New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 249, the original open space one-body battle

Several of Cameron's Leopards were already very close to the hiding point, but at this moment there was a frightening and disgusting sound of engines in the sky.Even without looking, Cameron knew that this was definitely a plane from the Allied Forces.Once upon a time, Cameron could often see planes belonging to the Germans with the Iron Cross painted on them.But in recent months, they've become as rare as, well, like hope.

In order to detect the enemy as soon as possible, the commander of each tank under Cameron's command will expose his body from the inside of the tank.This is very dangerous, a machine gunner can easily kill them, but only in this way, they have a chance to find the enemy first.In many cases, the more dangerous the conditions are, the more adventurous you must be.For those who are in danger, not taking risks is the greatest danger in itself.

For example, now, if Cameron hides in the tank.The inside of the tank can only be observed through the periscope, the field of view is very narrow, and there is no upward viewing angle at all.It is impossible to detect the enemy aircraft visually; and the noise inside the tank is also very loud. Under the interference of its own noise, it is impossible for the tank crew to hear the sound from the enemy aircraft.In this case, they can only be smashed to pieces by the enemy's attack planes without realizing it.

"Stop! Come on, disguise!" Cameron ordered.

The so-called "camouflage" does not involve camouflage nets or the like.This thing is not very useful in this unshaded field.But Cameron has another set of camouflage methods they just summed up.Cameron painted the rear half of the tank turret and the engine cooling windows black early in the morning.It looked as if it had been shot in the rear, caught fire and burned black.

Several vehicles immediately slanted to one side, the turret also slanted over, and the barrels pointed low and obliquely at the ground.Several tank crews jumped out of the tank and put a small box behind the turret, and a puff of black smoke rose.Then several crew members fell crookedly beside the tank.

Obviously, Cameron has practiced this action more than once, and it took Cameron's crew members less than a minute to complete such a series of actions.

A moment later, four Typhoons flew overhead.

The "Typhoon" fighter was originally an advanced fighter developed by the British to replace the "Hurricane" fighter.But during use, the British found that its climb rate and high-altitude speed were not ideal, especially when the aerodynamic characteristics deteriorated during high-speed dives, and it was not easy to recover from the dive.However, when performing ground attack and battlefield interdiction tasks, it performs well because of its high level flight speed and weapon carrying capacity.Therefore, "Typhoon" performed more and more ground attack missions, and even became the main force of the British army's ground attack.

Pilot Matthews scanned the ground vigilantly, and several German tanks that were emitting black smoke appeared in his field of vision.Those tanks were crooked in all directions, as if they had just been destroyed.Matthews shook his head regretfully. If he had arrived a few minutes earlier, these leopards might have been his victory.


Cameron, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, let out a long breath as he watched the "Typhoons" passing overhead.This trick of mine finally worked.He patiently waited for the British planes to fly away, and he didn't get up from the ground until the planes disappeared in the distance.The other crew members also climbed up one after another. They threw away the fume cans behind the turret and got into the tank.Then the five tanks were on the road again.

A few minutes later, Cameron encountered a group of American PA-47 attack aircraft.Just as he did the same thing and tricked the US attack plane by pretending to be dead, a team of US infantry just happened to pass by here.Therefore, without the tank, the German tank soldiers who did not have many decent weapons could only be prisoners honestly.

After this battle case was reported, Ron had to issue the following instruction to the pilots of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing: "Any attack aircraft, on the way back, if there is a smoking enemy that seems to have been destroyed Army tanks, and the fighter planes still have unconsumed ammunition, so attack it."


German Command, Field Marshal Kruger's Office.

"Marshal, the reply from the head of state." Kruger's adjutant handed the marshal a copy of the telegram in the file bag.

Marshal Kruger took the file bag, but did not take out the telegram, but casually put him aside.

"Marshal, don't you read the reply from the head of state? The head of state has new orders." The adjutant reminded.

"Does it make any difference if you don't see it?" Marshal Kruger asked back, "Could Hitler still agree with our retreat plan? I'm sure, he must have rejected our plan, and then kept telling us that we would not take a single step." Can't back down, like at Stalingrad!"

