New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 307, Burning the Yasukuni Shrine

In the face of the material power of the absolute superiority of the Americans, the resistance of the Japanese became weaker and weaker.At the beginning, the Japanese could still use the fortifications to resist the attack of the US military, and at night, they could carry out some harassing attacks.But after about five or six days, all the oxygen-making things in the hands of the Japanese were exhausted, which made them even more helpless in the face of the American fuel-air bomb offensive.As a result, the progress of the U.S. military accelerated again. Now, almost no Japanese can be seen on the ground of Iwo Jima, and all the Japanese soldiers have been driven underground like mice.

The Americans began to look for suspicious caves all over the island, looking for any hole—whether it was a hole that could fit a person; or a smaller one that could fit into a halfling or a goblin mentioned in some novels A hole; even a hole where a big mouse can get in--the Americans will spray it with a flamethrower first, and then seal it tightly with cement.Although the battle on the island is still going on, the overall situation has been settled.

Both of Iwo Jima's main airports are in operation, and a third is under construction.More than 600 fighter jets have come to the island, including three squadrons of p-81, and the rest are p-51.When the third airfield is fully built, the number of fighter jets will rise to over a thousand.Ron felt that the current strength of more than 21 fighter jets was enough to wipe out the few remaining air defense fighter jets in Japan.He felt that now he should discuss with Li Mei, who had recently taken over the command of the [-]st Bomber Wing, to see how to dig a hole to bury all the Japanese fighter jets.

At this time, General Li Mei personally flew a bomber to Iwo Jima, where the flames of war had not yet been completely extinguished.

Li Mei's arrival was a big surprise to Ron. When Li Mei's B-29 landed on the airport, Ron was already waiting at the end of the runway.

"General, welcome!" Seeing Li Mei get off the plane, Ron walked up to him and said, "Why did you come here?"

"Last time you talked to me about the night attack with incendiary bombs, after careful research with my staff group

":p, everyone thinks this is a really good plan. We have improved the plan and brought it here for you to see if there is anything that needs to be further improved." Li Mei said.

"Okay, um, as long as you agree to let me go around Japan with your plane. Besides, I have a new idea to discuss with you." Ron also responded with a smile, "But let's go first Let's talk in my command room. Well, General, you have to know that the battle is not completely over. A few days ago, heavy artillery shells fell here. Although the Japanese heavy artillery is probably all finished now, it is still here. It's safer inside the headquarters."

"Okay, I will do as you say." Li Mei replied.


Ron's headquarters is completely new.The headquarters is entirely made of reinforced concrete.According to the engineers, this headquarters can withstand direct hits from semi-armour-piercing shells from 203mm guns.Moreover, a bomb defense hole was dug in the headquarters, so this is almost the safest place on the entire island.

However, along with the sturdiness comes the problem of poor lighting conditions. In order to prevent shells and shrapnel from flying in through the window, the window is designed to be small, so the lighting in the command post is almost entirely dependent on electric lights.

Various maps are hung on the four walls of the command post.Some are maps of Iwo Jima, but many more are of Japan.Ron knew that Li Mei was an energetic workaholic, so he didn't politely say whether he should take a break or not, but took him directly to the large map of Tokyo.

"This is our plan." Li Mei said, "You can take a look first. Oh, you can talk about your new idea first. That way, when you look at my plan, I can also think about your new idea .”

"I now have more than 600 long-range fighters in my hands. Compared with Japanese fighters, these aircrafts have an overwhelming advantage in performance, especially in high-altitude performance. In addition, the pilots in my hands are veterans, and the Japanese pilots The average flight hours are less than fifty hours, they are not our opponents at all. I plan to use your bombers to attract all the Japanese fighters to high altitudes to die. I know, there is a goal, as long as you lightly A light touch can immediately make the Japanese rush to die like crazy."

"What is the goal you mentioned?" Li Mei asked.

"The Imperial Palace of the Emperor of Japan," Ron replied.

"This seems to be a target that is not allowed to be hit by the regulations?" Li Mei asked.

During the Battle of Britain, the Germans bombed Buckingham Palace.They felt that this would demoralize the British and force the British to agree to peace talks with Germany.But the bombing of Buckingham Palace did not lower the morale of the British as the Germans expected. On the contrary, it angered the British people and made them more firmly support the war.

Compared with Britain, the emperor of Japan has a higher status in the hearts of most Japanese than the king of England in the hearts of British people.In Japan, the emperor is not a person, but a god living in the world.Attacking the emperor's palace might demoralize the Japanese by destroying the myth that the emperor is a god, but it could also drive the Japanese mad with rage.In view of this, the Emperor's Palace has always been on the list of prohibited attacks.

