Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1028 Hunting Ding Feng

After a while, two men were brought up. Their clothes were torn and their faces looked hungry. They were no different from the refugees fleeing everywhere. However, the soldiers found the military badges of Jiangdong soldiers on them, which proved that the two of them were originally from Jiangdong. military.

The two were brought to Ding Feng and kowtowed and begged, "General, spare your life!"

Ding Feng looked at the two military badges, and said coldly: "According to the military regulations, those who escape from the army without authorization will be executed immediately. Don't you two want to live?"

The two deserters were frightened out of their wits and kowtowed desperately to beg for mercy. Ding Feng softened his tone again and said to the two: "But as long as you tell the truth, I can spare your life."

The older deserter tremblingly said: "Report to the general, we are not actually deserters. We went with General Huang to attack the Han army barracks at night, but we were ambushed and chased by countless cavalrymen of the Han army. We escaped by chance. Huang Lao The general also disappeared, so we had to return to our hometown in Jingkou.”

"This is strange. Since you returned to Jingkou, why did you appear here? This is the official road to Piling County."

Another deserter said: "Our family is no longer in Jingkou, and we don't know where we went? We wanted to go to a relative's house in Piling County, but we encountered a Han army fleet on the way. We were scared and ran west... .”

"and many more!"

Ding Feng suddenly got the information he desperately wanted to know from them, he immediately stood up and asked, "Where did you meet the Han army warship?"

"Near... Qiliu Town."

Ding Feng unfolded the map and quickly found Qiliu Town, which is the middle of the canal from Piling County to Jingkou City. He continued to ask: "When did you encounter the Han army warship? How many warships are there? Where is the warship heading?"

"Reporting to the general, we met yesterday morning. We don't know how many warships there are. We can't see the tail at a glance. The momentum is huge. It is estimated that there are thousands of ships. They are all thousand-stone ships. The warships are sailing in the direction of Jingkou."

Ding Feng sat down slowly, and as expected, thousands of warships were sailing towards Jingkou. There was only one explanation. The logistics center of the Han army was shifting, not to Jingkou, but to the north bank of the Yangtze River. First of all, what's the point of his attack this time?

Ding Feng was depressed, he waved his hands and said, "Give them some food and let them go!"

"Thank you General!"

The two kowtowed heavily, took a bag of dry biscuits and rushed away. Ding Feng sat alone on the big rock in a daze. Catch up with the Han warships."

Ding Feng nodded. The two deserters met yesterday morning in Qiliu Town. It had been a whole day**. If there were a large number of Han warships and their speed was not fast, they could catch up with some of the stern ships at Jingkou.

Thinking of this, Ding Feng got up and ordered: "The whole army is assembled and set off for Jingkou immediately!"

Three thousand Jiangdong soldiers ran out of the forest and marched northeastward at a fast pace. They were about [-] miles away from Jingkou. If they went well, they would arrive in Jingkou in the afternoon.

But the [-] Jiangdong Army had only traveled more than ten li before they felt something strange, the ground was trembling, and there was a muffled thunder-like sound from all around, "General, there are cavalry chasing from behind!"

When Ding Feng turned his head, he saw a large group of black cavalry behind them, less than two miles away, and they were chasing after them. The soldiers shouted in horror again, "General, there are also cavalry intercepting ahead!"

"General, there are also cavalry in the east!"

"There are also in the west!"

Ding Feng's heart suddenly became cold, he knew that he was ambushed, and the cavalry of the Han army had been watching him for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to encircle him.

"Look, general!"

A soldier pointed at the cavalry ahead and shouted, "Those two!"

Ding Feng also recognized at a glance that there were two horsemen in the distance who were dressed differently from the cavalry. They were the two deserters he met in the woods. It turned out that they were scouts of the Han army. People kept their military badges all the time. If they were really deserters, the first thing they would do when they found Jiangdong Army was to throw away their military badges.

Ding Feng understood that the Han army had seen through their intention to attack the Han army's food and grass area, so he deliberately led them to the direction of Jingkou, making them fall into the encirclement of the cavalry.