These words were full of sarcasm towards Hitler, which made his adjutant nervous about him.

"Marshal, in the current situation, I think you should pay attention to the way you speak." The adjutant reminded. "The secret police has been very active lately."

"This group of scum who can't do anything but punish their own people!" Kruger muttered angrily.He sat down, thought for a while, picked up the file bag again, took out the telegram inside and read it carefully.

"This Bohemian corporal! He still wants us to attack! Damn it! I really underestimated his madness and stupidity! He really deserves to be a liberal arts student who studies art!"

Hitler's sanity had become more and more problematic since his narrow escape from the bombing a few days earlier.As early as a long time ago, Hitler had a hunch that someone would use assassination methods to deal with him.In his opinion, the attack a few days ago confirmed the accuracy of his intuition, which made him trust his intuition more than reason.At the same time, the insurgents came from the army, and a large number of high-ranking officers participated in or at least acquiesced in such actions, which made Hitler even more distrustful of the army, especially those Junker officers.In this case, Hitler was more inclined to regard any defiance of his will by these officers as a challenge to his power.Anyone who dares to question his "gut feeling" will doubt whether this person has the intention of rebellion.It will be harder than ever to persuade the current Hitler to cancel his apparently unenforceable order.

On the other hand, the experience of surviving near death made Hitler extremely confident.To him, this was proof that God had not abandoned him.God's use of his hand to pull himself out of a mortal situation just shows God's care for himself.With God's care, what miracles could he not accomplish?His current situation is indeed very difficult, but can this situation be more desperate than the situation faced by Frederick II in the Seven Years War?Frederick II was ready to commit suicide.But God saved him, God let the most powerful and most terrible of his enemies, the Russian tsarina Elizabeth? Russia suddenly became its ally.Thus changing the entire battle situation.With God's care, what kind of miracle cannot happen?Maybe, as long as he bravely launches an attack, with the help of God, he will be able to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop and save the battle.Just like King Baldwin IV in the Battle of Mengisa, relying on God's favor, he defeated the pagan army of as many as 80 led by the famous general Saladin with only 4 Templars. (Press, in fact, in this battle, Baldwin IV had not only 80 Templars under his command. There were also more than 300 secular knights and nearly 3000 infantry. But in the legend, these people were ignored.)

Yesterday, Field Marshal Kruger sent Hitler a telegram, which telegram was in.Marshal Kruger stated that in order to save the two German armies from the threatening encirclement and to save the divisions defending the peninsula of Brittany, this peninsula and other dangerous positions should be withdrawn immediately without any delay. Delayed abandonment of the whole of Southwest and South of France.This might also stop the Allied advance on or southeast of the Seine and keep the situation manageable.

In fact, when this telegram was sent, Marshal Kruger had already expected Hitler's reaction.Convincing Hitler in his current state was no easier than repelling the American and British allies.Kruger's telegram is nothing more than doing his best and obeying the destiny.

Hitler did not approve his plan, which was completely expected by him.But Hitler proposed a whimsical counterattack plan in this telegram.The boldness and absurdity of this plan definitely exceeded Marshal Kruger's expectations.

According to this order, the German army must guard the Brittany peninsula, or at least several of its ports, and the "c" army group should stay in southwestern France and the Mediterranean coast. It should be closed by counter-assault.To this end, he ordered the unconditional withdrawal of all tank divisions (the backbone of the defense) from the front, organized these divisions into an assault group commanded by the commander of the Fifth Tank Army, and concentrated it in the Mortain area. : Assault on Avranches, cutting off the advancing US Third Army from its rear.

Marshal Kruger looked at the telegram. He knew that not long ago, Marshal Rommel defied Hitler's order and privately withdrew several infantry divisions ordered by Hitler to stand firm to the rear.Hitler didn't react much.But from time to time, Hitler at that time might have tolerated his generals being dissatisfied with military orders abroad, but now, he may never tolerate such a situation again.So what should I do?Do you really want to execute such an order, which is almost indistinguishable from sending you to death?How did this country become like this?Marshal Kruger gradually fell into deep thought.

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