Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1015 Taihu Night Attack

In order to deal with Han's threat to Jiangdong, Sun Quan not only prepared for war at all costs, but also hoped to obtain outside assistance. He sent someone to ask Cao Cao for help, begging Cao Jun to send troops to attack Nanyang or Jianghuai, and divert Han's threat to Jiangdong. Citing the lack of national strength, he declined his request, and then news of Cao Liu's marriage came, and Sun Quan also despaired of Cao Cao.

He then sent people to Jiaozhou, hoping to form an alliance with Liu Bei, and the two families would jointly fight against the Han army's unification of the south. For this reason, he asked Zhuge Jin to write to Zhuge Liang, hoping to persuade Zhuge Liang.

But there was no news from Jiaozhou, and Zhuge Liang didn't seem to reply, which made Sun Quan feel a little anxious, and just two days ago, Sun Quan received a report from a spy that Zhuge Jin secretly sent Zhuge Qiao to Jiaozhou. Let Sun Quan become suspicious of Zhuge Jin and send people to monitor his every move day and night.

Zhuge Jin quickly bowed and said, "Report to Marquis Wu, there is no news yet."

Sun Quan didn't believe his words. If Zhuge Liang didn't reply, how could Zhuge Jin send his son away?Sun Quan sneered, "It's been more than two months, how could there be no news? Zhuge Duhu, do you have something to hide from me?"

Rao Zhugejin is generous and has a very good temper, but at this time he couldn't bear Wu Hou's suspicion of him, and his face was flushed, "Wei Chen has also followed Wu Hou for 15 years, and he is loyal. Why should Wu Hou doubt Wei minister?"

"Then tell me, where did you go last time?" Sun Quan simply clarified the words and looked at him coldly.

Zhuge Jin was shocked. It turned out that Marquis Wu knew his secret, so he simply told the truth, "My younger brother Zhuge Kongming has been married for nearly 20 years. He has only one daughter under his knees and has no heir. He wrote to me several times, hoping that I I also agreed to adopt Joe to him, so I sent him to Jiaozhou two days ago to adopt him to my brother. This is my private matter, why is Marquis Wu so concerned about it?"

"Hmph! If he didn't hear from him, why did you send your son away at this time, and you still said that Zhuge Liang had no news?"

"Reporting to Marquis Wu, there is indeed no news about my younger brother. I sent my son away at this time because"

"Because of what?" Sun Quan stared at him with piercing eyes.

Zhuge Jin took a deep breath and said, "Because I know that the Han army is preparing for battle in Chaisang. If I don't send them away, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

Sun Quan flew into a rage, slapped the table and shouted, "You mean, Jiangdong is about to perish?"

"I have absolutely no intention of this!"

"Then what did you mean just now?" Sun Quan roared like thunder.

Zhang Zhao next to him was also terrified. He had never seen the lord yelling at his subordinates like this. He hurriedly persuaded: "My lord, calm down. Zhuge Duhu must be worried about the blockade of the Yangtze River waterway, and taking the land route is not only a long distance, but also very difficult." Danger"

Sun Quan also gradually calmed down, and he sat down again. Zhang Zhao reminded him with one sentence. Could it be that there is no news from Jiaozhou because the Han army blocked the waterway?

In fact, Sun Quan also believed that Zhuge Jin was telling the truth. Adopting his son as Zhuge Liang was a matter that had already been decided between their brothers, but Sun Quan hated Zhuge Jin for sending his son away at this time, obviously implying that Jiangdong would not be guaranteed and let him be gone. noodle.

Sun Quan glared at Zhuge Jin fiercely, and ordered: "You step back!"

Zhuge Jin also gave a gloomy salute, turned and left, only Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao were left in the room, Sun Quan sighed and said: "Military Master, the Han army is about to dispatch, what should I do?"

Zhang Zhao pondered for a moment and said: "Back then when Marquis Wu sent troops to Wuchang to kill Huang Zu, tens of thousands of Jingzhou troops were wiped out, leaving only Chaisang an isolated city with less than [-] soldiers, and only a few generals. The enemy against us is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg. , but Liu Jing actually defeated the strong with the weak and defeated us. There was also the Battle of Chibi. There is no absolute saying that the strong wins the weak and loses. Jiangdong is weak today, weaker than Chaisang back then, the Han army is prosperous today, not as strong as Cao Jun back then, the isolated city of Chaisang can still be reversed, Cao's army is as strong as defeat, Wu Hou Why should you belittle yourself and lose your confidence?"

Zhang Zhao's words made Sun Quan suddenly come to his senses. He drew his sword and gritted his teeth, saying, "I would rather fight to the last moment than surrender without a fight!"

Although Chaisang hadn't sent troops yet, the fire of war was quietly ignited inside Jiangdong. At two o'clock in the night, dark clouds shrouded the endless water surface of Taihu Lake.

At this time, a fleet of [-] thousand-stone warships and seventy hundred-stone fast boats was sailing eastward on the vast and vast Taihu Lake. The wind was strong and the waves were high, and the boats heaved violently, but they were not overturned. In the face of danger, the fleet sailed with the wind, driving extremely fast and smoothly, without deviating from the course at all.

On the bow of the leading Qianshi warship, Shen Mi, the general of the navy, held an iron gun and stared at the water ahead with determination. He was the commander of Wuhu and Ruxukou, and he led [-] soldiers and [-] warships to garrison. At the mouth of Taihu Lake in Lishui, there are also a thousand soldiers and dozens of warships. Although there are not many troops stationed, they firmly control Lishui and West Taihu Lake.