"It is forbidden to attack the Japanese imperial palace because they are worried that the Japanese will become more crazy." Ron said, "But you see, the Japanese are already crazy now, and they even made things like suicide planes. Crazier, what could be more crazy? Crazy enough to throw chemical weapons at us? If so, I think that would solve our big problem. I think a lot of people would be dancing for joy."

The U.S. military has the world's largest strategic bomber system, a huge chemical weapons reserve, the world's largest and most advanced chemical system, and a monster logistics capability.If the war turns into throwing chemical weapons at each other, considering that the Japanese army basically has no delivery capability, they can only use them on a small scale to attack the American army at best.However, the Americans can throw hundreds or even thousands of tons of poisonous gas to Japan on a large scale to destroy the Japanese humanely.Considering the chemical defense capabilities of both sides, the two countries are not on the same level. It is impossible for the Japanese army to equip every soldier with a full-body chemical defense suit, or even equip each soldier with a gas mask.For the United States, it is not difficult to equip the soldiers on the front line of the war against Japan with chemical protective clothing.Therefore, the US military has long had the idea of ​​using chemical weapons to deal with the Japanese.In addition, at that time, the United States was not a signatory to the "Geneva Convention" that strictly prohibited poisonous gas, so there was actually no legal obstacle to the use of poisonous gas.It's just that out of so-called "moral" considerations, I have been embarrassed to use this first.

"I see what you mean, but this is not something I can decide. You should probably talk to General Arnold." Li Mei said, "But I don't think the chances of the general supporting you on this issue are too high .However, there is something fascinating about the plan. Well, I have to think about it. You look at the documents first, and then we discuss our plan that can definitely be implemented."

A staff officer following Li Mei handed a document to Ron.

Ron took the file, sat down at the desk, and read it carefully.Li Mei, on the other hand, stared at the map of Tokyo.

Ron took a serious look at Li Mei's plan.Li Mei is indeed a bold expert in bombing tactics. After carefully considering the combat environment at night, he came up with such a plan:

First of all, Li Mei decided to dismantle all the self-defense machine guns, machine guns and ammunition on the bomber (leaving only the tail gunner), which can reduce the weight of the b-29 and carry more incendiary bombs on the one hand. The accidental injury caused by self-defense fire indiscriminately shooting at night.The fleet will launch night bombing at a low altitude of 500 to 800 feet, that is, [-] to [-] meters.Fires were triggered to destroy the small workshops producing parts and prefabricated parts scattered in residential areas, so as to completely paralyze the Japanese military industry.In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Li Mei broke the box-shaped formation of bombers formulated by himself, and the aircraft in the formation were not allowed to do any evasive actions.When ordering an air strike, each bomber bombed individually without forming a formation.The leading bombing plane in front dropped the bomb first, and introduced it into the target area for bombing.

"Well, it's a perfect plan." After reading the plan, Ron closed the document and said to Li Mei.

"How is it? Do you think there is any room for improvement?" Li Mei asked.

"You may have missed an important target." Ron walked to the big map of Tokyo, "Here, the Yasukuni Shrine in Kudanzaka, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo."

"Isn't this a temple? Anything else?" Li Mei asked.

"This is a shrine managed by the Japanese military and dedicated to the Japanese soldiers who died in battle. It is also a base for Japanese militaristic brainwashing. Those brainwashed foolish Japanese soldiers believe that as long as they die in the war, The soul can become a god at the Yasukuni Shrine. You know, the life of the Japanese is very difficult and the life is very hard. I heard that the suicide rate of the Japanese has always been ridiculously high. For the Japanese, death becomes a god , It’s much better than living and suffering. So the Japanese are not afraid of death at all when they start a war. We burned this thing, and with the propaganda, we can let the Japanese understand that since the Jin Kingdom Shrine can’t even protect itself , How can we guarantee that they will become gods? I think this will definitely hit the morale of the Japanese people."

"Well, it may also greatly increase the anger of the Japanese, right?" Although Li Mei couldn't make any expression because of his facial paralysis, his eyes were shining, which seemed to mean: "Brother, I understand what you mean .”

"Is this target not on the list of prohibited attacks?" Li Mei asked the staff officer beside her.

"General, it's not on the no-attack list."

"Ah, that's too unfortunate," Li Mei said, "then add it to our attack targets for this operation!"

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