"General, what should we do?" Several generals asked loudly in panic.

They happened to be in a wilderness, with plains on the front, back, left, and right sides, without rivers or forests, which was the most favorable terrain for the cavalry to attack. Ding Feng had no choice but to shout: "Quickly use bows and arrows to defend behind!"

The Jiangdong army led by Ding Feng was an elite force after all. Although the soldiers were flustered, they did not collapse. They barely formed a formation. More than a thousand soldiers drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the Han army who came two miles behind them. cavalry.

This cavalry consisted of [-] Guanlong cavalry led by Pound. Originally, Pang De also carried out Han Wang Liu Jing's strategy of destroying Wu, and tried his best to preserve the population of Jiangdong.

Not only did Dante Feng not intend to surrender, but he still held his bow and set his arrows to resist, which made Pang De annoyed. He waved his sword and shouted: "Attack!"

Drums rang loudly among the cavalry of the Han army, and [-] cavalry from all directions started at the same time, brandishing swords and spears, and overwhelmingly killed the surrounded [-] Jiangdong Army.

The dust was flying and the arrows pierced through the air. The two thousand cavalry from the south were the first to kill them. They held up their shields and rushed to meet the arrows. in front of you.

'boom! There was a loud noise and screams, and dozens of Jiangdong soldiers were knocked into the air. The force of the cavalry's impact was so violent that they rushed into the Jiangdong army group for more than fifty steps in an instant, knocking the Jiangdong army apart. There was a big gap, corpses were everywhere, bloody and bloody, and hundreds of Jiangdong soldiers died tragically on the spot.

The powerful impact of the Guanlong cavalry frightened the Jiangdong soldiers, and there was a sudden chaos in the army. The Jiangdong soldiers had no experience in dealing with cavalry. Ding Feng was good at water warfare, and he was also inexperienced in cavalry battles. In the phalanx, three thousand Jiangdong soldiers fought individually, and were divided into dozens of small pieces by the cavalry of the Han army in a short while, facing the tragedy of being massacred by the cavalry.

At this time, Ding Feng was also red-eyed. His horse was shot to death by the arrows in the cavalry charge. Ding Feng brandished a big iron gun and fought on foot.

At this time, a black Dawan horse rushed towards him like a gust of wind, and immediately there was a general with a black armor and silver helmet, a face like a jujube, and a golden machete in his hand.

Pang De sneered coldly, and slashed at Ding Feng's face with a knife. Ding Feng also yelled and raised his gun to fight. Facing Pang De, who was equally brave, Ding Feng only fought for a few rounds before losing, and danger abounded for a while.

Pound slashed out with a knife, Ding Feng raised his gun to block, the powerful force made him numb, the iron gun almost flew out of his hand, and he retreated a few steps. , reached out and grabbed Ding Feng's armor on the back of his neck, and caught him in the air.

Pound threw Ding Feng to the ground heavily, and the iron gun flew to the other side. He ordered: "Tie me up!"

More than a dozen big men from Guanlong rushed forward, held Ding Feng down, and tied him up tightly. Ding Feng struggled desperately, but it was of no avail.

Pound roared, "Stop everything!"

He roared like a tiger, and the fighting on the battlefield slowly stopped. Countless eyes looked at the general. Pound raised Ding Feng high with one arm, and shouted: "When the general is captured, surrender immediately, please wait!" Don't die!"

'Dang bang! '

I don't know whose saber landed first, but it doesn't matter anymore. The soldiers in Jiangdong saw that the main general had been captured, and the cavalry of the Han army were so brave that they had already made the soldiers terrified. At the critical moment, as long as one soldier put down his weapon, he would Attracted countless people to follow suit.

The Jiangdong soldiers put down their weapons one after another, and knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, spreading one after another. In just a moment, nearly two thousand Jiangdong soldiers all knelt down.

Ding Feng was ashamed and indignant, and wanted to prevent the soldiers from surrendering, but his mouth was blocked by rags, making him unable to yell out. He had to watch all the soldiers surrender, and Ding Feng closed his eyes in pain.

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