New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 52, Falciparum malaria

It was not easy for Sanchuan who had completed the bombardment mission, because he encountered the US fleet on the way back.If it was also a cruiser formation, Sanchuan was really not afraid. As far as artillery battles were concerned, Sanchuan felt that the Yankees were far behind him.

But, what a fool, he actually ran headlong into the strike circle of the US aircraft carrier formation.The Imperial Army happened to send a convoy of transports.Regarding the failure from the night of the 12th to the 13th, the navy did not know whether it was because of shyness or something else, and did not tell the army the truth.Instead, the Navy told the Army: We beat the U.S. Navy in a naval battle.It's not wrong to say that, simply counting the losses in the naval battle, the US military's losses are indeed greater.But the navy didn't tell the army: I was blown up by the bomb of the cactus air force early the next morning. On the night of the 13th, after Sanchuan bombarded Guadalcanal, he sent back a telegram that the bombardment was successful, and the navy seized the opportunity to blow up: We once again bombarded the Guadalcanal airport to pieces.

This "again" is really a magic word, and it can be interpreted in many ways.For example, the Navy's understanding of this is: just like those Tokyo Express trains before.The army's understanding is: it is the same as the shelling of Kurita's battleship last time.So the Army began to act according to its own understanding.Now that the navy has blown up the airport, those transport fleets that have been parked in the port for a long time and are already full of personnel and cargo should hurry up and go to Guadalcanal for reinforcements.If we don't go now, should we wait for the Americans to repair the airport before going?

So a transport fleet consisting of 11 transport ships (these are from the army) and 6 destroyers (these are from the navy) set off for Guadalcanal.

As soon as Ri's own transport fleet set off, the Americans knew about it (the Americans arranged submarines in the nearby waters).Coincidentally, the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier formation is near Guadalcanal.So the reconnaissance plane on the Enterprise immediately took off to look for Ri's own transport fleet.Prepare to implement General Halsey's 18-character policy of defeating Little Riben (kill Little Riben, kill Little Riben, keep killing Little Riben), compared with shooting and shelling on the island , directly sinking the transport ship is obviously much more efficient in killing Japan.

The reconnaissance plane that took off from the Enterprise did not find the transport fleet, but happened to spot the Sanchuan Fleet that was rushing back.Although it is not the target that the aircraft carrier is looking for, it is better than nothing.Based on the principle that it is a dish when it is pulled onto the plate, the Americans immediately started to attack Sanchuan.

In round after round of bombing, Sanchuan struggled desperately.As the saying goes: life is like rape (that) gun, if you can't resist, just close your eyes and enjoy.Now it is not very accurate to apply these words to Sanchuan. First of all, the word "qiang" is changed to a word "wheel".What's more terrible is that he can neither resist nor enjoy.

From 14:5 on the 55th until 15:30 in the afternoon, for nearly ten hours, the carrier-based aircraft of the USS "Enterprise" aircraft carrier and the shore-based air forces of Guadalcanal Island and Espiritu Santo Island were on the way back. The Second Artillery Formation launched multiple air strikes, sinking the heavy cruiser "Kinagasa", and damaging the heavy cruisers "Chokai", "Maya" and light cruiser "Isuzu".Just when Sanchuan was in despair, the lovely Lu Jun rescued him.

An American reconnaissance plane spotted the Japanese army's transport fleet!Damn, there are big fish and big meat, who the hell is willing to eat carrots.Poor Sanchuan, after being rounded for several more rounds, was ruthlessly abandoned by the US aircraft carrier formation.

The energetic Yankee rounded up the Japanese Army's transport fleet 8 times during the period before dark. Of the 11 transport ships, 6 were sunk, and 1 returned due to serious injuries.In the Japanese navy, Tanaka, who is known as the "tenacious man", commanded the escorting destroyers to fight against the air strikes of the US military with all their strength, and at the same time quickly rescued the officers and soldiers who fell into the water. More than 6 army officers and soldiers were rescued by the 4800 destroyers. Of course they were not saved. It grew even bigger.The remaining four boats survived until dark.

At about 15 o'clock on the 2th, the four transport ships of the Japanese reinforcement formation finally arrived at Tasagfalonge Beach in Guadalcanal and immediately began unloading.Tanaka led the destroyer to evacuate at 4:4 to avoid being rounded by US aircraft again after dawn.After dawn, the U.S. "Cactus" air force sank the four unprotected transport ships one by one, and used incendiary bombs to burn all the materials that had just been unloaded on the beach-260 boxes of ammunition and 1500 bags of rice. The Japanese army paid a huge price and transported 1.35 people and 1 tons of supplies from Shortland Island, but only more than 2000 people and 5 tons of supplies were finally transported to Guadalcanal!In this way, the Japanese on the island can only struggle in pain.

While Ri himself was struggling, Ron was also struggling.Originally, the insignificant part of the butt was opened yesterday, which is not a big deal at all, and it will be fine after a few days of rest.But I didn't want to, two days later, I suddenly developed a high fever.The temperature suddenly rose to 40 degrees.At first, because of the misleading of the injury, the doctor thought it was caused by wound infection, and the damn wound did show signs of infection.After using some anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-fever drugs, he sweated a little, and the high fever subsided. Ron felt extremely tired. The doctor told him to take a good rest and he would be fine.

