New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 282, a short vacation

Arnold arranged for Ron to be a senior combat staff officer and asked him to follow Big Big Wolf to the Philippines.The preliminary work of the Philippine campaign has been basically completed, and the battle is about to start.However, General Arnold still gave Ron a 5-day vacation in a very humane manner.

"Ron, you haven't been home for a long time? Besides, you haven't brought your girlfriend home yet?" General Arnold said, "You still have a few days before the battle starts, well, I'll give you 5 The time of day should be barely enough for you to take your girlfriend home to have a look."

"Thank you, General," said Ron sincerely.

That afternoon, Ron boarded a passenger plane to Los Angeles.As a recipient of the Medal of Honor, Ron has received some privileges, one of which is free travel on airliners.McDonnell Douglas' DC-3 airliner is actually a civil aviation model of the C-47 transport aircraft equipped by the US military.However, the dc-3 as a civil aircraft is still much more comfortable than the c-47 as a transport aircraft.Among other things, the adjustable sofa seat in dc-3 is much more comfortable than the folding chair in c-47.The plane rolled down the runway, then slowly took off.When the plane started to turn into level flight, Ron lowered the back of the sofa a little, and then leaned on it comfortably.At this time, the plane was slowly climbing at a small angle, and looking out of the window, one could see clouds.These clouds are brightly illuminated by the sun, and those huge clouds are like a real snow mountain, shining in the sun.

Ron was used to this kind of situation. He was ashamed to be injured. He hadn't been in the sky for a while, but this kind of situation made him suddenly feel a sense of intimacy.

"General, don't you take a rest?" Scott said.Yesterday, Ron flew back to the United States across the Atlantic from England, and today he will cross the entire North American continent, flying from east to west.Didn't even bother with jet lag.Logically, he should be very tired.

"Ah, Scott, if you're tired, take a nap. You don't know, I feel refreshed when I'm on the plane. Besides, I didn't sleep well last night, but it's best if I don't sleep Stay up until night so you can reverse the jet lag," Ron replied.

"General, the holiday is only five days away, ah!" Scott yawned, and continued, "We just reversed the jet lag by then, and we are going to the Philippines to reverse the jet lag. Anyway, I don't understand. I'd better sleep first." He also put it on the back of the sofa, closed his eyes, and added, "General, I'll sleep for a while, call me if I need something."


When the plane arrived at Los Angeles Airport, it was already the time when the lights were on.An army aviation unit stationed nearby sent them two jeeps and drove them into downtown Los Angeles.

"General, we have booked a hotel for you. Are you going now?" the driver sent by the local army asked.

"Well, what time is it?" Ron asked.

"General, it's six o'clock now," the driver replied.

"Well, let's go to the hotel first," said Ron.


It was already seven o'clock when Ron arrived at the hotel. Coincidentally, this hotel was the one that Ron visited last time.The driver over there sent Ron and Scott to the hotel before turning around and leaving. Before leaving, he left a jeep with Ron.

"Scott, I'm going out for a while, you just stay in the hotel by yourself," said Ron.

"Oh, General, you're not going to the theater?" said Scott. "Let me go. You need a driver now."


When Ron came to the entrance of the theater, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening, and the performance inside had already started for a while, and the ticket sales had of course stopped.However, after Scott was busy for a while, Ron still got the chance to enter.However, although the theater was not full, there were no more seats in the front row.Ron had to find a seat a little further back and sat down.

What is being performed on the stage is "Death of the Swan", which is already one of Nadja's best repertoires.Now, this piece of music is coming to an end. Under the melodious vibrato of the cello, Nadya's arms are doing the last trembling, like the last struggle of a dying swan. Her blurred vision is sweeping across the audience, suddenly , her eyes shone like jewels, and a shallow, happy smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. Then, her head slowly lowered, and her arms stopped trembling, as if in a deep sleep Into a very happy dream.

