New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 35, Guadalcanal Rectification

The two major air battles on August 8th and September 30th hurt the Japanese air force in Rabaul. It is estimated that the sky in Guadalcanal Island will be calm for quite some time thereafter.Ron also lost a lot of planes, but fortunately, the pilots were well protected.But the successive wars also made the pilots generally very tired.In addition, the conditions in Guadalcanal are very poor, especially the sanitary conditions.Despite the efforts of military doctor Dr. Wagner, several pilots became ill.Dr. Wagner believes that exhaustion is an important reason for the increase in pilot sickness. He recommends that pilots relax when possible and reduce the number of combat missions they take.

Ron took the doctor's advice.Anyway, there won't be too many air battles recently-Ri himself is not strong.He even considered sending the fighter pilot back to Pearl Harbor to recuperate, if not just in case.Because Guadalcanal Island is indeed not a good place.It's hot and humid here, and things start to get moldy within two days.Take the hospital as an example, mushrooms grew on the legs of some new wooden desks delivered a month and a half ago.Fortunately, during the day, the wind is blowing from the sea. Although it is not cool, at least there is no strange smell except for a little salty smell.But at night, the wind that blows from the jungle on the island is completely different. The wind always carries a disgusting stench of dead branches and leaves decomposing in the rain and high temperature.How many pathogenic bacteria should there be in such air?

But for the sake of safety, Ron can only send a few patients away. As for the other pilots, they still have to stay here.Just in case Ri himself gets nervous.You know, Japan during World War II was a country where the whole country was in a state of nervousness.Many common sense inferences cannot be applied to Ri himself.On this point, Vandergrift, the commander of the First Marine Division, once talked to Ron.After the Ichiki Detachment's first attack on Guadalcanal Airport was repulsed, Ri himself left many wounded on the battlefield when he retreated.The Marine Corps sent medical personnel to try to rescue them out of humanitarian considerations.However, these late-stage patients with militaristic neurosis actually slapped the hand bombs and died with them after deceiving the medical staff to approach them.Vandergrift had no choice but to give an order: If you see Japanese wounded soldiers in the future, you must follow humanitarian principles and give them a happy time with Springfield.

Although I can't go back to Hawaii, at least the air crew tasks have been greatly reduced.The condition of the pilots is gradually improving.Taking advantage of this leisure time, Ron decided to make a good summary of the problems exposed during the battle during this period.

During this period of fighting, the U.S. military had a clear upper hand.But as the pressure brought by Ri himself eased, many problems that were covered up by the pressure of Ri himself were gradually exposed.First of all, the Cactus Air Force of Guadalcanal Island is a team from all over the world.There's the navy, there's the army, there's the marines, there's the bomber force, there's the fighter force.This provides excellent innate conditions for forming cliques.Don't think that it is only the Chinese who form small groups and engage in the "if you are not a comrade, then you are an enemy".Foreigners do the same thing.And it's not bad for the Chinese at all.With the reduction of the pressure brought by the Japanese army, the contradiction between HNA and Army Aviation first appeared.To be honest, there are small groups in the team, which is not a big deal.It is not necessarily a bad thing that there are conflicts between various small groups.Handled well, their rivalry can fuel each other.But the problem is that now they are not all competing in a healthy way, they have developed from flying skills to fighting skills.Yesterday, the two idiots of Army Aviation and Hainan Airlines fought over a trivial matter, and the comrades who came over after hearing the news also joined in with the attitude of not asking right and wrong, but only looking at the military uniform.Fortunately, Ron arrived in time to avoid further expansion of the situation.An angry Ron put all the seven or eight idiots involved in the brawl into confinement.Thinking of this incident, Ron felt that it would be impossible not to launch a rectification movement.If things go on like this, next time they go to war, they will have to be the same as the Japanese navy and army: no cooperation, only dismantling.Historically, the performance of the Japanese navy and army in Guadalcanal is such a model: the Japanese navy lost Guadalcanal first and was ridiculed by the army.In order to let the army suffer, they went to fool the army's bumpkins, saying that there are not many American soldiers on the island, at most a thousand, and your army is so powerful, why don't you go and grab it back?As a result, the poor Japanese Army was really fooled, and sent a fool named Ichiki with a thousand people to Guadalcanal Island to launch an onboard charge against the fortified position of the First Marine Division with tens of thousands of people (while facing Going forward, while shouting the emperor's onboard (long live) suicide combat method), finally achieved the glory of killing 35 US troops and wounding 75 US troops at the cost of basically destroying the entire army (even the military flag was burned) results.