Just yesterday afternoon, Shen Mi received an order from Gan Ning to send troops to destroy Jiangdong’s shipbuilding factory. Jiangdong secretly built warships in East Taihu Lake, but it could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Han army. Shen Mi knew every move of the shipbuilding factory and knew Jiangdong’s More than [-] thousand-stone ships called merchant ships but actually warships have been built, and they are moored in the shipbuilding workshop.

After Shen Mi received the order, he immediately led two thousand troops to the expedition. After a day and a night of sailing, they had gradually arrived at Jiangdong Shipbuilding Factory. The shipbuilding factory is located in a lake bay on the east bank. There are thousands of hectares, and there is a deep-water river leading directly to Xujiang.

There is a small island outside the water bay. There are [-] Jiangdong soldiers stationed on the island, who can stop fishing boats from entering the bay at any time. It also serves as a sentry to monitor the water surface of Taihu Lake. Once there is an enemy situation, they can light a beacon to notify the ships in the bay to retreat.

The fleet of the Han army arrived at Hengwan in the middle of the night. At this time, the surface of the lake was getting darker, and the small island outside the clear water bay could not be seen from [-] paces away, only a faint outline could be seen.

"General, sail close to the north side, we can't be seen on the island!" A Taihu fisherman whispered to Shen Mi.

Shen Mi nodded, he also saw that the width of the waterways on both sides of the island is different, the north side is much wider than the south side, but only fast boats can enter the waterway, and their thousand-stone warships will definitely be found in the waterway.

It was not because he was afraid of the attack of the garrison on the small island, but because he was worried that the island would light a beacon and let the Jiangdong warships in the bay escape. Shen Mi immediately ordered, "The big ships stop sailing, and the fast ships sail on the northern shore!"

The fleet headed northeast. The big ship anchored a few miles away from the small island, while the seventy hundred-stone clippers sailed slowly close to the north bank. The north waterway was three hundred paces wide. The Clippers sailed three hundred paces away, and the defenders on the island couldn't find it at all.

The Jiangdong Shipbuilding Factory is brightly lit, surrounded by dozens of torches up to two feet high, and the flames are blazing, illuminating the factory like daylight. Nearly a thousand shipbuilders conscripted from all over the world are busy building warships, and teams of soldiers are everywhere. Patrol, heavily guarded.

Jiangdong has rich shipbuilding experience. They know that it is impossible to build a thousand-stone ship in one year. It takes one to two years to prepare the keel. In half a year, they can build a few hundred-stone boats at most, but relying on a hundred-stone boat is impossible. To compete with the Han army, only a thousand stone warship can fight the Han army.

But Jiangdong had his own way. They dismantled dozens of large merchant ships and rebuilt them with their keels and planks. In this way, dozens of thousand-stone warships could be built in a short period of time.

This is the last capital of Jiangdong's navy. If these dozens of warships are lost, Jiangdong's biggest naval advantage will disappear completely. In order to defend the shipyard, Sun Quan sent [-] troops to station here.

Bu Zhi was also inspecting the factory. He received a message from Marquis Wu that Liu Jing had left Chang'an, and the war was about to break out. There was not much time left for them, so he ordered the craftsmen to work day and night, and they had to make it within ten days. A main ship of three thousand stone.

Seventy percent of the three thousand stone main ship has been completed, the hull has been completed, and the craftsmen are doing internal processing, as well as preparing the mast and sails. If they keep working around the clock, they can complete the main ship in up to five days. Maybe dozens of hundred stone ships can be rebuilt.

"Everyone has worked hard, hurry up and finish the ship, I will double the wages!"

Bu Zhi constantly encouraged the craftsmen and gave them generous promises to make the craftsmen work harder.

At this moment, shouts came from the water in the west, Bu Zhi was startled, and asked the surrounding soldiers, "What happened?"

The soldiers all looked at each other, and they didn't know what happened. Suddenly, flames shot up into the sky, drums and shouts of killing were loud, and a soldier stumbled and shouted: "Report to Changshi, an enemy army came in and set fire to it!" .”

Bu Zhi was taken aback and asked anxiously, "How many enemy troops are there?"

"I don't know the specifics, but they are all enemy clippers. There may be thousands of people."

Bu Zhi was in a hurry, and what he was most worried about came true. He immediately ordered: "Order all the troops to go up and fight!"

The five thousand Jiangdong Army did not rest. Under the order of Bu Zhi, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army rushed to the lake. Although they were numerous, they could prevent the Han army from landing, but they could not stop the fire from spreading. The fire became more and more fierce. , Has swallowed half of the shipbuilding factory, the factory is in chaos, more than a thousand shipwrights fled desperately, abandoning their work, Jiangdong soldiers also fled back one after another, and rushed outside the factory.

"Chang Shi, retreat quickly!"

A few personal guards set up Bu Zhi and retreated to the outside of the workshop. Soon, the flames rose into the sky and thick smoke billowed. Seeing that the completed [-]-stone main ship was also engulfed by the fire, Bu Zhi couldn't help but sigh, what a pity!Still a few days late.

But he didn't stamp his feet and beat his chest. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief. After he received the letter from Wuhou Feige, he immediately ordered more than thirty thousand stone warships to withdraw into the inland river to prevent the Han army from attacking.

Bu Zhi's judgment was not wrong, the Han army really came, although he was deeply regretful that he burned down the unfinished main ship, but he kept the last capital of the Jiangdong navy, which was the regret of the Han army.

. . . . . . . . .

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