence.A violent explosion blew up water mist all over the sky.The sunlight slanted on the water mist, and a gorgeous rainbow suddenly appeared.As the mist gradually dissipated, Carl? Wood widened his eyes, and he saw that the pier was still standing there.

"It's really indestructible! This bridge looks like it was built in Germany. Otherwise, how could it be so strong! Wait..." At this moment, a large piece of concrete peeled off from the pier and fell into the bridge under the bridge. running water.Then came the second piece, the third piece..., as the concrete pieces continued to peel off, the piers seemed to be unable to support the steel structure bridge deck above.It began to tilt to the left, and finally, with the two sections of the steel structure above it, fell into the river together, splashing a large amount of water.After being bombarded by six consecutive 6-pound bombs, the pier finally failed.

"Damn it! It's not a German product. It's the critical moment... Besides, they didn't know that the spare pier should be wrapped in oil paper and buried next to it!" Carl Wood shook his head. He knew that the bridge was completely finished. Well, a bridge pier cannot be built overnight or in more than ten days.Given the Allied air superiority now, it would be impossible for the Germans to fix it, even for a few more months.

"Let the Americans worry about fixing it," thought Carl Wood.

Malone's plane did not receive much fire as it retreated.Their assault was too quick for the enemy flak to react to, and when they retreated they flew low, making it difficult for the Germans to target them.As a result, they all successfully walked away.No blows were taken.


"It's been a busy day." Malone sat in the cockpit and complained to the command through the radio. "Sir Ron, you made us attack 4 times in one day! You are abusing your employees!"

"Come on, Ma Long! You are showing off your achievements! Why don't you blow up a few more bridges while the Germans are not familiar with our tactics today, and you wait until they make adjustments tomorrow? Come back soon , I still have a goal today! If you can’t fly anymore, I can deliver the courier instead of you!” A voice came from the radio.

"Father, is it you? Are you tired of flying a fighter jet? Want to practice? Or I will reluctantly agree to let you serve as my wingman temporarily!" After successfully killing 4 targets, Ma Long was very proud.


During this day, the attack aircraft of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing attacked everywhere, and the PA-47 attack aircraft performed even better, destroying a railway bridge and 4 road bridges in just one day, and all of them were Pretty utterly destroyed.In this way, it will not be so easy for the German armored forces to be transported up.

However, in the German command, Marshal Rommel was not particularly anxious because of this.At least, when his adjutant informed him of the information, he didn't find the marshal in any hurry.Of course, Marshal Rommel has experienced many battles, and he will not be moved by ordinary defeats, but as an adjutant who has followed him for a long time, he can still judge Marshal Rommel's mood.Judging from the Marshal's performance, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Marshal, aren't you worried that the armored division won't be in place in time and the attack will be difficult?"

"The weather forecast says that it will be sunny for the next few days. The armored force assaulted the enemy's position. We tried it last time. Although we have strengthened our strength this time, after so long, the enemy's defense must have also strengthened. It is even strengthened faster than ours. Moreover, if we want to launch an attack this time, we need to march a longer distance. The losses during the march will also be greater. Therefore, even if this attack is difficult to launch due to delays, It is not necessarily a bad thing. Anyway, the materials for building the defense line are available in France, and there is no need to transport them from Germany." Rommel replied.Due to the absolute superiority of Allied air power, the Germans could not even send a reconnaissance plane to the beach.So Rommel didn't know what kind of chaos the beachhead had become because of the storm.


The condition of the artificial port of Mulberry B on the Normandy beach is good, and the damage suffered is not too great. After a night and most of the day's repairs, it can be partially used by the afternoon.The situation of the Mulberry A artificial port on the US military side is really not optimistic.The floating pier was severely damaged, and it is estimated that it will not be repaired in a week.This is not the most fatal loss.The most fatal loss was the cement caissons used to construct the breakwaters, most of which were damaged.And it is very difficult to build them. The minimum displacement of these is 1772 tons, and the maximum displacement is as high as 6044 tons. This is not something that can be rebuilt in the short term.Therefore, even if the Americans repair the floating pier of Mulberry A, due to the existence of a huge gap in the breakwater, as long as the sea is a little bit rough, the Mulberry A pier will be unusable.Therefore, in a short time, this artificial port is hopeless.If the Americans want to get enough supplies, they hope to be in the port of Cherbourg.

On the 19th, one day earlier than in Ron's original history, the American army approached the castle of Cherbourg.And captured a German airfield only tens of kilometers away from Cherbourg.This is also the first permanent airport acquired by the US military on the European continent.It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when the U.S. troops approached the city of Cherbourg. Since it was close to sunset, the U.S. troops did not launch an attack immediately, but only persuaded the German troops in the port of Cherbourg to surrender through broadcasts.Of course, this persuasion was rejected by the Germans.

On the 20th, 500 heavy bombers of the Eighth Air Force launched a fierce air strike on the German positions in Cherbourg, and then the US Seventh Army began to launch a ground attack.The German army relied on fortifications to defend.

In order to guard against the fuel-air bomb of the US military, the Germans sent a large number of oxygen cylinders to Cherbourg almost as soon as they understood the principle of the bomb, and carried out some key fortifications on Cherbourg. Improved airtightness.Therefore, although the bombers of the Eighth Air Force used fuel-air bombs, they did not cause a decisive blow to the German army as they did when they landed on the beach.So the next day, the U.S. military still encountered firm resistance from the Germans.

On June 6, after Ron's 21st Attack Aircraft Wing completed the attack mission on key bridges, Ron also received a new order-the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing moved to Cherbourg Airport to assist Seventh Army quickly captured Cherbourg.

Transition is definitely a troublesome thing, not to mention the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing, which has a fighter squadron, two attack aircraft squadrons and a light bomber squadron.

On the evening of the 21st, personnel from the Mission Support Brigade of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing first flew to Cherbourg Airport on a C-47 transport plane and began preparations for the transition.Early the next morning, the b-25 bomber squadron that had been staying in the UK before was first transferred to Cherbourg Airport. After noon, a PA-38 attack aircraft squadron was also transferred to Cherbourg Airport.Ron also drove a p-81 fighter jet and landed on the airport with them.

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