The curtain fell on the stage, and Ron was about to get up and go backstage.Unexpectedly, an old man sitting next to Ron suddenly said to Ron: "Hey, man, you're really late. Missed a few shows. But it's better to come early than coincidental. You happened to see the last Brilliant scene. Did you notice Nadya's performance just now? Yes, that last part. I never thought that someone could perform this part like her. Omg, I seem to be able to get it from her In her eyes, in her movements, she saw heaven. Yes, just now, the light of heaven was shining on her white quivering wings! This is really a wonderful performance! It's great! If I were 40 years younger , I will definitely chase her crazily."

Ron couldn't help laughing too. It seems that this old man is also a ballet lover, and his comments are quite spot on.And hearing his girlfriend being praised by others also greatly satisfied Ron's vanity.

Ron stood up and said to the old man: "Mr., you spoke very well. After you said this, I think about it and realize that today's performance is really different. But I'm afraid I can't continue to discuss with you." This question is over, I still have something to do, so I have to excuse me first."

"Ah, then you go." The old man said.Seeing Ron walking out with a cane, the old man sighed and said: "There are not many young people who love art like this. They rushed to watch the show before their injuries healed."

It is much easier to enter the backstage than to enter the theater, because some staff in the backstage already recognize Ron.

"Ah, General Ron? There's nothing wrong with your foot injury! Just now, Nadia asked me to tell you that she is changing clothes and will come out soon." A staff member who was waiting for Ron at the backstage door said to Luo En said so, and brought her a chair.

Women always change clothes very slowly. Ron sat there, reckoning that it would take him about four cigarettes to finish smoking before he saw Nadya come out of dressing room No. [-] over there.

Najia showed off this black long dress. This corseted black long dress set off her small face and bare arms, making them extraordinarily bright and white, just like the best suet jade.And the slender long skirt also brought out her graceful figure more and more.

"Why are you back?" Nadya said slightly angrily, "You didn't even write to inform me. I didn't have any mental preparations. I almost made a fool of myself when I saw you suddenly on stage just now." Already!"

"How is it possible? I clearly heard that others praised you for your excellent performance in the last part. An old man said: 'My God, I seem to be able to see the kingdom of heaven from her eyes and her movements. .Yes, just now, the light of heaven is shining on her white quivering wings! This is really a wonderful performance! It's great! If I were 40 years younger, I would definitely chase her madly Yes.' I think you've made another breakthrough, too. I think you should give me a kiss to say thank you... I wrote you a letter as soon as I arrived in America yesterday," said Ron, and then he snapped What I realized was that I only stayed in Washington, D.C. for one night and half a day before flying over here.And most of his letter is still on the way.I must have run to the front of the letter.

"Ah, look, I guess, I must have run to the front of the letter." Ron laughed.

"Still laughing! What are you doing running so fast? Come here after you don't take a good rest. Are your legs okay?" Nadia first lightly raised her pink fist, and lightly tapped Ron's chest , knocked Ron's heart itchy.Then he asked about Ron's legs with concern.

"It's better than the last time you saw it," said Ron, "I can basically walk by myself now... well, it's a bit crowded in here, shall we go for a walk?"

"Hmm." Najia responded in a low voice, as if she had just noticed that many people were staring at her.Then a slight blush appeared on her delicate little face.

"Oh, it's a bit chilly outside, you'll need another coat," said Ron.


"You mean, you just returned to the United States last night, attended a meeting this morning, took a plane all afternoon, and then came here after getting off the plane?" Nadia said, "You are still wounded, How can you be so tired?" Nadya held Ron's arm with both hands, and helped him walk along a tree-lined avenue.Ron felt that in addition to these two tender little hands, as he walked, there was another thing that would rub against his arm from time to time, which was soft and elastic.

"No, you have to go to rest." Nadya said, "I don't want you to be tired."

"Will you stay with me tonight, then?" Ron said.He saw that Najia seemed to have some intention of objecting, so he quickly added: "I am a wounded person, and I need someone to take care of me."

"Hmph, I know you have no good intentions! Don't you have an adjutant? Why do you keep bothering me?" Nadia said.

"Because you're my wife." Ron said with a smile.

"What nonsense!" Najia said, but she didn't mean to refuse. After a while, she asked again: "Where do you live?"

"It's still where we lived last time," said Ron.

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