New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 95, Small-scale Tournament

() Congneng's misjudgment by Vorozhikin and Allelyuqing directly led to their defeat in this confrontation.Air combat is like this, any mistake can lead to fatal consequences.

In the mistake just now, Vorozheikin was first judged to be shot down, and then although Allelyuqing struggled for a long time, he was no match for four hands, especially in air combat, when a single machine encountered tacit cooperation fleet, it is almost hopeless.As a result, although Aleliuqing performed a full-body solution, he was quickly judged to be shot down.

The 2-0 loss in the first match made Kejing a little disappointed, but Kejing adjusted his state immediately.This is not only because as the team leader, he must not show any expression that is not conducive to the next confrontation, but also because he urgently needs everyone's trust now.

Kejing knew that the job he was doing now was actually not easy.Most of the ace pilots are very proud and don't think highly of others.Not only did Ketin not come from an ace pilot, he wasn't even from a combat unit.This has made some people look down on it.In addition, I have a cousin with a relatively high status, and this cousin also has an old Taishan with a high status.This made people even more suspicious that the reason why he was able to carry the colonel's epaulet on his shoulder was not due to his own ability.Although Kejing feels that he is no worse than anyone else in his usual work, everyone always looks at him differently.And these aces, some don't take him seriously as a leader, especially that Valya, who is simply... .However, even so, in order to successfully complete the mission, he still had to find a way to get the support of these ace pilots.

For this reason, after receiving the mission, under the introduction of his cousin of the same name, Kejing visited some experts from the aircraft design bureau to learn about the various technical performances of the aircraft.I am also planning to visit some air force units to learn about air combat.However, the task was very urgent, and there was not much time left for him, not enough for him to change from a layman to an expert all of a sudden.But Ketin has been working hard for this, and the lights in his room are always turned off until late-that is Ketin staying up late to study various materials.

"What tricks are the Americans playing?" asked Kotin.

"The high-speed performance of their kind of aircraft is so good that the influence of wing surface compression effect is almost invisible." Vorozheikin replied, "We were careless."

"Did they first pretend to be slow at high speed, and then suddenly...these Yankees are so cunning. They are completely invincible!" Kotin comforted them.

"Yes, they did. But Colonel, we are still responsible for our failure to detect them," replied Vorozheikin.

"I didn't expect you to think of this trick so quickly. It seems that you are smarter than I expected. However, as a commander, I attribute the failure to the enemy's cunning, but it's too..."

It was Valya who spoke.In fact, there was no malice when Valya said this, and even when she first spoke, she really wanted to praise Ketin.But I don't know why, so I just said it like this.

In fact, Varya was notorious throughout the Soviet Air Force for his poor handling of relations with his superiors, especially his immediate superiors.It's just because of her unfathomable victories and the fact that she is a flag for the liberation of Soviet women, so everyone has nothing to do with her.Besides, Valia actually didn't do any other harm besides making people uncomfortable.

Kejing, however, was unmoved.In fact, after accepting the task of leading the delegation of Soviet Air Force pilots visiting the United States, Kotin seriously studied the materials of his group of people.Someone told him at the time, and other people can say that even if they are not convinced in their hearts, they will still give you face on the surface.Only Valia is really a tough thorn in the side.If you don't do it well, she can show you face on the spot no matter what the occasion is.The best way to deal with her is to ignore all her words except technical advice.

Kotin didn't take it seriously at first, and even thought that Valia was just a woman, so it was hard to deal with?With his means, it's not easy to deal with a little girl?As a result, before his methods could be used, Valia regarded him as Don Juan.Then, of course, it gets worse.

After that, Ketin honestly followed his friend's suggestion and began to deal with the relationship with Valia.For example, now, Kotin decides to ignore the thorns in Valia's words.Anyway, someone said long ago that Valia was a treasure during the war, but you wait, after the war is over, she will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

"So Comrade Valya, what advice do you have for the current situation?" Kotin said.

"It's best to postpone the confrontation, and then get the video of the battle from the Americans as soon as possible. Go back and study it carefully."