Since then, there has been no cooperation between the navy and the army, only dismantling.In the battle for Guadalcanal, the Japanese army and navy went their separate ways, and there was no coordination at all.The army's general offensive on the island never considered coordinated actions with the navy; and the naval fleet's attack never coordinated with the army's offensive.Even after the end of the war, some conscientious historical inventors of the original Japanese army invented the theory of naval subjugation revolution (this theory believes that the Pacific War was a conspiracy by the navy against the army, and the navy was dissatisfied with the army's rule of Japan , but unable to overthrow it, it adopted the method of going to war against the United States, using the power of the US military to overthrow the rule of the army at the cost of subjugation) to complain about the navy. (At the beginning, I don’t know who made up the nonsense that the Japanese people are super united, and they lied to Nai bottle for many years. I think back to when I was in high school, I would write something like "If we can be as united as the Japanese people" in the composition Things, it’s ridiculous to think about it now.) The lesson is not far away, Ron must not allow such discordant things to happen in his team.

Second, due to the series of previous victories, a lot of guys are starting to cock their tails.In the past, I was often woken up because of dreaming about Zero War, but now when I mention the Japanese Air Force, I proudly declare: "Here comes the medal." It can gain the upper hand because the Japanese army base is too far away, and the US military has a complete early warning system consisting of many observation posts.And such conditions are not always available.Because of these few victories, I am proud, and it will definitely become a negative example for future generations of middle school students to write compositions such as "Humility and Pride".

Finally, personal heroism is getting worse!In the last air battle, there was a phenomenon of disregarding the safety of comrades-in-arms, but busy swiping data.This behavior seriously undermines the trust between comrades in arms.If left unchecked, this reasonably cohesive team will soon fall apart.

Based on the above reasons, Ron decided to launch a rectification movement in Guadalcanal aimed at learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones, curing diseases and saving lives, referred to as "Guadalcanal Rectification Movement".

Of course, this so-called rectification movement cannot be compared with the famous Yan'an rectification movement of the Taizu of this dynasty in terms of its vigor and depth of touching the soul.It is also impossible to adopt the method of everyone writing a summary of thoughts, reading them one by one at the conference, and then launching merciless criticism and self-criticism until a revolution from the depths of the soul is truly triggered. (Ron would be ousted for doing this.) So the job had to be done in other ways.

Ron has been rectified a lot in his last life, from the themed class meetings when he was studying to individual heart-to-heart talks, to the team spirit training in the company after work.Now it is not easy for him to remember everything about his previous life.However, I still remember the few strokes that had the greatest impact on him and left the deepest impression on him.And this "remembering" itself also explains the effect.

The first trick is to give lectures, explain the truth directly, and fortunately, I often give lectures when I am an engineer.Literally say something like "Brothers are of the same heart, and their benefits can break gold", a branch and a bundle of branches, "Humility makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind", "If you are light, you will be resourceful, and if you are rude, you will get rid of it" and other things. It's still okay.

One type is games, such as a two-person three-legged race (of course, the guys from HNA and Army Aviation must be grouped together to cooperate), and they fall down from the table with their eyes closed for everyone to continue, and even the Marine Corps Pull over and play football with them.In this way, the relationship between different groups has eased.

The last trick is to have individual conversations.This was the trump card of Ron's head teacher in his last life.Specially designed to deal with the toughest guys.Its key lies in two points: one is that you must have enough prestige, and the other is that you must make him feel that you are doing his best during the conversation.

