"An airport on land?" Halsey said. After taking it down, there will be such an airport. However, battles on land are not like naval battles. Naval battles are always straightforward. Even if it is a big battle, it will take at most a day or two for whoever wins and who loses Sometimes, a decisive battle may only take a few hours. For example, Jutland, the real battle time is only half a day. Land battles are always so long, even if you have a big Advantage, the enemy can also use various fortifications to support for a long time. Therefore, although General MacArthur hopes to quickly take Wright Island, no matter how fast this is, it cannot be resolved within half a day. If it is not done well, it will take a week or two It’s impossible and possible.”

Ron knew that Halsey actually underestimated the difficulty of land combat. Historically, after completely defeating the Japanese navy, the Americans, who had the overall superiority in the sea and air, spent two months fighting until the end of the year. Finally attack the island of Crete.But maybe he won't have to wait that long to get an airport.


Washington, General Arnold's office.

"General, General Ron sent a report." A staff member handed a report to General Arnold.

General Arnold took the report, opened the cover, and a topic appeared in front of his eyes: "Analysis of the current situation of strategic bombing against Japan and the countermeasures."

"Hehe," Arnold laughed, "Ron's naming skills are still as bad as before."

After despising Ron's naming technique, Arnold began to read the report carefully.

"Considering some phenomena unique to Japan as an island, such as changeable high-altitude air flow, such as high-altitude clouds, etc., it will directly lead to high-altitude bombing[

degree drops.Therefore, it can be expected that daytime high-altitude bombing will hardly achieve the same effect as the strategic bombing of Germany...

Japanese fighter jet technology is relatively poor, and the density of ground air defense firepower is far inferior to that of the Germans.But the fighting will of the Japanese army is far stronger than that of the Luftwaffe.Luftwaffe pilots will prioritize protecting themselves in battle, but the Japanese are different. They are more crazy when attacking, or more desperate.In terms of the interception method, due to the performance problems of the aircraft, the Japanese are more inclined to use the impact method to intercept.The high-altitude performance of Japanese fighter jets is very poor. Our current bombing is mainly high-altitude bombing, which greatly reduces the chances of the Japanese intercepting us by impact, but once we lower the altitude, we are likely to be intercepted by them. .The power of the self-defense weapons on the bomber is limited by the platform, so it is difficult to prevent the enemy's suicide impact.This greatly increased the cost of relying solely on bomber units to lower their flying altitude during the day in exchange for better accuracy. "

"Relying on the bomber force alone, the cost of lowering the flying altitude in exchange for better accuracy during the day is greatly increased?" Arnold thought, "I knew that Ron would take every opportunity to emphasize the importance of fighter jets. Well, Continue to see what else this little guy has to say. Most of them will follow this sentence and turn to the importance of fighter units, right?"

However, Ron did not immediately mention the fighter jets below, but turned around and mentioned the night bombing:

"Because the Japanese army lacks night fighters, night bombing will become an attractive option. Due to the lack of supplies in Japan, it is very dependent on sea transportation, and the traffic between the Japanese archipelago is also very dependent on sea transportation. Therefore, using the cover of night , offensive mine-laying is one of the most effective means of attacking Japan at this stage. And because there are no obstacles on the sea, we can fly very low, low enough to avoid the Japanese radar. In this way, the Japanese The small number of night fighters is even less of a threat to us. The 21st Bomber Wing dropped a total of..."

"This kid can still calm down and talk about the offensive minefield first? Well, let's see what he will talk about later?" General Arnold thought.

"Our actions in the Philippines will completely cut off the maritime connection between the Japanese and the resource producing areas in the south. Apart from shipping, there is no other means to provide transportation of materials sufficient to support the war. Therefore, once our actions in the Philippines After the victory is over, the significance of our blockade of Japan's outer ports through mining will be greatly reduced. At that time, our offensive mining should also be able to completely paralyze the traffic in Japan's Seto Inland Sea. At this time, we have to consider A comprehensive strategic bombing of Japan has been carried out. Considering the advantages of night bombing and the fact that Japanese urban buildings are mostly wooden structures and have poor arson capabilities, I believe that extensive use of burning for fire attacks is the most effective way of combat. In order to increase the load We must give up the idea of ​​flying at high altitude. This may cause some risk of being attacked by Japanese night fighters and anti-aircraft guns after entering the inland. But I think that considering the insufficient number of Japanese night fighters, this risk We can afford it. By bombing like this, we can force the Japanese to evacuate from their cities. This is tantamount to dismantling their production. At this point our navy should be able to do the same after finishing the battle of the Philippines There is power to seize an island off the coast of Japan for us as an alternate airport for the b-29 and an advance airport for the escort fighter jets. Personally, I think it is most appropriate to find an island on the Ogasawara Islands in terms of location..."

"Haha, you finally showed your tail. I knew you couldn't help it." General Arnold couldn't help showing a smile, "Just according to this, I'm afraid it won't be until next year. Ron, you really can Wait until next year?"

"After the evacuation of the Japanese, the production will become handicraft workshops scattered in the countryside. At this time, it will not be efficient to continue to attack them with heavy bombers. Fighters and attack aircraft should become the main force during this period. In the whole of Japan Carry out safari missions in the sky. The exercise of this method of tactics should start now. Therefore, I suggest that once the airport is obtained in the Philippines, an air force mainly composed of tactical aircraft should be established here, and the Philippines should be used as a training ground. On the one hand, it can train safari skills, on the other hand, it can also speed up the progress of the Philippine campaign..."

"Sure enough, I can't wait. Well, now is indeed the time to make preparations. Maybe some fighter jets can be drawn from the 13th Air Force to form this unit, and later, the European fighter unit can be transferred to supplement it." Arnold Think like this.


It wasn't long before Ron got a new assignment, in the Philippines, to take over a newly created fighter wing.

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