Sun Quan finally accepted Zhang Zhao and Cheng Pu's plan, and did not send troops to take back Jingkou temporarily. This would of course affect the morale of the army. From the perspective of a military general, this was an extremely serious consequence.

But in the eyes of high-level decision makers, the morale of the army is not very important. It is just a tactical issue, and the overall situation of Jiangdong is the decisive factor.

Although the strategic position of Jingkou is important, it is not the main force of the Han army after all. Once the Jiangdong army is held back by the Jingkou battle, it will fall into a complete passive position. After weighing the pros and cons, Sun Quan chose to remain silent. His eyes have always been paying attention to the movements of the main force of the Han army .

Five days after the fall of Jingkou, more than [-] main warships of the Han army finally appeared on the Yangtze River outside Jianye City. The warships spread out on the river, and the formation was ten li wide and more than thirty li long. The entire Yangtze River seemed to be covered with warships of the Han army. The masts were like forests, and thousands of sails were like clouds. Layer upon layer, the momentum was extremely spectacular. .

More than 2 Jiangdong Army officers and soldiers witnessed this shocking scene at the head of Jianye City and the military camp outside the city. The hearts of countless soldiers were cold. Many people's memories still remain in the comparison between the Jingzhou Army and the Jiangdong Army ten years ago. In terms of strength, the strength of the two armies is almost the same. Perhaps because of the kerosene, the Jingzhou navy is a little bit stronger, that's all.

They couldn't even imagine what level the Han army had reached after ten years of development, but the scene in front of them finally made them understand the huge gap between the Jiangdong Army and the Han Army, and this huge gap has moved countless people. lost.

As night fell, the Jiangdong soldiers could no longer see the spectacular scene outside the city. The soldiers gathered separately, discussing Jiangdong and their respective futures in low voices.

In a small tent, General Jiang Qin was drinking alone, when a deep voice came from outside the tent, "Is your general here?"

"My general is in the tent, please wait a moment!"

Jiang Qin heard the voice of General Dong Xi, and hurriedly hid the wine and earcups. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited in the army. He didn't want to be discovered. After hiding the wine glass, Jiang Qin said: "General Dong, please come in!"

As soon as the curtain was raised, the general Dong Xi walked in. He immediately smelled the smell of alcohol in the tent, and saw the copper pot of hot water warming the wine, but he didn't say anything, and smiled slightly: "Gong Yi seems to have something on his mind?"

Jiang Qin sighed, "Who has nothing to worry about now, Yuan Dynasty, please sit down!"

Dong Xi sat down, but took out a bottle of wine from his bosom, and said with a smile: "Although the army does not allow alcohol, I still want to have a drink with Gong Yi, how about it?"

Jiang Qin smiled wryly, and then took out the jug and ear cups from the box, "I guess we can't hide it from the Yuan Dynasty, so let's drink together!"

Both of them laughed tacitly, Jiang Qin took another ear cup, filled it up with wine for him, raised his own ear cup and said: "Come! I respect Yuan Dai."

The two men's cups collided, and they both drank it down. Both Jiang Qin and Dong Xi were Jiangdong veterans, and they followed Sun Ce to lay down Jiangdong's foundation. However, after Sun Quan ascended the throne, these veterans who followed Sun Ce were gradually neglected. Young generals like Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Ling Tong, Xu Sheng, and Ding Feng have been reused. If it is said that young people are reused, but Huang Gai, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and other veterans who followed Sun Jian are still very active and have not been treated coldly at all. Obviously they are the only ones These interlayers were left out in the cold.

Zhou Yu, Ling Cao, Tai Shici, Chen Wu, Pan Zhang and other generals died young, Lu Su was abandoned, He Qi was forced to rebel, and Jiang Qin, Dong Xi, Song Qian and others also died.

Just for the captain, it really made them disheartened.

Jiang Qin sighed: "After seeing the strength of the Han army today, I realized why Cao Cao was defeated in Hefei. In the Yuan Dynasty, Jiangdong is over!"

Jiang Qin drank his glass of wine in one gulp, couldn't help crying like rain, and fell to his desk to cry bitterly. Dong Xi shattered his earcup with force, and he said angrily, "General Bofu was so powerful in Jiangdong in the past, he laid a great foundation. However, it was passed on to Marquis Wu, but he suffered repeated defeats and repeated civil strife, forcibly destroying Jiangdong’s great foundation. This is not because of the strength of the Han army, but because of our internal troubles.”

Jiang Qin was taken aback, quickly wiped away his tears and waved his hands and said: "Yuan Dynasty, don't talk nonsense, and be careful not to have ears on the wall."

"It has come to this point today, what am I afraid of?"

Dong Xi changed an earcup, filled himself with wine, drank it in one gulp, and said with a sneer: "Seeing that Jiangdong's situation is gone, and now everyone is looking for their own future, is it possible that Gongyi will be buried for Marquis Wu? "

Jiang Qin shook his head, "If that day really falls, I will live in seclusion in the ancestral land, plowing the land and farming. I don't want to worry about these troubles. What about the Yuan Dynasty, do you plan to go back to Kuaiji to be a fisherman?"

Dong Xi got up and looked outside the tent, then returned to the tent and sat down, whispering to Jiang Qin: "I heard a news that the nephew of the military adviser also participated in the Chang'an imperial examination, and he was appointed as the Wuyin of Nanyang County. County magistrate."