"So, what reason is there to postpone the subsequent confrontation?"

"What a fool! Don't you just say that one of us is sick today?"

Kotin nodded, then walked towards Ron who was pushing his way through the congratulatory crowd.

"General Ron, congratulations, hit a beautiful home run." Cotin said.

"We just took advantage of the superiority of the fighter's performance and a little trick. Vorozheikin and Allelyuqing are both great pilots. If we fight again, maybe we will lose .” Since he took advantage, Ron felt that it would be better to be modest.

"In addition, General Ron, we hope that the following match can be postponed for a few days. One of our pilots is not feeling well." Ketin smiled shyly, then lowered his voice and said, "You know, women are trouble, They have a few days each month…”

Ron knew very well what the Soviets were up to, and he also knew that Kotin's reason was mostly nonsense.However, you can't find a female nurse to check that hairy bitch on the spot?Besides, relying on aircraft performance and tricks to win the confrontation match is indeed useless, and it is not good for improving the level of the US military.

After thinking about it this way, Ron agreed to the request of the Soviets.

Kejing also expressed by the way that he hoped to see the video of the confrontation as soon as possible.According to the original agreement, each party had a copy of this thing, so Ron also said that as soon as the film was developed, he would make a copy and send it to them.

In this way, after the first confrontation match was completed, the confrontation drills that were supposed to be held in the afternoon and tomorrow's confrontation drills were all postponed.


"Judging from the descriptions of Comrades Vorozheikin and Comrade Allelyukhin and the contents of the video, I think we can determine these points now." Kotin said, while slamming the butt of the cigarette in his hand. Put it out in the ashtray. < and other aspects have obvious advantages.Oh, by the way, the ability of this aircraft to maintain speed and jump performance are better than f6f.At the very beginning, the Americans risked being in a favorable position by us and avoided confronting us. This shows that this aircraft is probably not as strong as the F6F.Also, I went to see this aircraft today.With permission from the Americans, I also took some photos back.Everyone has seen the photos. I don’t know if you have noticed that the wing of this plane is different. It uses an advanced laminar flow wing. When Kotin said this, he looked around and saw that the pilots present were listening carefully, even Valia included. This made Ketin a little proud.

"I once learned about this airfoil from an expert. This airfoil has top-notch performance at high speeds, but its performance in climbing and low-speed sections is not necessarily good. The Americans have maintained a relatively high performance in the last confrontation." This is probably the reason for the high speed. In addition, I also won the opportunity to drive the p-51 to the sky from the Yankees. Well, that's all I know. Do you have any suggestions?"

"You did something serious this time. Seriously, Comrade Colonel, you did a good job this time," Valya said.

Valia gave Kotin a rare compliment, but it made Kotin feel even more aggrieved—in this way of speaking, who is the superior?

Valya was not in the mood to pay attention to Kotin's little bourgeois emotions, and she continued:

"First of all, of course, we will arrange for our people to take turns to test fly this kind of aircraft. Then, if it is confirmed that the climb of the P-51 is not excellent, I have such an idea..."


"What's going on with those bastards lately?" Ron asked at the evening's regular meeting.

"They've all been busy flying our p-51s lately. Even the woman who supposedly met a few days a month flew more than anyone else. The Soviets must have been lying last time ’” replied Biden, who oversees intelligence management.

"We've all guessed this a long time ago." Ron laughed, and the other pilots laughed too.

"You said that if that woman really came a few days later, what should I do?" Probably because the first battle was won, Americans generally seemed very relaxed, so that when discussing issues, they would unknowingly go wrong.

"Oh, sir, the Soviets also towed two F6Fs into the maintenance center. After asking for a warehouse, they tossed the two F6Fs there. The Soviets closed the door tightly, and they didn't know what tricks they were playing. "

"Maybe it's reducing weight," said Ron. "After the Soviets got the p-39 back then, they removed the two 7.62 machine guns they put in the nose to reduce weight. Only this time, they What do you want to do?"


After Ron contacted the Soviets, he finally finalized the time for the next round of confrontation: a week later, there will be a second confrontation, and a day later, there will be a third round.

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