New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 30, Devil's Jungle

"Good afternoon, viewers, um, it's still morning, hehe... This is Transit TV, I'm the host Han Dazui, just now the Guadalcanal Islands series ended again, and the result was the US team with a disparity of 24:0 We defeated the Japanese team. Next, we invite our special guest: Mr. Song Zhaowen, Director of the Control Bureau, to comment on this battle."

"Good afternoon, everyone... dizzy, I was caught by Han Dazui +_+..."

"A viewer with the end number 8175 sent a text message saying: 'The score is so disparate, is it beyond the expectations of the guests?'"

"I personally think it's just a very reasonable result. The U.S. military has the home court advantage, the number of people is larger, and it has controlled the intelligence advantage in advance, so it is reasonable to win. On the other hand, Japan has made a series of mistakes, the biggest of which is The mistake is - not loving Taiwan."

"Excuse me, does this have anything to do with 'Love Taiwan'?"

"It doesn't matter. If 'Love Taiwan' uses the air teams stationed in Taiwan to participate in the war, the performance will definitely be better."

"Do you think changing players can change the situation of the battle?"

"It's not enough just to change the players. The key is to change the head coach. Well, Mr. Masao Iwasato will definitely do. I don't believe that when the Taiwan series starts, I predict that 13 U.S. aircraft carriers can be sunk in one go. Sink or damage dozens of other ships. In short, everything is under control."


Hideshin Takeda is the navigator of a Type 1 Land Attack.During the attack just now, the engine on the side of the plane he was on was hit.Originally, for a twin-engine aircraft, one engine shutdown is not a fatal problem, because there is one remaining.But the fatal thing was that the engine caught fire.It can be seen from the window that the engine compartment is spewing raging flames, and small explosions continue to occur.Everyone in the cabin understood that the plane would not last long.

"Prepare to skydive!" Captain Kato Yuo shouted.All the people who were still alive began to frantically carry their umbrella bags and put on their life jackets.

When the people on board jumped off the plane one by one, the plane was already very close to the sea.Just as Takeda jumped out of the cabin, he saw the plane plummet into the sea.

"The captain hasn't come out yet!" Takeda thought.

The height of the skydive was not high, almost as soon as the parachute was opened, several people fell into the sea.In addition, there was no wind on this day, so the distance where several people fell into the water was not too far away.After falling into the water, the voices of shouting to each other can also be heard.

"Kobayashi-kun? Are you alright?" Takeda yelled at him, seeing that the closest to him was the machine gunner Sadao Kobayashi.

"I'm fine! Takeda-kun, are you alright?"

"It's all right. Where's Komatsu-kun?"

"I saw him fall a little ahead, but he's definitely fine." Sadao Kobayashi replied, "Komatsu-kun is from Fukushima. He used to be a fisherman, and his swimming skills are good."

"Is it Kobayashi and Takeda?" A voice came from far away.

"Ah, it's Mr. Xiaosong." The two people who had just swam together shouted together, "Mr. Xiaosong, it's us."

The three of them quickly swam to one place.Then together we struggled to swim to the island.

They were lucky, the landing point of the skydive was not far from Guadalcanal Island, less than 1000 meters away.If it is shot down on the vast ocean, and there is no friendly army to rescue, I am afraid that the only way is to die of thirst.

It's just that the machine gunner Kobayashi was slightly injured among the three. A 7.62mm bullet broke a little finger on his right hand.Takeda bandaged his injured finger tightly with a triangular bandage.But now in the process of paddling, the sea water gradually seeped in, making the wound more painful.Moreover, traces of blood also slowly seeped through the gauze of the triangular scarf and seeped into the sea water.

"It's finally here," Xiaosong, who was swimming ahead, sighed looking at the beach which was only [-] meters away.In normal times, swimming more than a thousand meters is nothing to him.But now, after being attacked and parachuting from a plane crash, he is also exhausted.

Turning around, he saw Takeda not a few meters behind him.And Xiao Lin was a little behind, already more than ten meters away from him.And these two people were panting heavily like him.

"Takeda-san, Xiaolin-san, work harder, we'll be ashore soon." Xiao Song encouraged his teammates loudly.

"Okay, work harder." Takeda replied with a smile, "Although today is unlucky enough, it is undoubtedly a good thing that the land is not far away." He turned his head again and shouted to Xiaolin: "Xiaolin-jun, you are still swimming!" Do you have to move?"

Xiao Lin waved his wounded right hand to him, and he could see that blood had already seeped out from the place where the triangular bandage was wrapped, staining that piece of gauze red.Kobayashi also smiled, and replied, "I'm very..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Lin suddenly fell into the sea.

Takeda didn't react at all at the time, he was even thinking: "What the hell is Kobayashi doing, he suddenly started diving."

But the expression of Xiao Song behind him changed drastically, "Shark!" He exclaimed loudly.Knowing more about the sea, he knew that Xiaolin, who was wearing a life jacket, would definitely not be able to dive even if he wanted to dive.There is only one reason for him to sink, and that is the shark!

