New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 310, Air Combat Traps

The night attack on Tokyo completely hit the weakness of the Japanese. The Japanese had few night fighters, and according to the habit formed recently, they went to the open sea to search for the American bombers that were laying mines. When the news of the large-scale air raid came, they were still wandering in the open sea.By the time they rushed back, the Americans had finished dropping their bombs, took advantage of the strong updraft over the burning Tokyo and climbed to an altitude of 10000 meters in one breath, and then began to return.

The B-29 bomber, which had dropped all its bombs, was even faster than the Japanese night fighters.Coupled with the high climb, the Japanese night fighters who hurried back were almost useless.Compared with the air strike in the original time and space, the US military suffered even smaller losses.In the original time and space, the Americans were shot down 9 b-29s, and 5 had to make an emergency landing on the sea because of serious injuries.Of course, compared to the results of the battle, such losses are already very small.But this time, because of General Spruance's attack on the Japanese mainland, and the problem that the limited Japanese night fighters all went to the wrong place, the U.S. military only lost 3 B-29s. After the two B-29s were injured, they successfully landed at the alternate airport on Iwo Jima.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Mei sent another B-29 plane to fly over Tokyo to take pictures so as to judge the effect of last night's bombing.At this time, the fire in Tokyo had just been extinguished.Of course, the fire was not extinguished, but naturally extinguished after burning everything that could burn.Almost a quarter of the entire Tokyo was burned, and no less than [-] Japanese were burned to death.Looking down from the plane now, those burned places are like a big scar, sticking to the ground in Tokyo.

This b-29 didn't carry any bombs at all, and came lightly, of course it flew high and fast.With the performance of Japanese fighter jets, it is extremely difficult to intercept such a target.However, when the plane was discovered by the Japanese radar, the Japanese actually dispatched 6 fighter jets to intercept it, as if they would never be reconciled without putting it to death.

The Japanese sent 6 Type II single-combat "Zhong Kui" fighters. Among the Japanese fighters, "Zhong Kui" belongs to the type of fighter that climbs quickly and dives well. Of course, judging from the standard of 45, "Zhong Kui" has a maximum speed of 600 kilometers and the firepower of four 4mm machine guns. Some are behind.However, considering the climb rate that can climb to an altitude of 12.7 kilometers in less than 5 minutes, this is now the most suitable Japanese aircraft for intercepting the b-5.

Originally facing a mere b-29, the Japanese would never send so many planes.Moreover, this plane was flying so high and so fast, and the coastal radar detected it at a very short distance. When it was discovered, there was actually not enough time to intercept it.In the past, the Japanese would at most report the whereabouts of the plane to the anti-aircraft artillery force, and would never send even a single fighter jet to intercept it.Because this is just a waste of precious fuel.

But the situation today is indeed different. Last night, the American ghosts attacked Tokyo. The murderous American ghosts dropped a large number of incendiary bombs. Many areas in Tokyo have been burned to the ground. It is said that there are as many as 10 Japanese dead and injured. people.What's even more hateful is that these American ghosts... actually set fire to the Yasukuni Shrine!this!This is really intolerable!Therefore, when this b-29 appeared, the Japanese actually dispatched six fighter jets in one go, as if sending more fighter jets could climb faster.

The b-29 simply ignored the fighters that were still climbing at low altitudes, but flew towards downtown Tokyo at full speed. With an altitude of 500 meters and a speed of more than 29 kilometers, this is not something Japanese fighters can easily keep up with.In a blink of an eye, the b-[-] bomber had already appeared over downtown Tokyo.

The b-29 slowed down a bit, circled over the area where the incendiary bomb was bombed yesterday, took some photos, and then flew straight to the top of the Emperor's Palace, where it circled a few more times, and then Then he turned around and accelerated towards the open sea.And until this time, the fighter jets that intercepted it still failed to climb to the corresponding height.

The practice of this b-29 circling over the Japanese Imperial Palace for several weeks, following yesterday's heavy bombing, once again made the Japanese army panic and angry.Everyone knows that the lightly loaded bomber is mostly here to perform bombing effect assessment and reconnaissance missions.And a reconnaissance plane circled the emperor's palace, what does this mean?Could it be that the American ghosts are planning to offend His Majesty the Emperor?Just thinking about it makes people feel angry, this is absolutely intolerable!But what about after anger?This is not playing a game. No matter how high the anger value is, there is no terrifying big move to use.