Jiang Qin was taken aback, and asked anxiously, "Is this news true?"

"I even know the specific official position, so I shouldn't be able to fake it."

Jiang Qin was stunned for a while, then stammered: "This is simply unbelievable."

"Hmph! This is called knowing the face but not the heart. Everyone knows that the one who hates the Han army the most is Zhang Junshi, but his nephew has joined the Han country. If he doesn't know, I'm willing to bet on his head."

"Does Marquis Wu know?" Jiang Qin asked again in a low voice.

Dong Xi shook his head, "I just heard the news, I guess Marquis Wu doesn't know yet, but Marquis Wu's secret agents are everywhere, so he should know, but in the current situation, he may not reveal it."

Speaking of this, Dong Xi leaned forward again, and said in a low voice: "I told Gong Yi these things to let Gong Yi have a clear mind, and we can gain something from this great battle."

Jiang Qin understood Dong Xi's implication, he nodded slowly, "I understand the meaning of Yuan Dynasty!"

After night fell, the warships of the Han army also retreated to the north bank of the Yangtze River. The dense warships were moored on the north bank. The night wind blew the river, and the waves beat the big ships. Around the big ships, nearly a thousand sentinel ships patrolled the Yangtze River and closely monitored the river surface. To prevent the Jiangdong army from attacking the Han army warships.

At this time, a Jiangdong Baishi warship slowly approached the north bank. As soon as the warship entered the first line of defense of the Han army, it was immediately spotted by the Han army sentry ship. A rocket flew into the sky, drawing a bright color , This means that a slight situation occurred, and then seven or eight sentry ships came from all directions and surrounded the Jiangdong warships. Hundreds of Han army sentries pointed their bows and arrows at the Jiangdong warships.

A Han army sentry Marquis shouted sharply: "Why did the Jiangdong ship break into the boundary?"

At this time, a young man came out from the cabin, cupped his hands and said: "I am the special envoy of the Marquis of Wu. I am in charge of the general Yan Yan. I am here to pay a visit to His Highness the King of Han under the order of the Marquis of Wu. Please be considerate."

A dozen soldiers of the Han army jumped onto the warship, searched it carefully, and reported to the Marquis: "There is nothing suspicious on board."

Even so, the Marquis was still worried. He said to Yan Yan: "Jiangdong warships are not allowed to enter, but you can enter by Han army sentry ships."

Yan Yan had no choice but to board the sentry ships of the Han army. Seven or eight sentry ships were still monitoring the warships in Jiangdong. Stopping him, the Marquis showed his sentry board and code, and said: "The envoy from Jiangdong came to see His Royal Highness, please inform him."

"Please wait here!" Liu Jing's guard ship sailed towards the main ship.

At this time Han Wang Liu Jing was listening to Gan Ning's report in the cockpit. Just seven days ago, Gan Ning led an army of [-] to land at Jingkou, successfully occupied Jingkou, and cut off the connection between Jianye and Wu County, but Gan Ning was surprised. Yes, the Jiangdong army did not counterattack Jingkou, and seemed to acquiesce in the Han army's strategy for Jingkou, which was beyond his expectations.

Liu Jing listened to Gan Ning's report with his hands behind his back, and said with a faint smile: "It's not difficult to understand, the Jiangdong army has limited strength, they will only put the army in the most important place, and deal with more important enemies. If I were Sun Quan, I would I will also give up Jingkou.”

"Your Highness is saying that Jingkou is not important?"

"Of course Jingkou is important. If Jingkou falls, Piling County will be lost. I believe Sun Quan knows this very well. It can only be said that Jingkou is not as important as Jianye in his heart, nor is it as important as Wu County. If there is no certainty of taking back Jingkou Before, he could only choose to give up Jingkou temporarily."

Gan Ning nodded. He understood what the King of Han meant. At this moment, he thought for a while and said, "In the south of Piling County, there are still [-] civilians who are digging canals. According to the information just obtained, these civilians are not Did not withdraw, still working under the surveillance of Jiangdong, I only need to send an elite soldier to the south, and these peasants will be rescued immediately, I wonder if His Highness allows the humble to use soldiers?"

Liu Jing smiled slightly, "Anyway, I will organize people's power to dig the canal in the future, so why not let Sun Quan complete the project for me?"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid it will take another half a month to complete the excavation."

"Then we'll wait!" Liu Jing wrote lightly.

Gan Ning bowed and saluted, "Yes! I obey the order."

Gan Ning was about to bid farewell and leave when the guards reported at the cabin door, "His Royal Highness, the Jiangdong envoy Yan Qian is begging to see His Highness."

The Jiangdong envoy's arrival was expected by Liu Jing, he pondered for a moment, and then said to the master: "But the master received him for me first, and said that I was discussing important military affairs, and I couldn't leave for a while."

But he was getting up, saluting, and walking away, at this moment, Gan Ning whispered from the side: "Your Highness, Jiang Dong must have come to seek peace, why don't you see him!"

Liu Jing smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to be so petty. Whether you see him or not will not affect our established strategy, and he came at the right time. After all, I also need to make a gesture to win the trust of Jiangdong's officials, soldiers and civilians."

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