It seems to be confirming his cry.Xiaolin suddenly appeared on the surface of the water again, and at the same time set off red and white waves.Now Takeda could clearly see that Kobayashi's entire lower body was bitten in the mouth by a huge shark.

Kobayashi hit the shark's head violently, and the shark also swayed wildly, throwing away Kobayashi who was bitten in its mouth, splashing huge, bright red waves.Just as the shark smashed Xiao Lin's upper body onto the sea, another big mouth suddenly appeared.With just one bite, the new shark bit Xiao Lin's upper body including his head, most of his shoulders and chest into his mouth, and then the two huge sharks tore violently, and Xiao Lin was cut in half by the waist.Blood and internal organs flowed out from the gap, and the sea water in that piece was dyed red.

"Ah!" Takeda screamed, turned around and swam frantically towards the shore. A little ahead of him, Komatsu was also frantically swimming toward the shore.

The sea behind them has already boiled, and more black dorsal fins have appeared on the surface of the sea. If there is a marine biologist here, he must be able to recognize that there are smaller star sharks here, slightly The larger bull shark, and the largest and most vicious great white shark.They were all attracted by the bloody smell oozing from Kobayashi's finger wounds to participate in this feast at sea.

Xiao Song, a former fisherman, was the fastest swimmer, and he landed on the shore in the blink of an eye.Komatsu later recalled that this was the fastest swim in his life.

Takeda, who was following behind him, also exploded with super speed, and almost set foot on the beach with Komatsu.

After stumbling and crawling on the beach for a while, the two people who were out of danger fell down on the beach almost at the same time, motionless. If their bodies were not still heaving with their rapid breathing, they would have looked as if they were dead. It's no different.

After a while, Komatsu and Takeda slowly turned over and stared blankly at the sea not far away.It's pretty quiet there now.The dinner party is over, and the sharks have gone their separate ways.Only some seabirds are still circling there.

I don't know how long they sat on the beach, maybe a few minutes, maybe centuries.It took two people to remember that exposure to the beach is also dangerous.So they stood up unsteadily and walked into the jungle.

Both Komatsu and Takeda knew that besides beautiful animals, there were troops from the Imperial Japanese Army on the island. After the battle at the mouth of the Tenaru River on August 8, Ichiki's detachment was almost wiped out, and the remaining dozens of remnants retreated into the dense jungle of Guadalcanal Island.Since then, the Japanese Navy has used destroyers to send some troops to the island one after another.However, these troops do not have any heavy weapons, and there is no possibility of seizing the airport at all.But for Komatsu and Takeda, whether they can find this imperial army now is the key to their survival.

Takeda originally had a map of Guadalcanal, which marked the location of the area controlled by the Japanese army.But during the skydive, the map was left on the plane.Now the two of them can only wander around in the dense forest purely by luck.

The whole afternoon, the two of them wandered around in the jungle.They lost their way completely, and they just walked and walked numbly.As time went by, the woods became darker and darker.Exhausted, the two stopped under an old tree and looked up at its huge black crown.The canopy stretched out and connected with other canopies, as if forming an endless and fine net.These giant trees, hugging each other tightly with their thick branches, plunged their interlaced roots deep into the slimy mud of the mire.During the day, these stone-like trees stand silently and motionlessly in the gray mist, but at dusk, they come densely around people, as if to overwhelm them.A gust of wind blew by, and the entire forest resounded in a gloomy manner, as if singing a funeral song for them again.This is the thunderstorm that is common in the post-tropical twilight.Rumbling thunder resounded above the forest, and the trees clamored gloomyly and majestly.The jungle became very dark, as if all the nights since the birth of the world were gathered in it at once.In order to avoid the heavy rain, the two huddled tightly under the giant tree.And the giant trees creaked and roared with angry songs.A flash of lightning illuminated the entire jungle with its blue light. Under the light of this lightning, all the trees seemed to come alive.Countless long curved hands stretched out to all directions, weaving into a dense net and surrounding them.And in that darkness, it seemed that there was something terrifying, dark and cold, secretly watching them.

After a frightening night, Komatsu developed a high fever, and Takeda helped him to walk aimlessly through the jungle full of dense vines.

A good sign finally appeared, the trees in front began to become more and more sparse, and a small river appeared in front of them.The clear river water glowed golden in the sun.

"Water, water..." Xiaosong murmured feebly.

"Hang on, Mr. Xiaosong, we will be there soon." Takeda helped Xiaosong to the river, then took a handful of water from the river and drank it, "It's so sweet!" Takeda exclaimed.He took a handful of cool river water with both hands and brought it to Xiaosong's mouth.

Komatsu looked at Takeda, and he saw Wutian smiling at him.He said to him in a weak voice: "It's really him who troubled you."

At this moment without warning, Takeda's head exploded like a watermelon, and blood and brains sprayed Komatsu all over.Then, there was a gunshot.Xiao Song looked towards the place where the gunshot was fired, and saw several American soldiers running towards this side.Xiao Song knew that he would not be spared, so he pulled out the Nanbu pistol to his chest and pulled the trigger. With a "click", the gun misfired.Xiaosong, who was already weak due to a high fever, passed out immediately.

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