Therefore, after the Japanese were angry, they immediately made two decisions: the first was to immediately remove the emperor from the palace, and the second was to issue an order to the air defense forces to defend the emperor's palace to the death.As a result, the entire Japan Army Aviation and Japan Sea Airlines on the Japanese archipelago were quickly mobilized.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when the reconnaissance plane left. Three hours later, the Japanese army's radar found a huge fleet approaching Tokyo.

"Found the formation of enemy planes! There are a lot of them!" Radar soldier Okada shouted.

The vague reporting method of "a large number" is also helpless, because the Japanese radar technology has not yet developed to be able to accurately detect low-level attacks.

"The distance of the enemy plane is 70 kilometers, the altitude is 7000 meters, and the speed is 480 kilometers per hour." Okada quickly reported this series of numbers, thinking in his heart: "This looks like a bomber, and the number may be more than two hundred? Flying at this altitude, our fighter jets can handle it."

When the Japanese radar judged the type of the enemy plane, it mainly relied on the strength of the radar echo and the detection of the flight status of the enemy plane to make inferences.

"Sure enough, it's here!" Almost all the Japanese soldiers who had been notified had such a sentence in their heads.At this time, except for a few fighter planes cruising in the sky (the Japanese army is extremely short of fuel and cannot support too many planes on standby in the air), other Japanese fighter planes are also in combat readiness, and the pilots are also fully dressed and sitting in the cockpit up.

Following the order of the superior, countless Japanese fighter planes took off one after another, preparing to intercept these hateful American ghosts.


More than 600 fighter jets are flying towards Japan at an altitude of 7000 meters in a formation of four aircraft.These formations are quite dense, and the distance between each aircraft and his teammates is no more than two meters.In this era, radars simply cannot distinguish such dense targets, and they can easily interpret such a formation as a heavy bomber.But now, the flying altitude and flying speed of these American fighter jets are very similar to the habits of the bomber force.Therefore, Ron can almost conclude that the enemy will definitely judge them as a bomber fleet.

The big bombing last night should have made the Japanese angry long ago, and the teasing this morning will make them mistakenly think that the Emperor's Palace will be the target of the attack, and the fleet that appears now, in the eyes of the Japanese, is almost a confirmation Despite their concerns, they would definitely think that these "bombers" were heading for the Emperor's Palace.Therefore, these Japanese will definitely send planes to intercept them desperately. When these Japanese planes climb up and climb up, they find that their opponents are not bombers, but a large number of American fighter jets. They will probably be dumbfounded?As Ron thought about it, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.


Naoto Komatsu was driving his Type [-] Hayate fighter hard to climb.At the same time, the voice of ground guidance came continuously from the radio:

"Turn to the direction of 014 and continue to climb at the maximum rate of climb!"

The opponent is a bomber, which means that the initiative of the engagement is on your side.Fighters can choose when to engage in battle with bombers, while bombers can only passively wait for fighters to attack.So use a greater climb rate to climb, even if the horizontal speed drops a little because of this, it's okay. Can the enemy bombers take the initiative to attack fighters when their horizontal speed is not high?


Now the mixed formation of p-51 and p-81 fighter jets has reached the sky over Tokyo Bay.At this time, Japanese fighter jets appeared below their ten o'clock to two o'clock.

"Disband the dense formation! Get ready to fight!" Major Lord Lord, the squadron leader of the p-81 fighter formation flying at the front, gave the order, and then he pushed the throttle valve to the end all at once, and the two twin Hornet engines roared crazily When I got up, the p-480, which was flying at a relatively low speed of 81 kilometers, jumped forward, and the pointer on the speedometer also turned rapidly. In a short period of time, the p-81 accelerated to nearly 600 kilometers per hour.


The formation of the U.S. military had already appeared in Komatsu's field of vision. From a distance, it was indeed a bomber, but in a blink of an eye, those enemy planes that looked like heavy bombers scattered away.

"Could it be that God blessed Japan and let the enemy plane disintegrate in the air?" Such a strange idea suddenly popped up in Xiaosong's head.But in a blink of an eye he understood that it wasn't that the enemy plane had disintegrated in the air, but that those so-called heavy bombers were actually just dense formations of U.S. fighter jets.Now, they are in a lower and more vulnerable position in the upcoming battle with American fighter jets.

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