Right now Ron was talking to his wingman, the pilot Billy.

After a field football match, Ron and Billy went to the shower together.Then Ron said to Billy, "Billy, let's go for a walk, I have something to talk to you about."

Billy looked at Ron, and seemed to realize that what Ron wanted to talk to him might not be a good thing. He put away his smile, lowered his head and said, "Okay, sir."

It was dusk at this time, the fiery red sunset reflected half of the sky and the sea red, a group of late returning seabirds flew between the red sea and sky, leaving black silhouettes in people's vision.The sea breeze pushed the waves, turning the white foam onto the beach, and then receding quietly.Ron and Billy were walking casually on the beach.

"Billy, you have been flying as my wingman for a while. Compared to me, you are still a rookie. As a veteran, I have to watch over you and teach you various skills so that you can fly in the war. Go back alive to meet your mother after it's over. Now tell me, what did you learn from me?"

"Sir, I have learned to cross scissors, climb in a spiral, and always pay attention to observing the energy state of the enemy and myself, and how to manage my own energy. I also learned..." Billy became happy when he said this.

Ron looked at him with a smile, and Ron could see his love for flying from his expression.

"You're right, but there's one more crucial point that you haven't noticed. Every time I came back from a mission, I would congratulate the fighters who had made achievements, but last time you shot down a bomber, after returning I But I didn't congratulate you, do you know why?"

"No idea, sir," Billy replied.

"A Zero Fighter and an F4F are confronted. When the pilots are at the same level, who do you think has a higher winning rate?"

"Of course it's a zero fight. Except for diving, f4f has nothing better than a zero fight."

"And two against two?" Ron continued.

"It should be almost there, f4f can use cross scissors to deal with him."

"F4f has almost no confidence in winning the zero battle alone, but they can beat him together. What is the fundamental reason?"

"It's cooperation! Sir, I understand." Billy smiled.

"You really understand? Then I ask you what is the basis for your cooperation?"

"Exquisite technology." Billy lowered his head and thought for a while, and added, "There is also good communication. For example, we have a radio station, which is more convenient than Ri himself using the contact board."

"Those are, but there are more important things."

Billy thought for a second, then shook his head and said, "Sir, I can't figure it out."

"Let's recall the rugby game just now. The last score we scored was when you passed the ball to Suk, and Suk scored a touchdown. At that time, you could still pass the ball to Foss. Why didn't you wear it to him?"

"Sir, Fox's flying skills are absolutely top-notch, but when it comes to running, I don't know." Billy smiled and shook his head. "However, I bet that if Su Ke asks him to run 100 meters first, he will definitely beat him in the 10 meters."

"Why do you work so well with Suk?" Ron paused, but he didn't let Billy say it. He continued, "Because you know him and trust him. If a guy, you I don’t know anything about him, and I don’t trust him, so can you cooperate with him?”

"Sir, no."

"A good pilot must not only have good skills, but also be able to gain the trust of his teammates. Anyone who cannot gain the trust of the team will not be able to get the support of the team. In that case, no matter how good his skills are, it will be difficult to survive in the war, and even more so. Don't say it was a success. Do you now know why I didn't congratulate you after you shot down an enemy plane last time?"

Billy lowered his head, "Sir, I understand. I should give priority to rescuing my comrades instead of just attacking enemy planes. If I rescue my comrades, then I am trustworthy to them. They will be able to Cooperate well with me. Although my approach at that time achieved a record, it sacrificed the trust of my teammates. In the long run, the gain outweighs the loss.”

Ron laughed, "Billy, it's good that you realize that." He stepped forward and patted Billy on the shoulder.

"Remember, Billy. In air combat, the strength of the group is always greater than that of the individual. Only an ace team can have an ace pilot. Your technical foundation is very good. If you solve this problem, you will become an ace! Ron raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "Well, it's almost time for dinner, let's go back."

"Sir, thank you for your advice." Billy said softly.

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