Early the next morning, Ron woke up feeling refreshed, as if nothing had happened.If it weren't for his ass not being healed, he would have wanted to take a plane out to bully Little Riben—you know, bullying is the root of happiness.But this good feeling didn't last long.In the evening, Ron was lying on the bed, watching the sunset gradually, and betting with a few guys on whether Ri himself would come tonight.At this moment, Ron suddenly felt that the sea breeze coming out of his face was a bit cool, which made people feel a little cold.Since coming to Guadalcanal, Ron has never felt too cold.You must know that this is a tropical area, and it is an area close to the equator. Here there is only one season in a year: the hot season!

But now Ron really felt cold, first his fingers started to get cold, and after a while, even his back felt cold.

"Why is it so cold?" said Ron, his voice shaking.

The comrades who were chatting with him just realized immediately that Ron must be suffering from malaria.One ran out to find the medic while the others looked after him.

At this time, Ron was so cold that his whole body shrank into a ball, his face was pale, his teeth were chattering unceasingly, and his upper and lower teeth collided and made a rattling sound.In the words of "Water Margin", it is called: "36 teeth catch pairs and fight".

But when the military doctor arrived, Ron was no longer cold, and now he was starting to have a fever.Chills followed by high fever are the most typical symptoms of malaria.It is precisely because the body temperature of patients with this disease fluctuates from high to low, from hot to cold, so the Chinese folk also call it "beating the pendulum".

The high fever this time was completely different from the last time.The high fever lasted for more than 3 hours.During this period, confusion of consciousness appeared several times.

Malaria is really nothing new in Guadalcanal.There is a sea of ​​people like the Marine Corps.But in the air force, Ron got a first, the first pilot to get malaria.Since he has not yet been diagnosed, he does not know that he will be the first in Guadalcanal Island: the first falciparum malaria patient.

The doctor prescribed Ron some artificial quinine, which was the cure for malaria at the time.After the Japanese army occupied Southeast Asia, they controlled all the world's most important natural quinine producing areas.So the triumphant propaganda, if the Americans dare to counterattack, there is no quinine, and there is no need for the Japanese to fight malaria, and the Yankees will be defeated by malaria.

However, these ri themselves were disappointed.In the words of the nai bottle political teacher, they did not study Marxism-Leninism Taizu Thought well (Ri himself during World War II: What is Taizu Thought?), and did not know how to look at problems from the perspective of development. A more fashionable way to say it is: ya The failure to keep pace with the times (this is nowhere to learn).They don't understand my emperor Sejong's scientific assertion that "science and technology are the primary productive forces".Unexpectedly, the Americans invented artificial quinine that is cheap and plentiful.

It is said that quinine was used, and Ron's physical fitness is already very good, so his condition will improve soon.But the facts surprised the military doctor.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, Ron's malaria broke out again. This time, the hypothermia lasted for more than an hour. You must know that the cold stage of malaria usually lasts for ten minutes, and the subsequent high fever lasts only for an hour.

An hour later, Ron, whose fever subsided without sweating, lay down on the boat exhaustedly and fell asleep.But just a few hours later, at 4 p.m., the malaria struck again.This time it was even weirder, he developed a high fever without even going through the chills.The high fever never went down.Medic George and orderly Marcos who had been with Ron kept cooling him with towels soaked in ice water.And several military doctors stayed aside with serious faces.It wasn't until 8 o'clock in the evening that Ron's high fever subsided, but he still didn't break a sweat when the fever subsided.

As soon as the high fever subsided, Ron fell into a deep sleep.His orderly sent several military doctors to the door and asked softly:

"Doctor, is Sir Ron all right?"

Several military doctors looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, a tall military doctor said:

"Mr. Ron's illness is very strange," he paused, and looked at the doctors again, "I've seen malaria a lot, but we haven't seen such strange symptoms. "

"Then doctor, Sir Ron, he..."

"Observe again. In addition, the conditions here are too bad. It's best to change him to a place with a better environment."

On the third day, Ron only had one attack, but it lasted surprisingly long, with fever lasting up to 10 hours, accompanied by severe headaches.The military doctors were almost at a loss for what to do about it.

After Ron fell asleep, Marcos and another soldier named Roy who was sent to look after him looked at the sleeping Ron and started chatting without saying a word.

"What do you say when the chief is insane? It doesn't seem to be English."

"Sir Ron knows a lot of languages...but there are not many people who can learn foreign languages ​​and can speak nonsense like the sir."

"Isn't that right... the officer seemed to be saying a name repeatedly just now. It seems to be called "Xina" or something. Well, this person must owe the officer a lot of money..."

"Nonsense, I clearly heard another name coming out of the officer's mouth, like 'Henna' or something. I think he must owe the officer more money..."

On November 11, a transport plane landed at Guadalcanal Airport.The plane did not bring anything to Guadalcanal, but took away a person.On this day, accompanied by a group of doctors and nurses, Ron was taken to Hawaii by the plane.

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